GOVERNMENT OF KERALA DISTRICT STATISTICAL HAND BOOK IDUKKI DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS & STATISTICS THIRUVANANTHAPURAM-1990 GOVERWMEWr Of KERALA ** *** ** * VrSTRJCr STATISTICAi HA^IV BOOK r V U K K I » «« *** »«*« ««• «» * VEPAKTMEKT Or ECONOmCS AHV STATISTICS TRIl/AWPRaM - 1989 M V E P A D C D05308 National Systems Untt, National Institute of EducationtJ Plonnir J Aministration i do Marg.NewDeliii-llOOl^ DOC. ___ Date..............—J.8 Lv P R e F A C E Govz^nmznt KtKoia havz aifitddy dzcid^d to con&idzn. dUitfildt and even d&\fe-lopme.¥Vt bloc.k oa b<ulc un-itt to plan and zxnaitz 4e£ec^erf 4c/iemc4. Since. dl£i?.ftznt dzpan.tme.nt6 a^e fie.qalfLZd to undzfitake. de.tailzd planning zx.zkcaj>z , it ie> imponXant that thzy kavz to be pfiovidzd with, adtqaatz and tXmzly data at diAtfiict and block -deve^-4. The. dzpa^tmtnt ho6 KzczntZy pabliiiktd * Block Lav&l Statistics* ail thz 14 di4tA.icX4. *Vi&tfiict Statiitickl Hand Books' aKZ intzndzd to pfie.se.nt almost all impofiiant data dzpictinq th& socio'-zconomic conditions o^ the. distfiicZ, The VistKict StatisticaZ Hand Book Idukki u x l s p^epafLCd by Smt. K. Santha Kuma^i, Resza^ch O^^-ice^ unde^ the guidance o^ ShAi, P,K. Vidyanandan, Vistfiict Oi^icefL and Shfii. A M , Ha^ida^an fJai^L, Ve.paty Vi^ectofi, District Oi^^ice, Economics and Statistics, Idukki, The eamest z^^onts o^ Skfii, P,l/. Sub^amonian Acha^y, Uese.aKch Assistant and Sh^i, Vominic Paul, In-oe^tiQotofi o^ the VistKict Oi^icz in collecting and compiling the data a^c specially acknoi^Jledgzd in this context, I hope that this publication i^ill be o{ con^ideKable use to planners and KtseafichtKS who aKe intzfizsted to study thz p^oblejns ojj the district. Suggestions ^o^ improvement oA.e most welcome. P .I. sREepet/r amma, Vviectofi oi Economics and Statistics. TfiivandKum, 17-4-19B9, PISTRICr STATISriCA/. HAhiVBOOK - IVUKKX C0NTEWT5 Tab£e Page Wo. Wo. AdmiyLlittA.ativz d^vzlopmznt dvjl6ion6 - 1 9 $ 7 ? SECTION - J Humn Re^ouACCi U1 Gfioujth ojJ population In IdukfU dl6t^lc.t ~ 1^01 to 1991, 2 l,t T(Uuk~u}l6^ dUtfLlbation afita, popvJtcution, i>iLX-Katio and 2 U tzK acy 1971 and 19S1. 1.3 Taiak'Wlse. dAJitfLlbtLtlon oi an.han population and de,n&lti/-1971 3 and 1981, 1.4 A^ea and popal(Ulon oi munlcipal-itie.4i and tcm-:i - 1981. 3 US Taluk-wl6e. dlitKibution o^ hotuekoZdi and ave.fiagz ilzt 3 iamliy - 1971 and 1981, 1.6 Taluk-iol&t dl&tKibiutCon o^ ^cktduZ<Ld ctwie and ^ahe.dulzd tKlbz 4 population 1971 md 1981. 1.7 Population by fie.ligi.on 1971 and 1981. 4 1.8 Population by agz g^oup 1971 and 1981 5 1.9 Taluk-ioise distribution o^ and non^i^JOAkz^u - 1981, 5 1.10 Talu.k‘ Wi4,z di&tKibution main mKke.fU ande.