A True L I S T of the LORDS Spiritual and Temporal: As alfb a LIST of the Knights and Commiffioners of Shires, Citizens and Burgeffes, chofen to ferve in the Parliament ■ o£ Great‘’Britain, fummoned to meet at IVeJtminficr the Twenty fifth of November, 1710. according to the Returns made into the Office of the Clerk of the Crown in Her Majefty’s High Court of Chancery. Note : Thofe which have this Mark * before them, were not Members of the lafi Parliament. Arthur Herbert, Earl of Tor- Borough of Portpigham, alias Borough Harwich. Borougn ©/Andover. Borough of Chippenham. rington. ARCHBISHOPS |l2o?tfcanipronQ)tre, 9. ifUnr, 2. A Lift of the PEERS. and BISHOPS. Weftlow. Kendrick Edisbury Efq-, •Str Juftinian Iftiam Bar. The Rt. Hon. John Smith E/q, Sir James Long Bar. Sir Roger Moftyn Bar. Richard Lomley, Earl of Scar- Rf. Hon. Sir Charles Hedges Kt. Dr. Thomas Tennifbn, Lora Thomas Frankland Efq-, Thomas Cartwright Efq-, Wiiham Guidott Fjq-, •Joleph Afh Efq-, , Town of Flint. borough. Arthur Maynwaring Ejq-, Borough of Malmesbury. ej* Note: Thofe marked sfrchblfbop of Canterbury City of Peterborough. 5>raffo?bft)fre, 10. Sir John Conway Bar. George Booth, Earl of War- Borough of Grampound. fStourefterflDlTe, 8. *Hon. John Firz-Williams E/g'; Thomas Farrington Ejq; thin * are under dge. rington. Dr. John Sharp, Lord Archbi- The Hon. Henry Pagett Efq-, Bt. Hon. Thomas Coke Efq, •John Berkley Efq-, •Charles Parker Efq-, Jofeph Addifon Efq-, Richard Newport, E. of Brad- Jhop of York. Vice-Chamberlain. Matthew Ducie Moreton Ejq-, •William Ward Jun. Ejq-, Borough oj CrickUdc. ®lanio&an, 2. ford. Dr. Henry Compton, Lord Bi- Town of Northampton. City of Litchfield. D U K E S, &c. James Graggs Efq-, City of Gloucefter. * William Wykcs Efq-, Edmund Dunch Efq; Rt. Hm. Sir Thoraas Manfell, #^ Frederick Zuledein, Earl of jhop of London. Thomas Webb Efq-, •Richard Dyot Efq-, Aureoce Hyde, E. of Ro Borough of Eaftlow. The How.George Monta gu Efq-, •Samuel Robinfon Ejq; Margam, Bi»r. L Rochford. Dr. Nathanael Crew, Lort/JS/- Sir Henry Seymour Bar. •John Blanch Efq-, John Cotes Efq-,' Borough of Great-Bedwin. Town of Cardiffe. cheftcr. Lord Prejident of fhop of Durham, and Lord Town of Brackley. ] Borough of Stafford. Arnold Tooft vanKeppel, Earl Thomas Smith Efq-, Borough of Cirencefter. Hon. William Egerton Ejq-, Rt. Hon. Charles Lard Bruce. •Sir Edward Stradling Bar. me Council. of Albemarle. Crew. Walter Chetwynd Efq-, John Holies, D. of Newcaftle, Borough of Penryn. Allen Bathurlt Efq-, Hon. Cha. Eger ton Efq-, c Sir Edward Seymour Bar. •Thomas Coventrye, £. of Co- Sir Jonathan Trelawny Bar. Thomas Foley Efq-, Samuel Treftifis Ejq-, Charles Coxe E/y; Borough of Higham-Ferrars. Borough of Lurgerfhall. fipetioaetb, >• Lord Privy Seat. ventrye. Lord Bijbop of Winchefter. Borough of Newcaftle under , The. Howard, ,D. of Norfolk, Alexander Penriaives Efq', Borough of Tewkesbury. Hon. Thomas Wentworth Ejq-, John Webb Efq-, Richard Vaughin Eflji Edward Rufiell, £. of Orford. Dr.William Lloyd, Lord Bijbop • Will. Bromley.af Upton, Line. Earl-Marjbal, and Heredita- Borough of Tregony. * Thomas Pearce Efq; Edward Villiers, £. of Jeiley. of Worcefter. The Rt. Hon. Francis Lord VIf H-nry Ircton Efq-, •Rowland Cotton Efq-, Borough of Old Sarum. ry-Mtfrjhal of England, lfio?rbumbetlant), 8. ^onrsomerp, a. Henry d’Auverquerque, Earl