SABAN FORUM 2009 Participants American and International Participants A L an R. B ATKI N S IR R O na LD C O H E N Vice Chairman, Eton Park (U N ITED K I N GDOM ) Capital Management; former Vice Chairman, The Portland Trust, Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Portland Capital LLP, and Bridges Inc.; Trustee, The Brookings Ventures; Founding Partner and Institution. former Chairman, Apax Partners. S A MUEL R. B ERGER J A ME S B. C U nn I N G ha M Chair, Albright Stonebridge Group. Ambassador to Israel. H OW A RD B ERM an S U san D AVI S United States House of United States House of Representatives (CA-28); Representatives (CA-53); Chairman, House Committee on Chairwoman, Subcommittee on Foreign Affairs. Military Personnel. D an IEL L. B YM an B ET H D OZORETZ Senior Fellow, Saban Center for Vice Chair of the Board, Middle East Policy at Brookings; ValueOptions; member, Director, Center for Peace and International Advisory Board, Security Studies, Georgetown Saban Center for Middle East University. Policy at Brookings. P A UL L. C EJ as M I cha EL D. E I sn ER Chief Executive Officer, PLC Former Chairman and CEO, The Investments Inc. Walt Disney Company; Founder, The Tornante Company, LLC. W ILLI A M J. C LI N TO N A LFRED B. E N GELBERG 42nd President of the United Trustee, The Engelberg Foundation; States; Founder, William J. Clinton Trustee, The Brookings Institution. Foundation. E LIOT C O H E N F R an KLI N F OER Robert E. Osgood Professor Editor, The New Republic. of Strategic Studies, Founding Director of Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University. THE Saban Forum: A U.S.-IsraELI DiaLOGUE 5 N OVEMBER 2009 R I cha RD F O N TA I N E B E N J A MI N J ac OB S Senior Fellow, Center for a New Managing Partner and Founder, American Security. JBG Companies; Trustee, The Brookings Institution. L I N D S EY G R aha M T ED K A UFM an United States Senate (SC). United States Senate (DE). J an E H A RM an Z A LM AY K ha LILZ A D U.S. House of Representatives President and CEO, Khalilzad (CA-36); Chairwoman, House Associates LLC; Counselor, Subcommittee on Intelligence, CSIS; and former Ambassador Information Sharing and Terrorism to the United Nations, Iraq, and Risk Assessment. Afghanistan. S ID N EY H A RM an J O S E ph I. L IEBERM an Founder and Chairman Emeritus, United States Senate (CT); Harman International; Judge Chairman, Senate Committee Robert Widney Professor, U.S.C.; on Homeland Security and and former U.S. Deputy Secretary Governmental Affairs. of Commerce. F REDERI C C. H OF N ITA L OWEY Special Coordinator for Regional United States House of Representatives Affairs, Office of the Special (NY-18); Chairwoman, House Envoy for Middle East Peace, U.S. Appropriations Subcommittee on Department of State. State and Foreign Operations. D AVID I G naTIU S K E nn ET H M. P OLL ac K Columnist, The Washington Post. Director, Saban Center for Middle East Policy at Brookings; former Director of Persian Gulf Affairs and Near East and South Asian Affairs, National Security Council. M A RTI N I N DYK B RU C E R IEDEL Vice President and Director of Foreign Senior Fellow, Saban Center for Policy, Brookings; Founding Director, Middle East Policy at Brookings; Saban Center; and former U.S. former Senior Director for Near Ambassador to Israel and Assistant East and South Asia, National Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs. Security Council. THE Saban Forum: A U.S.-IsraELI DiaLOGUE 6 N OVEMBER 2009 C A RL A A nn E R OBBI ns S TROBE T A LBOTT Deputy Editorial Page Editor, The President, The Brookings New York Times. Institution; former Deputy Secretary of State. H A IM S A B an S H IBLEY T EL ha MI Chairman of the Saban Forum; Nonresident Senior Fellow, Saban Chairman and Chief Executive Center for Middle East Policy at Officer, Saban Capital Group; and Brookings; Anwar Sadat Professor Chairman, International Advisory for Peace and Development, Board, Saban Center for Middle University of Maryland. East Policy at Brookings. A R N OLD S ch W A RZE N EGGER A LEJ an DRO T OLEDO Governor, State of California. (P ERU ) Former President of Peru; President, Global Center for Development and Democracy. D an IEL S hap IRO H E N RY W A XM an Senior Director of Middle East and United States House of North Africa, National Security Representatives (CA-30); Council. Chairman, House Committee on Energy and Commerce. J AY S N YDER L EO N W IE S E LT I E R Principal, HBJ Investments; Literary Editor, The New Republic. member, International Advisory Board, Saban Center for Middle East Policy at Brookings. J A ME S B. S TEI N BERG Deputy Secretary of State. THE Saban Forum: A U.S.