_____- - ■/ i - ' ® lim i B l l e w Idaho^si Largest Evvening !\eivspaperr 7 lst year, 133rd issuiu e TVTWIN FALLS, IDAHO, WEDNEESDAY, JANUARY 30,197^74 . - 1 0 ^ - - - ......... jA&iy/ -■ T rn a c k e : r s w ii l l M Ct j f e ^ [ 1 ^ _■ WASHINGTON (UPI) - TtuTruckers won some relief from on cmcrgenc}- energy bill, bui loiivolo;i uio prubloiii of wimifiil) ml Mcantini^'.the House leadershipp announcedi it hnd sidelined nt rising fuel prices today whenw tthe govemment announcea ii company prolils to ‘'s(imcimU'iimui'ilv inno in Uio fuliiro! ^ — leaixTorttvrtlmtrtoctnRTnnidminististmtion-bockcd bill to creole u------------- ill llrrief- would Increase allocations to trucktrue stops and expedite pleas for '"niey niiKht take uliut l!u.'y' I'un put together iuid pass tiuil federal energ)’ 'odinlnislralion. St;StagKcrs. wlxj Went along with- - . higher freight rates. ond forget windfnll profits for tin'no pro.sml." Man.sficlii Siiid. Uio ninve, SJiid lie fenrcd otherwiseIse som e members might Iry to - AcUon came on thc eve of)f a threatened nationwide work The Senate sent tlio ciierKvy bill baok to ii Hiuiso-Sennle luiioiid tiK' measure heavily wilh nroinnniiLs of the oviTiill energy •s bill. D ollar drops on maia rts stoppage by Indcpcndcrit.opcraU)rators and after a weekend which confcrence Tuesday ami MaiusfiisficKl .saiil a new vor.sion woiild s saw scattered highway violencen ee.' liave to be drnftiAi. LONDON (U PI) — The dollaror fell sharply on world money • A White House spokesmanin !said commitments had been Rep. Hurley 0 . SUiggers. D-W.'iV.Vji...eliainnun of lhe I'onferoos ■Diere wiw some question ns lo howlit niuoii relief Iruckers would m arkets today a s dealers rencticted to new Washington moves received from several unnamedned trucking associations that thc who worked out the energy lopsliisliilioii toward llio ond ot llie la.sl rtk-eive trom tlie new allocation>n anil prico pro|iiis;ils9 W. J. ■ easing the flow of the Americaian currcncy out of thc United new proposals would preventt arany work stoppage; - congrcsslonol session.-said-WoH'i-(liiesdiiy-lhe-i‘i)minlUee would Usery J r.. specialassistant to thcic P resident, told reporters that ‘ . States.' AS the new fuel plans were•c aannounced. Senate Democratic mecl either Thursday or ftfomhiyiiy uinlOuit fiotv/i.sidm'd DiobllJ truck jitofis would rcccK-c an «1J<Vocntian cquti'alcdt Ui liO per Gold a ^ dropped'sharply. Leader Mike Mansfield prcdictc<clcd that Congress would a^irovc "still very much alive." ccnt ot 1972 use. In London the pound cost $2.2^5!«7 this morning, nearly 5 ccnls more than Tuesday morning. I.aird M vw M ixon wl -WASHINGTON (UPI) - Melvin R. Laird, who le a v ^ his MlV'-iiBBBi p r ^ W - - ■ lost OS Wiite House counselor ' m ; Ft=Viday, predicted at a press ■ ' )riefing Tuesday President - - a d d re*ss i H m Ni'Jixon will n either be Ka^iiir Irnmpeached nor resign. ----------- --------------------------------------------1-Ldlrd—said—be^iiad^JiiiQ ____ i luestlon about thc innocence of - th(he- -President" ...in the Iff- ■ 'VeVatergate scandal. He is the to n ig h hird administration or angressionaHigure-ln-r«wit-----------------WASHIN€TON-(IIPr) - Pro-sidontP r Nixon ' . , , lays to say they believe Nixon delivers to Congress tonight a StaState of the Union 7 * " ' 5 innocent. ' message that aides say will secseek to show tho * . nation hc can still govern in . pressures of the Watergate scari f f B l G olda BHked to reorir g a n iz e ................. Presidential aides consider th€the spccch, to bc ..mm J ' ------------ JERUSALEIkL.tUPI).^, Presesident Ephraim Katzir today televised nationally at 6 p.m,..MPM DT.ip.be one of____ formally asked Prim e Ministercr Golda Meir to fo rm a new the most important Nixon hhs^«ni ever delivered ------------m A FFlC -JA M S and-nc*!la r-c h a o s -re s tilte d '---------------------- ;r(ss that may bc government-to carry Israel thretrough the ncxt.four years_aRd since it is directed to a Congrcs 9 Tuesday a t service •tationsOS In Chicago as possible peace negotiations withth th c Arabs. called on to impcach him. motorists sought scarce gigaiolloe. Station ton Tuesday night Katzir called on Mrs. Meir to foi[orm a new coalition because her ' Nixon returned to .Washington . operators In (he Chicago ares■ea w ere trying to ^ m p David, Md., i n c u p s Liibor alignment emerged fromI tlthe Dec. 81 elections wilh more following seven days at his Cam statio n lii conserve dwindling fuel, sup]ipplles .by closing Tiost alone on the n any other bloc. The alignment retreai where hc worked almos early. About 8M stallons wert:re reported out ot Knesset (parliam ent) scats than to Congress will am S9held previously. speech. A long message to ' fuel. More are expccted toI ieloae before Uie won 51 of the 120 seats, a drop fror Bllvcrcd spccch. accompany the personally •ticlivi weekend. <UPI) Thc speech ond message wereere Expected to bc - Brennan eyes . .. heavy on the. cconomy. and cncrmcrgy ............................. ................ lo n g n e rv ic e . Responding to Nixon’s reque;quest, the Senate Tuesday sent back to commit!mittec the Emer* •' "gciKy E neT o'^iirT hT S lalb'or-oriho“Unton-wns--------------------------- alks a^giyiT O g - f i m d i d a ta 3 Z I T-N Labor Secretary Peter J. cxpcctcd to stress the new energyent measures. B ebe ba I Nixon outlined last week includ:ludlng temporary - Brennan Tuesday denied a c officials. probably leasI thantl 15,000. , - i persistent rumor that he plans1 relaxation of environmentalal controls, res- • (C> New York Tim es Scrvicc use. according to commlttec ol says d a new form ot . WASHJN(JGTON - Senate Wolcrgjili.■lie HcbOzo refused this week to iturn over to thc Rcboto couldId ttot be reached fnr comment to resign th at post sometime• trictlons on energy use and a i .altbm eys, William Frstea and -W Commltieee Investigators have devclopctled commitlec documents that: ththe Investigators 'niwday. Hls-.i this spring. •■windfall profits tax.” Ud n o t relum telephone calls. > Aides to Nixon said earlier inIn t>the week that hc . Information1 that Charles G. Rebozo. Presidenenl believe would provide proof of thc conversion. Alan Oreer, die Brennan said' he hopes to eir informaUon had lhe sourcesI saids (hey wero not sure whether H nolhlng ■ o/sp. • “will nol skirt the Watergate issuissue," b u th e was Nixon’s do:ose friend, may have converlcfled Committee sourccssald their I remain as laun- secretary for careful search of the money Invololved had been donated to Nixon's - i N ixon should gel o I not expectcd to discuss It at gngreat length. presidentialI campaign money to his pcrsonnnnl been, obtained through a car several more years. Brennan already in (he 1968 or 1972 camim paigns, but Uiey said there waa top NItlton rating told a news conference that he various finimcial records air committee's possession. clear evidencee Ilh a t transacUons Involving the wilh hli address would also like to see the( Officials said the amountt olof money was money occurred«d us late as June. 1972. fonlghf. currcnt fl.60 minimum hourly _wage_ralsedJo.al.least f2. P a r k s t aarts i cleanuii» ---------------- -------------r . B olivian troppft clcaa r b lo c k By DAVID ESPO N i x o ntl w oh’rta k e ; s t a n d Tlmes-News Writer LA PAZ (UPI) - Six armorered carloads of Bolivian troops ' BOISE -• AtAtty. Gen. W. Anthony Park movedd Tuesday to clean oul his WAKIIINOTOPJ (U PI) - Theh e White House Deputy Press!ss S ecretary Gerald I^. Warren ___ _^earcd_lhc:-£ountoCsj)rin.clpnlnl cast-west higiiway east of he rc-sicnntlon nf the two tuii ;t>n "win rf?spect- told-newsmen1 'th a t Jam es St. (^air, chief of____ Cochabamba Tuesday night, smimashing a five-day"blockade of officials andd fitfiring two field supervisors. fully decline" to appear peralersonally In a Nixon's Watellergate lawyers team, would 1C P resident nol honor a summons peasants protesting rising foodI priccs.i . • • . Park told aD dcnews conference In his-olflee'hc arrc?eptcd blame for permllling Calitoniiii court but a sppkesuiurnun did not rule recommend thc ly by Counly Court Judge Gordon Bolivion Information Ministerr Guillermo Bulacla said in La the situationn inIn the bureau to continue for es b nng 0.S It hod. Armed wilh ii iJUl tho paviihilily Nixon may/ sisu&rilt written- -issued Tuesday Itlngerin I ^I AnKclcs.! . Paz loday two persona were woununded in thc opcraUon. but other ipcclal reportlort prepared by thc director of the Coliiradii Burciiu nf .sljilritionls. goveminent'SourccB said three pe:lersons were killed and 15 others Investigation,]in. Park announced sweeping changcs'.s In the orgniiiuitliiii nf tlie ............... wounded.— ------------------ ---- — ----------------------- burtaur (Related story, p. 9)') ^ I Ja n s im (dinner liringii $ 2 6 , 0 0 0 lUrfn uf Robert King, bureau He told newsi;wsmen h c had demanded the reslgnal ■nie largest contributor listed C I A h e a d n a y u t a p e‘H n k e p t flew from Piicatello In meel UOISK • - Rep. Orval commHtecs reported nearly ■. chief, and olI KiiKing’s deputy, Gene Lee. King, who f on the reports Is organised tjiintlon prior to the press Hansen, ll-Idnho, took in over $26,GOO from the dinner, wilh — with Park Mn Kfi.noo from, his fund raising—— expenses o f-P ,300.-^------------!------__ lab o r — which bought 11,000 -.
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