tittfilVtt 4-341:14AR7-. 404.). ARCHirESS 1968 9 ,CP% zeN e ,,;) ye.4 ' - ea Registered at G.P.O., Brisbane for Transmission by Post as a Periodical - . 1 4 thr Liiamy I 91 -wviRE DE0 skos& ST. JOSEPH'S COLLEGE GREGORY TERRACE t 1875 - 1968 CAnnual Aiagazine 1968 a a `Vey. Bro. C.4rnirose cfreacy grounder of the gustralasian Prothnce of the Christian .,brothers - 1868 (Venerated for his courage and trust in Uod Which impelled him 71 to Do and to tJeactt for the eternal ackantage of Australian uth. ...as -A ar_EF .46 tianwevtr . Page Two Nal in A , 1. .1 I Our ° yr 'Patrons 0 .1 MOST REV. P. M. O'DONNELL, D.D. Archbishop of Brisbane MOST REV. H. KENNEDY, D.D. Auxiliary Bishop of Brisbane o Page Three, .411111. t11, 4t' II! '."-mra'7 THE ANNUAL REPORT, 1968 .0TIMIFIMIMI E r .111INTIMIN His Lordship, Most Reverend H. Kennedy D.D, presided at the Brothers in America have honoured us by sending one of their Annual Speech Night, held at the Festival Hall on Thursday, 31st number, Dr. John Mark Egan, Associate Professor of Psychology October. The Guest Speaker was the Honourable S. D. Tooth. of the Post -Graduate Division of Pastoral Counselling, Iona M.L.A., Minister for Health. The Official Party comprised the College, New Rochelle, and a practising clinical psychologist, Administrator, Rev. 0. K. Oxenham, D.C.L., and Mr. J. Green. to lead a panel of experts at the Centenary Education Conference President of the Old Boys' Association. in Melbourne. Dr. Egan will lecture in all States of Australia Excerpts from the Headmaster's Report:- for three months before going on to India. This year three Terracians were ordained "priests forever"- One hundred years ago Rev. Br. Treacy and his few companions Rev. Fathers Peter Flannery, of the Divine Word Order, Francis landed in Australia penniless. With dauntless courage, professional Lourigan, from Banyo Seminary, and John Power, of the Discalced skill, great in trust God and deep love of his fellow man, he Carmelites-to bring out total in 93 years to a little in excess opened school in the hall adjacent to the now -famous church of one hundred priests, and this year once again several boys of St. Francis, Melbourne. Within a decade this hero of Christ, made their . way to seminaries or novitiates to commence religious this man of vision, supported by a slender but steady supply of studies. We pray God that whatever vocation in life they may confreres from Ireland, and following the advice of the -then follow, the Seniors of today will respond to the needs of Archbishop Goold of Melbourne to throw himself on the gener- His people as loyally as have our students of the past, despite osity of the people, opened, staffed and set up schools and the pressures of money, pleasure and of quick material advance- orphanages ranging from Melbourne, Ballarat and Geelong in ment that could be theirs. Victoria, to Dunedin in New Zealand and to Gregory Terrace It is inspirational to witness the generosity and nobility in Queensland. Terrace, as well as being intimately associated of our boys as they assist in feeding the poor at the St. Vincent with the Brothers' foundation work in Australia, had also the de Paul Hostel, mowing lawns at the Spastic Centre, helping distinction of being our first residential secondary school in the Missions with money and medical supplies and contributing the world. effectively to other apostolic activities. In these schools the Brothers taught not only what we We are grateful to Rev. Dr. Oxenham and to Rev. Father term the primary grades but very soon presented boys for Wilson for the daily opportunity for Confession and for week -day Junior and Matriculation examinations. It is no exaggeration Masses, and I am deeply appreciative of the efforts of our to place education as a major factor in lifting the socio- masters to make the Christian Doctrine period interesting, economic status of the Catholic people of this country, just refreshing and rewarding, for the Catholic School gains in signifi- as the Catholic school has played an important role in supporting cance to the extent that it is impregnated with the Catholic Catholic family life, in filling our novitiates and seminaries philosophy of life. We thank here also Rev. Father Douglas and and in giving us, under God, our priests and sacramental Carmelite Fathers for their devoted spiritual ministrations to life. Terrace. We have been more than gratified at the way the hierarchy, Student conduct throughout the world has been the subject clergy and people have joined with us in celebrating this of scrutiny, possibly of alarm, for ours has become a world centenary. Our Superior -General has honoured us by designating torn by conflicting idealogies, a world