^ van.lou6 6 lnduJitKi.al catzgon.it6 - 1981, 1.11 IndwiitKy-vJi^z <iUtfii.b{xtion main won.fee^A 1971 and 1981, 7 1.12 Taluk-uji^z, cla^6i{icati.on o^ main wofLke.fU 7 undzK vaJii.ou6 IndiUtKial cjxt^goKi(U - 1981 1.13 Employme,nt in public and pKi'ooJbi hzoXoK a& on 3 U t Ma^Lch, 8 1.14 Employment In public 4ecto^ by dif^zrent branches, 8 1.15 Number 0(5 Job szekzfu 19$0-1987 8 1.16 Age-wl6z distribution o^ jgb seekers In the live register o6 9 on 31st Vecmber 1985, 1.17 Sector-wise distribution oi women employees^* 9 SECTIOW - 2 AgrlcattiUie 2.1 Monthly normal and average rainfall o{ Jdukki district {or the 10 period ^rom 1983 to 1987. 2.2 Monthly distribution o4 rainfall at Thodupuzha centre from 10 1978 to 1987, 2.3 Vlstrlbutlon 0(5 area aaaordlng to land utilization, 11 2.4 Vlstrlbutlon Individual operational holdings according to 11 size class 1975-^76, 1980-^81 and 1985^*86, 2.5 Area and production of principal crops* i2 2.6 Taluk-wise estimated of mean yield of dry paddy, 13 2.7 Net area Virlgated [Source-wise] 14 2.8 Gross area under irrigation (crop-wise), 14 2.9 Live stock population 15 2.10 Humber and area of operational holdings 1980-*31 llndlvldual 16 and institutional), 2.11 Number and area of operational holdings by tenure and 17, 18 tenancy status 1980-^81, 2.12 Leased in area by terms of leasing 1980-’81 (individual * 19 institutional). 2.13 Vlstrlbutlon of number of operational holdings by irrigation 20 status 1980-'81, i ana banti6 3.1 T.yidLUtn.y-i^yUQ. d-L^tnlbiiticn ivo^fung ^acXo^Ze-i and e,mpioyme.nt Z1 3.2 HimbtK o{^ ^ma-CZ 6C.aJ^t inda^t^Xal anlti ^zg^ute.^zd, 22 3.3 Co'-opzKati.ve. banfid and 4>oci<Ltlt^. 22, 23 3.4 Ve.taiZ^ 0^ -ickzdu^Q.d comnKL^ciai banli&. 23 SECTION - 4 lKa¥\Aipoht Communication 4.1 SuK^ace. length o{ n.oad^ maln^'imd by public mKk& dO-paKtmanZ. 24 4.2 lungtk ol P.U'.P. fioad& mpKovzdid<i\)(ilopQ,d. 24 4.3 Type.^'Wi^z ieng^Ch n.oad& undeA panckayat. 24 4.4 NumbzK moto^. vckiciZ'^ having vc.tld n.e.gi6t^atlon, 25 4.5 HimbtK noad ao,cide.nti> In ujkich moton. vzhicte.^ 25 involve.d. 4.6 MambeA po^t o^^lc-c^. 25 4.7 Wome e.xckangz^ and ^^umbQ.fL telepkom conmc.tion6 26, 27 SECT'iON ~ 5 tducaXion 5.1 Nuwbe^ 0^ ^chooii ion. g2.nt>ial z.duc,ation. 2S 5.2 Wumfae^ o{ 4>tade.yiti oMollzd undtn. g^mfial tducatlon. 29 5 .3 Himbzfi 0^ tzaoko-nM {>^chooZ~wi^z). 29 5.4 Stfie.ngtk SckzduZe.d Qa^tz and ScJazdulzd JKlbo. ^tudznt& 30 in ^ckoot&. 5.5 Numbe.^ o{ ant6 and -ddcnce. cotlzgz and ncumbe.^ o^ te.achzfU> 30 mployzd. SECTZOH - 6 ^^dicat Jnititution6 6.1 MzdicaZ iM iituttoni, bed6 and number patienti treated. 31 6.2 family planning p^.og^Lajtime.6. 31 6.3 Managcrmnt-’Wi^e. M.T.P. ca^e^. 32 6.4 Block/Tom-ujiyisZ ab-6t^act pn.lvate. mtdical institutions 04 33 on 1.4.1986 lAUopcith^} . 6.5 Block/Town-wise, ab-&t^acX o^ pfiivatz mzdical institutions. 34 SECTION - 7 Pfiic^ and WageA 7.1 Consume.^, pn.ic.c indices milking cIaA-i>> ^5 7.2 Mafikzt pn.iczs o{^ building matQ,fi.ioJi.s 36 7.3 AyeAage do.ily uJage Katzs skU ltd and unskilled laboufi in 37 tkz. con&Viuction szctofi. 