Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06820-9 — The Cambridge Companion to Hippocrates Edited by Peter E. Pormann Index More Information Index abortion, 172–5, 278, 377 Articella, 46 Achilles, 9, 71, 150 Asclepius, 240, 317, 341, 378 Aephicianus, 300, 301 Asulanus Aeschylus, 122, 214 editio princeps,31 aetiology, 4, 89–118, 185, 193–4 Avempace, 355 Aëtius of Amida, 18, 60 Avicenna, 343 Agamemnon, 9 Canon of Medicine, 47, 347, 357 Alcmaeon of Croton, 23, 80, 90, 100, 135 encephalocentric theory, 124 Bacchius of Tanagra, 29, 43, 293 Alexander of Tralles, 18, 60, 315 Bacon, Francis, 21, 369–71 Alexander the Great, 61 Baġdā dī, ʿAbd al-Laṭīf al-, 355, 356–7 Alexandria, 45, 305, 340 Bartholomew of Messina, 47 Alexandrian Renaissance, 45, 60, 322 Biṭrīq, al-, 350 exegesis, 239 bladder, 74, 240 library, 42, 293 diseases, 196 allopathy, 13, 96, 205, 210, 212 bloodletting, 35 amulets, 139, 209, 213 body-mind interface, 3 anaesthesia, 15, 224 brain, 77, 98, 125 anatomy, 3 Burgundio of Pisa, 47 in Galenic doctorine, 305–6 in medieval Europe, 367 Calvus, 31 Anaxagoras, 135, 150 Cassius Felix, 315 Anaximander, 90 cauterisation, 35, 142, 168, 226, 260, 262 Andromachus, 43, 293 Celsus, 27, 318, 322 animals, 112, 223, 336 On Medicine, 175, 202, 217, 219 classification, 131–2 surgery, 217, 242 Apollo, 25, 26, 71, 81, 170, 171, 174, 214 cheese, 109, 112, 137 Apollonius of Citium, 42, 43, 44, 59, 293, 294 childbirth, 251 Arabic, xiii, 19, 44, 48 contraception, 277 translation movement, 348–52 Cornarius, 31 Aretaeus of Cappadocia, 197, 293 Corpus Medicorum Graecorum, 38, 50 Aristophanes, 26, 27 cupping, 74, 262 Frogs, 214 Aristotle, 26 Daḫwā r, Muhaḏḏab al-Dīn al-, 356 anatomy, 223 Democritus, 27, 148, 317, 343 body parts, 73 deontology, 152–79 ethics, 154 diagnosis, 10, 136, 137, 156 History of Animals, 41, 306 diaphragm, 70, 256 Parva Naturalia,23 digestion, 8, 365 philosophy, 145 Diogenes, 86, 318 Poetics, 348 Dioscorides, 30, 44, 60, Artaxerxes, 317, 343, 378 293 Artemidorus Capito, 30, 44, 60, 293 On Medicinal Substances, 203 437 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06820-9 — The Cambridge Companion to Hippocrates Edited by Peter E. Pormann Index More Information 438 index disease(s), 128, 367 On Hippocrates’‘Epidemics’, 138, acute, 181–4 273 chronic, 183 On Hippocrates’‘Fractures’, 299 common, 183 On Hippocrates’‘Regimen in Acute incurability, 167–9 Diseases, 196 doctor. See physician On Mixtures, 310, 336 doctor-patient-relationship, On My Own Books, 295 267–9 on physicians, 165 dropsy, 30, 110, 261, On Remedies according to dysentery, 204, 259, 260 Places, 204 On Remedies according to Egyptian medicine, 130, 181, 217 Types, 204 embryology, 34, 36, 247 On the Affected Parts, 355 Empedocles, 26, 86 On the Doctrines of Hippocrates and Plato, Epicles, 29 17, 295 Epicurus, 148 On the Elements according to Hippocrates, epilepsy, 94–6, 124–6 17, 295, 309, 336 epistemology, 3, 4, 9, 133, 148 On the Genuine Works of Hippocrates, definition, 120–1 295 Erasistratus, 42, 235, 305, 342 On the