Just For Fun: A Listing of a “Few” Phobias FEAR OF: B- 13, number- Triskadekaphobia. 666, number- Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia Bacteria- Bacteriophobia. 8, number- Octophobia. Bald people- Peladophobia. Bald, becoming- Phalacrophobia. Bathing- Ablutophobia. A- Bats- Chiroptophobia. Abuse: sexual- Contreltophobia. Beards- Pogonophobia. Accidents- Dystychiphobia. Beaten by a rod or instrument of punishment, or of being severely criticized- Rhabdophobia. Air- Anemophobia. Beautiful women- Caligynephobia. Air swallowing- Aerophobia. Beds or going to bed- Clinophobia. Airborne noxious substances- Aerophobia. Bees- Apiphobia or Melissophobia. Airsickness- Aeronausiphobia. Belly buttons- Omphalophobia. Alcohol- Methyphobia or Potophobia. Bicycles- Cyclophobia. Alone, being- Autophobia or Monophobia. Birds- Ornithophobia. Alone, being or solitude- Isolophobia. Black- Melanophobia. Amnesia- Amnesiphobia. Blindness in a visual field- Scotomaphobia. Anger- Angrophobia or Cholerophobia. Blood- Hemophobia, Hemaphobia or Angina- Anginophobia. Hematophobia. Animals- Zoophobia. Blushing or the color red- Erythrophobia, Animals, skins of or fur- Doraphobia. Erytophobia or Ereuthophobia. Animals, wild- Agrizoophobia. Body odors- Osmophobia or Osphresiophobia. Ants- Myrmecophobia. Body, things to the left side of the body- Anything new- Neophobia. Levophobia. Body, things to the right side of the body- Asymmetrical things- Asymmetriphobia Dextrophobia. Atomic Explosions- Atomosophobia. Bogeyman or bogies- Bogyphobia. Automobile, being in a moving- Ochophobia. Bolsheviks- Bolshephobia. Automobiles- Motorphobia. Books- Bibliophobia. Bound or tied up- Merinthophobia. Bowel movements: painful- Defecaloesiophobia. Brain disease- Meningitophobia. Bridges or of crossing them- Gephyrophobia. Chopsticks- Consecotaleophobia. Buildings: being close to high buildings- Church- Ecclesiophobia. Batophobia. Clocks- Chronomentrophobia. Bullets- Ballistophobia. Clocks or time- Chronophobia. Bulls- Taurophobia. Clothing- Vestiphobia. Bums or beggars- Hobophobia. Clouds- Nephophobia. Burglars, or being harmed by wicked persons- Clowns- Coulrophobia. Scelerophobia. Coitus- Coitophobia. Buried alive, being or cemeteries- Taphephobia or Taphophobia. Cold or cold things- Frigophobia. Cold: extreme, ice or frost- Cryophobia. Cold- Cheimaphobia, Cheimatophobia, Psychrophobia or Psychropophobia. C- Color purple- Porphyrophobia. Color red or blushing- Erythrophobia, Erytophobia Cancer- Cancerophobia, Carcinophobia. or Ereuthophobia. Car or vehicle, riding in- Amaxophobia. Color yellow- Xanthophobia. Cats- Aclurophobia, Ailurophobia, Elurophobia, Color white- Leukophobia. Felinophobia, Galeophobia, or Gatophobia. Colors- Chromophobia or Chromatophobia. Celestial spaces- Astrophobia. Comets- Cometophobia. Cemeteries- Coimetrophobia. Computers or working on computers- Cyberphobia. Cemeteries or being buried alive- Taphephobia or Taphophobia. Confined spaces- Claustrophobia. Ceremonies, religious- Teleophobia. Constipation- Coprastasophobia. Changes, making; moving- Tropophobia or Contamination, dirt or infection- Molysmophobia Metathesiophobia. or Molysomophobia. Chickens- Alektorophobia. Contamination with dirt or germs- Misophobia or Mysophobia. Child, bearing a deformed; deformed people- Teratophobia. Cooking- Mageirocophobia. Childbirth- Maleusiophobia, Tocophobia, Corpses- Necrophobia. Parturiphobia, or Lockiophobia. Cosmic Phenomenon- Kosmikophobia. Children- Pedophobia. Creepy, crawly things- Herpetophobia. Chinese or Chinese culture- Sinophobia. Criticized severely, or beaten by rod or instrument Chins- Geniophobia. of punishment- Rhabdophobia. Choking or being smothered- Pnigophobia or Criticism- Enissophobia. Pnigerophobia. Crosses or the crucifix- Staurophobia. Choking- Anginophobia. Crossing streets- Agyrophobia or Dromophobia. Cholera- Cholerophobia. Crowded public places like markets- Agoraphobia. Crowds or mobs- Enochlophobia, Demophobia or Dirt or germs, being contaminated with- Ochlophobia. Misophobia or mysophobia. Crucifix, the or crosses- Staurophobia. Dirt or filth- Rhypophobia or Rupophobia. Crystals or glass- Crystallophobia. Dirty, being dirty or personal filth- Automysophobia. Disease- Nosophobia, Nosemaphobia or Pathophobia. Disease and suffering- Panthophobia. D- Disease, a definite- Monopathophobia. Disease, brain- Meningitophobia. Dampness, moisture or liquids- Hygrophobia. Disease: kidney- Albuminurophobia. Dancing- Chorophobia. Disease, rectal- Rectophobia. Dark or night- Nyctophobia. Disorder or untidiness- Ataxophobia. Dark place, being in- Lygophobia. Dizziness or vertigo when looking down- Darkness- Achluophobia or Myctophobia, or Illyngophobia. Scotophobia. Dizziness or whirlpools- Dinophobia. Dawn or daylight- Eosophobia. Doctor, going to