Schoolboy Teams Scholarship Fund Here For Contest <£lu' 2Cnu Hampshire Donors Increase The Official Organ of the University of New Hampshire Volume 20. Issue 26. DURHAM, N. H., MAY 8, 1930. Price, Ten Cents SCHOLARSHIP FUND Georgia Band if SWEATERS 1932 Granite 1933 s p h in x o f f i c e r s INCREASES RAPIDLY --------- SCHOOLBOY ATHLETES HERE At Junior Prom SI Article 11, Section 18, Ath- Board Chosen The 1933 Sphinx held elec- j£ ' Twenty-Six Names Added to List j. ietic Constitution— tions of officers at the Com- ^ During Past Week—Total Sub­ $ “Any person who has not offi- FOR AHNUAL MEET SATURDAY Melodians To Entertain Conrad Peterson Editor % mons organization rooms last $ scriptions Now Number Over At Commons on May 23 daily received an award of a of Next Junior Annual £ Monday evening with the follow- ^ Sixty-Five varsity insignia shall be pro- ing members of the society Eighteenth Interscholastic Track Meet Brings ?'f hibited from wearing the official Popular Southern Orchestra Will elected to head the honorary $ Recent reports from less than one letters ‘N. H.’ on the sweater or §* Malcolm Brannen Appointed Business Galaxy of Stars from Thirty-Five Schools Feature Annual Gala Social Event sophomore group for the coming half of the sorority and fraternity jersey. No varsity letter sweater *£ Manager— Position of Managing —On First New England Tour & year: ^ houses on the campus show the re University Acting Host to Over 500 Track Men in Meet at Memorial Field— *}* shall be worn inside or outside Editor Broken up into Men’s — Haseltine, Decorations /£ President, Robert Atwood, tt* suits of the drive for subscriptions to Close Contests Looked for in All Divisions— Several Large by any person except the actual and Women’s Departments— Chairman, Promises rj: Lambda Chi Alpha; Vice Presi- the Senior Scholarship fund, to date Teams Entered and Records Threatened owner of the letter.” * Position of Art Editor Elaborate Scene 51 dent, Robert Hadley, Alpha ^ more than gratifying. To date a to | JIM RONALD, j Created X Tau Orftega; Secretary, Charles tal of over sixty-five names appear On this Saturday, the University of The Georgia Melodians, reputed as Secretary Executive Committee, ^ 4* Dawson, Theta Chi; and Treas- ^ on the subscription list, an increase Student Writer New Hampshire acts as host to over *£ Athletic Association. At a conference Tuesday afternoon, one of the best orchestras in the urer, Phillip Thomas, Phi Delta y~ of twenty-eight over the list which five hundred high and prep school between Professor Arthur W. John­ ;i; Upsilon. vg country, has been chartered for the \ 'V M '/ M / S t' VS V i M- M , 1/ V ^ appeared in last week’s issue of T h e Appears June 1 students who will participate in the son, faculty advisor of the 1931 gala Junior Prom to be held this N e w H a m p s h ir e . annual Interscholastic Track meet. Granite, Enzo Serafini, editor, and year on the main floor of the Uni­ The names which have been added Issued At Cost Price Of this. number, some three hundred Many Mothers Agnew Walker, business manager, versity Commons. These music ma­ the past week include: Muriel An are members of high schools in the Conrad Peterson and Malcolm Bran­ Containing Many Writings kers, formerly of the University of E. E. DEPARTMENT ON drews, Elizabeth Atwood, Hazel Bron state, and about two hundred will Georgia, will be led by Charly Bou­ Visit Campus nen, both of Amesbury, Mass., were INSPECTION TOUR son, Sara Brunei, Kenneth Butterfield Annual Student Literary Publication come from high schools in other New appointed editor and business mana­ Beatrice Clark, Evangeline Durgin langer. Expected to be Finest Yet—To England states. This assembly of Several Hundred Here ger respectively of the 1932 Granite. Ellen Farley, Richard Fitzgerald The orchestra makes its head­ Thirty Juniors and Seniors Take Five- Contain Atlantic Monthly athletes will contend for honors in To Attend Annual Event Stewart Stokes of Melrose, Mass., David Justin, Bertha Hill, Stanley quarters in Texas and while on its Day Trip to Several Massachu­ Prize Winning Material four divisions; in-state high schools, was appointed men’s managing editor Hunt, Dorothy Johnson, Elizabeth trip north entertained thousands at University Guests See College Life setts Cities— Plants at Lynn, in-state prep-schools, out-of-state ancl iNancy Meehan of Worcester, Kendall, Faith Meader, Pasquale Pau the Million Dollar Pier at Atlantic in its Various Phases at Boston, Worcester, and More than a score of outstanding high schools, and out-of-state prep Mass., was elected women’s manag­ lino, Samuel Powers, Frank Rogers City, New Jersey for one