Form 771 TREASURY DEPARTMENT Ornci or THB SECRETARY or THE TREASURY STATEMENT OF THE PUBLIC DEBT OF THE UNITED STATES MARCH 31, 1939 DETAIL AMOUNT ISSUED AMOUNT RETIRED AMOUNT OUTSTANDING Interest-bearing debt BONDS: 3% Panama Canal Loan of 1961 $50, 000, 000. 00 $200, 000. 00 $49, 800, 000. 00 3% Conversion Bonds of 1946-47 28, 894, 600. 00 28, 894, 500. 00 2%% Postal Savings Bonds (17th to 49th Series). 117,778,980.00 2;"820"00 117, 776,160. 00 $196, 470, 660. 00 Treasury Bonds: 4Y4% bonds of 1947-52... 763, 962, 300. 00 5, 016, 500. 00 758, 945, 800. 00 4% bonds of 1944-54— 1, 047, 088,500 . 00 10, 395, 600. 00 1, 036, 692,900 . 00 3«% bonds of 1946-56... 494, 898, 100. 00 5, 818, 000. 00 489, 080, 100. 00 3%% bonds of 1943-47... 494, 854, 760. 00 40, 719, 650. 00 454,135, 200. 00 3%% bonds of 1940-43... 369, 042, 950. 00 6, 049,500 . 00 352, 993, 450. 00 3%% bonds of 1941-43... 594, 230, 050. 00 49, 360, 000. 00 644, 870, 050. 00 3%% bonds of 1946-49.. 821, 406, 000. 00 2, 779, 000. 00 818, 627, 000. 00 3% bonds of 1951-55— 800, 424, 000. 00 44, 992, 000. 00 765, 432, 000. 00 3>4% bonds of 1941 835, 043, 100. 00 689, 900. 00 834, 453, 200. 00 3%% bonds of 1943-45- 1, 401,138,500 . 00 610, 250. 00 1, 400, 528,250 . 00 3%% bonds of 1944-46- 1, 618, 858,800 . 00 121, 150. 00 1, 518, 737,650 . 00 3% bonds of 1946-48 1, 035, 885,050 . 00 10, 650. 00 1, 035, 874,400 . 00 3H% bonds of 1949-52.. 491, 377, 100. 00 2, 000. 00 491, 375, 100. 00 *fc« bonds of 1955-60.. 2, 611, 156,200 . 00 62, 550. 00 2, 611, 093,650 . 00 bonds of 1945-47- 1, 214, 453,900 . 00 24, 950. 00 1, 214, 428,950 . 00 bonds of 1948-51.. 1, 223, 496,850 . 00 1, 000. 00 1, 223, 495,850 . 00 , bonds of 1951-54.. 1, 626, 688,160 . 00 1,000 . 00 1, 626, 687,150 . 00 , bonds of 1956-59.. 981, 848, 050. 00 21, 000. 00 981, 827, 050. 00 , bonds of 1949-53.. 1, 786, 504,050 . 00 363, 400. 00 1, 786, 140,650 . 00 bonds of 1945 540, 843, 650. 00 540, 843, 650. 00 2%% bonds of 1948_ 450, 978, 400. 00 450, 978, 400. 00 2%% bonds of 1958-63.. 918, 780, 600. 00 918, 780, 600. 00 25, 218, 202, 650. 00 2H% bonds of 1950-52.. 1,185, 731,700 . 00 1, 185, 731, 700. 00 United States Savings Bonds: 2%% bonds of 1960-65- 1,485,375, 100. 00 1, 485, 375,100 . 00 Series A-1935 217, 986, 400. 25 39, 860, 399. 26 178, 126, 001. 00 2% bonds of 1947 701, 074, 900. 00 701, 074, 900. 00 Series B-1936 387, 281, 248. 25 59, 786, 056. 50 327, 495, 191. 75 Series C-1937 482, 094, 942. 50 52, 362, 031. 75 429, 732, 910. 75 Series C-1938 542, 996, 593. 63 21, 395, 738. 50 521, 600, 855. 13 Series D-1939 159,196, 368. 75 385, 931. 25 158, 810, 437. 50 Unclassified sales 91, 307, 500. 78 91, 307, 500. 78 1, 707, 072, 896. 91 3% Adjusted Service Bonds of 1945 1, 827, 262, 050.1, 536 ,00 530 , 250. 00 290, 731, 800. 00 4%% Adjusted Service Bonds (Government Life Insurance Fund Series 1946).. 500,157, 956. 40 500,157, 956. 40 790, 889, 756. 40 TREASURT NOTES: 2%% Series A-1939. 1, 293,714 , 200. 00 1, 266, 733, 300. 00 980, 900. 00 1%% Series B-1939 626, 233, 000. 00 500. 00 526, 232, 500. 00 1%% Series D-1939 426, 554, 600. 00 426, 554, 600. 00 \Y%% Series A-1940 1, 378,364 , 200. 00 1, 378,364 , 200. 00 1H% Series B-1940. 738, 428, 400. 00 738, 428, 400. 00 1H% Series C-1940 737. 161, 600. 00 737, 161, 600. 00 1M% Series A-1941 676, 707, 600. 00 676, 707, 600. 00 503, iyx% Series B-1941 503, 877, 500. 00 877, 500. 00 1%% Series A-1942. 204, iy4% Series C-1941. 204, 425, 400. 00 425, 400. 00 2% Series B-1942 426, 349, 500. 00 426, 349, 500. 00 1%% Series C-1942 342, 143, 300. 00 342, 143, 300. 00 1K% Series A-1943 232, 376, 200. 00 232, 375, 200. 00 VA% Series B-1943 629, 116, 900. 00 629, 116, 900. 00 7, 269, 690, 600. 00 3% Old-Age Reserve Account: 420, 973, 000. 00 420, 973, 000. 00 Series 1941 to 1943 994, 300, 000. 00 994, 300, 000. 00 3% Railroad Retirement Account: 92, 200,000. 00 15, 000, 000. 00 77, 200, 000. 00 4% Series 1942 and 1943- Civil Service Retirement Fund: 470, 000,000. 00 16, 200, 000. 00 453, 800, 000. 00 4% Series 1939 to 1943 Foreign Service Retirement Fund: 3, 702,000. 00 261, 000. 