Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2012 witii funding from LYRASIS IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/pamphletcOOcame INDEX OF THE PAMPHLET COLLECTION OF thp: DIOCESE OF CONNECTICUT By KENNETH WALTER CAMERON ARCHIVIST AND HISTOKKKIKAI'HKK THE HISTORIOGRAPHER DRAWER 1080 HARTFORD 1, CONN. 1958 To ARTHUR ADAMS A Distinguished Scholar, Educator And Prefjbyter "Honestus rumor alterum patrimonitun est," Prefiace This oltmo will provlda a short-title list of the 3,000 tracts (some of them duplicates) in the first one hundred and eighty-eight volumes in the Archiyas of the Diocese of Connecticut, housed in the Trinity College Library in Hartford. Their value to the student of the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries cannot be overemphasized, since the political, literary and apologetical Issues of those periods were largely debated and won in pamphlet warfare. The Church historian, moreover, is so much indebted to early leaflets for many basic facts that an analyzed collection of this kind must invariably stimulate research in the department of parochial origins and growth. The original plan called for a terminal cross-reference index of parishes, persons, issues and themes, but lack of opportunity made that part of the proj- ect impossible at this time, (it may, of course, be undertaken later on as a separate venture.) The compilation as it stands is divisible into three sec- tions! Pages I. The Main Index, arranged by authors or principal subjects 3-156« II* Addenda to the Main Index 157-158, III. Index of Titles for which authorship could not be established 158-169. I am indebted to my Trinity College students for help with the task at various stages. Because for them and for me it was only a part-time enter- prise, extending over many months, I cannot assume that it is completely free from inaccuracies or rigidly uniform in format, but I offer it to the public as a key to a rich reference collection, a part of which may be unique or ex- ceptionally rare. The voliune numbers in which a particular tract may be found will appear after the imprint date or at the end of the listing. The Archives of the Dio- cese will be glad to assist scholars in putting the collection to use— either by welcoming them to the library itself or by supplying, at reasonable rates, photostatic copies of what may most interest them. KENNETH W. CAlffiRON Archivist Feast of St. Michael sind All Angels 1958, (1) Abbot, Charlos Rll^y Historical adl ross.. .doll-rerod at the centen- nial of St, Mnrk'n Cliurch, Hew Cunaan, Conn. '<'overti- ber 15, 1891. [n.p., 189X7] Contains Bp. T, C, Brownnll'a -certificate of th«> (10) consecration of the olmrfjh. 133 Adams, Jasper An Inaugural discourse, delivered In Trinity (2) Church, Gonova, New-York, August 1, 1827. Goneva Abercrombi e, James Sept,, 1827. 1111 Funeral sormim on the importance and tha Im- provoraont of time. Proaobe'd in St. Peter's Church, (11) Philadelphia, November 13, 1814, in compliance with Adams, Jasper the desire expresaad by the late Anthony Fothorgill, The relation of Christianity to civil govern- M.D. r.R.S. Ac. in his last will and testament, ment in the United States! A sermon, preached in and in pursuance of the prov.'rions therein con- St. Michael's Church, Charleston, February 13th, tained. Philadelphia, 1814. 28 1833, before the Convention of the Protestant Epis- copal Church of the Diocese of South-Carolina. (3) Charleston, 3. C, 1833. 144 Abercrombia, Janes A sermon on the Iiitur^;/ of tne Protestant (12) Ipiscopal Church, preached before the convention Adams, John Chester held in Christ-church, Philadelphia, June 15, 1808. "Yale vs. the Church of England" [Extracted Philadelphia, 1808. from the Yale University Library Gazette. New Haven, Dedicated to Bp, Willian White. 28 April, 1944.] Contains letters signed by Timothy Cutler and (4) Francic Nicholson, 88 Abercrombie, Richard Mason Diversities of Gifts and OperationE Consistent (13) with Unity of the Church. A Sermon preached before Adams, William the Associate Alumni of the General Theological Three letters upon the confessional, to James Seminary. ..at their Annual Meeting in Trinity Chapel, De Koven, D.D. with the resolutions of the faculty New York. June f^5th, A.D. 1867, [New York, 1868] of Nashotah, and a speech upon Eueharistic Adoration, 17 read before the Special Council held in Milwavikee, (5) Feb. 11, 12 and 13, 1874, for the election of a Abercrombie, Richard Mason bishop in thf^ Diocese of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, 1874. A sermon on the occasion of the death of Samuel 20, 145 Green, Esq, Preached on Sunday, Sept. 11, 1859, (14) Hartford, 1859, Addison, James Thayer Abercrombie was rector of CUrift. Church, Hart- Frangols Coillard. Hartford, Feb., 1929, ford. 67 [C.M.P.C, Soldier and Servant Series, 154]. 