Renaissance 3/2012 - 1 #eorgios Steiris Renaissance Studies in #reece Since the 19th century, Renaissance studies as the Renaissance, despite the fact that usually have gradually gained autonomy from Medieval their research is focused on the 15th and 19th and the Early Modern studies. In countries like century. Greece, $here the traditional vie$ $as that no Regarding the academics, ! :ivilakis, in Renaissance occurred in the %al"an &eninsula the 8e*artment of )heatre at the 3niversity of during the 1'th - 1(th centuries as a result of the 4thens, is associate *rofessor of -)heory of )urkish occu*ation, Renaissance studies had to )heatre ; <istory of Religious )heatre in the struggle to gain autonomy and distinct *resence Middle 4ges and Early Modern &eriod. :ivilakis’ in the curricula of Gree" universities. )his article research is focused in the %yzantine *eriod and aims to *resent the current status of Renais- the connections /et$een the ancient theatre sance studies in Greek universities and to give a and the rituals of the Eastern 6hristian religion critical account of it [1] In the 8e*artment of <istory and 4rchaeology of the 3niversity of 4thens, associate *rofessor In Greece, there are 21 universities Maria 1tourou-Elio*oulou[2] and assistant *ro- $here 9312 lecturers, assistant, associate and fessor 1 Giantsi teach -<istory of the Middle full *rofessors offer their services +nly 21 of 4ges and the Early Modern *eriod. 1tourou-Eli- these *rofessors, namely 0,22,, have the term o*oulou is a specialist in the history of the ?atin -Renaissance. in their official academic assign- dominion in the Gree" region from the 11th till ment, indicating that they $ere elected so as to the 15th century. Giantsi=s research is focused *romote research and teaching on the Renais- *redominantly on the *eriod of the <igh Middle sance S*ecifically, they are distri/uted as fol- 4ges in @estern Euro*e In the same 8e*art- lo$s: ( in the 1ational and 2a*odistrian 3niver- ment, 2 #aganakis is assistant *rofessor of sity of 4thens, 5 in the 4ristotle 3niversity of -Modern Euro*ean <istory 1(th - 19th century” )hessaloniki - $hich is the largest in Greece -, ' [3] <is research is focused on the Reformation in the 3niversity of Ioannina, 3 in the 3niversity and 1(th century 7rance, su/Aects that refer to of 6rete and 1 in the 4thens School of 7ine 4rts. the Renaissance, namely that of 1orthern It is o/vious that only the oldest Gree" universit- Euro*e It is $orth noticing that in the 8e*art- ies have chairs dedicated to Renaissance Stud- ment of !talian Studies of the 3niversity of ies. 8espite the fact that some of the other, 4thens, only R 8emo*oulou concentrates her more recent, universities have de*artments and research on the Renaissance, her area of spe- schools of humanities, they do not feel the need cialization /eing -Medieval and Renaissance to include Renaissance studies in their *lan of ?atin ?iterature. 8emo*oulou studies the ?atin academic develo*ment It is $orth noticing that literature from the 1'th to the 1(th century and certain Gree" universities and the large *art of the teBts of the ?atin travelers $ho visited the Gree" academia consider the Renaissance Greece during the Renaissance so as to com- as a rather short and underrated *art of the early ment on their remarks. -?ast /ut not least., modern *eriod 4s a result, they think that schol- #eorgios Steiris, assistant *rofessor of -Mediev- ars $ho research and teach the early modern al and Renaissance &hiloso*hy” in the 8e*art- *eriod cover the needs of the universities as far ment of &hiloso*hy, &edagogy, &sychology of #eorgios Steiris Renaissance Studies in #reece "unstteBte de 3/2012 - 2 the 3niversity of 4thens: Steiris focuses his re- art history of the 19th and 20th centuries. )he search *redominantly on the 1Cth and 1(th cen- same a**lies to 4 Sarafianos-%ogiatzis $ho turies and the Italian Renaissance Moreover, it also does research on the 19th century English is $orth noticing that the 3niversity of 4thens is art [12] In the same university, /ut in the 8e*art- the only Gree" university ever to esta/lish a ment of &lastic 4rts and 4rt Sciences, $hile 4 chair for Renaissance *hiloso*hy.[4] 6hristou[13] is associate *rofessor of -4rt <is- )he 4ristotle 3niversity of )hessaloniki is tory from the Renaissance until the *resent. and the largest Gree" university. < Savvo*oulos - 4 4damo*oulou is assistant *rofessor of -4rt assistant *rofessor of -Modern and 6ontem*or- <istory from the Renaissance until the *resent. ary 4rt from the Renaissance until the &resent. [14] %oth of them focus their research in Gree" in the 8e*artment of &ictorial and 4**lied 4rts - art of the last t$o centuries. focuses his research on contem*orary Gree" art !n the 3niversity of 6rete, E Mathi- and not the Renaissance :ery interesting is the o*oulos is associate *rofessor of -@estern 4rt $or" of )h 2itsos, lecturer in the 8e*artment of <istory” in the 8e*artment of <istory and 4r- Music, $ho studies -Medieval and Renaissance chaeology. <is $or" is concentrated on Gree" music. [5] <is research is concentrated on the art of the 20th century.