V O LU M E 2 . I SSUE 3 · F A L L 2000 / 5761 [/he MAS K S oj PUR I M by DEBBIE PERLMAN urim is the time of topsy-turvy, inside-out. It I am the self-sacrificer, wearing my mask of is the time of the contrary, when appearances compliance. Because I am frightened that if I make are deceptive. We put on a mask and become too much tumult, I will, like Vashti, be forgotten, P sent to the silence of unanswered buzzers and Esther the heroine, or Vashti the vanquished, or unreturned telephone calls. I am agreeable while Haman the unspeakable. fuming. I smile my thanks, and my mask smiles, So with my illness and disability. I have many too, while beneath I cry. masks to wear: some I choose, some that are forced upon me, some that just happen. Who am I? Who I sometimes forget, Spark Maker, do I want to be? That I glow with Your light, That I burn with passions In this central core of me, I am sometimes frightened to reveal. You mark my potentials; I am the happy cripple. And I am happy. My You ignite the spark of eternity physical, spiritual, and financial needs are met. You have placed within me. Within the confines of the world I have created for I sometimes forget, Eternal God, myself, I am free. I have everything that money can The me that lies buried beneath buy. What I really want-a return to the freedom of The faces I must wear, a whole and healthy body-is beyond any means. The duties I take for my own. But I have made an armistice with that. And if I sometimes snarl at the oxygen hose that trips me I am the rebellious patient, the demanding one up, I still am here, loved and loving others. This who, hospitalized, questions every medication I mask smiles like Mona Lisa and underneath I wear am handed and criticizes the bedside manner of my look of serenity. I am at peace. interns. I exact responses when the respiratory Send fuel to these sparks, therapist changes the settings on my ventilator. But That I might light a way to righteousness; this mask is also the mask of the self-advocate. I am Let a steady wind fan these flames protecting myself. That serve You in faithfulness. Uncover the center of me, 0 God; Then will my mouth praise You Polish it and smooth it From the center of my being; Like old cherished silver Then will I strip away artifice Handed down from mother to daughter. To praise the Living God. FROM THE DIRECTOR, JANET SHERMAN The OUTSTRETCHED ARM VOL UM E 2 . I SSU E 3 . FALL 2000 /5761 Jewish spiritual groups: people dealing with serious illness, support groups health care professionals, and those who are Th e Outstretched Arm is published by the National Center for Jewish Healing, are one of the bereaved. A lot of information was shared and a Jewish Connections program of the Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services basic modalities experienced; our hope is that the new knowledge STAFF uti lized by Jewish and strengthened ski ll set will motivate and Janet Sherman, MSW, healing programs enable communities to provide Jewish spiritual Director Rabbi Simkha Y. Weintraub, CSW, to provide spiritual support groups to all who need them. Rabbinic Director support for people Another recent conference to note was targeted Susie Kessler, Coordinator struggl ing with serious illness, their families and for rabbis. When a Child Dies: Helping the Rabbi FOUN DI NG EXECUTI VE DIRE CTOR caregivers, and those who are bereaved. In Help, co-sponsored by the New York Jewish Ellen Hermanson, z" I response to feedback from local healing centers Healing Center and the Jewish Institute for E DlTOR S and Jewish Family Services UFS) over the past Pastoral Care of the HealthCare Chaplaincy, Susie Kessler Ellen Schecter year, The National Center for Jewish Healing attracted some 60 rabbis from 10 states and C O NTRI B U TI NG EDITOR S held a two-day intensive training in November Ontario. Following a poignant keynote address Dr. Tamara Green Debbie Perhnan to prepare rabbis and mental health professionals by Dr. Kenneth Gorfinkle and a response by to co-facilitate such groups. Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, participants attended C OM E DY M AV EN Len Belzer This well-attended training conference, entitled workshops on Sudden Loss, Prolonged Illness, ILL U STRATIO NS Sustaining our Spirits: Jewish Spiritual Support Pregnancy & Perinatal Loss, Self-Care for the Rabbi David Wander Groups, was sponsored in collaboration with and Text & Teachings . Participants fe lt that this Graphic Design Stacey LiebeJm an the Association of Jewish Family and Children's conference added to and deepened their ability 850 SEVENTH AVENUE, SUITE 1201 Agencies (AJFCA), and attracted participants to support congregants facing this heart-breaking NE W YORK, NEW YORK 10019 from 16 states and Canada. It included an loss. The National Center will soon make available evening specifically geared to address the special videotaped copies of the opening session. A~~£S~r!