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Symons being named as one of the 100 and the other “founding fathers” most powerful women in Canada, of Trent in the early 1960s. Let’s and alumna, Dalal Al-Waheidi face it—most of us who are read- ‘98, who was named one of seven ing this magazine would not be “Future Leaders.” (Dalal came to where we are had this early group Trent from Palestine and is now not acted on their dreams. For the the International Projects Director past three years, as Alumnus-in- of the NGO Free the Children.) Residence, I have had a unique I could go on and on about GUEST EDITOR, PAUL DELANEY ‘64 opportunity to see this place the many distinguished and note- from so many perspectives. Being worthy alumni across Canada and the only person on the Symons around the world. If I did, how- Campus and at Traill for weeks at ever, I’d be defeating my purpose. a time with virtually no stress is It’s time that we saluted those pretty special. I’ve had the chance unheralded Trent graduates who to read the plaques on benches, are also making a difference. They walls, and rocks, to dig into archi- are definitely not among the rich val material, and to chat easily and and famous, but they are the oth- often with so many of those who ers who are making a difference. made and continue to make Trent They are librarians, counsellors, what it is. archivists, environmentalists, activ- As I write this guest edito- ists of all kinds, musicians, scien- rial, I cannot help but think how tific researchers, youth workers, fortunate I am once again. How coaches, writers and clergy, as well has it happened that a would-be- as leaders in business, information but-was-not English major was technology, health care, security asked to write an editorial in one services, NGOs and First Nations. of the finest alumni magazines in Thousands are parents who have the country? (Talk about vision. passed to their children values that This whole page could be devoted they learned at Trent. So many to the magnificent efforts of Liz Trent graduates have become Fleming ‘77 for the past 17 years, teachers, and their influence is to Tony Storey ‘71 and Kathleen incalculable. Most of these individ- Easson ‘78, and to their Editorial uals do not seek recognition...and Board.) The fact is that once again they rarely receive it. We salute you I have been given an opportunity and we thank you for exemplifying to do something because someone the spirit of Trent. believed in me, and I have met so 3 many others who have had similar • experiences. WINTER 2007 Amazing things are still hap- pening at Trent; it didn’t stop with the building of Peter Gzowski College! The new DNA facility on the hill above Otonabee College is TRENT MAGAZINE now complete. Traill, while show- • 2 ing its age, continues to provide a unique and vital role. Fellow alumni, come and see Alumni House. Check out Trent’s numer- ous athletic successes. Find out ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Why Connect? travelling back from her home- plans for the future. town and happened to strike up In addition, alumni and their a conversation with the university families who hadn’t seen the cam- student who sat beside her. Not pus, perhaps since they graduated, knowing where the student was became reacquainted with the studying, my wife asked how he University and saw some of the liked his school. The response of newer features that have become the student was emphatic: he felt part of today’s Trent experience, his school was the best place for such as Peter Gzowski College. him, and that it really had changed They were able to see first-hand MATT GRIEM ‘97 his life. He then proceeded to talk how Trent continues to be a place about the small class sizes, the for students to learn and grow. ’ve often said I have yet to meet ability to take a number of dif- The Alumni Association also Ia Trent alumnus or alumna ferent types of courses within his hosted a successful Annual who wasn’t enthusiastic about degree, the vast tracts of nature sur- General Meeting during this their time at Trent University. Be rounding the campus, the freedom busy weekend, where Council it memories of a special “college he felt to speak his mind, and the reported both its challenges and weekend” event, a great professor active encouragement of the pro- successes from the past year and or staff member who took the time fessors to participate in class. heard from our membership. We to add a “personal touch,” or even After years of hearing me excite- also welcomed four new council a late-night toboggan ride down dily speak about the same things, members through our elections: the drumlin behind Lady Eaton in the same manner, my wife Adam Feather ’02, Brandi Gillett College, Trent alumni always seem asked, “You’re a Trent student, Woods ’93, Francis Fung ‘97, and to have a good story to tell about aren’t you?” The reply was, of our student representative Peter the University and seem ever will- course, “yes.” Stephenson ’04. Congratulations! ing to praise the institution that But despite all of the enthu- For those who weren’t able shaped them intellectually, mor- siasm for Trent, the feeling of a to connect in Peterborough, the ally, and even spiritually. direct connection to the University Association has also been working I’ve been fortunate enough in can become more distant over to bring the University to you. This my first year as the Trent University time. Understandably, this often past September, we saw the revival Alumni Association President to begins after Convocation, where of our Toronto Chapter through an meet a number of Trent alumni the last thing on most graduates’ after-work event at the Beer Bistro, who have taken the time to share minds is how to stay in touch with where a number of our Trent their most precious memories and the university they just graduated alumni networked, chatted, and experiences with me. Of course, from. With the future in mind, enjoyed some of the finest beer the you might argue that because of alumni may ask: I enjoyed my time city has to offer. this I’m a bit biased. It would be at Trent, so why continue to con- But should you need a more rare for someone who didn’t like nect? altruistic reason to renew your their time at Trent to actively seek For me, some of the reasons connection with Trent, you could 3 out the President of the Alumni to connect with Trent were quite perhaps volunteer to help the • Association to tell them how much evident this past fall, when the University through your expertise, WINTER 2007 they didn’t like their time at this Alumni Association hosted three tutor a student, or help a recent University! However, I have not separate events during the Head of graduate who is looking for a first been the only person to witness the Trent/Homecoming Weekend employment experience. this “Trent” phenomenon. Those (one of the busiest in recent For many of us, the Christmas who haven’t attended, or for that memory). Through our extremely and winter holidays remind us TRENT MAGAZINE matter even
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