September 28 1979 I h-kawa first Seattle House leaders to introduce redre s bill isei e ected as judge TIle rship 0 the in uce a coun • • tiona) JAG. Trea­ B'1 £IRA NAGAOI(A creation a fact-findmg xanune the ff ~.WL r, is campaign c:o-chair­ of El"ecuti\ e Order on Amencan Cl ilJans.. .-rcnn (or Paul Kraa.bel. who AIl the Asian American the \~ J Office.. House rnaJOnty I will nmrung against Car­ a cmdida1el ved the Sept. rWt (I).Te: ), H mmon' lead r John . - R- neSbeeban. 18 pnnw;r elections. AriL). Cofuuessman Peter \\'- Rodino, Jr. (D- .J.), chainnaD.. Paul opera. sing­ Ricl1ard . ~ ... K1ng Horiuchi. House Judiciary: and Congressman Frank Honon (R· .Y.). er and (onner schoolteacher, County Court Commissioner, rankIng minority m m ron 0\' mment ra ons, will m­ will be squaring off With in­ ~ted interim King troduce the bill n or about Sep cumbent Sam Smith C0un­ r. County Supenor Coun Judie in TIle bill. which ' expected to rrurror that of the te, will cil PosibOn o. 4. Terrance A. CarTolI UI PoIi- ask for the fonnatton of a fact-fLndlll commission to d ter· In City Council Position o. o. 11 Ul a con seWed mine if any wron doings were comnuned by th . 2, Dolores Sibonga. F1lipioo by a primary. By te law if ment u n Amencan civilians as a ult of E.O. 9066. a judicial candidate receiv Amencan. fonner deputy di­ a ~nty in a pnmary eJec­ rector of State Human Rights . • there will be no general Commission and current Se­ election. attle JAG. board member, Anger seen as successful style will be running against Bob n for u tion, m ntal Endorsed health and 8 ulturati p Moffet in the general election. n the ttJe. You put 1 fu- In the Seattle City Treasur­ grams. can't n King County in camp for a fe\· er race, lloyd Ham. past Se­ for Viet refugees into U. S. life Bar Assn. , months, or en a up Ie of hikawa, 47, , attle JAG. board member gory, the questionnaire re- and immediate past King New York 300 Vietnam refugees. Sur· years, and th n t him rved about ealed that feelings of inade­ County Auditor for eight Recent incidents, such as veys were made in 1975, 1976 'join th Am ncan main­ 10 years asa quacy. anger, tension and years, will be racing against the brick-and-bottle battle in and 1979. stream-that' ridiculous." deputy pros- Masuda (who is spearhead­ sensitivity were cited with George E. Cooley in the gen­ Denver and the violent epi­ Dr. Lin said on of th im­ ecutorbefore RICHARD ~ sodes in Seadrift, Tex., have ing National JACl.'s research greater frequency than some portant findings of the 1979 eral election. other populations surveyed r~ ~ ISHIKAWA highlighted the obstacles into aging and retirement of survey, just concluded, was the Southeast Asian refugees Japanese Americans) told by the same questionnaire. that "adaptive problems of ing appointed a 00UJ1 com­ Family judge face in some American com­ the New York Times that the Many of the more aggres­ refug continue into the missioner. He is a past v.p. and HoDolulu munities. high degree of anger now be­ sive refugees, those who ex­ third and fourth year after board member of SeattJe JA· Fonner Lt. Gov. Nelson The distress shown by ing found among the Viet­ press severe criticism or arrival in a new place". Lone­ and Nisei candidate Doi was sworn in this past a... first many of the 150,000 Vietnam­ namese may prove to be a anger at the host SOCiety or lines , lack of community in the stare for a judicial post week as a part-time (per diem) district family judge ese who have settled in successful adaptive style as fellow refugees, have made life, breakup of the family, KIDI CouDIy Superior Court for Oahu by Chief Justice America in the last few years, has been found in Cuban and better progress and fared uncertainty about the future, Position 11 Hungarian refugees. better in their new environ­ homesickness, grief over Richard M. J.shUcawa 67,9&1 William Richardson, substi­ at the same time, has spurred TerTenCe A. CaJToU 41,90S tuting for Judge Paul T. Ko­ an increasing number of psy­ Cornell Medical Index ment, according to Masuda, losses incurred during the It is interesting to note that kubun, who was hospitalized. chiatrists and psychologists scores taken in 1975 and 1976 than their more passive and evacuation or fleein and in the City Council Position Doi was circuit judge in Hilo to investigate the problem of show a little overall decrease benign fellows. frustration in coping with in ills after one year but a sig­ "They may be awakening American life were among No. 1 race, Tomio Moriguchi. from 1969-73. /I new im.migrants. One of the most compre­ nificant increase in anger. themselves to the fact that principal causes of mental ill­ hensive studies on the prob­ Researchers found chief they're oppressed," he ex­ health, Lin pointed out. lem of Vietnam refugees on physical complaints among plained "Then they become Another scientist, Dr. Wil­ PC Go/den Anniversary fete the west coast has been un­ refugees involved ailments angry and their emotional liam Liu of the Asian Amer­ derway by researchers at the of the respiratory tract, the arousal helps them to seek ican Mental Health Research attracting out-of-staters Univ. of Washington, which digestive tract and the ner­ out and find ways to get along Center in Chicago, told the is conducting surveys on a vous system. Complaints better and overcome their New York Times that being Los Angeles and his combo will entertain continuing basis for Project were relatively few with re­ problem." hostile and aggressive Two longtime PC contribu­ and provide the dance music. Pioneer, it was revealed in spect to cardiovascular, mus­ Masuda noted that "practi­ seemed to make it easier and tors, Bill Marutani of Phila­ Tickets at $2S per person are the New York Times Sept 11. culoskeletal, skin, genito-uri­ cally nothing" had been done more efficient for Vietnam delphia and Fr. Oement of obtainable from Hollywood Drs. Keh-Ming Lin, Laurie nary, vision or hearing. on a broad scope to help the refugees to get along in the Seattle (also a Philadelphia JACL board members or Tazuma and Minoru Masuda In the mental health cate- refugees adapt "There's U.S. culture. # at one time), are from: began this project three planning to participate in the PC Golden Anniversary Com­ mittee, 2448 Lyric, Los Angeles, years ago, employing both PC Golden Anniversary din­ observation and a widely 0f ner~ Oct 20, 7:30 p.m. Ca 90027. Seattle promoters Orien1 0l!lltt!Jre Those unable to attend but used questionnaire known as at the Bilonore Hotel, it was the Cornell Medical Index to armounced by Hollywood wishing to contribute are urged to send the gift to the document the physical and veto sale of DCDOk (furring Festival JACL, sponsors of "An Eve­ mental health status of some ning with Ye Editor" benefit committee, co-chaired by Seattle, Wa. visitors that the United States put Japanese in PSWDC go ernor Wiley Hi­ Bon Marche, one of the largest department internment camps and that the Chinese built First issue of the Pacific guchi and Tomoo Ogita. All stores in downtown Seattle, showcased the our railroads," a Bon spokesperson explained. Citizen was published on Oct proceeds from the program Ranking Asian artisn-y and culture of Japan and Hong Kong ''We're not saying the book is bad. It's just not IS. 1929. Present and past will be turned over to the PC for two weeks ending Sept 23. The lavish pro­ time to bring up the war. There are interna· editors will be recognized. for its mail computerization motion, ''The Orient Expressed", spared no tional relations to consider. We're not cover­ James "Butch" Kasahara pro~ # in U.S. military expense but was marred when the store ve­ ing up." While the book had not been pur­ toed distribution of an Asian American pic· chased for distribution in Bon's because "he gets top post ture history book, "Seattle's Other History", felt it might not seU", and to which Burke said Saaameoto, Ca. written by Edward and Betty Burke, it was was Bon's prerogative to determine what Maj. Gen. Dewey KK lowe, noted in the Beacon Hill News. would or would not seU, Bon inclicated the sale S4, ranking Olinese American The book was not to be sold by l.ocal of the book after the festival has not been military officer in the U-S., as­ merchants participating in a street fair-like ruled out swned command ofSac ramen­ bazaar during the celebration, according to "Seattle's Other History" describes, mostly to Air Logistics Center at Mc­ Edward Burke and a Bon Marche spokesman. through photographs and illustrations, the Clelland AFB on Aug. 22. Burke said he was first approached for as­ contributions of Japanese, Filipino and Chi­ The Oakland-born WW2 pi­ sistance in making contact with Asian Ameri­ nese Americans to the growth of SeattJe as lot in the CBI 1beater has ex­ cans in the community and for infonnation well as the not-so-pleasant treatment they had tensive background in military which would be passed on to Bon guests from sustained. logistics and procurement:; Japan and Hong Kong. Subject of sale of the holds theLegionof Merit, DFC book during the festival then followed, ac­ A type of cultural promotion that is suc­ with two oak leaf clusters, cording to Burke, with Bon offering two op­ cessful in Japan where the big department Bronze Star Medal, and is a tions: either setting up a booth in the bazaar or stores dramatize foreign countries with dis· graduate in ecooomics from having it purchased for sale in Bon's book de­ plays and demonstrations, Bon Marche's DIAMOND CLUB-Another JACL Corporate Diamond Club UC Berkeley and in law from partment "Orient Expressed" had artists and artisans member, the Golden State Sanwa Bank, is enrolled when a USF.
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