Popular Science quotes an eminent Jj;Some one said : He who marrfes for HAHVONTON-- medical authority as Baying that tho love gets a wile; who marries For poel R-I-P-A-N-S .Manufacturer and Dealer in apple is such a cummou fruit that few tion, gets a lady; who marries for a \ V ' Birectory. persons are familiar with Us remarkably fortune, cuts a mistress. If yon ore EELIGIOUS. efficacious medicinal properties. Every- eick, your wife will nurse you, your lady The modern stand- body ought to know that the very best will visit you, and your mistress will BAVTIST Rov.T. H. A they, pastor; Sun- ard Family Medi- Posts, Pickets, etc. l*y eeivicoa : Preaching 10 30,Sunday-aohool thing he can do is to eat an apple just inquire about your health. • If you die, 3EEEY OBA.TE8. .5, Jouior 0. E. 3.00 p. m., Christian En- your wife will weep for you, your lady <Je»»or«.30, Preaching 7. 30. Weekday prayer before going, to bed. The apple is ex- cine: Cures-, the 1 useatiag Thursday evening 7.30. Boys Brl- cellent brain food, because it has.more will lament, and your mistress wear Fqlsom, N. J. s«Je; meats Wednesday ovo, in 8. of V. Hall. phosphoric acid, in an easily digested mourning. common every-day CATHOLIC, St. JOSEPH'S. Kev. —— - ebape, than any other trnit known. It KSU Lumber sawed to order, imtor. Sunday roaaa 10.86 a. m., vespers at There ia no sort of wrong deed of ills of humanity. 7 .JO p.m. excites the action of tho liver, promotes which any man can bear the punish- Orders received by mail promptly tilled* BriscoFAbi ST. MARE'S. ROT. Edwin O eonnd healthy sleep, and thoroughly ment alone; you can't isolate yourself ' Prices Low. .87. HAMMONTON, N. J., OCTOBER 14, 1899. Aloorn, rector. Celebration of Holy Euoharlflt disinfects the mouth. It also aggluti- NO: 41 Itcand 3rd Sandaya at 10:30 a.m. Other Sun- and say tbo evil which is in you shall 1 <3»ya, 7:30 a-m. Morning Prayer, Litany, and nates the surplus adds of the stomach, not spread. Men's lives are aa thor- EtnaoD, 2nd and, 4th Sundays at 10.30a.m. helps the kidney secretion and prevents oughly blendid with each other as tho Evomone 7:80 p.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. CO YEARS' ; Love that Passath Knowledge. A Frightful Blunder Friday Evensong! 7. SO. Saints Day Celebra- calculus growth, while it obviates indi- air they breath ; evil spreads as necea- EXPERIENCE Will often cause a horriblo burn, so aid, N ORDINANCE to amend an Onli~ tion, 7:30 a.m. Special services in Advent and gestion, and is one of the best prevent- earily as disease. Higher than tbe blghoat heaven, oat or braise. Baoklen's Arnica Sal ve, A nance. entitled "An Ordinance to> Eeal. • - ; Deeper than tbe deepest hell, the best in the world, will kill the pain Provide a Supply of Waterfor'the Towa ives of diseases of the throat. Next to It IB the bounden duty of every man of Hammonton. BfotrnoDiSTEruooPAi. Her. W.N,Ogbora» lemon and orange, it is the best anti- taissors Is God's love to guilty sinners and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, Jff psstor. Sunday eorvlcos : olaafl fl.SO, a. ni- to look his affairs in the face, and to Who through disobedience fell. fever sores, boils, felona, corns, all skin Introduced July 29. 'i *99. praaching 10.30, Sunday-school 12.00 noon. dote for the graving of persons addicted keep an account of bis incomings and A. H.'Phillips Co. - Wby love thorn BO? eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Passed August 5, 1896. .Gptrorth Loagae ".00 p. m., preaching 7.30. Section 1. Be Itioactcd, Tbnt Bfctlon 12 cS to the alcohol and opium habit. It outgoings in money matters. I do not know: Only 25 ota. a box. Cure guaranteed. the ordlonnoe entitled "An ordinance to pro* <&ss Tuesday and Wednesday ovonlngs-?.SO. f RACE MARKS Sharpened But this I know— Sold by Crowell, Druggist. }•' Prayer meeting Thursday 7.30 p. m. might be added that the natural acid of vide a supply of water for tho Town of Hara- To'fee frugal of thanks shows a churl- DESIGNS < Redeeming love, and It alone, BlUsion at Pine Road. • '" apple is an effective (solvent of those Fire Insurance. mflntoD," pmsed June 24,1899, bo Snd the ish spirit. COPYRIGHTS Ac. Can break a heart as hard as stone, oaino ia hereby amended 10 read us fallows . PmrsBTTEniAtt. Rev.G. B.VanDjIio pastor- salts that tend to accumulate in the That thia ordinance shall not be construct Somd»y ecrriccs : preaching, 10.30 