Botaniska Notiser Volume 133 (1980) Edited by Gunnar Weimarck Assistant editors: Anna Weimarck and Dan Zimmergren i• ■ '-ii TP >■ V ‘■4 m■ Distribution: The Editorial Service of the Swedish Natural Science Research Council Dates of distribution Issue 1, pp. 1-120, 17th March 1980 Issue 2, pp. 121-238, 16th June 1980 Issue 3, pp. 239-412, 18th September 1980 Issue 4, pp. 413-655, 15th December 1980 ISSN 0006-8195 Borgströms, Motala 1980 Contents A new journal, Nordic Journal of Botany, and its Baeomyces in New Zealand ................................. 77 supplementary series, Opera Botanica ..................412 Galloway, D. J.: The lichen genera Argopsis and AETFAT Congress, the 1982 ....................................... 450 Stereocaulon in New Zealand .............................. 261 Almborn, O.: Three centuries of Botany at the Goldblatt, P.: Redefinition of Homeria and University of Lund, a short survey ...................... 451 Moraea (Iridaceae) in the light of biosystematic Andersson, L. & Molau, U.: The inflorescence of data, with Rheome gen. nov .................................. 85 Calceolaria .................................................................... 21 Goldblatt, P.: Systematics of Gynandriris (Irida­ Announcements from the Hunt Institute 20, 294 ceae), a Mediterranean-southern African dis­ Arekal, G. D. & Ramaswamy, S. N.: Embryology junct ...........................................................................239 of Eriocaulon hookerianum Stapf and the sys­ Hedberg, O., Holmlund, P.-E., Mahunnah, R. L. tematic position of Eriocaulaceae ...........................295 A., Mhoro, B., Mziray, W. R. & Nordenhed, Arroyo , S.: The genus Benthamiella (Solanaceae) 67 A.-C.: The Bartsia abyssinica-group (Scro- Barth, E. K., Lima-de-Faria, A. & Berglund, B. phulariaceae) in Tropical Africa .......................... 205 E.: Two 14C dates of wood samples from Ron- Hong, D.: Kashmiria (Scrophulariaceae, Veroni- dane, Norway ..................................................................643 ceae), a new name for Falconeria Hook. fil. Berggren, B.: Anatomy of the phylloclades of from the western Himalayas ................................ 565 Phyllocladus hypophyllus ............................................189 Hopper, S. D.: Conostylis neocymosa sp. nov. Bothmer, R. von, Jacobsen, N. & Nicora, E.: (Haemodoraceae) from south-western Aus­ Revision of Hordeum sect. Anisolepis Nevski . 539 tralia ...........................................................................223 Brodie, H. J.: Antler hyphae in the fungus genus Karlström, P. O.: Epidermal leaf structures in Nidula (Nidulariaceae) ................................................405 species of Asystasieae, Pseuderanthemeae, Brodie, H. J. & Sharma, B. M.: Cyathus Graptophylleae and Odontonemeae (Acantha- griseocarpus, a new bird’s nest fungus from ceae) ......................................................................... 1 India ....................................................................................343 Kärnefelt, I.: Evemiastrum andense sp. nov., a Brullo, S.: Valantia deltoidea Brullo, sp. nov. neotropical paramo lichen .................................... 387 from Sicily ....................................................................... 63 Kärnefelt, I.: Lichens of western North America Brullo, S.: Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes with disjunctions in Macaronesia and West on the genus Limonium in Sicily ............................. 281 Mediterranean region .............................................569 Chao, C. Y.: Autonomous development of em­ Kaushal, S. C.: A new species of Thecotheus bryo in Paspalum conjugatum Berg ...................... 215 (Pezizales) from Western Himalayas . 319 Cronberg, G. & Kristiansen, J.: Synuraceae and Kers, L. E.: A new species of Elaphomyces Nees other Chrysophyceae from central Småland, ex. Fr. subgen. Malacoderma Vitt .......................... 149 Sweden .............................................................................595 Kylin, A.: Publication policy in Swedish botany . 443 Dahlgren, G.: Cytological and morphological in­ Lange-Bertalot, H.: Ein Beitrag zur Revision der vestigation of the genus Erodium L’Hér. in the Gattungen Rhoicosphenia Grun., Gompho- Aegean ............................................................................. 491 nema C. Ag., Gomphoneis CI ..................................585 Dahlgren, R.: The taxonomic significance of chlo- Larsson, E. G. K.: Rubus arcticus L. subsp. x rophyllous embryos in angiosperm seeds ........... 337 stellarcticus subsp. nov ............................................ 