The John Adams Tower Senior Edition Friday, June 1, 1984 7 The 1984 Senior Edition Staff would like to express ... _.,_ * their appreciation to the following : * •.: . * To the Publications classes for * .... ' ., * their assistance . * -To Mrs. Maza, for her guidance * * and support . * To Mrs. Gleason's first hour * class for typing the wills . * * To Steve Newberg, Doris , ' ·. * Newberg and Eleanor Marler * of Towle' s Typesetting for all * of their help, advice.and * * assistance. * To the Senior Clo~s Without * their provision of the funds , th is * .* edition would not be possible . * To Mr. William Alyea , for all of . * . his trips to the printer's office. ~ * * ' .. • .~.. ,-~l ~ .....~ ...-c; * * lowERw Edltor-ln -ehie(.. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. Betay KIiieen Advertiabia •••••••• .•..•.... •.... Jalle Bird * * AAl stant Edlton · .... Kimberly Ml1cheD DlmfMdoll... .. ... ... ........ Steve Gruenlg Mam Whln enb ura A,ttst . ... ... ..... .. .. .... .. .. ....... nm1.ona Sporta Edito rs •.. •• Mary SlaflrNky ~toa,apben .•••••••••••. Joluunl es Hacker * * Junior Sporta Edi&« .. ••.•••.•. J u, .· . • , , ...., Mart Orlando Senior ANlatanta. .... ......... Matt Booty A d~laor . ..• .• .• . .• . .. .• .••... Babetle Maza ,, erek 1-aaler Aulatant Prtndpal s ••••••••••• Andre w Bibbs * * Donald David Jlllllon Edlton ... ...... ... ... J im Hatt-an Kelly Mltcbell Principal ..••..••••.•.... Wllllam Przybysz Superintendent ....... Dr. James Scammon * * Johaf>au- *~ * 3 The Class of 1984 A View From the Student Government President The Class of '84 Is - becomln1 a Remember ukin1 a pl to "ao with you' '? with middle school students. There is memory . I'm sure moat, if not all the Seniors, why is senior year auch a crisis? more. Ob, here's a aood one for you seniors , are relieved and anlliously It's the year we have all been awaitin1. lt is smokers.Student ,overnment bu decided awaiting graduation. To these O¥ffUDIUS supposed to be •fun, It is our Jut chance to you have the rlaJlt to smote oa pablic seniors, I ask yoe to look back before you revert back to those frolic:some younger school pounds, yd hu not -,ported Mr. aoand remember the priceleu eiq,erienc:es days. The oae thlnawe never realized was Przybysz's efforts to ban smokln1 on that John Adams hu ,tven 7'0"· In years that the "senior crisis" sets in. Every school pounds. What do you have to say to come when reference is madeto the 1980 senior feels It. It is marted by insecurity, about all this, Booster Club? American Hoc:tey Team many tboaptl disunity, depression, confusion, and Yet,~ people, lncladin1 faculty and will be tri,aered in your mind . lt'i stran,e anticipatioa . After all, thinp have to ,et parents, point the fin,er ~ die activities how a sons or news Item reminds you of better. If underc:lfossme.'lare disbelievinjl ~udebt Jl(Wernment has JIOf flJldert\:f"!. your past. aad clinp1 to the ar,ument that Mr. · Granted, student ,overnment has been Hey, remember Forelpu 4? maybe it Aaroasoa is tM only dilemma. :..· , neglecting many of the objectives of a wu around the time you met your first answerin1 the q1.~1t11>D1con' :.,. i strong student 1overnment. I would lite to love. "O've Been) Waitin1 I.or a Girl IJke senlon. Questions sech u: "What am I explore some of the causes of student You" wu your sons. And what about the pin1 to do oat year? Where will I ao ff I government's short comin,s. Obviously, walks from School Field to Barnaby's our had studied more could I bavl'! been one looks towards the officers to lead the freshman year. If yoa were a girl, you may accepted to that blaname coUeaefWhttc school and student ,overnment to ,reatet have been lucky enouah to entice aa am I fittin1 into the picture?" Juniors, I hei1hts (Oh boy). upperclassman to live you a ride to hope you've had a 1ood year. Life takes on There is only one thins that decides the McDoeald's or a Notre Dame party. a new meaninanext year. success of any or1anization-the support of Remember dese1re1atlon? Well, the Senion, tbere is one comolatlon··the its constituents. Apathy is prevalent not Jefferson, F.disoa and Clay people finally unity. altboaahIt may be dlminlshina, will only in the school but in the student mixed, and we were more than always staad. Yes, the unity is tbere, but ,overnment. How Iona would Chris have to deseare,ated, we were united. We weren't what is undennlnin1 the structure? OH wait for someone to volunteer to chair a Jeffersonians, but Adams Easies. There is COME ON, YOU KNOW WHAT rr IS" committee? J a unity In bein1 and Ea,le that no oae can It's APATHY, isn't It? How many of you leplators call it an annaae problem. destroy. The real fun was just belUlllial · really cared