a.m., Suu- Purer than tbe purest fountain. as effcotive unless tho said waterworks p!»nfc «Jay-«ohool 12.00 noon, preaching 7.00 p.m. system, especially late In life, causing If there is good in us It will bring out tlonsBtrictlyconfldentfal. Handbook on PotontB Wider than the widest sea, -MONEY- sent freo, Oldest nireucT for securing patents. ahnll be aa constructed as to socuro to the <J-E. prayer meeting Wednesday 730 p.m. rheumatism and gouty affections. good in others. FOR Patenta taken through Mann & Co. receive Cab Whips—extra value— Sweeter than the sweetest music, property owners of the Town of Hammontoa a CQtrroh pnyer meeting Thursday 7.30 p. m. In cultivating your virtues, be sure tpecial notice, without charKO, In the at 16 cents Is God's love In Christ to mo, all tbe rebates and ftllowancos given by tho Missions at Folsom and Magnolia. , . Mortgage ,Loans. Wby love me Bo 1 To Horse Owners Board of Fire Undernrltora and Adjuatera to- • Italian Evangelical. ^Rev. Thomas Fragale, .Spain's Greatest Heed. and uproot your vices. Scienfif ic I do not know; property owners in towns having a water sup- Pastor. Bnndny School at9 a.m. Preaehingat A handsomely Jlinrtratafl wookly. J.orecrt cir- I only know ply of a similar character. Mr. R. P. Olivin, of Barcelona, Spain, Time is the great teacher. Correspondence Solicited. Terms, (3 a 19^0 u.m. Jr.' 0. E., 3:30 p.m. 0. E. Seo'y culatlonof anyaclenttnolonnul; _— Bring your scissors to me. That nothing less than love divine Seo, 2, That all ordinances and parts of or*> atS-30. spends his wiatersat Aikoo, 8.C. weak 1815 Atlantic Avenue. :_fonr months, (t Bold byall nevredealere. Good Wagon Grease, 5 c. nerves hod caused severe pains in the He only £?ets who gives. Could save this elnlul soul of mine. dinancea in conflict with this ordinanoo era UanmEBiLiflT. Rev, St. Ethelbert (Jutes- ^361 Broadway, | Because of the great advance hereby repealed. pastor. Sunday eorvicca: preaching 10.30 a.m- hack of his head. On using Eleotrio The sin the soul loveth is the sin tbo Atlantic City; N. J. "Branch 6fflob7K5 F Bt., Washington'. D. ( Mica, 7 cents Stronger than all evil powers Seo. 3. That tbis ordinance Bha'l takoelFeci Bitters, America's greatest blood and Sunday school, 12.00 noon,- preaching 7.30 Lord hateth. - Is this fortress of our faith. in the price of iron, we are from the date of the final passage thereof. p. m. Sociable alternate Thursday evenings. nerve remedy, all pain- soon left him. •'Our life Is hid with Christ in God." AI.EX. H. SOlTOlf, He says this grand medicine is what his compelled to raise our prices WOHAS'B CHRISTIAN TEIIPERABCE Union. A colored girl was graduated recently Those very fine 10 cent In him we'll triumph over death. Chairman of Town CouBeil. Mrs. Charles Smith, president. Miss A. Hi country needs. All America knows that from the high school in Petersburg, WEST JERSEY & SEASHORE R. R. Wby love us sof for work after Oct. 1st, as J. L. 0'PosnEii,, Town Clerk. pr.fec,$£.40 Uradbaifr, oor teoretarj, Mrs B B Brown see. it cures liver and kidney trouble, purifies Schedule iu effect September 12, 1890 At A. I, patten's I do not know. the blood, tones up -the stomach, Indiaua. The other seven members of Scythe Stones are nearly gone. fits P 8 Tilton, treasurer DOWH TRAINS. UP TRAINS. I only know follows: strengthens the nerves, puta vim, vigor the class, all boys, refused two months 4 That for his boundless love to me San. A new supply will arrive Bicycle MUNICIPAL. and new life into every muscle, nerve ago to be graduated with the coloredI Sun, ;Snu Him I'll praise him through eternity. and organ of the body. Ifweak, tired or Ace. Aco. Ace. Ex. Ace. Ex. Ex. Ace. A.CC. STATION Ace Ace. Exp. Ace Aco, Ace Ac* Horse-shoeing, old price, 851.00 CUBE. J.L.O'Donnell. girl, but the trustees stood by her, and p.m. a m p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. a. m n.m. a.m a.m. B. m p. m. p.m a.m. p.m. the latter part of next week. And Sporting Goods Store. CouLEcton & TBEA.SDBZB. A. B. Davis. ailing yon need it. Every bottle guar- Attorney-at-Law anteed, only 50 cents. Bold by Crowell, the boys backed down. 480 630 600 480 300 1060 645 ....... Plilljdcli-hla 7~40 8~40 io~15 160 630 Advanced price, $1.25 ,t UABSHAL. George W Swank, Jr 488 950 elio. ass 608 437 Base-Ball. JosncEB. G. W. Proasey, J. B. Ryan, Jog Drag gist.
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