227 Eliasson, U. & Sunhede, S.: External structure of Lundqvist, N.: On the genus Pyxidiophora sensu peridium, pseudocapillitium and spores in the lato (Pyrenomycetes) ...............................................121 myxomycete genus Lycogala Adans ........................351 Molau, Ü.: The genus Calceolaria in NW South Elvers, I.: Pollen eating Thricops flies (Diptera, America IV. The sections Anacyrta, Polyclada Muscidae) on Arrhenatherum pubescens and and Phaeanthera..................................................... 33 some other grasses ....................................................... 49 Molau, U.: The genus Calceolaria in NW South Franzén, R.: Floristic reports from Mount America ..................................................................... 363 Siniatsikon and Mount Vermion, northern Moore, R. T.: Taxonomie significance of septal Greece .............................................................................. 527 ultrastructure in the genus Onnia Karsten Friis, I. & Vollesen, K.: The identity of the Ethi­ (Polyporineae/Hymenochaetaceae) .................... 169 opian monotypic genus Tzellemtinia Chiov. ... 347 Mycological Society of America, the ......................442 Galloway, D. J.: Notes on the lichen genus Nilsson, L. A.: The pollination ecology of Dac- IV tylorhiza sambucina (Orchidaceae)........................367 Reviews of botanical li terature Nordenstam, B.: Othonna burttii sp. nov. (Com- positae) from the Drakensberg, South Africa .. 555 Baum, B. R. 1978: The genus Tamarix (by H. Norlindh, T.: Dimorphotheca venusta (T. Norl.) R unem ark) .................. 650 T. Norl. stat. nov. and additional notes on D. Cramer, J. (ed.) 1977-80: Bibliotheca Lichenolo- montana T. Norl. (Compositae) .............................559 gica. A series of original papers and reprints of books on lichens published by J. Cramer. Vols. Nybom, H.: Chromosome numbers in Rubus species from Sri Lanka ............................................... 47 6-14 (by O. Almborn) ................................................649 Nybom, H.: Germination in Swedish blackber­ De Vogel, E. F. 1980: Seedlings of dicotyledons. ries (Rubus L. subgen. R u b u s) ................................. 619 Structure, development, types. Descriptions of Papanicolaou, K.: Inheritance of dissected leaf­ 150 woody Malesian taxa (by K. Bremer) .......... 280 lets in Vicia grandiflora Scop ...................................... 165 Emoto, Y. 1977: The Myxomycetes of Japan (by Papanicolaou, K. & Zacharof, E.: Crocus in U. Eliasson) ....................................................................118 Greece: new taxa and chromosome numbers .. 155 Farr, E. A. et al. (eds.) 1979: Index Nominum Peterson, B.: Daphne pontica (Thymelaeaceae), Genericorum (Plantarum). Vols. I—III. Reg- new to the flora of Iran, and new records for num Vegetabile 100-102 (by O. Almborn) ...........648 Stelleropsis (Thymelaeaceae) ............................... 17 Feinbrun-Dothan, N. 1978: Flora Palaestina. Part Praglowski, J. & Grafström, E.: The pollen mor­ Three (by H. Runemark) ........................................651 phology of the tribe Calenduleae with reference Fosberg, F. R. & Renvoize, S. A. 1980: The Fiora to taxonomy ................................................................... 177 of Aldabra and neighbouring islands (by S. Rao, T. A., Bremer, K. & Chakraborti, S.: Foliar Riebe) ............................................................................... 558 sclereids in Sri Lanka (Ceylonese) species of Gjaerevoll, O. & R0nning, O. I. 1980: Flowers of Memecylon (Melastomataceae) ...............................397 Svalbard (by J. T. Johansson) .................................652 Ravenna, P.: A new yellow-flowered Hymeno- Hjelmqvist, H. 1979: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der callis (Amaryllidaceae) from North Peru ............. 97 prähistorischen Nutzpflanzen in Schweden (by Reddy, M. I., Radhakrishnaiah, M., Narayana, L. B. E. Berglund) .......................................................... 632 L. & Ghosh, R. B.: Floral anatomy of Nelso- Hui-Lin Li 1979: Nan-fang tsäo-mu chuang. A nieae (Acanthaceae) with a note on its taxo­ Fourth Century Flora of Southeast Asia (by nomic status ................................................................... 131 Hong De-yuan) ...............................................................568 Runemark, H.: Studies in the Aegean Flora Jahns, H. M. 1980: BLV Bestimmungsbuch. XXIII. The Dianthus fruticosus complex Farne, Moose, Flechten Mittel-, Nord- und (Caryophyllaceae) ....................................................... 475 Westeuropas (by O. A lm b o rn ) .................................647 Ryding, O.: Notes on Aeollanthus (Labiatae) in Jensen, H. A. 1979: Seeds and other diaspores in West Africa .....................................................................229 medieval layers from Svendborg (by D. Zim­ Snogerup,
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