ILLUSTRATED OF L IVES THE SAINTS FOR EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR In Accord with the Norms and Principles of the New Roman Martyrology and with the Liturgical Calendar of the U.S.A. Revision of the Original Edition of REV. HUGO HOEVER, S.O.Cist., Ph.D. Illustrated CATHOLIC BOOK PUBLISHING CORP. New Jersey CONTENTS Abachum, Jan. 19 . 39 Anthony of Padua, Achilleus, May 12 . 201 June 13 . 250 Adalbert, Apr. 23 . 174 Anthony Zaccaria, July 5 . 290 Adelaide, Dec. 16 . 556 Anysius, Dec. 30 . 572 Adeline, Oct. 20 . 479 Apollinaris, Jan. 8 . 26 Adrian of Canterbury, Apollinaris, July 20 . 319 Jan. 9 . 28 Apollinaris and Compan- Agatha, Feb. 5 . 67 ions, Bl., Sept. 12 . 410 Agnes, Jan. 21 . 42 Apollonia, Feb. 9 . 72 Albert the Great, Nov. 15 . 515 Apollonius, Apr. 21 . 171 Albinus, Mar. 1 . 94 Aquila, July 8 . 296 Alexander, Apr. 22 . 172 Aristedes, Aug. 31 . 392 All Saints, Nov. 1 . 496 Arsenius, May 8 . 195 All Souls, Nov. 2 . 497 Assumption, Aug. 15 . 363 Aloysius Gonzaga, Athanasius, May 2 . 187 June 21 . 261 Athanasius the Athonite, Alphonsus Liguori, July 5 . 291 Aug. 1 . 339 Audifax, Jan. 19 . 39 Ambrose, Dec. 7 . 544 Audry, June 23 . 267 André Bessette, Bl., Jan. 6 24 Augustine of Canterbury, Andrew, Nov. 30 . 534 May 27 . 226 Andrew Dung-Lac and Augustine Gazotich, Bl., Companions, Nov. 24 . 527 Aug. 3 . 343 Andrew Hubert Fournet, Augustine, Aug. 28 . 384 May 13 . 204 Augustine Zhao Rong and Andrew Kim Taegon and Companions, July 9 . 297 Companions, Sept. 20 . 423 Aurelius, July 27 . 333 Angela Merici, Jan. 27 . 52 Anne, July 26 . 331 Barnabas, June 11 . 247 Annunciation, Mar. 25 . 131 Barry, Sept. 25 . 431 Anselm, Apr. 21 . 170 Bartholomew, Aug. 24 . 377 Ansgar, Feb. 3 . 64 Basil the Great, Jan. 2 . 15 Anthelm, June 26 . 271 Bathildis, Jan. 30 . 56 Anthony Mary Claret, Bede the Venerable, Oct. 24 . 484 May 25 . 221 Anthony of Egypt, Jan. 17 37 Benedict, July 11 . 301 Anthony Middleton, Bl., Benedict Biscop (Bennet), May 6 . 193 Jan. 12 . 31 6 7 CONTENTS Benjamin, Mar. 31 . 140 Catherine Labouré, Benno, June 16 . 255 Dec. 31 . 575 Berard and Companions, Catherine de Ricci, Jan. 16 . 37 Feb. 2 . 62 Bernard, Aug. 20 . 372 Catherine of Siena, Bernardine of Siena, Apr. 29 . 182 May 20 . 214 Catherine of Sweden, Bernardino Realino, Mar. 24 . 128 July 2 . 283 Cecilia, Nov. 22 . 525 Bernward, Nov. 20 . 522 Celine, Oct. 21 . 480 Bertille, Nov. 5 . 503 Chaeremon, Dec. 22 . 562 Bertin, Sept. 5 . 397 Charles Borromeo, Nov. 4 501 Bertrand of Garrigues, Bl., Charles the Good, Bl., Sept. 6 . 398 Mar. 2 . 95 Bibiana, Dec. 2 . 536 Charles Lwanga and Blase, Feb. 3 . 63 Companions, June 3 . 237 Blessed Martyrs of Com- Christmas Day, Dec. 25 . 565 piègne, July 17 . 311 Christopher, July 25 . 329 Bonaventure, July 15 . 307 Christopher Magallanes and Boniface, June 5 . 239 Brendan, May 16 . 208 Companions, May 21 . 215 Bridget of Sweden, July 23 323 Clare, Aug. 11 . 