An Associated Collegiate Press Four-Star All-American Newspaper FRIDAY February 21, 1997 Volume 123 • THE • Number 34 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Newark, DE 250 Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Perm it No. 26 Grant Harassment spurs varied policy under alcohol federal fire projects Year-long planning The faculty sexual harassment period half over policy may not adhere to Title BY RANDI L. HECHT Mall al! ill ~ JV(' \1 f Editor Although the university received IX anti-discriminatory clause a grant to curb binge drinking only one semester ago. many plans are already being hatched for BY MARK E. JOLLY withdrawn from the univer,ity if it is found in Editorial Editor successfully spending the al lotted violation of Title IX and refuses to correct the $770.000. The university's sexual harassment policy has shortcomings. This fall. the university - along attracted the attention of more officials than ju>t Bilin~ki said. however. that such drastic with five others - received a grant the Faculty Senate. measures are rarely taken since in most case~ the from the Robert Wood Johnson The U.S. Department of Education i' university complies with OCR requirements for Foundation to reduce excessive currently investigating the policy to determine rectifying lacking policies. drinking on campus. The five-year whether the university is in concordance with .. We can [withdraw funding] legally. bm are grant. with the first year designated Title IX p rovisions. the anti-discriminatory we really accomplishing anything·r- Bil inski as a planning period. hopes to target clause of the Education Amendments of J972. asked. while voicing concern~ over harming the alcohol problem as a pub lic JohnS. Bilinski. an official with the Office of students' academic c;reers ...Our objective is t~ is~ue in~tead of a personal problem. Civi l Rights in the Department of Education. get this thing done as quickly as possible: we Dr. John Bishop. assistant vice said the OCR received a complaint Nov. 4. 1996 rlon't want to be confrontational.'' president of Student Life and regarding the university policy. President David P. Roselle had little to say director of the grant"s programs. I nvestigations. like the one involving the regarding the inve>tigation but asserted that the said that with the help of the grant. university. proceed through a "series of options .. situation is not extraordinary. the university will set up three according to Bi linski. starting with an attempt to ·'The inquiry in question is routine and in committees targeting binge-drinking TH E REVIEW I J. J. Withers arbitrate a resolution between the complainant response to que tiom, already considered. by the problem . The university has spent over $3,000 in repairs because students tear and the university. Faculty Senate."' he said. The Student Alcohol Use down the fence between Frazier Field and the CSX railroad tracks. lf that proves unsuccessful, the OCR then The Faculty Senate revisions to the policy Committee. which has been meeting begins to look into the situation. were in respom.e to concerns rai!>ed by Faculty since June 1995. consi ts of 75 .. The rea~on we have auth rity to move in is Senator Linda Gottfredson and were not faculty and student organization because the university receives assistance from motivated in any way by the investigation. members. This conunittee will target the Department of Education. [mostly in the according to Faculty Senator John McLaughlin. the problem of excessive drinking form of student loans]." Bil inski said. who authored the policy revisions. on campus. Fence repairs It is possible that all federal fi nanc ia l McLaughlin said he had no knowledge of any Two other committees are still assistance. inc ludi ng student loans. could be federal investigation. being formed . Bishop said. The Media and Education Committee will try to develop a high-profile media campaign to de-glamorize cost big money high-risk drinking. work on educational programming and perform various other tasks. he said. BY KELLY BROSNAHAN related to last month's assault. Shopping plaza The third group. the Community Mallat(illg New'i Editor And six days after the 18-year-old Committee. will consider legislative Since the Jan. 29 assault of a woman wa raped next to a break in efforts to curb high-risk drinking. ewark woman on university the fence that separates Frazier Field work with county and state police to property. facil ities management has from the CSX railroad tracks. an monitor liquor purchases at nearby spent more than $3.000 in fence outside company closed three holes in to fill vacant lot stores in Maryland and