Dr. Thomas Spratt, Lord Bi- count Ryalton. •William Burllem Ejq-, •Thomas Pitt Efq-, j John Shgifieid, Duke of Buck- jbop of Rochelfer. ^erefojbflptrt, 8. Borough of Tamworth. Edward Vaughan <Ef<ft of Grantham. John Prevanion Ejq', 1 Rt. Hon. Algernoon £. o/Hert- •William Hirvey Jun. Efq-, Town if iviomgomcry, ingham and Normauby.Lar^ John Campbell, £. of Green- Dr. Gilbert Burnet, Lord Bi^ Rt. How. James Lord Vifcount ! ford. Jofeph Girdler Efq-, Serjeant at Borough of Boifmey. Scudamore. Borough of Wootton Ballet, John Pugh JEfq; Steward of the §hieen's Hou- wich, {and D. of Argyle ) Jhop of Saturn. Thomas Forfter Jun. Efq-, Law. , Jhold. Hon. Francis Robartes Efq', John Prife Efq-, *.lt. HM. Henry St. John Efq; Thomas Wharton,£. of Whar- Dr. Humphrey Humphreys,, John Manley EJfi Town of Newcaftle upon Tyne-i •Samuel Bracebridge Efq-, one of Her Majejiyt Principal t Charles Talbot, D. of Shrewf- ton. Lord Bipop of Hereford. City of Hereford. *iir William Blacker Bar. lJ3cmbiohe, 3. bury. Lord Chamberlain of Borough iff St. Ives. The How. James Brydges Efq-, d>UffbUt, 15. Secretaries of State. •John Barlow Efp; John Powlet, E^r/Powlet. Dr. John Hough, Lord Bijbop *J >hn Hopkins Ejq-, •William Wrightfon EJq-, Sir Thomas Hanmer Bar. •Richard Goddard Efqi , the keen’s Houjhold. of Litchfield and Coventry. Thomas Foley Efq-, Borough of Morpeth. Town of Pembroke. Sidney Godolphin, Earl of Go- John Praed Efq-, Sir Robert Davers Bar. Borough of Marleborough. Sir Arthur Owen Bar. v Charles ileymour, Duke of So- dolphin. Dr. John Moore, Lord Bijhop Borough of Lempfter. 'Sir Richard Sandtord Bar. Borough o/Foway. Edward Harley Efq-, Borough of Iplwich. Rt. Hon. Gnarles Lord Bruce. Town of Ha verterd- Weft. merlet. Hugh Cholmley, £. of Cbolm- of Ely. * Rt.Hon. Chriltopher Lord Vif- Charles Fitz.-Rcy, Duke of *Rt. H. Gto. Hiye, L. Duplin. •Edward Bangham Efq-, Sir William Barker Bar, Hon. Robert Bruce Ejq; John Laugharne Ejq; ley. Dr. Richard Cumberland, Lord Heniy Vincent Jim. Efq-, count Cattle-Comer. William Churchill Efq-, Cleveland Southampton. George Keith, E. Marefchal. Bijbop oj Peterborough. Borough of Weobly. Town of Berwick upon Tweed. (Kfiojceftertyfre, 9. Charles Lenos,D.(»/Richmond. Borough of St. Germans. John Birch Ejq-, Serj. at Law. Borough of Danwich. Sir John Packington Bar. iftatmo?, a. John Erskine, Earl of Mar. Dr. Edward Fowler, Lord Bi- Edward Eliot Efq', *Hon. Wnliam Kerr Ejq\ •George Downing Efq-, . Charles Fitz-Roy, Duke of Alexander Montgomery, E. of jbop of Gloucelter. 7* •Henry Cornwall Ejq-, Jonathan Hutchinfon Efq’, •Samuel Pytts Ej'q; Thomas Harley E/j; Grafton. •John Knighr EJq-, •Richard RichardlbnE/jj Ser- City of Worcefter. Eglingt' n. Dr. William Talbot, Lord Bi- ^£rtfo?bB)ire 5. Townf New-Radnor. James Butler, D. of Ormond. Borough of St. Michael. > J^orttnabamthfre, 8. jeant at Law. Samuel Swnt E/f; Alexander Home, £. of Home. jbop of Oxford. Ralph Freman fun. Ejq-, Borough of Orford. Ihe Rt-HonlRoben Harley Efqi * Henry bomerlet, D. 0/ Beaufort. •Abraham Blackmore £/grj *Rt. How. Scroop L Vifc.Howe. Thomas Wylde kfq-. Plumas Hay, £. of Kinuul. Dr. John Evans, Lord Bijbop •Richard BellalisiEjq-, Thomas Halfey Efq-, *Sir Edward i urner Kt. ... George ihtz-Roy}Duke o/'Nor- William Levinzlify, Borough of Droitwich. Hugh Campbell, £.of Lowdon. oj Bangor, Borough of St. Albans. Clement Corrance Ejq-, thuihberland. Borough ©/Newport. Town of Nottingham. Edward Foley Efq; David Carnegie,£. o/Norrhesk. Dr. William Nicolfon, Lord Borough of Aldborough. Charles Beauclair, Duke of Sir Nicholas Morice Bar. •William G imftone Efq-, John Flunitrce Efq-, Edward Jeffreycs Ejq-, SCOTLAND, (4?.) George Hamilton, £.