If our dau won Spirit Weet. Students simply don't care to won for a The road trips down to state finals, the Better yet, bow many of you cared about better school. Sure we all want to call our basketball sames, and the huuamerable Pride Week? Yes, we had a Pride Week school the best. Bat are we willln1 to clean parties will ao down u peat moments In this year. the araffiti or de carnations, or set up our short history . The experiences will It is amazln1 that the people who could dances, or inventory a store's mercbaa· always be loc:ted in some cna of oar mind care less about Pride Week are always the dise? just waitin1 to hit you when you're first ones to ask me, "What .... student Seniors, it's too late to help the problema listenin1 to that old soe1 or lookin1 at ,overnment do?" I must say the question of the student ,overnment . I hope you will those old pictures. perplexed me for some time. To answer the look back at your four years at Adams and Ah , the past. ·What a simple place! As question very simply, I will say student remember the aolden moments. We'll all freshman tbere weren't any SATs. SAT aovernmeat has undertaken many leave with much more than we came with. meant Saturday. Saturdays meant car• noteworthy projects. It has sponsored a If you were one of the few who save toons, or a bite ride over to the freshman very successful canned food drive. It has somethin1 back to the school, I sincerely powder puff practice. Life then presented provided students with a Valentine's thank you. Good ludt to the Clau of '84, jokinaJy simple dilemmas. "Gosh, will he carnation sale. h hu sponsored at least and let's, In these next few closln1 weeks, ever ut me to dance? Should I ask her out, one benefit dance per year. It hu recapture the unity that is tbere, aad that or tell her friends I want to 'ao with her'?" discussed dnaa abuse and high school life we all feel. -Outs F•y· A Letter from the Principal leadership has shown in academics, a new rm sure for most of tlie clus, you are school career. My chafJJe to au ot you is surge in athletic success, a tiro.der scope wonderin1 where d• · ~!;.aaefour years ao? that you continue to wort toward attainin1 of involvement in drama, and all of the fine Like all classes before you, ,raduation is the hi1hest level of achievement possible arts . You have left your mart. here so quiet. You have established in whatever career or profession you I will miss you. I, too, have established a friendships with your peers, and have been choose. Never accept less than your very number of friendships in this class. It hu exposed to a touah curriculum, with best. been a pleuure wortin1 with you. I wish excellent teachers throu1hout your hl1h You have been auite a class . Your you all of the very best. ·Prladpal Wlllaa Pnyl,ya- • Aeademie Distinetions Valedietori .ns Matt Booty BarbaraC--Uy DIii.lei L. 5a-. Salutatoriau Derek L. wnaler Summa Cum Laude Tina M. Caloaeru Johanee Backer Fraak ~. m u.u a:-ae Victoria Demaree Lama SchlUbaa Chrt11topber Foley Marci Whltteabura Beuoa Yua Magna Cum Laude Dlaaaa Autin CralaD. llar1maa, Heidi Bruiiares Peal JolmNa Marpret Dueeterbera EUzabeth m­ Todd A. Hemm-a Petrida Llndemua Peter .Barrl.t Kimberly Mltcbell Mlcbael Morrl1 Cum Laude Barbara Boyd Katherine Houp Kevin MUler Cbrlatlaa Ceaklla Brian c. J­ Mlcbelle Puaat Kimberly Curt.I• Cbrlatopher Kelly Peal S. Stelaboffer Sarah Detlef Peal Kotelelald Peal S. Stelaboffer Sbellla &lwarda Sendra M. M..u­ SaND Terwedd Jeanlfer Frieden Mlcbelle Martino JalJe Vlpe Lynn Gutafaon Kimberly Middleton Doaglu l.lellmld Seholarship with Distinetlon Anne Andenon Hugh B, Hedman Toni L Roman Brian G. Beer Richard c. Blab DoaaJuJ. Saader Anne Bebany Dawn Hoffman Carol E. Seidler Tanuny Cue Eric S. Horvath Pamela Schloubera Gereldlne Ounlel Kelly P. Keller San Schoeaemu Tina Codden• Barry R. Koeek Carol Slreltea Devld M. Colt Lee M. IAldyp Sharon Slebeap Thomas Crowe Timothy D. Lona Cbrl•topher Staton Stephanie O. Caaalnabam Christopher o. Mudie Harold L Stafford Richard R. DeCneae Gerald J. MeNn Mery Sa1Uvan Richard S. Deanen Jo Ellen Mey Tracy Talbot SuND J. Devetald EUzabeth Meqel Mlchelle 1'llelm« Donald Dietrich Dewn E. Moore s- Thomtea Peal W. Danlvent Gina Nowldd Pretlbha Trtpadd Pelrick J. Grove Debra K. Pejza Anae Turley Eileen Haley Kerry L. Pukell Pew Vuderf>ara Michael A, Hanlon Rebecca R. Peten David S. Webb Amy L. Beyea Douglas A, Pood,augh Greaory Wenc1Un1 Fn• Han.en Michel Ricker Cheryl Wood Ser11B. Heckaman John L. Ria&• Ann Wooclllant Diane ' • .1unge Scott E. Zlpprlcb s Graduates Earn A'Nards Hoosier Patrons Award.... Todd Hamman BOY'S SWIMMING DEPARTMENT Thomas Hacker CO-CAPTAIN................
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