85 (6) (15) Aberdeen, Scotland: St. Paul's Chapel. Addison, James Thayer The Scottish Episcopal Church and the Rhv. Sir Francis Xavier. Hartford, [April, 1929], William Dunbar, Bart., S.C.L, Presbyter of the [C.M.P.C, Soldier and Servant Series, 155], 185 Church of England, and his defenders, in reference to his letter to the managers, constituent members, (16) and congregation of St. Paul's Chapel, Aberdren. Addison, Janes Thayer Edinburgh, 1843, 119 Religion in India. Hartford, February, 1931. [C.M.P.C, Church in Story and Pageant sor., 30], (7) 184 [Acheson, Sdward Campion. Bp,] (17) George Koith Missionary of the Socii^ty for the Aguas, Manuel Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Hart- A letter from... to the Bishop of Mexico, [Ad- ford, n,d, [C.M.P.C, publ.] dressed "To the Bishop of the Roman Sect established Include;; a "Memorial to the Rev. George Keith, in Mexico"] New York, n.d, 30 Rector of Kdburton, 1705 to 1716, by H, B. Simeon. 83 (18) (8) Albany, N. Y. : St. Peter's Church. Acly, Charles Gardner [a letter proposing the centennial celebration Mystery in Religion. An Essay read before the of the formal recognition of St. Peter's Church by Associate Alumni of the General Theological Seminary, civil authority by the grant of a charter of incor- June 27, 1P60. [New York, 1861], 10 poration from the Crown of Great Britain.] [Al- bany, 1869]. (9) The rector was William Croswell Doane. The Adams, Henry W[right] present document records his opinions and those of preached Who are Christ's ministers? A sermon t the Vestry. 16 (19) tian or a Calvlnist?" Tq which is added, throa let- Albany, N, If.: St. Peter's Church, ters on Mr. Thompklns' "Calm Enquiry," by tha Rev, Raport to the Vestry of St. Peter's Church, James Harvey, Boston, 1810. 93 Albany, of the lay delagatas appointed by thara, who attended the diocesan convontlon of the Protestant (28) tplscopal Church, held at the city of New York, on American Anti-Slavery Sociaty the 23d day of Soptembar, 1845, and continued to the American Slavery as it is: Testimony of a thou- SOth of the same month. Albany, 1845* 112 sand witnoasao. New York, 1839. Compilation made by Theodore Dwight W»Id. 45 (20) Albany, N, Y. : St. Peter's Church. (29) To the parishioners of St. Peter's Church. From American Bible Society the majority of the restry. [Albany, 1868], An apology for the common English Bible; and a A report dated October, 1868, Including soma review of the extraordinary changes made in it by correspondence with Horatio Potter, Bishop of New managers of the American Bible Society. 3rd ed, York. 16 Baltimore, N.y,, 1857. 161 (21) (30) Allen, Benjamin American Bible Society Second letter to The Right Reverend John Henry [Defense of the American Bible Society and tha Hobart, 0,0,, Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Common English Version. [n.p., 71845], Church in the Oiocese of New York, Philadelphia, Prefaced by a letter to the Rev. H. Blodgett, 1827, 33 dated Newton Falls, August, 1845. 58 {22) (31) Allan, B. R, American Church Missionary Society The responsibilities and duties of American First anniversary of the American Church Mis- citizens. A sermon,, preached In the Congregational sionary Society, held in St. George's Church, New- Church, South Berwick, Ma, Thanksgiving Day, Dec. York, Wednesday evening, October 24, 1860, at half- 19, 1850, Boston, 1851, 80 past 7 o'clock. Address of the president, Hon. Philip Williams. Rt. Rev, Manton Eastburn, D.D., (23) Bishop of Mass. Rev, N. H, Schenck, of Baltimora, Allan, Thomas Rev, W. R. Nicholson, 0,0., of Boston. Rev, R. B, Benefits of affliction, A funergl sermon oc- Claxton, D.D,, of Rochester, N,Y, Rev. Richard New- casioned by the death of Mrs, Elizabeth White con- ton, D.D., of Philadelphia. New-York, 1860, sort of Mr. William P. White; who departed this life Reported by A. F. Warburton, 123 in London, on Friday the 2d, day of Feb, 1798, and delivered at Pittsfield, the place of her nativity (32) April 22d. in commemoration of that event the next American Colonization Society Lords day after the receipt of the melancholy tidings Twenty-ninth annual report of. ..with the pro- ... To which are added two letters. .relating to ceedings of the board of directors, and of the So- her sickness and death. Pittsfield, Biii,tiiiMl, 1799. ciety at its annual meeting, January 20, 1846. Washington, D,C., 1846, 25 (24) R. Allington, Charles (33) ''aster Vignettes. Hartford, Dec. 1934—Feb. American National Preacher. The, vol. X, nos. 1*3 1936, [C,M.P,C,, Church in Story and Pageant, 45] (Whole No. no), June A July, 1835. 184 Contains sermons by the Rev.
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