It happened in the cantons of Valais & Geneva Autor(en): [s.n.] Objekttyp: Article Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK Band (Jahr): - (1967) Heft 1515 PDF erstellt am: 29.09.2021 Persistenter Link: http://doi.org/10.5169/seals-686182 Nutzungsbedingungen Die ETH-Bibliothek ist Anbieterin der digitalisierten Zeitschriften. Sie besitzt keine Urheberrechte an den Inhalten der Zeitschriften. Die Rechte liegen in der Regel bei den Herausgebern. Die auf der Plattform e-periodica veröffentlichten Dokumente stehen für nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke in Lehre und Forschung sowie für die private Nutzung frei zur Verfügung. Einzelne Dateien oder Ausdrucke aus diesem Angebot können zusammen mit diesen Nutzungsbedingungen und den korrekten Herkunftsbezeichnungen weitergegeben werden. Das Veröffentlichen von Bildern in Print- und Online-Publikationen ist nur mit vorheriger Genehmigung der Rechteinhaber erlaubt. 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Renovations have started on the for October last year, but due to the catastrophe of Matt- Castle of Tourbillon. Sion, too, had its " Quinzaine des mark, they were postponed and took place on a reduced Arts " in September. scale in June. To commemorate the event, the whole At the end of July, the village of Stalden was badly Valais youth was presented with volumes of " The Valais damaged by mud and water due to a burst in the power- from 1815 to 1965 " by Prof. Emile Biollay. The historic works Ackersand. Early in October, the traditional survey ended with the statement that " the marriage with festival of the mountain guides took place. The Matter- the Confederation which was a marriage of convenience horn North Wall was used by two Austrian experts for for the Lower Valais and a Mtm-J/Arat for the Upper their parachute jumps from the mountain side. Valais has become a love marriage for both 77ze /o/fcwmg zAmy /zave come to /zazrzf: The Society for the Valais History is celebrating its For the first time, over 3 million nights were spent Golden Jubilee with a special edition of its historic in Valais hotels and inns in 1966, an increase of 100,000. periodical " Annales Valaisannes ". There are over 700 47% of the tourists were Swiss. — A new review "Le members. Valais Nouveau — Junges Wallis " is to appear four The budget for 1967 predicted a deficit of 18.7m. times a year, published by the newly formed group of francs. Expenditure has now been lowered to 15.6m. young Valais writers. The revenue total is estimated at 257.1m. francs. The In 1966, a record harvest of over 20m. kg. of apples Canton is obliged to spend 14m. francs on several waste- was dealt with: 12.5m. marketed immediately and 8m. water plants which are in the course of construction. By kg. stored for future consumption. 300 metric tons of 1970, this sum will have reached 23m. The Rawil Tunnel apples left Switzerland for Jugoslavia before Christmas. is to be started in 1972, but the Council of State has asked The grape harvest reached 83m. litres. the federal authorities to begin already in 1970. This The Commune of Filet near Moerel has a recruit proposal is supported by several interested parties. as Common Councillor, the youngest in the Valais, possibly The power-works of Grande-Dixence have been opened even in Switzerland. A new avalanche gallery has been for tourists; a chairlift is to carry visitors to the top of the opened at Zermatt. barrage. The railway line Brig-Visp-Zermatt has been GENEVA renovated, and the modernisation allowed 1.1m. passengers to be carried in 1965. At Visp, at the end of September, The population of the Canton of Geneva numbered the Valais Regiment 10 marched past high officers and 306,769 at the end of August, 6,684 of these were prominent personalities and — a live lion; Martigny's crest foreigners. The town's population was 174,158. shows a lion, and a soldier who owns such an animal, was 8-im. francs is the surplus which the Canton made in allowed to take it to military service as a mascot. 1965, with expenditure standing at 371m. The budget for When the Cantonal Parliament met in November, they 1967 estimates revenue of over Fr.470,000.— and a deficit honoured the memory of the " Glacier Pilot ", the late of Fr.344,000.