[15] & Ioannou is assist- interaction /et$een 1(th century !talian music ant *rofessor of -4rt <istory from the Renais- and the early %aroDue of the 15th century. )ina sance until the %aroDue. in the same 8e*art- 2rontiris is &rofessor of -Renaissance literature ment Ioannou studies Renaissance art, espe- and drama. at the 4ristotle 3niversity <er re- cially Gree" *ainters $ho $orked in Renais- search is focused on 1(th and 15th century Eng- sance Euro*e in the 1Cth and 1(th century. <is land, especially the role and social status of $o- research involves %elisario 6orenzio and 8ome- men She also studies Sha"espeare=s *lays.[6] nico )heotoko*oulos.[16] & 6ornezou, lecturer St ?itsardakis is assistant *rofessor of -7rench in -@estern 4rt <istory from the Renaissance ?iterature of the 1(th century” 4 significant until Romanticism., serves in the same 8e*art- num/er of her *a*ers and /ooks deal $ith the ment <er research is dedicated to 15th century $or" of Michel de Montaigne [7] )he 8e*artment 7rench art, $hile she seems to /e interested of <istory and 4rchaeology at the 4ristotle 3ni- also in medieval art [17] !n the same 8e*artment, versity has three *rofessors $hose official area E Sakellariou is assistant *rofessor of -@estern of specialization is -<istory of Medieval and Medieval <istory” 8espite her official assign- Modern 4rt in the @est. In addition, *rofessors ment, Sakellariou=s research involves the E Myconiatis,[8] M &a*anikolaou[9] and 4 Renaissance, especially in the Italian *eninsula 6haralam/ides[10] concentrate their research on from the 1Cth to the 19th centuries.[18] Gree" art of the 19th and 20th centuries. 1 S !n the Ionian 3niversity at 6orfu, in the ?itsardo*oulou is lecturer in -<istory of Modern 8e*artment of <istory, 1 2ara*idakes is *ro- Euro*ean 4rt from the Renaissance until fessor of -@estern Medieval <istory and !nstitu- %aroDue. in the 8e*artment of 4rts <istory and tions’ )ransmission in the Eastern Mediter- )heory. <er research is focused on Ru/ens and ranean. 4spects of his $or" involve the rela- the 15th century *ainting, $hich is not *art of the tions /et$een Greece and :enice during the Renaissance [11] Renaissance [19] !n addition, )h 1icolaides, $ho In the 3niversity of Ioannina, )h is assistant *rofessor of -Modern Euro*ean <is- Markatou is assistant *rofessor of -4rt <istory tory”, studies Machiavellianism in 1(th and 15th from the Renaissance until the *resent. in the century 7rance [20] 4s for the 8emocritus 3ni- 8e*artment of <istory and 4rchaeology. Once versity of )hrace, & )zivara is lecturer in -Gree" again, as far as it concerns *rofessors of art his- <istory under the :enetian Occu*ation. in the tory in the Gree" universities, she studies Gree" 8e*artment of <istory and Ethnology.[21] #eorgios Steiris Renaissance Studies in #reece "unstteBte de 3/2012 - 3 %esides the staff, a survey of Renaissance stud- !n the 4ristotle 3niversity of )hessaloniki, in the ies in Greece should not eBclude the curricula 8e*artment of Gree" &hilology, there are t$o 6ourses dedicated to the Renaissance eBist in courses that refer to the Renaissance )he first several de*artments and universities. 7irst of all, is entitled E1eo-?atin ?iteratureH, the second, in the 8e*artment of &hiloso*hy and <istory of EGree" and ?atin ?iterature in the Middle 4ges Science of the 3niversity of 4thens, students are and the RenaissanceHI the latter deals $ith the reDuired to take the course -4rt <istory !. 4c- interaction of the t$o traditions, Gree" and ?at- cording to the sylla/us, this course, /eginning in in, in a long-standing *eriod [27] In the 8e*art- the 8uecento, also deals $ith the Renaissance ment of <istory and 4rchaeology, Renaissance and Mannerism [22] !n the 8e*artment of 7rench art is /eing eBamined in t$o courses that se*ar- ?anguage, the course -7rom the chivalric ideal ate the *eriod0 EEarly Renaissance 4rtH and to Renaissance humanism. deals $ith the <igh E?ate Renaissance 4rt and MannerismH )here Middle 4ges and the Renaissance, focusing on are also t$o courses that refer to Renaissance the differences /et$een the t$o *eriods, $hile <istory, although it=s difficult to discern their dif- the course -<istory of 7rench ?iterature0 )he ferences: EEarly Modern Euro*eH and EModern Renaissance.
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