Eleventh Serieu, Vol. 11, No. 7 Tuesday, June 11, 1900 Jyaiathrl 21, 1918 /,%tAtr/ LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) First Session - Part 11 (Eleventh L,ok Sabha) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHl EDITORIAL BOARD Shri Surendra Mlshra Secretary-General Lok Sabha Shrimati Reva Nayyar Joint Secretary Lok Sabha secretariat Shri PC.Bhatt Chief Editor Lok Sabha Secretariat Shri A.P. Chakravarti Senior Editor Smt. Kamla Sharma Shri PK. Sharma Editor Editor Shri PL.. Bamrara Shri J.B.S.'Rawat Asslstant Editor Asslstant Editor CONTENTS [Eleventh Series, Vol. 11, First Session (Part-11) 1996/1918 (Saka)] No. 7, Tuesday, June 11, 1996/Jyaistha 21, 1918 (Saka) INTRODUCTION OF THE PRIME MINISTER AND THE LEADER OF THE HOUSE INTRODUCTION OF MINISTERS ASSENT TO BILLS MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 (I) Need tor construction of a by-pass over National Highway No. 24 at Bareilly Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar (jl) Need to take steps to prevent closure of textile mills in Gujarat Shri Sanat Mehta (lil) 'Need to safeguard the interests of Oriyas residing in adjacent States of Orissa by implementing the recommendations of the Minority Commission Shri Sriballav Panigrahi (iv) Need to provide financial ass~stance for construction of bridges in Kodairna region of Rihar on priority basis Shri R.L.P Verma (v) Need to introduce d~recttrain service between Bikaner and Howrah Shri Mahendra Singh Bhati (vi) Need to take steps tor development of Visakhapatnam airport Dr. T. sub bar am^ Reddy (vii) Need to approve the revised scheme for completing the work of reclamation of lower Damodar river Shri Hannan Mollah (viii) Need to develop Kanyakurnar~as an international tourist resort Shri N. Dennis MOTION OF CONFIDENCE IN THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS Shri H.D Deve Gowda Shri Jaswant Smgh Shri A.R Antulay ' Shri Somnath Chatte~jee Shri Sharad Yadav Shri Madhirkat Sarpotdar Shri Chaturanan Mishra Shr~Rajesh Pilot Smt. Sushma Swaraj Shri Kanshi Ram Shri Anand Mohan Shr~Mulayam Singh Yadav Sardar Surjit Singh Barnala Shri N.K Premchandran Shri China Basu Shri Blrendra Prasad Baishya ANNOUNCEMENT BY SPEAKER LOK SABHA DEBATES -..-,-.-- -..-,-.-- .- . .- LOK SABHA 11.2% hrs. Tuesday, June 11, 1996/ Jyaistha 2 1, 1918 (Saka) INTRODUCTION OF MINISTERS (The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock) THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI H.D. DEVE [MR. SPEAKERin the Chair] GOWDA) Sir, with your kind permission, I would like to introduce my colleagues to this august House [English] Shri Ram Vllas : Minister of Railways and MR. SPEAKER : Hon. Members Paswan Minister of Parliamentary Affairs (Interruptions) Shri Balwant Singh : Minister of Welfare [Trans la tion] Ramoowalia SHRl JAI PRAKASH AGARWAL (Chandni Chowk- Shri C.M, lbrahlm : Minister of Civil Aviation and Delhi) : Mr. Speaker, Sir, 1 have given a notlce. Tourism Shri Devendra : Minister of Food and Minister [English] Prasad Yadav of Cwil Suppl~es MR. SPEAKER : Not now. Wait for one mlnute. I Shri I.K. Gujral : Mlnlster of External Affairs will come to that. I have a few formalities to perform. Shri M. : Minister of Urban Affairs and [Transla tion] Arunachalam Employment SHRl DATTA MEGHE (Ramtek) : Mr Speaker, Shrl Mulayam : Minister of Defence Sir, I have also given a notice. S~nghYadav SHRI RAM NAlK (Mumbal-North) Mr. Speaker, Shr~Murasol~ : Minister of Industry Sir, I have also given a notlce. Maran Minister of Finance MR. SPEAKER : Please wait for a minute. Shrl P. Chidambaram [English] Shri S.R. Bommai Minister of Human Resource I have a few formal~t~esto perform today. Development Shri T.G. : Minister of Surface Transport [Transla tion] Venkataraman PROF. RASA SlNGH RAWAT (Ajmer) : Mr Shri Yerran Naldu : Minster of Rulal Areas and Speaker, Sir, Please l~stento me also Employment SHRl GANGA RAM KOLl (Bayanaj : Mr. Speaker, Shri Beni P'rasad Minister of Stale in the Sir, I should also get a chance. Varma Ministry ot Communicat~ons [English] Shri Chandradeo : Minister ot Stale in the Prasad Varma Ministry of Rural Areas and MR. SPEAKER : I will come to it later on. Let me Employment complete a few formalities. Capt. Jai Narayan : Minister of State in the Prasad Nishad Ministry ot Environment and 11.02 hrs. Forests Shrimati Kanti : Minister of State in the INTRODUCTION OF THE PRIME MINISTER Singh Ministry of Human Resource AND THE LEADER OF THE HOUSE Development MR. SFEAKER : Hon Members, I have great Shri Md. : Minister of State In the pleasure in introducing to the House the Prime Taslimuddin Ministry of Home Affa~rs Minister, Shri H.D. Deve Gowda. We all know him Dr. S. : Minister of State in the and I do not think that I need say much. I wish him Venugopalachari Ministry ot Power all the best and success. Shrl Saleem lqbal : Minister of State in the I also