—. A four-year finance plan has been Hermann Geiger. A few weeks earlier, on the Bieshorn, worked out, and the so-called " Crisis Fund " is to be at an altitude of 4,000 metres, men on an Alpine course of increased from 4.96m. to 7.5m. francs. The successor to a Mountain Division held an ecumenical service in honour Yves Maître in the National Council is Councillor of State of the pilot, and on the top of the Bec-des-Etagnes, a metal Jean Babel, the Geneva Finance Minister. In most Swiss cross was erected to commemorate the many Alpine Cantons, a young man of age at 20 is eligible to the Can- rescues; it had been flown there by helicopter. tonal Parliament. Only in Fribourg, Berne, Geneva and A proposal is being worked out to have the Pfylwald Neuchâtel, the limit is set at 25 years of age. A Socialist put under Vatursr/nrtz. The Cultural Prize of the Upper proposal is being studied in Geneva to bring this custom Valais has been awarded by the " Rottenbund " (every into line with the majority of Switzerland's Cantons. four years) to Hans-Anton von Roten from Raron, who At the end of August, nearly 5,000 flats and houses has made a name for himself in historic research. were needed in Geneva, and to ease the position, the State 26m. litres of Valais wine were produced in 1966 proposes to increase their present sum of 689m. for mort- compared with 41.7m. last year. 4-3,m. kg. of apricots, 8m. gages to 900m. francs. Cointrin, Geneva's airport, received kg. of pears and 6m. kg. of tomatoes were grown in the the international medal, an award for the greatest effort by Canton this year, no mean achievement. any airport to further aviation. The " Collèges de Bagnes " celebrated its 200th anni- Pastor Willem A. Visser't Hooft, former Secretary- versary early in November. The new Commune President General of the Churches' Ecumenical Council, was of Hérémence is the sculptor Emile Mayoraz. awarded honorary citizenship of the Canton in spring. Martigny held a cultural week early in September, The Savings Bank of Geneva celebrated its 150th anni- a few weeks later, its film festival took place, and the versary in September. The grape harvest in the Canton seventh CompfozV was opened early in October. At resulted in 12-^m. litres, half of which will be used for St. Maurice a new college " Regina Pacis " was opened; grape juice. some eighty girls are there at present. " A place to stay on the way to the Alps " was the The new Sanetsch dam has been inaugurated; the heading of an article in the " Sunday Times " about a power station is capable of producing 39m. kw/h. per year, year ago. In it, the town of Geneva was called " strangely of which 30m. in summer. In December 1508, the Coun- impersonal, invested in an aura of sadness as too many cillors of the German town of Augsburg sent an invitation hopes had been pinned upon the League of Nations." Be to Mathias Schiner, then Bishop of Sion, to take part in a this as it may, the town is full of life. It has its problems, 13th January 1967 THE SWISS OBSERVER 52259 THE ZURICH GROUP Depeaci oa f/re THE ZURICH INSURANCE COMPANY (a limited Company incorporated in Switzerland in 1872) THE BEDFORD LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY LTD. UNION (a member of the Life Offices Association) THE BEDFORD GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY LTD. (a member of the British Insurance Association) BANK OF UNDERTAKE ALL CLASSES OF INSURANCE BRANCHES THROUGHOUT THE U.K. HEAD OFFICE: SWITZERLAND FAIRFAX HOUSE, FULWOOD PLACE HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.CI. Telephone CHAancery 8833 /or every /cine? GROUP ASSETS EXCEED £300,000,000 lllllllliSLÏ.iBiHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHBllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIHIMIHIfS o/ Jlan/ciag aac/ Investmeat transaction comes without warning be armed with the R0LBA range! SNOW-BOY Swiss made mechanical snow loader and blower • Clears 60-120 tons of snow per hour. • Fills a lorry within a few minutes and packs the snow twice as tightly than when loaded manually. UNION BANK OF SWITZERLAND • Cuts through 3-5ft. deep snow drifts. ZURICH 45, BAHNHOFSTRASSE • Widens partly cleared roads and gets rid of snow heaps ÎISCHE BANKGESELLSCHAFT V and Side ploughs. UNION DE BANQUES SUISSES piled up by UNIONE DI BANCHE SVIZZERE 50-100 times faster than snow shovellers. ' Works : • ' • Reduces your snow clearing costs. jSranc/ies //iro«g/?ou/ 5Wi7ze/7afu/ ORDER NOW! DDI DA I TH Charlwoods Road, East Grinstead, East Sussex HULDA LI U Tel: East Grinstead 21161/2 Grams: Rolbaworks, East Grinstead 52260 THE SWISS OBSERVER 13th January 1967 too, but its budget for 1967 is balanced at 122.59m.
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