of tensions and strife, a this country as the locale for the General Chapter of our world where partial truths win vehement support to the detriment Order. It will be held in Melbourne in December. Our of total truth. Page Four Part of the function of the school is to develop the enquiring REV. BR. B. D. CRAWFORD, B.A., M.Ed., M.A.C.E. mind, which searches out truth, the full truth. To the extent In 1968 Br. Crawford held the double portfolio of Headmaster that we fail in this, we shall see the undiscerning acceptance of of Terrace and Consultor to the Provincial. The administrative popularised peer group standards by youth who feel that they demands of the province have now made it necessary for him to can neither rely on the prudence and sound judgment of their be engaged solely in this area. elders to make meaningful to them the apparent incongruities It is difficult for a man to make an external impression upon a of present-day living, nor fathom its complexities themselves. school in one year. Br. Crawford's contribution will be Meanwhile, the spirit of restless, discontented minorities, appreciated especially by the many who, seeking his aid, received ever more vocal and more publicised, plays havoc with the a tolerant hearing, as he always worked with the individual's undiscerning and with those who are not prepared for the interest in mind even though this is a time-consuming and difficult arduous search for truth. path to follow. Although we regret that Br. Crawford was not given time for Both what we teach and how we teach it are important in his particular talents to be visibly impressed upon the school we up -building and up -dating in a Christian way our democratic know that his contribution to the wider sphere of the province's society, for if we can initiate and stimulate the sincere, needs will be significant. unremitting persuit of truth, our youth will not be satisfied to follow the half-truths, more seductive than the blatant falsehoods, that so easily claim the allegiance of the lazy or the unwary. ROBERT RAYMOND RAFTER 1953-1968. Our present education in secondary schools generally in Queensland suffers from a lack of sufficient points for successful Robert Rafter of the Junior Red Class, died suddenly termination, with the result that many students will feel the in the May Holidays in his fifteenth year. Saddened by the heavy pressures of threatened and actual failure. Of every loss, his companions nevertheless knew that here was one hundred pupils who entered Grade 8 in 1963 in this State, only who, in a short time, had proved himself worthy to go before 28 subsequently moved into Subsenior, of whom 14 only them to share the life of God. matriculated at the conclusion of secondary courses in 1967. Possessing the courage characteristic of those suffering We have heard much of the widening gap between Junior from asthma, Robert had impressed his classmates by his and Senior, and of the increased difficulty of Senior examinations. cheerful and unconcerned acceptance of his burden when This surely calls for some alternative point of termination for his more robust companions would have been seeking those who cannot manage the heavy academic Senior courses. sympathy under lesser trials. For the prosperity and welfare of our nation we must depth In offering sympathy to his parents, brothers and sisters the educational potential of all citizens, and this calls for the we trust that they will be consoled in the knowledge that immediate provision of courses that meet the needs, the interests, Robert had added much to the maturity of his friends. the abilities and the aptitudes of such students. We, the In every respect he was admired by them. May he rest in people of Queensland, should know more about what proposals peace. have been made, and we should insist that this new course be no more academic alternative to Matriculation, but that it The sympathy and prayers of the school are offered to provide courses of variety and breadth to stimulate the interest the parents and dear relatives of Denis Twomey and Peter and industry of students who will graduate into the contemporary Livingstone, recent Old Boys. who were killed in accidents, industrial and commercial world. and to the boys who suffered the loss of a parent during the year. B. D. CRAWFORD, Headmaster Page Five, ° Bearers of the `Word t,,c -Un me Re has hemmed this priOleye of mahiny hnoz,M the unfathomable riches of Christ f EPHESIANS 3 v 8 Rev. F. X. Lourigan Terrace 1953-61. Ordained-Brisbane, 1968. Son of Mr. & Mrs. F. J. Lourigan of 78 Hall Street, Alderley. -4 Page Six if a , 4-7t is Yours to 'Proclaim the £xpfoits of god', e.
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