Mixtures and Properties of Simple Erotian, 29, 43, 58, 157, 165, 171, Remedies, 203 177, 293 On the Properties of Foodstuffs, categorisation of treatises, 203 132 ethics, 10, 153, 376–8 On the Therapeutic Method, 312 Euripides, 122, 135, 214 The Best Doctor is Also a Philosopher, Euryphon, 36 310, 312 euthanasia, 153, 155, 156, 172, 173, The Order of My Own Books, 295 174, 377 Therapeutic Method, 304 gender, 64, 252, 260 feminism, 64 Gesius, 355 Foës, Anuce, 31, 158 glands, 75, 76 Foucault, Michel, 202 Glaucias, 294 History of Sexuality,83 gods, 73, 80 Gorgias, 122, 136, 317 Galen, 2, 17, 25, 30, 43, 58, 59, 60, 104, Encomium of Helen, 136, 143, 147 292–314 influence, 232 Against Julian (To Julian), 297 gynaecology, 15, 64, 75, 187, 200 Against Lycus (To Lycus), 297, 309 Antidotes, 204 haemorrhoids, 92, 237 as an editor, 302 halitosis, 249, 258 Best Physician is Also a Philospher,17 head, 74, 77, 181 causes of disease, 146 injuries, 233 Commentary on Hippocrates’ heat ‘Aphorisms’, 24, 350 core, 68, 297 Commentary on The Nature of innate vs acquired, 295, 307–8, 314 Man, 302 Hebrew, 44, 48, 335, 361 exegetical method, 295–305, 328 hellebore, 200, 213, 259, 290 Glossary of Hippocratic Terms, Heraclitus, 67, 86, 294 295, 304 Herodotus, 26, 28, 61, 135 in Arabic, 348, 365 Herophilus, 42, 293, 305 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06820-9 — The Cambridge Companion to Hippocrates Edited by Peter E. Pormann Index More Information index 439 Hippocrates jaundice, 30, 184, 191, 192, 196, 275 as a clinician, 294 John of Alexandria, 45, 330, 333 as a philosopher, 371 as a rationalist, 373 kidneys, 186, 193 as an empiricist, 369–75 diseases, 196 as an observer, 364 Kindī, al-, 348 authorship, 230–2 Kronos, 149 biography, 316–19 Cnidian corpus, 1, 34, 180 Lachmann, 48 Coan corpus, 1, 34 Littré, Émile, 1, 25, 49, 52, 62, 374 epitaph, 25 liver, 77, 103, 186, 235, 237, 256 ethics, 364 Lucretius, 148 in Arabo-Islamic tradition, 341–5 lungs, 75, 77, 181 in imperialist thought, 379 in popular culture, 382–3 magic, 22, 139, 212 in the nineteenth century, 32 Maimonides, 354 Latin translations, 18 Marx brothers, the, 382 manuscripts, 51–5, 366 medical etiquette, 332 surgery, 14 medical examination, 271 translations, 55–7, 314, 348–52 medicinal substances, 208–11 Homer, 69, 72, 134 Melissos, 26 Iliad, 9, 71, 81, 119, 217 menstruation, 75, 201, 253–7 Odyssey, 150 Mercurialis, 31 humoral pathology, 40, 225, Mesopotamian medicine, 12, 181, 198–9 334, 383 Babylonian Diagnostic Handbook, 198 humours, 8, 67, 69, 335–8 metabolism, 94 bile, 8, 35, 94, 193 miasma, 373 blood, 185, 253, 273 Mubaššir Ibn Fā tik, al-, 342 etymology, 105 in Galenic doctorine, 308–10 narcotics, 224–5 phlegm, 8, 78, 98, 185, 193 Nazism, 377–8 powers, 79 Niccolò da Reggio, 47 qualities, 105–11 nosology, 11, 74, 180 Ḥunayn ibn Isḥā q, 19, 345, 348–52, Numisianus, 300, 301 358 Kitā b al-Fuṣū l, 350 observation, 10 Questions on the Epidemics, 360 obstetrics, 15, 243 Odysseus, 9 iatrosophists, 18, 45, 338, 340 Oedipus, 112 Ibn Abī Ṣā diq, 353 