United Nations A/60/PV.87 General Assembly Official Records Sixtieth session 87th plenary meeting Friday, 2 June 2006, 3 p.m. New York President: Mr. Eliasson ..................................... (Sweden) The meeting was called to order at 3.10 p.m. in I would also like to express my deepest Conference Rooms 2 and 3 in two parallel condolences in connection with the untimely and tragic segments, in accordance with a decision taken by death of Dr. J.W. Lee, Director-General of the World the Assembly at its 85th meeting, on 1 June 2006. Health Organization (WHO), whose relentless efforts in the fight against HIV/AIDS have been and will [Vice-President Bahemuka (Kenya) presided over remain an inspiration to all of us. segment A, and President Eliasson and then Vice- President Hachani (Tunisia) presided over Undoubtedly, HIV/AIDS has emerged as the segment B. The two segments are combined single most formidable challenge to the public health below and the individual presiding is identified as sector, to human rights and to development in the new “The President”.] millennium. Despite the significant increase in global commitments to control the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Agenda item 45 (continued) recent years, the virus continues to spread with alarming speed. Since the signing of the Declaration, Follow-up to the outcome of the twenty-sixth special more than 20 million people worldwide people have session: implementation of the Declaration of become infected with HIV, including 3 million infants Commitment on HIV/AIDS who contracted HIV during gestation or as a result of breastfeeding. The President: I would like to welcome participants to this afternoon’s meeting. Since HIV/AIDS infection cuts across all socio- economic groups, its transmission follows paths Because we have quite a large number of created by economic, social, political and gender speakers this afternoon, I would like to appeal to all inequalities, which include, but are not limited to, poor speakers please to adhere to the three-minute rule, if access to diagnosis and treatment of sexually possible, as well as to ensure that they do not read at transmitted infections, living away from one’s family running speed. We are in a race, but not running a race. and indulging in high-risk behaviours. Poverty and We must capture what everyone is saying. HIV/AIDS is a lethal combination. I now give the floor to Mr. Mohammad Nasir Despite its relatively low prevalence rate in Khan, Minister of Health of Pakistan. Pakistan, HIV/AIDS is a growing concern for my Mr. Khan (Pakistan): I am pleased to be present country, where, according to recent estimates, there are at this gathering at which we are reviewing the approximately 70,000 people living with HIV/AIDS. progress made on the Declaration of Commitment on Since the Declaration of 2001, Pakistan has made HIV/AIDS, adopted in 2001. considerable progress towards fulfilling its This record contains the text of speeches delivered in English and of the interpretation of speeches delivered in the other languages. Corrections should be submitted to the original languages only. They should be incorporated in a copy of the record and sent under the signature of a member of the delegation concerned to the Chief of the Verbatim Reporting Service, room C-154A. Corrections will be issued after the end of the session in a consolidated corrigendum. 06-37424 (E) *0637424* A/60/PV.87 commitments. We are among those countries that are interventions, and, above all, universal access to closely observing and implementing the agreed antiretroviral therapy. protocols and guidelines. This is a great window of We in Pakistan have made a tremendous political opportunity for Pakistan to implement its strong commitment in this area, led by the President and the programme in that respect. Prime Minister. In fact, the first Asia-Pacific Women, Pakistan recognizes the importance of a Girls and HIV/AIDS Best Practices Conference was comprehensive policy framework that seeks to protect held in Pakistan. Ms. Nafis Sadiq participated, and the and promote all human rights, recognize the epidemic’s Prime Minister opened the conference. gender dimensions, contribute to the eradication of stigma Above all, nothing can be achieved without and discrimination, and promote the active engagement peace. It is important that we bring some sanity to this and involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS in insane world of ours. We must stop the killing of society, especially young people and adolescents. human beings all over the world, the killing of women, We need to formulate effective policies to control children, babies and infants, the killing of defenceless, this epidemic. There is an urgent need to expand the unarmed civilians. We must stop the destruction of the scope of services in the area of HIV/AIDS prevention streams and the flowers and the trees. and care. Within this framework, the role of Let us give hope to the millions of people intergovernmental agencies and inter-donor affected. The Assembly should provide hope to each cooperation — that is, United Nations agencies and all and every HIV/AIDS victim and ensure that the donors — is vital, and leadership becomes critical to international community is united in responding to this generating support for HIV/AIDS prevention and care global challenge. We must work to bring smiles to programmes. Above all, it must be recognized that the humanity and not inflict pain or cause tears to be shed. challenge of HIV can be met more effectively only if it is considered an integral component of overall human We are one race, the human race. We have to live development plans, policies and programmes. together. We have to help each other. We have to accommodate and tolerate each other. Nothing is One of the crucial factors in that regard is access politically right which is morally wrong. It is time that to antiretroviral drugs. They are needed now. Children we have the courage to do the things that are morally in Africa, Latin America and all over the world need right, and I know that this House, the United Nations, has the drugs right now; hence it is imperative to make the courage, the will and the determination to do just them available at an affordable cost. We understand that for humanity. Let us all heal the world and fight that for the pharmaceutical industry, profits are HIV/AIDS together. Let us adopt the draft resolution. important. But human lives are even more important. Similarly, the issue of patent rights, among others, The President: I now give the floor to should not be an impediment to the provision of these Mr. Radoslav Gaydarski, Minister for Health of drugs. Generic drugs are indeed a life-or-death issue Bulgaria. for the millions of people who are infected. Mr. Gaydarski (Bulgaria) (spoke in French): I The only way to eradicate HIV/AIDS is to have the honour to address the General Assembly on develop a vaccine against it, hence research is critical. behalf of the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria We must all cooperate in that respect. Many African and to express our hope that, through our joint efforts and Latin American countries have the necessary at the national, regional and international levels, research capacity. It is important that the world work mankind will put a stop to the AIDS epidemic. together to find a cure for this deadly disease. The Government of Bulgaria has proven that We still have a long way to go to realize our there is strong political will and an effective national dream of halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and reverse response to AIDS, as well as a real commitment to the tide by 2015. Realization of this dream will require meet international goals. The Government would like strong political commitment as well as national and to underscore that additional efforts and further global leadership, the allocation of additional funds for emphasis are needed. research and development, the active engagement of civil society, culturally sensitive and appropriate 2 06-37424 A/60/PV.87 First, we call for political will and governmental I am pleased to inform the Assembly that, in the leadership in all countries. We encourage Governments current phase of implementing the plan, significant to strengthen primary prevention measures and to raise progress has been made in three areas: prevention, awareness of AIDS. We call for an increase in national caring for persons infected with or affected by financial resources to respond to AIDS at the central HIV/AIDS and strengthening caregiver capacities. and local levels, as well as for access to financial Thus, we are striving to reduce high-risk sexual resources on the part of the civil sector. We ask behaviours and to provide information and education to international donors to continue to support the response targeted groups. We are attempting to prevent HIV to the problem of AIDS. We call upon Governments to among young people through a vast network of Stop acknowledge that the civil sector is an essential partner AIDS clubs and youth centres. Major efforts have been in prevention programmes, and to provide access for undertaken to reduce the risk of blood-to-blood HIV society’s most vulnerable groups. We support a rapid transmission. The number of sites for prenatal expansion of HIV-prevention services and provision of screening and monitoring of mother-to-child services to the most vulnerable groups. HIV/AIDS transmission has risen from 1 in 2002 to 11 in 2005. On behalf of the Government of Bulgaria, I would like to stress that we should work together now in an Burundi has adopted a bolder policy regarding effective manner so that the world can be a better place free access to care, prevention and treatment for people to live in tomorrow because of the absence of AIDS.
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