-IsraELI DiaLOGUE 7 N OVEMBER 2009 Israeli Participants S ha I A G ass I Y UVA L D I S KI N Founder and Chief Executive Director, Israel Security Agency Officer, Better Place. (Shabak). IOR A IL an D U ZI A R A D G E National Security Advisor to Prime Chairman, SDS; Senior Researcher, Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; Institute for National Security Head of the National Security Studies; former National Security Council in the Office of the Prime Advisor. Minister. O DED E R an E H UD B A R A K Director, The Institute for Minister of Defense; former Prime National Security Studies; former Minister of the State of Israel. Ambassador to the European Union and Jordan. N ah UM B A R N E A M I cha EL F EDERM ann Political Columnist, Yedioth Chairman and Chief Executive Ahronoth. Officer, Federmann Enterprises, Ltd. Y O ss I B EILI N S Tan LEY F I sch ER President and Founder, Beilink, Governor, Bank of Israel; former Business Foreign Affairs. First Deputy Managing Director, the International Monetary Fund; former Professor of Economics, MIT. B E N C asp IT A VI G IL Senior Columnist, Ma’ariv. Senior Strategic Advisor, Center for Middle East Peace & Economic Cooperation; Senior Fellow, The Jewish People Policy Planning Institute. I L ana D AYan -O RB ach D an G ILLERM an Anchorperson, Uvda, Channel 2 Former Ambassador to the United News. Nations. THE Saban Forum: A U.S.-IsraELI DiaLOGUE 8 N OVEMBER 2009 G A D G OLD S TEI N A VIGDOR L IBERM an Kreiz Visiting Fellow, Saban Center Deputy Prime Minister; Minister of for Middle East Policy at Brookings. Foreign Affairs. H IR sh G OODM an A M N O N L I P KI N -S haha K Director, Andrea and Charles Chairman of the Board, Tahal Bronfman Program on Information Group; former Chief of the General Strategy, Institute for National Staff, Israel Defense Forces. Security Studies. A YA L A H ass O N T A LLIE L I P KI N -S haha K Diplomatic Correspondent and Journalist, Galei Tzahal & IETV. Analyst, Channel 1; Anchor, Yoman, Channel 1; Anchor, Reshet Bet, Israel Broadcasting Authority Radio. D A LI A I TZIK T ZI P I L IV N I Member of the Knesset (Kadima); Leader of the Opposition and Head Chairperson, Kadima Parliamentary of the Kadima Party. Group. M O sh E K ap LI ns KY D an M ERIDOR Chief Executive Officer, Better Deputy Prime Minister and Place Israel; former Deputy Chief of Minister of Intelligence and Atomic the General Staff, IDF. Energy. Y N O N K REIZ B E N J A MI N N ETan Yah U Chairman and Chief Executive Prime Minister of the State of Israel; Officer, Endemol; member, Chairman of the Likud Party. International Advisory Board, Saban Center for Middle East Policy at Brookings. D OV L A UTM an E H UD O LMERT Chairman, The Lautman Fund. Former Prime Minister of the State of Israel. THE Saban Forum: A U.S.-IsraELI DiaLOGUE 9 N OVEMBER 2009 I TA M A R R A BI N OVI ch Y OR A M T URBOWI C Z Bronfman Distinguished Nonresident Former Chief of Staff, Prime Senior Fellow, Saban Center; Minister’s Office. Ettinger Professor of Contemporary Middle Eastern History and former President, Tel Aviv University; former Ambassador to the United States. U RI S A GIE E H UD Y aa RI Former Head of the Directorate of Middle East Commentator, Military Intelligence, Israel Defense Channel 2 News; Associate Editor, Forces. The Jerusalem Report. C H EMI S ha LEV A MO S Y A DLI N Deputy Editor and Political Head of the Directorate of Military Analyst, Yisrael Hayom. Intelligence, Israel Defense Forces. A RI S haVIT S H LOMO Y ana I Senior Correspondent, Ha’aretz. President and Chief Executive Officer, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd; former Director, Strategic Planning Division, IDF. Y ULI T A MIR Member of the Knesset (Labor); former Minister of Immigrant Absorption and Education. THE Saban Forum: A U.S.-IsraELI DiaLOGUE 10 N OVEMBER 2009.
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