support the repairs while Public Safety has seen a the fence . The gaps were used by A lcohol Beverage Control striking increase in the use of its students as popu lar shortcuts to Commission in effdrts to increase nighttime escort service. campus from Cleveland Avenue. enforcement personnel. University Police Capt. James Trespassers have made it difficult The proposed building for the Space II Bishop said that by looking at Flatley aid students have used the for facilities management crews to excessive drinking as a public i sue. escort service .. more than usual" in maintain safety in the area where the property will cost nearly $2 million the univer~ity i~ taking a new recent weeks. Forty-four people were repairs were made, department approach to an old problem. escorted across camp us by the director Richard Walter said. O n five .. We are trying to create a program in just t he firs t week of separate occasions between Feb. 4 BY JOHt C HABALKO months. community where people are S p r ing Semester. B y compa rison . and Feb. 17 parts of the fe nce were Ph oto Editor The Main Street Galleria and the Iron H ill respectful of one another:· Bishop officers escorted on ly 32 students either cut or un hooked to re-open the The vacant lot on the northwest corner of complex are others- all modern bui ldings said. explaining that the project is th ro ugh a ll of January and 44 in shortcuts. Main and North Chapel streets will soon boast with a classic look to compliment the eclectic not trying to prohibit alcohol or December. Accord ing to Flat ley. fence the new Astra Plaza Main Street. the late't architectural style; found in the area. Matulas make the university a dry campus. Flatley att ributed th e increase in tampering caused more than $ 100 in architectural addition in what city officials have said. but instead attempting to reduce the escort requests to more peopl e being damage in each of three cases. T he called the rejuvenation of downtown ewark. During the de,ign process. the Tsionases problems that come with binge aware of the program . But, he most recent incidents. which occurred The single acre lot has stood vacant for the approached city planners to find out how the drinking. admitted. the nu mber m ay also be past eight year,. What is now a barren tract of building could be!>t fit into the .. new .. Newark. ··tt is not the in tent to take see PUBLIC SAFETY page A4 land used to be the location of a retail complex The idea of including apartments came out of alcohol out of the hands of those w ith a dry cleaner. a video store. a hair salon those discussions. they said. The 30,500 . quare­ who are legally allowed to have it."' and several apartments. foot bu i lding will contain 10 to 12 two­ or those who use it responsibly. he Gus Tsionas. his w ife and his two daughters. bedroom apartments and eight to I 0 small retail said. It is only when people under who together own the Jude's D iner bui ld ing. stores. the influence of alcohol negatively the Astra Plaza on Elkton Road that houses the Parking for store patron and apartment interact with those around them that A look at some of the less-celebrated Eagle One Diner and Happy Garden, and Space tenants will be available in the rear of t he problems occur. he said. II Pizza. purchased the empty lot two years ago bui lding. M atulas said that any patrons who ·· w e don 't k now what our figures in black history with the hopes of one day developing it. can't find parking spaces in the Astra lot will be chances of success wi ll be ... he said. T hei r dreams will soon be realized- with a able to validate Newark Par ki ng Authority '·but the destructive behaviors price tag of nearly $2 million, daughter Angela stubs at every store in the center. · T . M atu las said. No retai I or apartment leases have been see GRANT page A7 Unsung heroes Pl ans for the new building were drawn up by s igned. she said, and none wi ll be signed at .----- INDEX ----, Design Collaborative. Inc .. the same firm that least un til after construction of the bui ldi ng BY DENISE MATTHEWS W o odson 's words o n the impo rta nce of designed the Mai n Street Galleria. Construction begin s next week. Campus Calendar ................. A2 Assistant Nen·s Editor Black History Mo nth . is set to begin M arch I, the T sionases said, and The family said they a re seek ing te na nt Police Reports ............ .. ........ A2 Thi s ye a r· s Bl ack Hi s tory Month "We should emphasize not Negro hi story, is expected to f ini s h b y the first wee k in stores similar to those found in th e Gall e ri a, World News .........................
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