356 Bridgid (Bride) of Ireland, Claude de la Colombiere, Feb. 1 . 59 Feb. 15 . 78 Bruno, Oct. 6 . 454 Clement I, Nov. 23 . 525 Cleophas, Sept. 25 . 432 Caesarius of Arles, Colette, Mar. 6 . 101 Aug. 27 . 383 Columban, Nov. 23 . 526 Cajetan, Aug. 7 . 349 Conrad of Piacenza, Bl., Callistus I, Oct. 14 . 466 Feb. 19 . 83 Camillus de Lellis, July 18 . 313 Constantius, Sept. 23 . 430 Canute, July 10 . 300 Cornelius, Sept. 16 . 416 Carmel, Our Lady of Cosmas, Sept. 26 . 433 Mount, July 16 . 310 Cunegundes, Mar. 3 . 98 Casimir, Mar. 4 . 99 Cyprian, Sept. 16 . 416 Castulus, Mar. 26 . 134 Cyril, Feb. 14 . 76 Catherine of Alexandria, Cyril of Alexandria, Nov. 25 . 528 June 27 . 273 CONTENTS 8 Cyril of Jerusalem, day after Jan. 1) . 23 Mar. 18 . 117 Epipodius, Apr. 22 . 172 Ethelbert, Feb. 24 . 88 Damasus I, Dec. 11 . 550 Ethelreda (Audry), June 23 267 Damian, Sept. 26 . 433 Eucherius, Feb. 20 . 84 Damien Joseph de Veuster Eulogius, Mar. 11 . 108 of Molokai, Bl., May 10 198 Euplius, Aug. 12 . 358 Dedication of Churches Eusebius of Vercelli, of Sts. Peter and Paul, Aug. 2 . 341 Nov. 18 . 521 Eutychius, Apr. 6 . 150 Dedication of St. John Evaristus, Oct. 27 . 488 Lateran, Nov. 9 . 507 Exaltation of the Holy Dedication of St. Mary of Cross, Sept. 14 . 414 the Snows, Aug. 5 . 346 Deicolus, Jan. 18 . 38 Fabian, Jan. 20 . 40 Demetrius, Apr. 9 . 154 Felicity, Mar. 7 . 102 Denis and Companions, Felix, July 27 . 333 Oct. 9 . 459 Felix IV (III), Oct 12 . 464 Desideratus, May 8 . 194 Fiacre, Aug. 30 . 389 Dominic, Aug. 8 . 350 Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Dominic Savio, Mar. 9 . 106 Apr. 24 . 175 Donatian, May 24 . 220 Finbar (Barry), Sept. 25 . 431 Donatus, Oct. 22 . 482 Firminus, Oct. 11 . 463 Dymphna, May 30 . 231 First Holy Martyrs of Holy Roman Church, June 30 280 Edward Jones, Bl., May 6 193 Flora, Oct. 5 . 451 Elizabeth of Hungary, Florence, Dec. 1 . 535 Nov. 17 . 519 Florian, May 4 . 190 Elizabeth of Portugal, Frances Xavier Cabrini, July 4 . 287 Nov. 13 . 512 Elizabeth Ann Seton, Frances of Rome, Mar. 9 . 105 Jan. 4 . 20 Francis of Assisi, Oct. 4 . 448 Elizabeth Bichier des Francis Caracciolo, Ages, Aug. 26 . 380 June 4 . 238 Elphege, Apr. 19 . 168 Francis di Girolamo, Emmerammus, Sept. 22 . 426 May 11 . 200 Epaphras, July 19 . 316 Francis of Paola, Apr. 2 . 143 Ephrem, June 9 . 245 Francis de Sales, Jan. 24 47 Epiphany (Jan. 6 or Sun- Francis Xavier, Dec. 3 . 538 9 CONTENTS Frederick, July 18 . 315 Gregory VII, May 25 . 222 Fulbert, Apr. 10 . 155 Gregory Barbarigo, June 18 . 258 Gabriel the Archangel, Gregory the Great, Sept. 29 . 438 Sept. 3 . 395 Gabriel of Our Lady of Gregory Nazianzen, Sorrows, Feb. 27 . 91 Jan. 2 . 15 Galdinus, Apr. 18 . 166 Guadalupe, Our Lady of, Gatian, Dec. 18 . 558 Dec. 12 . 551 Gaucherius, Apr. 9 . 153 Guardian Angels, Oct. 2 . 446 Guy (Vignotelli) of Cortona, Bl. Gaudentius of Brescia, June 12 . 248 Oct. 25 . 486 Gemma Galgani, Apr. 11 . 