~N• CH1LOR£N'iAGt~JL'" challenges JFS representatives face in embarking The next national training will be presented on the establishment of aJewish healing program. in partnership with the Twin Cities Jewish HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS Lead faculty for the 2-day training were Dr. Healing Program. It is a one-<:iay seminar planned Carol Hausman and Rabbi Simkha Weintraub, for May 1, 2000 in Minneapolis targeting Jewish We are pleased to invite you to attend: and they were joined by Rabbi Nancy Flam on heaJth..care professionals. ADOmONAl INFORMATION "Judaism and Healing for Health Care Professionals" the second day. WILL BE AVAILABLE IN EARLY MARCH. May 1, 2000 . Minneapolis, Minnesota Dr. Hausman, a clinical psychologist and Sponsored by: gerontologist, is the founder and coordinator of The National Center for Jewish Healing * the Washington DC Jewish Healing Network; in partnership with the Twin Cities Jewish Healing Program Rabbi Weintraub is Rabbinic Director of the This conference will provide a forum for Jewish National Center for Jewish Healing and the health care professionals to explore the link between their direct care provision an d their New York Jewish Healing Center. Rabbi Flam Jewish identity. Through a plenary session, a panel discussion, and focused worksh ops, is one of the founders of the Jewish healing participants will look at th e importan ce of spiritual care for both the patient/client and the movement and of Ruach Ami: The Bay Area health care provider. Fa culty will include Rabbi Amy Eilberg, Dr. Elizabeth Feldman, an d well- Jewish Healing Center. known experts from the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. The program explored the "nuts and bolts" of For further information, please cal! implementing a Jewish spiritual support group, Susie Kessler at (212)3 99-2320 in New York, or Rabbi Simcha Prombaum at (612)542-4863. Jewish spiritual resources and tools for groups, *in col1aboration with th e Association ofJ ewish group faci litation and co-facilitation, group Family and Children's Agencies (AJFCA) dynamics, and case studies of three kinds of .! April 2-4, 2000 Los Angeles, CA A GROWING NETWORK OF CARE "Re-imagining Illness, The Outstretched Arm is proud to share with you this growing list of Jewish Healing Re-imagining Health" centers. Please do not hesitate to call these centers if YOll are in need, wish to hecome involved, or would like to contribute financially to their growth. Lee & Irving Kolsmon Conference Sponsored by: ALLENTOWN, PA: Los ANGELES, CA: ROCHESTER, NY: Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion JFS of the Lehigh Valley The Jewish Healing Jewish Family Service Contact: Karen Zeff Center at Metivta (healing center in planning Call: (213) 749-3424 Ph: (610)821-8722 Contact: Ellen Winer stages) Ph: (310)477-5370 Contact: Brent Porges BALTIMORE, MD: fax (310)477-7501 Ph: (716)461-0110 Baltimore Jewish Healing e-mail: [email protected] fax (716)461-9658 Network May 7-8,2000 Contact: Israela Meyerstein MIDDLETOWN, NY: ST. LOUIS, MO: Boston, MA and Rabbi Gila Ruskin Jewish Family Services Jewish Family and Children's Ph; (410)484-2172 of Orange County Service (in cooperation with fax (410)484-2 373 Contact: Donna Haviv Congo Shaare Emeth) "The Synagogue as a Healing Center: e-mail: [email protected] Ph: (914)341-1173 Contact: Sharon Weissman A Dynamic Team fax (914)342-6436 Ph: (314)993-1240 BOSTON, MA: fax (314)993-0238 Leadership Approach" Jewish Healing Connections MINNEAPOLIS, MN: e-mail:[email protected] (a service of JF & CS) Twin Cities Jewish Contact: Contact: Marjorie Sokoll Healing Program SAN DIEGO, CA: Ph; (617)558-1278 Contact: Shayne Karasov The Jewish Healing Center UAHC-CCAR Committee on ReligiOUS Living fax (617)559-5250 Ph: (612)542-4863 Contact: Marlene Hyde Phone: (212 )650-4193 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Ph: (619)291-0473 fax (619)291-2419 C LEVELAND, OH: NEW YORK, NY: Cl eveland Jewish New York Jewish SAN FRANCISCO, CA: Healing Center Healing Center Ruach Ami: Bay Area Jewish May 24, 2000 Contact: Rabbi Susan Stone Contact: Janet Sherman Healing Center Ph: (216)381-6119 Ph: (212)399-2320 x203 Contact: Rabbi Eric Weiss Toronto. Canada fax(216) 291-2010 fax (212) 399-2475 Ph: (415)750-4197 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] fax: (415)750-4115 "Don't Rely on Miracles, DELAWARE: ORANGE COUNTY, CA: TAMPA, FL: Recite Psalms" Kimmel-Spiller Jewish Jewish Healing Center The Jewish Healing Center Healing Center of Jewish of Orange County (TampaJFS) Sponsored by: Family Service Contact: Mel Roth Contact: Erni B.
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