Weichselian glacial history of Finland Herzen State Pedagogical University, Department of Geography. St. Petersburg 19.-20.02.2019 Peter Johansson Rovaniemi Helsinki St. Petersburg Granulite Complex 1900 Ma Pre-svecokarelidic base complex 2700 – 2800 Ma Svekokarelides 1800 - 1930 Postsvekokarelidian igneous rocks, rapa- kivi 1540 – 1650 Ma Postsvekokarelidian sedimentary rocks, 1200 – 1400 Ma Caledonides 400 – 450 Ma The zone of weathered bedrock in Finland Investigations of Quaternary stratigraphy Percussion drilling machine with hydraulic piston corer. Sokli investigation area. In the Kemijoki River valley there are often more than one till unit commonly found. They are interbedded with sediment and organic layers (K. Korpela 1969). Permantokoski hydroelectric power station (1) was the key area of the till investigations in 1960’s. RUSSIA In 1970’ s more than 1300 test pits were made by tractor excavator. In numerous sites more than two till beds inter- bedded with stratified sediments occur. (Hirvas et al. 1977 and Hirvas 1991) Moreenipatja II Moreenipatja IV Hiekka Kivien Moreenipatja III Glasfluv. hiekka suuntaus (Johansson & Kujansuu 2005) Older till Younger till Till III Till II Ice-flow directions Deglaciation phase Late Weichselian Middle Weichselian Saalian Unknown Ice divide zone More than 100 observations of subtill organic deposits have been made in Northern Finland. Fifty deposits have been studied: 39 = interglacial, 10 = interstadial and one both. In the picture stratigraphic positions of the interglacial deposits and correlation of the general till stratigraphy of northern Finland. (H. Hirvas 1991) (H. Hirvas 1991) Seeds of Aracites interglacialis (Aalto, Eriksson and Hirvas 1992) The Rautuvaara section in western Lapland has been considered as a type section for the northern Fennoscandian Middle and Late Pleistocene. Rautuvaara The open pit was studied for the first time during the 1970’s, when the section was 25 m thick. Several till units and statified inter-till layers were interpreted to represent five separate glasiations. The stratigraphy of Finnish Lapland and its suggested correlation to the NW European Pleistocene stages after Hirvas (1991). The correlation of the NW European Pleistocene stages to the Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) is also indicated. Weichselian glaciation Saalian glaciation Pre-Saalian glaciation On the upper part of the Rautuvaara section new chronostartigraphical studies were carried out in the 2010’s (Lunkka et al. 2015). • Sedimentological studies. • Till fabric analyses • Sand-rich inter-till layers were dated using OSL method. Lunkka et al. 2015 Hirvas 1991 • New studies confirmed the earlier observations of five till beds • The whole sediment succession was deposited during the Weichselian Stage • The SIS advanced Lapland at least once during the Early Weichselian (MIS 5 b?) • Twice during the Middle Weichselian (MIS 4 and 3) • Once during the Late Weichselian (MIS 2) substages • There were two ice-free intervals in Lapland during the Middle Weichselian At Hannukainen Mine open pit, ten kilometres north from Rautuvaara sedimentological investications were carried out (Salonen et al. 2014). Hannukainen open pit Ten different sedimentary units were identified with a variety of depositional environments Sand layer with well-developed podsolic soil horizons Diamiction, erosional contact and deformed gravels Horizontally bedded sands with ripple laminations and deformation structures Gravel-rich diamiction Stratified sediments from lami- nated silts coarsening upwards Unweathered till unit Till unit with weathered rock material Sedimetary units 2 – 10 are interpreted to be Mid or Late Weichselian age. The age of the lowermost till unit (1) is unknown. Three different ice flow directions have been found. Sedimetary units 2 – 10 are interpreted to be Mid or Late Weichselian age. The age of the lowermost till unit (1) is unknown. Three different ice flow directions have been found. OSL dates from the lower and the upper interstadial sediments suggest two ice-free intervals for MIS 3 age (56 – 35 ka). Precision of the dates is too poor to determine the exact age and duration of the interstadials. A multiple till sequence with interbedded, microfossil rich, finegrained sediments are described analyzed from the boreholes at Sokli, northeastern Finland (Helmens, Räsänen, Johansson, Jungner and Korjonen 2000). Sokli The Middle Weichselian (MIS 3 and 4), the Odderade (MIS 5 a) and the Brørup interstadial (MIS 5 c) units are overlain by till. At Sokli, a silt unit (5 d), that contains a tundra-type pollen assemblage, separates the Eemian interglacial and the Brørup interstadial units (K. Helmens, M. Räsänen, P. Johansson, H. Jungner & K. Korjonen 2000) • North-eastern Finland was unglaciated until Rederstall Stadial (MIS 5 b) around 90 ka. • Early Weichselian interstadials, i.e. the Brørup (MIS 5c) and Odderade interstadials (MIS 5 a), were ice-free intervals. • During the Herning Stadial (MIS 5d), the Scandinavian Ice Sheet margin most probably located in the mountains of northwestern Finnish Lapland and in northern Sweden. After the Odderade interstadial, the Scandinavian ice sheet (SIS) advanced across northern Finland during MIS 4 (~ 74 ka ago). Eastern and southern Lapland was deglaciated (several times?) during the MIS 3 (56 – 35 ka ago). 