158 Harvey (Herve), June 17 . 256 Genevieve, Jan. 3 . 19 Hedwig, Oct. 16 . 469 Gennaro, Sept. 19 . 421 Helena, Aug. 18 . 370 Geoffrey, Nov. 8 . 506 Henry II, July 13 . 304 George, Apr. 23 . 173 Heribert (Herbert), George, July 27 . 333 Mar. 16 . 114 George Swallowell, Bl., Hilary, Jan. 13 . 33 July 24 . 326 Hippolytus, Aug. 13 . 360 Gerald, Dec. 5 . 541 Holy Innocents, Dec. 28 . 570 Gerald of Aurillac, Oct. 13 465 Hugh, Apr. 1 . 142 Gerard of Brogne, Oct. 3 . 447 Hyacinth, Aug. 15 . 364 Gerard Majella, Oct. 16 . 471 Hyacinth, Sept. 11 . 407 Germaine Cousin, June 15 . 254 Ignatius of Antioch, Germanus, May 28 . 226 Oct. 17 . 472 Ignatius of Loyola, Gertrude, Nov. 16 . 518 July 31 . 337 Ghislain (Gislenus), Ildefonsus, Jan. 23 . 46 Oct. 9 . 461 Immaculate Conception, Gildas the Wise, Jan. 29 . 55 Dec. 8 . 545 Giles, Sept. 1 . 393 Ingrid of Sweden, Bl., Gisele, Bl., May 7 . 194 Sept. 2 . 394 Godfrey (Geoffrey), Nov. 8 . 506 Irenaeus, June 28 . 274 Gothard (Godehard), Irmina, Dec. 24 . 565 May 5 . 192 Isaac Jogues and Com- Gregory III, Dec. 10 . 548 panions, Oct. 19 . 476 CONTENTS 10 Isidore the Farmer, John of Damascus, Dec. 4 . 541 May 15 . 207 John Eudes, Aug. 19 . 371 Isidore of Seville, Apr. 4 . 146 John Fisher, June 22 . 264 Ita (Ida), Jan. 15 . 35 John of God, Mar. 8 . 104 John Gualbert, July 12 . 303 James the Greater, July 25 328 John Ingram, Bl., July 24 . 326 James the Less, May 3 . 188 John Joseph of the Cross, James of the March, Mar. 5 . 100 Nov. 28 . 532 John of Kanty, Dec. 23 . 563 Jane Frances de Chantal, John Lateran, Dedication Aug. 18 . 369 of, Nov. 9 . 507 Januarius (Gennaro), John Leonardi, Oct. 9 . 460 Sept. 19 . 421 John of Matera, June 20 . 260 Jerome, Sept. 30 . 441 John of Matha, Dec. 17 . 557 Jerome Emiliani, Feb. 8 . 70 John Nepomucene, Joachim, July 26 . 331 Mar. 20 . 121 Joan of Arc, May 30 . 229 John Neumann, Jan. 5 . 21 Joan Delanoue, Aug. 17 . 368 John Francis Regis, John I, May 18 . 211 Dec. 31 . 574 John the Apostle, Dec. 27 568 John the Baptist, Martyrdom John Vianney, Aug. 4 . 344 of, Aug. 29 . 386 Jordan of Saxony, Bl., Nativity of, June 24 . 268 Feb. 13 . 75 John Baptist dei Rossi, Josaphat, Nov. 12 . 511 May 23 . 218 Joseph, Mar. 19 . 119 John Baptist de la Salle, the Worker, May 1 . 186 Apr. 7 . 151 Joseph of Arimathea, John Berchmans, Aug. 13 361 Aug. 31 . 390 John Bosco, Jan. 31 . 57 Joseph Calasanz, Aug. 25 379 John Boste, July 24 . 326 Joseph of Cupertino, John de Brébeuf and Sept. 18 . 419 Companions, Oct. 19 . 476 Joseph of Leonissa, Feb. 4 66 John of Capistrano, Josephine Bakhita, Feb. 8 71 Oct. 23 . 483 Juan Diego, Dec. 9 . 547 John Chrysostom, Jude, Oct. 28 . 490 Sept. 13 . 411 Julia Billiart, Apr. 8 . 152 John Climacus, Mar. 30 . 139 Juliana, Feb. 16 . 80 John of the Cross, Dec. 14 . 554 Julius I, Apr. 12 . 159 11 CONTENTS Junipero Serra, Bl., Margaret Clitherow, July 1 . 281 Mar. 25 . ..
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