have the pleasure of introducing the Shervani Ministry ot Health and Fnnrily Leader of the House Shri Ram Vilas Paswan. Welfare May I request the Prime Minister to introduce his Dr. U. : Minister of State in the Council of Ministers? Venkateswarlu Ministry of Agriculture JUNE 11 11.O5 hrs. killers of the Indian Air Force Officers, even of the Union Home Minister's daughter, the kidnappers ASSENT TO BILLS when they were arrested have not been brought to book. This ic the type of administration that we are SECRETARY-GENERAL : Sir, I lay on the Table having and this is the type of the Government that the following ten Bills passed by the Houses of we are having and unless we show all the courage, Parliament and assented to by the President : determination and wlll to deal with this, the problem will not end ...(Interruptions) As far as my contribution The Finance Bill, 1996. ' is concerned. I can tell you that at the time when I The Appropriation (Railways) Vote on ~cbount was there I had nipped in the bud the trouble In. 8\11, 1996. Doda district itself... /Interruptions). , ,, The Approprlation '(Railways) Bill, 1996. [Translation] The Approprlation (Railways) No. 2 Bill, 1996. SHRl MUNWWAR HASSAN (Kairana) : The, The ~~pri~riation(Vote on Account) Bill, number of cases of atroclty and murder were largest 1906. under your regime ...(Interruptions) The Appropriation Bill; 1996. PROF. RASA SlNGH RAWAT (Ajmer) : As the The 'Uttar Pradesh Appropriation (Vote on Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, he brought the Account) Bill, 1996 situation undel control there ...(Interruptions) The Uttar Pradesh Appropriation Bill, 1996. [English: The Jammu and Kashmir Appropriation (Vote MR. SPEAKER It is enough. Shri Jagmohan, on Account) Bill, 1996. please conclude. The Jammu and Kashmir Appropriation ill: SHRl JAGMOHAN : I will take only one minute. 1996. The point is that it is a matter of fact that at that moment the trouble was nipped in the bud in Doda district. There was no such incident during that MR. SPEAKER : Hon. Members, I have a request period ... (Interruptions) I can prove it. ..(Interruptions). to make. There are 59 notices for raking matters in I had set up a designated court in Jammu itself and Zero Hour. I do not think that we have that much of handed over the cases to the CBI and people were time. I have allowed for some matters to be raised arrested. All the evidence was given and a under Rule 377. 1 have allowed, among all the notices for Zero Hour, one matter of urgency about the Doda designated :ourt was established. It is unfortunate incident to be raked in the House. I will give the that if an evidence was recorded and if these things floor to Shri Jagmohan first. You please be brief. have continued, the savagery and the barbarous acts that have been committed by these people would (Interruptions) have come to light and the whole world would have SHRl JAOMOHAN (New Delhl) : Sir, I wish to known what was happening in Jammu and Kashmir. bring to the notice of this House, through you, some MR.. SPEAKER : 1 am a'llowlng Prof. Chaman Lal facts about the incident of massacre of ten innocent Gupta because he comes from, that Constituency. parsons in Doda dlstrict the other day. It is a very deplorable and shocking incident. But what is still [Transla tion] , more shocking and deplorable is that such incidents SHRl CHAMAN LAL GUPTA (Udhampur) : Mr. have been happening with telling frequency. Only a Speaker, Sir, the main reason behind the Incldent lew days ago sixteen persons were butchered; earlier which took place at Doda, was deployment of security ten persons were butchered and still seven persons forces to 'conduct elections there. These forces should were butchered and not a single culprit has been brought to book Th~sis the most unfortunate part of not be withdrawn immediately from there. The terrorists had been throwing a challenge for the last it Whenever such thivgs happen somebody goes and makes a statement and there the matter,ends. three months reminding the people of serious Unless the Government are serlous about it nothing consequences, once the security forces were will happen. It is most unfr.itunate that in Jammu withdrawn. I had expressed this view point in the and Kashmir where subv~~s!onanr! terrorism have press six days ago. been going on for the la?' even yeit:$ not a s~ngle Sir, as was fea.red, Ihe security forces started culprit has beei-I arrestu:!, n~risecuteoor brought to withdrawing without making the people of the area book What type ot admlnlstratlon is 1t7 What type mentally prepared to counter the terrorists' onslaught. of Government is it 1t1i1, no1 a single person has People go to them for getting formal tral tg. They been convicted so far? Be it the k~dnappersor the impart them tr~iningbut do not provide them !.
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