2-m-thick sequence of laminated sediment is thought to have been deposited in a glaciolacustrine environment during MIS 3 at around 40 ka ago. The laminated unit contains pollen indicating shrub tundra vegetation. Based on relatively high tree pollen percentages in these sediments, pine and tree birch were probably growing a few 100 km south of Sokli. Till-covered esker at Meltaus, Rovaniemi The north-north-west – south to south- east-trending drumlin field and associated stratified sediments above in south-western Finnish Lapland were deposited by ice during the Middle Weichselian and its deglaciation. In addition, ice-marginal deposits were most probably formed during different stages of the Middle Weichselian ice recession. Old till-covered eskers Young eskers without till cover (Johansson & Kujansuu 2005) At least three cross- cutting esker systems have been mapped in north-eastern Finland. 1 = Saalian or Early Weichselian esker 2 = Mid-Weichselian Esker 3 = Late Weichselian esker (Johansson and Kujansuu 1995) Till-covered eskers, with a north-south orientation, were found just south of the Sokli area, in the same region where the ‘old northern’ till bed (possibly deposited during the MIS 4). This till was deposited by ice that moved southwards. Therefore, the till and esker stratigraphy, together with the interstadial sediments of Middle Weichselian age (14C- AMS age 42 ka) found at Sokli, indicate that the area was deglaciated at least once during the Middle Weichselian, prior to the final build-up of ice at the Late Weichselian maximum. In Pohjanmaa, central western Finland, two till beds are found overlying organic sediments that were deposited in the Eemian interglacial Stage or Early Weichselian stadials. The ice flowed from north-west. The Scandinavian ice sheet (SIS) advanced into southern Finland and beyond during MIS 4, some 74–60 ka ago and Southern Finland was covered by ice during the early Middle Weichselian (MIS 4). The ice flowed from the north-north-west across the southern part of Finland. The time and the duration of the ice cover over southern Finland is not yet precisely known. K. Nenonen, 1995 At Kauvonkangas, southern Finnish Lapland peat and gyttja horizons associated with periglacial palaeosols occurring between two till beds have yielded OSL and 14C ages between 39 – 27 ka (Mäkinen, 2005), clearly indicating a Middle Weichselian (MIS 3) ice-free period. In Finland eleven mammoth fossils have been found. Litho- and biostratigraphical evidence, supported by 14C- and OSL dates, suggest that the major part of Finland was ice free at least once or possibly several times during the latter part of the Middle Weichselian Substage (MIS 3) between 54 – 25 ka ago. Helsinki 120 ka The rapid ice-advance of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet across southern and central Finland into the NW Russian Plain took place after 25 ka cal BP ago. Based on fabric analysis and striae measurements, the ice- movement direction during this advance phase was from a westerly direction. The Scandinavian Ice Sheet reached its maximum extent in the north-west Russian Plain and the Kanin Peninsula 18.5 – 17 ka ago. Fig. 3.2.1 TD-diagram for Saale og Wichselistidene og korrelasjoner av avsetninger og hendelser i Sør- og Vest-Finland. Ved Sokli i Nord- Finland (markert med pil) er det nylig beskrevet en interstadial som faller inn i isotopstadium 3 (Helmens mfl. 2000). Modifisert etter Nenonen 1995 (Bargel 2003). Quaternary geological methods for ore prospecting purposes in glaciated terrains: • Mapping of ore boulders and boulder trains, probability sector • Till geochemistry and the study of heavy minerals • Glacial landforms and their orientation in relation to the ice flow • Physical properties of surficial deposits (stucture, content, colour and density) • Till fabric and striations Till stratigraphical studies for ore prospecting purposes Gravel Till Weathered bedrock Bedrock (Sarala 2010) For ore prospecting purposes it is necessary to know the ice flow direction and the transportation of till material. • Glacial dynamics • Glacial history and ice flow directions during different phases • Quaternary stratigraphy and different Quaternary deposits (Hirvas 1991, Sarala 2010) Kuusamo lobe Ribbed moraines Tervola Younger drumlins Older drumlins Interlobate area Early Weichelian Glacial flow morphology direction younger Oulu lobe (Sarala 2007) (Hirvas et al. 1977) (P. Sarala & J. Nenonen, 2005) Glacial transportation and 92 gold content in till (ppb, < 0,06 mm at Petäjäselkä, Finnish Lapland (Sarala and Ojala 2008) Thank you Спасибо .
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