7.4 FaKM pKice^ Oij Agfi-ccuituAal pfioducts - 19S7. 37 7.5 faw PAi^zs AdLmaly ('Pzvicolam Taluk) - 19S7. 3S, 39 39, 40 SECTION - ^ Mi&czlfanzous S. I VjUtKict inc.cmz by bnoad S2.atoKS at cuKKznt and cionstant pfiiczs 8.2 VistfL^bution 0 ^ ft.a.t>ion cotd^, uni.ts and pzKmitS as on 42 31.12.19S6 , 5.3 VaKtlQixZaKM o^ koiUing - 1980. 42 8.4 Housing o_onditioyiS - I9S0. 43 8.5 VistAibution zmployzd pztsans according to typz o£ 43 zmploy^r^znt. Adelnlstratlve developnent divisions 1987 No. of Revenue of Name of Taluk Name of Block ’ No. Villases Panchayats ] 2 5 4 5 I, Devlcolam 13 ]Adlmall 6 2 Devlcolam 6 2. Thodupuzha 19 3 Elamdesom 7 4 Thodupuzha 6 5 Idukkl 6 3. Peermade 10 6 Arudal 6 4. Udumbanchola 22 7 Nedumkandom 7 8 Kattappana 7 Total 6A 51 *********** : 2 : ].] Growth of population In Idukki district 1901 to 1991 Decadal Density of Years Population Increase population Sex Ratio (Percentage) 1 2 3 4 5 3901 47686 9 838 1913 99605 108.88 20 842 1921 308796 9.23 22 851 1933 187767 72.59 37 834 3941 244418 30,17 48 875 3 951 331603 35.67 66 909 1961 550235 74.98 115 914 1971 765608 31.95 151 937 1981 971636 26.91 192 963 1985 (P) 1041000 1988 (") 1098000 1989 (") 1118000 1990 (") 1138000 1991 (") 1159000 (Source: Census Hand Book 3 983, (Paper III) P*ProJected Consequent on the formation of Pathanamthitta district a portion of KLappara village in Peermade taluk was merged with Pathanamthitta district and therefore the population of Idukki as per 1983. census is provisional. .1.2 Taluk-wise distribution of area, population, sex-ratio and literacy il97)1 and it9d1 Population Density of Sex Literacy Taluk Area ils'at Population ratio (Percenta9e) (Sq.KH) Total Total Male Female il97i1 ilgal rl97i1 il98l »l97!l ,l9at (I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0:o ill ,12 Devico3am il774.2 tl34350 il79327 92428 86899 76 ^1a1 93l 940 44.4(1 57.42 Peermade fl307.8 it4684,t ,174589 88244 86345 ‘tl2 tl33 (^65 978 54.29 63.42 Thodupuzha 973.3 2(19504 264368 ;133473 ,130895 2*25 272 934 98l 64.48 75,,13 Udufltbanchola (107:1.4 263913 353352 ,180854 ,172498 247 330 927 954 57.02 68.76 District total 5tZ6.7 765608 97^1636 494999 476637 tt92 937 963 56.42 67.44 fs^urce: Census Hand Book it97il & Paper III of Census). : 3 : J.3 Taluk-nd-se distribution of urban population and density 1971 and 1983 Population 1971 Population 3 981 Taluk Number Perqentcige Density Number Percentage Density to total to total 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 Devicolam 4382 17.35 743 *>■ Peermade - - - - - - Thodupuzha 20880 82.65 956 42575 95.40 670 Udumbanchola ——— 2054 4.60 534 Total 25262 100,00 909 44629 100.00 662 *Nbte:- According to 1981 census definition for 'Urban' Munnar, in Devicolam ceased to be an urban area.
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