00 3, 441, 000. 00 4% Series 1939 to 1943 Canal Zone Retirement Fund: 4, 170,000. 00 266, 000. 00 3, 904, 000. 00 4% Series 1940 to 1943 542, 000.00 542, 000. 00 2% Alaska Railroad Retirement Fund: Series 1941 to 1943 108, 000,000. 00 23, 000, 000. 00 85, 000, 000. 00 2% PostaGovernmenl Savingt Lifs Systee Insurancm Seriese Fund, maturin: g June 30, 1940, 1942, anSeried 1943s 194. 3 17, 300,000. 00 3, 000, 000. 00 14, 300, 000. 00 2% Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Series, maturing Dec. 1, 155, 000,000. 00 40, 000, 000. 00 115, 000, 000. 00 1939, 1942, and 1943 9, 017, 177, 600. 00 CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS: Special: 4% Adjusted Service Certificate Fund—Series 1940. 23, 000, 000. 00 1, 500, 000. 00 21, 500, 000. 00 1, 223, 000, 000. 00 38, 000, 000. 00 1, 185, 000, 000. 00 2%% Unemployment Trust Fund—Series 1939 1, 206, 500, 000. 00 TREASURY BILLS (maturity value): Series maturing: Apr. 5,1939— $100, 724, 000. 00 May 10,1939.. $101, 287, 000. 00 June 7, 1939. 100, 487, 000. 00 Apr. 12, 1939_. 101, 344, 000. 00 May 17, 1939.. 100, 378, 000. 00 June 14, 1939. 100, 369, 000. 00 Apr. 19, 1939_ 101, 152, 000. 00 May 24, 1939.. 100, 785, 000. 00 June 21, 1939.. 101, 449, 000. 00 Apr. 26,1939_ 100,441,000.00 May 31, 1939.. 101, 954, 000. 00 June 28, 1939.. 100, 496, 000. 00 May 3, 1939_ 100, 587, 000. 00 1, 311, 453, 000. 00 Total interest-bearing debt outstanding.. 39, 447, 766, 563. 31 Matured debt on whlcb Interest has ceased (Payable on presentation) Old debt matured—issued prior to Apr. 1, 1917 3, 898, 410. 26 2tf % Postal Savings Bonds 38, 980. 00 3%%, 4%, and 4%% First Liberty Loan of 1932-47... 12, 837, 750. 00 4% and 4%% Second Liberty Loan of 1927-42 1, 280,950 . 00 4%% Third Liberty Loan of 1928. 2, 021, 800. 00 4y4% Fourth Liberty Loan of 1933-38 19, 023, 550. 00 3Ji% and 4%% Victory Notes of 1922-23 643, 400. 00 Treasury Notes, at various interest rates 21, 110, 350. 00 Certificates of Indebtedness, at various interest rates- 4, 470, 350. 00 Treasury Bills 59, 094, 000. 00 223, 950. 00 TreasurTotay Savingl outstandins Certificateg matures d debt on which interest has ceased... 124, 643, 490. 26 Debt bearing no Interest (Payable on presentation) Obligations required to be reissued when redeemed: United States Notes $346, 681, 016. 00 Less: Gold Reserve 156, 039, 430. 93 190,641,585.07 Obligations that will be retired on presentation: Old demand notes - 53, 012. 50 National bank notes and Federal Reserve bank notes assumed by the United States on deposit of lawful money for their retirement.. 222, 588, 413. 50 Fractional currency. 1, 978, 715. 78 Thrift and Treasury Savings Stamps, unclassified sales, eto _ 3, 243, 467. 64 Total outstanding debt bearing no interest- 418, 505, 194. 49 Total gross debt * - - 39, 990, 915, 248. 06 Matured interest obligations, etc.: 56, 556, 230. 61 Matured interest obligations outstanding _ 3, 472, 575. 00 Discount accrued on Treasury (War) Savings Certificates, matured series 1, 299, 082. 09 Settlement warrant checks outstanding 709, 952, 896. 71 771, 280, 784. 41 Disbursing officers' checks outstanding and balances in certain checking accounts of governmental agenoies. 40, 762, 196, 032. 47 Balance held by the Treasurer of the United States as per daily Treasury Statement for March 31,1939 3, 389, 478, 830. 64 Deduct: Net excess of disbursements over receipts in reports subsequently received— _ 22, 375, 174. 37 3, 367, 103, 656. 27 Net debt, including matured interest obligations, etc.'.. 37, 395, 092, 376. 20 The computed rate of Interest per annum on the Interest-bearing debt_outstanding Is 2.603 peroent. The grow debt per capita, based on an estimated population ol 130,933,000, Is $306.43, * inonnti luannd and retired Include accrued discount; amounts outstanding are stated at current redemption values. » The total nZdebt March 31 1939 on the basis ot daily Treasury statement was $39,686,224,003.07 and the net amount ol public debt redemptions and receipts In transit, etc, was $6,891,244.99.
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