«fOrkney. Bijbop of Carhlle. George Cou-re lay E[q-, John Gape Efq-, Sir Henry Johnfon Kt. St. Albans. Archibald Primrole, £. of Role- Dr. George Hooper, Lord Bi- •Robert Sicheverell Efq-, Borough of Eveinam. Borough of St. Mawes. Borough of Hertfprd. William Jonnfon Efq-, Shire of Aberdeen. < Charles Fawlet, D. ofRohon. berry. jhop qf Bath and Wells. Borough of Eaft-Retlord. Sir Edward Goodere Bar. , Meinhardt Schonberg , Duke R. H. Sir Richard Onllow Bar. •Charles Cselar EJq-, Thomas \Vhite Efq-, Borough of Sudoury. John Rudge £/<yj Sir Alexander -Gumming Jut\ Archibald Campbel, E. o/lflay. Dr. William Wake, Lord Bi- •Richard GulltonE/yj •John Me id Efq; Schonberg. John Tredenham El'q-, * Thomas Weftby Ejq-, Borough oj' Bewdley. Kt. jbop of Lincoln. •Robert Echlin Efq; . Thomas Osoorne, D. o/* Leeds, Borough of Kellington. ^>tmrinsDonfiblre, 4, Town of Newark upon Trent. • Anthony Lechmere EJq-, Shire f Air. VISCOUNTS. Dr. John Tyler, Lord Bijbop Borough of Eye. v. Wjiofheliey Ruflel, D. of Bed- Sir William Cory con Bar. Sir Thomas Willoughby Bar. •John Montgomery Efq; Price Devereux, VIfcount He- of Llandaff. John Prooey Ejq-, dec. Sir Jofeph Jekyil Kt. Chief £o?&fi#re, 30. ford. Samuel Rolle Ejq-, John Pocklingron Efq-, •Richard New digate-'Ej^; Burgh oj I.viug, gpc. reford. Dr. Offspring Blackall, Lord JuJiice of Che tier. William Cavendilh, Duke of CumberldnD, 6. Borough of Huntingdon. Rt. Hon. Henry Lord Vifcount •Charles Oliphanc EJq; Henry Brown, Vifcount Mon- Bijhop of Exeter. {Dron, 9. •Thomas Maynard Efq; Devon/hire. James Lowther EJ'q-, Edward Wort ley Ejq-, Down. Shire of Argyk. tacute. Sir William Dawes Bar. Lord Borough of Sc. Edmondsbury. Sir James Campbell , John Churchill, Duh of Marl- Gilfrid La\\fon Ejq-, Francis Page Efq-, Sir Robert lenkinfon Bar. *Sir Arthur Kay Bar. Laurence Fienes, Vifcount Say Bijhop of Chelter. •Fiai cis Ckrke Ejq-, Jofeph Weld Efq; Serj. at Law. Shire of Bamff. borough. Dr. Charles Tnmoell, Lord Bi- City of Carlule. City oj Tork. and Sele. Univerjity of Ox on. Aubrie Porter Efq; Sir William Robinlbn Bar. Alexander Abercromby Efq; John Manners, D. 0^ Rutland. Troma s Bellafy fe , Vifcount jhop of Norutich. Thomas Stanwix Efq-, Kent, 10. Sir William Whitlocke Kt. §kurrep, 14. Hm. Robert Benibn Ej'q; Burgh of BamfF, CTc. ( John Mo‘Vagu, D. 0/ Montagu. Falconberg. Dr. William Fleetwood, Lord Sir James Mountaguc K?. George Augultus, pri. ce Electo- Sir Chomley Deering Bar. William Bromley Ejq-, SPEA- *Sir Francis Vincent Bar. Town of Kingfton upon Hull. •Alexander Reid Ejqi Charles Townlhend, Vifcount Bijbop of St. Alaph. Borough of Cockermouth. - ral,of Hanover, D. of Cam. •P«.rcival Harr Ejq-, KER. *Hon. Heneage Finch Efq-, Sir William St. Quin tin Bar. Shire of Be*' WJ ck. Townfhend. Dr. Thomas Maningham, Lord Nicholis Lrdimere bridge. City of Canterbury. City of Oxon. Borough of Southwark. ;Villiam Maifter Efq-, George Baillie Efq-, Thomas T h ynne,Vifcou?it W ey- Bijhop tf Chichelter.
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