Ealing Borough Council Democratic Services Officer: Town Hall Lee Teasdale New Broadway Direct Line: 020 8825 7919 London W5 2BY Email: [email protected] Planning Committee Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, New Broadway, Ealing, W5 2BY Date and Time: Wednesday, 23 May 2018 at 19:00 Plans will be on display inside the Council Chamber in advance of the meeting. Membership of the Planning Pool for 2018/2019 is to be confirmed at the Annual Council Meeting and will be updated in advance of the meeting. AGENDA N.B. Please note the attached site visit details and agreed seating arrangements as set out in the guide to proceedings. Open to Public and Press 1 Apologies for Absence 2 Urgent Matters 3 Declarations of Interest Page 1 of 134 4 Matters to be Considered in Private 5 Minutes To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2018. Minutes Arising from the Planning Committee of 18 April 2018 7 - 16 6 ITEM 01 - Belvue School Rowdell Road Northolt UB5 6AG 17 - 44 ITEM 02 - Ealing Hammersmith And West London College 45 - 76 Gunnersbury Lane Acton W3 8U ITEM 03 - The Perfume Factory 140 Wales Farm Road Acton W3 77 - 134 6UG 7 Date of Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on 20 June 2018. Paul Najsarek, Chief Executive, 15 May 2018 Page 2 of 134 *Please switch off all mobile phones* **Fire or Emergency** - If an alarm sounds please leave by the nearest exit and gather in front of Perceval House on Uxbridge Road. PlanningWelcome East to Committee the Planning - 4th Committee July 2001 **Please note that entry to the Public Gallery is up a steep staircase. Persons suffering from a physical impairment which would not permit them to climb stairs are welcome to be seated at the back of the Council Chamber** What does the Planning Committee do? decides approximately 5% of applications made for planning permission within the borough (a senior officer decides the rest). decides applications for listed building consent. decides applications for conservation consent. approves enforcement action against work carried out without prior permission. is responsible for carrying out the Council’s conservation policies within the borough. Agenda Spare copies of the agenda are available at the meeting. In addition all Committee reports are available via the Council's Internet site: http://ealing.cmis.uk.com/ealing/Committees/tabid/62/ctl/ViewCMIS_CommitteeDetails/mid/ 381/id/15/Default.aspx Planning applications being considered at tonight’s meeting are listed on the pink schedule attached. The reports of the planning officers are on the white papers with recommendations on whether to allow or refuse the application. Who is present at the meeting? Elected Councillors make up the membership of the Committee and they decide whether applications should be allowed or refused. Also present are a Senior Planning Officer, a Legal Adviser, a Committee Administrator and any other officers as necessary (e.g. Environmental Health Officer). Page 3 of 134 The layout used is: Y R AE G L L Planning C I BU P L Committee Officers/ Councillors Ward Registered Councillors Speakers Legal Officer Planning Officer Chairman Committee Officer SCREEN Public Speaking Public Speakers will have registered with the Council in accordance with the agreed protocol and are permitted a maximum of three minutes each, apart from when an interpreter is used. If an interpreter is used, the submission will be limited to six minutes. One speaker may be heard in objection and one speaker may be heard on behalf of the applicant for any application on the agenda. Where members of the public have registered to speak in advance of the meeting these applications will be taken first. Although other members of the public are not permitted to speak they are welcome to sit, listen and observe the meeting. Filming / Recording The Council asks that anyone wishing to record or film its meetings notifies the Democratic Services department in advance. Where this has not been possible, please inform the Chair at the start of the meeting of your intentions and be aware that the Chair of the meeting has the discretion to halt any recording for a number of reasons, including disruption caused or the nature of the business being conducted. Anyone filming or recording a meeting is asked to only film or record those actively participating. The Council expects that recording will not be edited in a way that could lead to misinterpretation of the proceedings. A copy of the Council’s protocol is available on the Council’s website. Site Visits Site Visits are generally held the Saturday morning before the Committee. However, site visits can also be made at a later date arising from a decision of the Committee. Page 4 of 134 Decisions The Committee can take decisions which include: planning permission is granted (allowed) with or without conditions