Oribasius, 18, 60, 336 Ibn Abī Uṣaybiʿa, 341 Medical Collections, 325 Ibn al-Nadīm, 341 Ibn al-Nafīs, 355 Palladius, 45, 314, 329 Ibn al-Quff, 355 commentaries, 330 Ibn Bā ǧǧa. See Avempace Commentary on Epidemics, book six,45 Ibn Ǧulǧul, 341 Commentary on Fractures, 45, 223 Ibn Riḍwā n, 346, 355 Commentary on the Aphorisms,45 Ibn Sina. See Avicenna patient Ionian dialect, 61 feelings, 288 itinerant medicine, 266 history, 274 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06820-9 — The Cambridge Companion to Hippocrates Edited by Peter E. Pormann Index More Information 440 index patient (cont.) regimen, 13, 72, 116–18, 289, noncompliance, 289 303 reports, 266 treatment by, 35, 254 representation of, 284–7 Rufus of Ephesus, 300, 355 Paul of Aegina, 18, 60, 238 Medical Questions, 272 Pelops, 300, 301 pharmacology, 203, 213 Sabinus, 300 missing in corpus, 13, 203 Satyrus, 300, 301 Philagrius, 315, 326 Scribonius Largus, 177 Philinus of Cos, 43, 294 seasons, 114, 117, 185, 265 philosophy Sergius of Rēš ʿAynā , 350 pre-Socratic, 23, 66 Siǧistā nī, Abū Sulaymā n al-, 341 phlebotomy, 35, 97, 352, 360 Sinǧā rī, al-, 355 phrenitis, 182 slaves, 157, 170, 175 physician, 151, 155–7 snakes, 127, 128 as a helmsman, 149 Socrates, 145 authority, 265 sophists, 28, 171 empathy, 288 Sophocles, 122, 135 fees, 155, 163, 164 Soranus, 294, 342 philanthropy, 164 Lives,30 reputation, 282 women, 246 skills, 167 soul, 83, 86, 87, 202 physiognomy, 101 spleen, 75, 186 Plato, 26, 123, 365 Star Trek, 21 on the womb, 256 Stephen of Alexandria, 45, 329, 330, order and disorder, 149 344 Phaedrus,41 Commentary on Fractures, 223 Protagoras, 149 Commentary on the Prognostic,45 Republic, 214 Stobaeus, 337, 338 pleurisy, 182, 183, 188, 192 Anthology, 320 Pliny, 27, 322, 367 surgery Plutarch, 367 bone, 15, 234 pneûma, 147, elective, 14 pneumonia, 107, 182 gynaecological, 15, 242–4 Polybus, 32, 41 in the Oath, 174 Posidonius, 319 lithotomy, 174, 238–42 Proclus, 327 non-trauma, 237 prognosis, 10, 156, 195, 280–4 trauma, 14, 234 próphasis, 96, 101, 115 tumours, 237 Protagoras, 28 war, 236 Pseudo-Galen Sydenham, Thomas, xiii, 370, 373, 374 Introduction, 336, 338 symptoms, 68, 81, 193 On humours, 335 Syriac, 19, 44, 48, 57, 329, 340, The Physician, 324 349, 360 Quintus, 300, 301 Ṯā bit ibn Qurra, 344 textual criticism, 48 Ravenna, 332 Theodore Priscian, 315 Rā zī, Abū Bakr al-, 353, 359 Theophilus the Protospatharios, 45 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-06820-9 — The Cambridge Companion to Hippocrates Edited by Peter E. Pormann Index More Information index 441 Theophrastus women Enquiry into Plants, 213 as patients, 157, 276 Thessalus, 294, 312–13 flesh, 75 thorax, 181 sexuality, 276 Thucydides, 26, 28, 112, 122, 135, 144, 152, 298 Xenophanes, 134, 135, 140 uterus, 74, 76, 255, 261 Zawzā nī, al-, 341 Zenon of Cyprus, 325, 326 Van der Linden, 31 Zeus, 149 venesection, 225, 262 Zeuxis, 294 Vesalius, 366, 367 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org.
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