the- Iatrophobia. Daylight or sunshine- Phengophobia. Doctrine, challenges to or radical deviation from Death or dying- Thanatophobia. official- Heresyphobia or Hereiophobia. Death or dead things- Necrophobia. Dogs or rabies- Cynophobia. Decaying matter- Seplophobia. Dolls- Pediophobia. Decisions: making decisions- Decidophobia. Double vision- Diplophobia. Defeat- Kakorrhaphiophobia. Drafts- Aerophobia or Anemophobia. Deformed people or bearing a deformed child- Dreams, wet- Oneirogmophobia. Teratophobia. Dreams- Oneirophobia. Deformity or unattractive body image- Drinking- Dipsophobia. Dysmorphophobia. Drugs, new- Neopharmaphobia. Demons- Demonophobia or Daemonophobia. Drugs or taking medicine- Pharmacophobia. Dental surgery- Odontophobia. Dryness- Xerophobia. Dentists- Dentophobia. Dust- Amathophobia or Koniophobia. Dependence on others- Soteriophobia. Dust- Amathophobia. Depth- Bathophobia. Duty or responsibility, neglecting- Paralipophobia. Diabetes- Diabetophobia. Dying or death- Thanatophobia. Dining or dinner conversations- Deipnophobia. Dirt, contamination or infection- Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia. E- Flogging or punishment- Mastigophobia. Eating or swallowing- Phagophobia. Floods- Antlophobia. Eating or food- Sitophobia or Sitiophobia. Flowers- Anthrophobia or Anthophobia. Eating or swallowing or of being eaten- Flutes- Aulophobia. Phagophobia. Flying- Aviophobia or Aviatophobia or Eight, the number- Octophobia. Pteromerhanophobia. Electricity- Electrophobia. Fog- Homichlophobia or Nebulaphobia. Englishness- Anglophobia. Food or eating- Sitophobia or Sitiophobia. Erect penis- Medorthophobia. Food- Cibophobia. Erection, losing an- Medomalacuphobia. Foreigners or strangers- Xenophobia. Everything- Panophobia, Panphobia, Pamphobia, Foreign languages- Xenoglossophobia. or Pantophobia. Forests or wooden objects- Xylophobia. Eyes- Ommetaphobia or Ommatophobia. Forests- Hylophobia. Eyes, opening one's- Optophobia.. Forests, dark wooded area, of at night- Nyctohylophobia Forgetting or being forgotten- Athazagoraphobia. F- France or French culture- Francophobia, Gallophobia or Galiphobia. Freedom- Eleutherophobia. Fabrics, certain- Textophobia. Friday the 13th- Paraskavedekatriaphobia. Failure- Atychiphobia or Kakorrhaphiophobia. Frogs- Batrachophobia. Fainting- Asthenophobia. Frost, ice or extreme cold- Cryophobia. Fatigue- Kopophobia. Frost or ice- Pagophobia. Fearful situations: being preferred by a phobic- Counterphobia. Functioning or work: surgeon's fear of operating- Ergasiophobia. Feathers or being tickled by feathers- Pteronophobia. Fur or skins of animals- Doraphobia. Fecal matter, feces- Coprophobia or Scatophobia. Female genitals- Kolpophobia. Female genitalia- Eurotophobia. G- Fever- Febriphobia, Fibriphobia, Fidriophobia or Pyrexiophobia. Gaiety- Cherophobia. Filth or dirt- Rhypophobia. Garlic- Alliumphobia. Fire- Arsonphobia or Pyrophobia. Genitals, particularly female- Kolpophobia. Firearms- Hoplophobia. Genitalia, female- Eurotophobia. Fish- Ichthyophobia. Germans or German culture- Germanophobia or Flashes- Selaphobia. Teutophobia. Germs or dirt, being contaminated with- Hoarding- Disposophobia. Misophobia or mysophobia. Holy things- Hagiophobia. Germs- Verminophobia. Home- Ecophobia. Ghosts or specters- Spectrophobia. Home surroundings or a house- Oikophobia. Ghosts- Phasmophobia. Home, returning- Nostophobia. Girls, young or virgins- Parthenophobia. Home surroundings- Eicophobia. Glass or crystals- Crystallophobia. Homosexuality or of becoming homosexual- Glass- Hyelophobia, Hyalophobia or Nelophobia. Homophobia. Gloomy place, being in- Lygophobia. Horses- Equinophobia or Hippophobia. God or gods- Zeusophobia. Hospitals- Nosocomephobia. Gods or religion- Theophobia. House or home surroundings- Oikophobia. Gold- Aurophobia. Houses or being in a house- Domatophobia. Good news, hearing good news- Euphobia. Hurricanes and tornadoes- Lilapsophobia. Gravity- Barophobia. Hypnotized, being or of sleep- Hypnophobia. Greek or Greek culture- Hellophobia. Greek terms- Hellenologophobia. I- Ice or frost- Pagophobia. H- Ice, frost or extreme cold- Cryophobia. Ideas- Ideophobia. Hair- Chaetophobia, Trichopathophobia, Ignored, being- Athazagoraphobia. Trichophobia, or Hypertrichophobia. Imperfection- Atelophobia. Halloween- Samhainophobia. Inability to stand- Basiphobia or Basophobia. Hands- Chirophobia. Infection, contamination or dirt- Molysmophobia or Handwriting- Graphophobia. Molysomophobia. Harmed by wicked persons; bad men or burglars- Infinity- Apeirophobia. Scelerophobia. Injections- Trypanophobia. Heart- Cardiophobia. Injury- Traumatophobia. Heat- Thermophobia. Insanity, dealing with- Lyssophobia. Heaven- Ouranophobia or Uranophobia. Insanity- Dementophobia or Maniaphobia. Heights-
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