attached. approval subject to a legal agreement being signed. refusal, i.e. planning permission is not granted. referral, for example for further reports or a site visit. If an application is not clearly gaining consensus from the Committee then a vote will be taken by means of a show of hands and a simple majority will win. If there is no majority then the Chair will vote a second time. Record of Decisions The minutes from tonight's meeting will be available ten working days after the meeting. These will be available from the Committee Section and also on the Council's Internet site. The Planning Department will also send decision letters to the applicants. Thank you for attending this meeting of the planning committee. If you have any comments on how you feel this meeting could be better organised or improved please send these to Lee Teasdale at the town hall, Ealing Broadway or email to [email protected] . Page 5 of 134 Page 6 of 134 Planning Committee – 18th April 2018 2018 PLANNING COMMITTEE Wednesday 18th April 2018 at 7:00 pm. UMINUTES PRESENT: Councillors Dhindsa (Chair), Ahmed, Ahmed-Shaikh, Aslam, Blacker, Busuttil, Cogan, Conlan, Dabrowska, Mahmood, Manro, Martin and Mullins. IN ATTENDANCE: Alan Corcoran Planning Officer Jonathan Hartnett Planning Officer Steve Barton Strategic Planning Manager Alison Luff Lawyer (Planning and Property) Janine Jenkinson Democratic Services Officer Francis Torto Transport Development Manager 1. Apologies for Absence There were none. 2. Urgent Matters There were none. 3. Matters to be Considered in Private There were none. 4. Declarations of Interest In relation to application 02 – 49, 57-59 High Street, Southall, UB1 3HF, Councillor Manro declared a non-pecuniary interest, by virtue of him being a Chair of Governors in Southall; however this did not preclude him for taking part in the consideration of the application. 5. Minutes RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 21st March 2018, be agreed and signed by the Chair as a correct record of the meeting. 6. Site Visit Attendance The Chair reported that he, together with Councillors Ahmed, Aslam, Busuttil, Cogan, Conlan, Dabrowska, Mahmood, Manro, Martin and Mullins had attended the site visits held on 14th April 2018. Councillors Ahmed-Shaikh and Blacker had sent their apologies for absence. The minutes should be read in conjunction with the agenda for the meeting. They are subject to approval and signature at the next meeting of this Committee. Page 1 Page 7 of 134 Planning Committee – 18th April 2018 7. Planning Applications2018 and Enforcement Reports Planning Services submitted reports in relation to the following planning applications for determination by the Committee: ITEM 01 - Application in respect of Ealing Field’s School, Evershed Sports Ground, Wyke Gardens, Hanwell, W7 2BB. (Ward: Elthorne) Proposal: Continued use of the sports pavilion and northern part of grounds (use class D2) for temporary school use (Use Class D1) until August 2020; retention of two no. two-storey temporary modular units for school use (Use Class D1) and associated hardstanding, MUGA, fencing, refuse and cycle storage units until August 2020; installation of a two-storey temporary modular unit for school use (Use Class D1) until August 2020, with associated ramp and stepped building access, refuse and cycle storage units, fencing and hardstanding. Alan Corcoran, (Planning Officer) introduced the application and referred members to the additional information provided in the briefing note. The Committee was recommended to approve the application. Margaret Majumdar, spoke on behalf of Boston Manor Residents Association, in objection to the application. She spoke as Chair of the Residents Association, which she explained had 700 members and was over 50 years old. She stated the main objections to the application were in relation to overcrowding on the Eversheds site and the traffic and parking implications for local residents. She felt the Planning Officer’s reduction of 112 letters of objection to three lines of summary in the report was inadequate, as it had left out many of the reasons for objections, and amounted to contempt for the concerns of those affected by the application. The Eversheds grounds, south of the existing buildings, were 200 metres long and 75 metres wide. The application proposed to divide the length of the site by a fence south of the new temporary building. She felt that to place 480 pupils plus staff in daily occupation of such a small campus would be unacceptable overcrowding. In addition, she said residents felt they had been deceived by the Council and the school in relation to the use of the site. Residents had accepted the original application for use of the site for two years, as it was time-limited, to end in July 2018, and for 240 pupils.
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