entire week. Mothers’ Day Springfield Inspected literary works of New Hampshire schools. Cups, medals, and ribbons ing editor. In former years, there Victor Saco, Ray Sawyer, Marion It has played for junior proms at the Observance students will appear in this year’s will be awarded the winners in each was but one managing editor but as Smith, William Southmayd, Isabel universities of Virginia, Texas, issue of the Student Writer, the an­ division. One of the largest groups of it was felt that better co-operation Junior and Senior electrical engi­ Stevens, Harry Tounge, and Helen Louisiana, and (last week-end) at nual literary publication, written by The visitors will begin to arrive on mothers to attend a celebration and results might be obtained if the neers at the University of New Hamp­ Vogel. If the response from those yet Norwich. The Junior class is fortu­ the student body and edited by the Friday, and contesting teams from planned in their honor gathered in men and women on the board were shire have started on a five day in­ unheard from is as satisfactory as nate in obtaining this popular south­ faculty, according to Dr. C. T. Lloyd the nearby schools will arrive on Sat­ Durham on last Saturday in observ­ managed by one of their own sex, the struction trip to various plants in that already received, the committee ern band on its first tour of the New editor of the issue. urday morning, before the prelimi­ ance of the fifth annual Mothers’ Day new position was created. Massachusetts. feel sure that this year’s drive will England colleges. Their reputation Final plans for the book have been naries. The preliminaries will be sponsored by the university. More The first day will be spent in be far superior to that of last year indicates that they will furnish some Baron Rogers of Franklin was completed and the material is being run in the morning, and finals in the than five hundred mothers registered Lynn, the second day in Boston and enchanting rhythm in Durham on the elected advertising manager and sent to the printers this week so that field events will be run off immediate­ at the Faculty club during the day the third day in Worcester. Friday evening of May 23. Their program Malcolm Chase of Amesbury was copies may be ready for distribution ly following the preliminaries of and, although several arrived late in will be spent in Springfield, at the includes the most recent of the popu­ elected sales manager. on June first. those events, and while the pre­ the morning, three sizable tours of convention of the student branches of Brown Beaten lar dance melodies. Peterson has been a Granite heel­ This year’s issue promises to be the liminaries in the running events are the three colleges of the university the A. I. E. E. Saturday will be de­ Edward Haseltine, chairman of the er for two years and is a former man­ best that has yet appeared. Out­ voted to inspection trips in Spring­ being completed. The field will be a decorations committee, promises to were made^ in the early part of the agerial candidate. He is a member On Track 83-51 field. standing improvements over previous vast array of men in action from the decorate the interior of the Commons forenoon; of the Theta Chi fraternity. It is in­ issues include a vastly larger number At eleven o’clock girls’ sports were The students who are taking the minute of the first trial heat until to such an extent as to be worthy of teresting to know that Peterson is a of contributions, enabling the selec­ held on Memorial field. The co-eds trip are B. 0. Atwood, Manchester; New Hampshire Scores the final events are completed in the the popular southern orchestra. He cousin of Harry Steere, ’26, editor of tion of only the best, and the print­ exhibited their talents in archery and R. G. Ballard, Penacook; A. W. Season’s Second Victory afternoon. At no other time in the guarantees one of the most beautiful the 1926 Granite. ing of the prize winning material, baseball. The feature of the morn­ B;.yles, Chester; Philip Nudd, Hamp­ year is Memorial field to be seen with and elaborate scenes ever seen at a Brannen was on last season’s box­ submitted by New Hampshire stu­ so many men in competition. ing was the regimental parade of the ton; K. E. Wheeler, New London; A. Visitors Have Strong Running Team— Durham Prom. ing squad, is a member of T h e N e w dents in the Atlantic Monthly an­ cadet corps, following the sports K. Whitcomb, Bellow Falls, Vt.; G Thirty-five schools have entered the Many fair visitors from other cities H a m p s h ir e staff and is prominent in Blue and White Must Go Its Limit nual contest.
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