JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 1 THIRTY-FIRST DAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2009 2009 REGULAR SESSION THIRTY-FIRST DAY MORNING SESSION Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading. Senate Chamber, Olympia, Wednesday, February 11, 2009 February 10, 2009 SB 5195 Prime Sponsor, Senator Berkey: Adopting the The Senate was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by President life settlements model act. Reported by Committee on Financial Owen. The Secretary called the roll and announced to the Institutions, Housing & Insurance President that all Senators were present with the exception of MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill Senators Kastama and Zarelli. No. 5195 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do The Sergeant at Arms Color Guard consisting of Boy Scouts pass. Signed by Senators Berkey, Chair; Hobbs, Vice Chair; Trevor Harron and Dan Detschman presented the Colors. Benton; Franklin; McDermott; Parlette and Schoesler. Reverend Jim Erlandson of the Community of Christ Church of Olympia offered the prayer. Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading. February 9, 2009 MOTION SB 5260 Prime Sponsor, Senator McAuliffe: Motivating students through incentives to pursue postsecondary education On motion of Senator Eide, the reading of the Journal of the by eliminating statewide assessments as a high school previous day was dispensed with and it was approved. graduation requirement. Reported by Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education MOTION MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill There being no objection, the Senate advanced to the first No. 5260 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do order of business. pass. Signed by Senators McAuliffe, Chair; Kauffman, Vice Chair, Early Learning; Oemig, Vice Chair, K-12; REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES Brandland; Hobbs and Holmquist. February 9, 2009 MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by SB 5045 Prime Sponsor, Senator Kilmer: Promoting Senators King; Jarrett; McDermott; Roach and Tom. economic development and community revitalization. Reported by Committee on Economic Development, Trade & Innovation Passed to Committee on Ways & Means. MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill February 10, 2009 No. 5045 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do SB 5411 Prime Sponsor, Senator Kline: Concerning pass. Signed by Senators Kastama, Chair; Shin, Vice Chair; requests for driving record abstracts. Reported by Committee Zarelli; Delvin; Eide; Kilmer and McCaslin. on Judiciary Passed to Committee on Ways & Means. MAJORITY recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Senators Kline, Chair; Regala, Vice Chair; McCaslin; February 10, 2009 Carrell; Hargrove; Kohl-Welles; Roach and Tom. SB 5149 Prime Sponsor, Senator Kline: Creating the geothermal assessment committee. Reported by Committee on Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading. Environment, Water & Energy February 9, 2009 MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill SB 5414 Prime Sponsor, Senator McAuliffe: No. 5149 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do Implementing recommendations of the WASL legislative work pass. Signed by Senators Rockefeller, Chair; Pridemore, group. Reported by Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Vice Chair; Honeyford; Fraser; Hatfield; Holmquist; Marr; Education Morton; Ranker and Sheldon. MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without No. 5414 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do recommendation. Signed by Senator Delvin. pass. Signed by Senators McAuliffe, Chair; Kauffman, Vice Chair, Early Learning; Oemig, Vice Chair, K-12; King; Passed to Committee on Ways & Means. Brandland; Hobbs; Holmquist; Jarrett and McDermott. February 10, 2009 MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without SB 5191 Prime Sponsor, Senator Hobbs: Allowing recommendation. Signed by Senators Roach and Tom. noninsurance benefits as part of life insurance policies. Reported by Committee on Financial Institutions, Housing & Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading. Insurance February 10, 2009 MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill SB 5427 Prime Sponsor, Senator Ranker: Addressing No. 5191 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do the release of certified abstracts of full driving records. pass. Signed by Senators Berkey, Chair; Hobbs, Vice Chair; Reported by Committee on Judiciary Benton; Franklin; McDermott; Parlette and Schoesler. 2 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE THIRTY-FIRST DAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2009 2009 REGULAR SESSION MAJORITY recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Senators Kline, Chair; Regala, Vice Chair; McCaslin; MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without Carrell; Hargrove; Kohl-Welles; Roach and Tom. recommendation. Signed by Senator Holmquist. Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading. Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading. February 9, 2009 February 9, 2009 SB 5434 Prime Sponsor, Senator Marr: Regarding SB 5551 Prime Sponsor, Senator Franklin: Regarding prohibited practices in accountancy. Reported by Committee on recess periods for elementary school students. Reported by Labor, Commerce & Consumer Protection Committee on Early Learning & K-12 Education MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5434 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do No. 5551 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do pass. Signed by Senators Kohl-Welles, Chair; Keiser, Vice pass. Signed by Senators McAuliffe, Chair; Kauffman, Vice Chair; Holmquist; Franklin; Honeyford; King and Kline. Chair, Early Learning; Oemig, Vice Chair, K-12; Holmquist; Jarrett; McDermott; Roach and Tom. Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading. MINORITY recommendation: That it be referred without February 9, 2009 recommendation. Signed by Senators King and Brandland. SB 5439 Prime Sponsor, Senator Haugen: Providing benefits to domestic partners under the Washington state patrol Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading. retirement system. Reported by Committee on Transportation February 9, 2009 MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill SB 5581 Prime Sponsor, Senator Delvin: Modifying No. 5439 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do provisions relating to sunscreening devices. Reported by pass. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Committee on Transportation Berkey; Eide; Jarrett; Kauffman; Kilmer; King; Ranker and Sheldon. MAJORITY recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Swecker; MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Becker; Benton; Berkey; Delvin; Eide; Jarrett; Kauffman; Senators Swecker; Becker and Benton. Kilmer; King; Ranker and Sheldon. Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading. Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading. February 10, 2009 February 9, 2009 SB 5468 Prime Sponsor, Senator Honeyford: Permitting SB 5582 Prime Sponsor, Senator Parlette: Concerning an exemption for nonprofit housing organizations from the the chief for a day program. Reported by Committee on consumer loan act. Reported by Committee on Financial Transportation Institutions, Housing & Insurance MAJORITY recommendation: Do pass. Signed by MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill Senators Haugen, Chair; Marr, Vice Chair; Swecker; No. 5468 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do Becker; Benton; Berkey; Delvin; Eide; Jarrett; Kauffman; pass. Signed by Senators Berkey, Chair; Hobbs, Vice Chair; Kilmer; King; Ranker and Sheldon. Benton; Franklin; McDermott; Parlette and Schoesler. Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading. Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading. February 10, 2009 February 9, 2009 SB 5583 Prime Sponsor, Senator Marr: Improving the SB 5474 Prime Sponsor, Senator Kastama: Providing effectiveness of water bank and exchange provisions. Reported tax incentives for contributions for research and technology by Committee on Environment, Water & Energy development grants. Reported by Committee on Economic Development, Trade & Innovation MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill No. 5583 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do MAJORITY recommendation: Do pass. Signed by pass. Signed by Senators Rockefeller, Chair; Pridemore, Senators Kastama, Chair; Shin, Vice Chair; Zarelli; Delvin; Vice Chair; Fraser; Hatfield; Marr; Morton; Ranker and Eide; Kilmer and McCaslin. Sheldon. Passed to Committee on Ways & Means. MINORITY recommendation: Do not pass. Signed by Senators Honeyford; Delvin and Holmquist. February 10, 2009 SB 5504 Prime Sponsor, Senator Fraser: Concerning Passed to Committee on Rules for second reading. reclaimed water permitting. Reported by Committee on Environment, Water & Energy February 10, 2009 SB 5669 Prime Sponsor, Senator Berkey: Granting the MAJORITY recommendation: That Substitute Senate Bill insurance commissioner certain authority when the governor No. 5504 be substituted therefor, and the substitute bill do declares a state of emergency. Reported by Committee on pass. Signed by Senators Rockefeller, Chair; Pridemore, Financial Institutions, Housing & Insurance Vice Chair; Honeyford; Delvin; Fraser; Hatfield; Marr; Morton; Ranker and Sheldon. JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 3 THIRTY-FIRST DAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2009 2009 REGULAR SESSION MAJORITY recommendation: Do pass. Signed by Pridemore, Vice Chair; Honeyford; Delvin; Fraser; Senators Berkey, Chair; Hobbs, Vice Chair; Benton; Holmquist; Marr; Morton; Ranker and Sheldon. Franklin; McDermott; Parlette and Schoesler.
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