NEWS CLIPS (lil Serving the Uniomity of Iowa lewCln re- , Thai Speech Hit and the People of Iowa City WASIDNGTON IAl - Sell. Albert Gore Established Ia 1861 10 cents a copy Associated Preas Lealled Wire IIId WIrephoto IOWI City, JOWl 5Z24O-Wednesdl,. July 30, 11189 , (D-Tenn.) charged Tuesday the effect of President Nixon's declared support for Thailand against external and in· ternal enemies "Is to invite another I' Vietnamese situation for the U nit e d States." . Gore and Sen. Claiborne Pen (I).R.I.) . both critics of the U.S. position In Viet· nam, took the Senate floor to criticize the remarks made by Nixon Monday in Bangkok. He said then the "United States will stand proudly with Thailand BANGKOK, Thailand m - In a sud­ - befo,.. ,..lur"l", to B."glcolc W..... area II'OIIJld SalgoJl, whlch 11Icl11de8 • , against those who might threaten It from den detour from his announced route, d.y "ight 10 wiNi up hi. th,...-d.y .t.., large U.S . Army base at Long Binh and abroad or from within." President Nixon lined up 8 quick ttip In Th.iI.nd. llI\ airfield lit Bien HOII, lut week had to South Vietnam Wednesday 10 call on The suddennw IlId the security-dlc­ * * U.S. troops and on the leaders of that tated secrecy of Nixon's Vietnam trav­ the lowest level of enemy Ictlvlty alnee * embattled country. el arrangements Were remiJUsceJIl of 1965. Missile Tested Heavy official secrecy hrouded 1 b e former President Lyndon B. Johnson's Former Vice PresldeJlt Hubert R. ALAMOGORDO, N.M. IAI - A sleek, President's movements, and the travel· two brief visits while he was on Asian Humphrey went to Saigoll for 'l'hleu'. supersonic missile that could tum Air ing White House refused to give any ad· trips. Inauguration in 1967. The enemy lobbed Force bombers into nuclear missile vance confirmation that Nixon was tem­ Johnson new into Cam Ranh Bay - five shells into the Presidential Pa1aee launch pads thundered across the New porarily leaving Thailand. a big, relatively secure U.S. base some area in the heart of the capital wbIIe Mexican desert Tuesday in its first sue· Other sources, however, said the Pres­ 180 miles northeast of Saigon - in 0c­ Humphrey was there. tober 1966 and again in December 1967. cessful test firing. ident had arranged to visIt U.S. forces From ••ngkok, Nlx",'s see mno... The short range aUack missile in nearby South Vietnam and to confer Nixon, how.ver, WI' d ••crllMd .. hour ,.tllner I•• ble Ie fly Ie .1",", lIlY I (SRAM) , was sent streaking over bar­ with President Nguyen Van Thieu and wanllnl 10 follow • dlff.rent Plftem part ., Seuth VIetnIm 'n ......" lit Fen White Sands Missile Range to a his top aides there. Nixon and Thleu from hi. prtdt«tsor - ,..rtly te ,v.1eI hour. met June 8 at Midway Island, where the predetermined target after dropping being Identified with Johnson', w.r pol. Nixon'. announced schedule for Wed· from the wing of a B52 bomber cruis· decision to pun out 25,000 U.S. troops ;ci ••• nesday had left open time for a duh to was announced . I " ing at 17,000 feet. The missile's single The Informants said Nixon planned Vietnam and back. Mide from ataff c0n­ solid·fuel engine was ignited 15 sec· Indlcttions were that Nixon would more extensive Vietnam vis II than Joh!!· ferences, his only listed appointment onds after release to send it hurtling .pond much of hi. vi. it In tho Saigon son and aiso arranged to take along his was for dinner Wednesday evening u l away at supersonic speeds. .r.. - cenler of the Vietn.me" 10v­ wife. guest of Prime Minister Thanom Kltt!­ "nment with lerg. U.S. "'... nearby It was also reported that the m Corps kachorll. ( * * * The President and Whlte HOUle Cold War Cools spokesmen had been saying right along Hawkeye that he had "no plans" to go to South I TOKYO IAI - Secretary of State WiI· Court Students Vietnam - without ruling out the p0s­ liam P. Rogers reported Tuesday that sibility. U.S.·So viet relations were improving and Th. I.ngkelc visit h midway III Mil­ said the Russians may now see they This full disc photo of Mars, ma. when Mariner' WI. 771,500 milt. from Complain of junk Odors on'l journey th.t ""'" with tho Phil. j can bP.nefit from a more slable world. Ippl",. .nd Indonotl. contlllUtt the plal1lt, wa. tho first r9turned to IIICI 1 Ie Relations between the two major nu· earth by tho spacecr.ft Tuesd.y. It Hawkeye Court residents brought However, no date was set for the Thursday. He .... '" INlI., Paklstlll, clear powers are moving toward "a Mariner Nears Mars their air pollution problems concerning meeting. Wilson said he would have to Romani. and E",IIIId. WIS m.de Monday Ind pl.yed blck te Isomewhat less dangerous and less hos- J.I Prepulsion Labor.lory In P ...• fumes from 8 Coralville junkyard before contact other members of the various The Thai visit is probably the most • tile state," he told the first working the Coralvi11e City Council Tuesday dena, Calff., where It Wit shown on • groups before the meeting could be held. important of his stops In laying the / session of the seventh U.S.·Japanese night. television sc .... n. - AP Wirephoto He said he thought the meeting would groundwork lor U.S. pollcy for this arel economic conference. Donald J. Schleisman, A3, Carroll, a take place as soon as possible. after the Vietnam war, both because of resident of Hawkeye Court Apartments, Huit said that he attended the meet­ Thailand's cornerstone position in South­ accompanied by M. L. Huit, University ing becau..o;e he wanted to lend moral east Asian security and because of his dean of student affairs, presented to the support to the petitioners. He also said meetings with senior U.S. officials here. Council a petition containing 138 names ,2 UI Students Attend Meeting of SIC that the situation was "serious enough Gen . Creighton W. Abrams Jr., com· and a list of grievances oC Hawkeye that everyone and his brother" should Court residents . mander of U.S. forces in Vietnam. and support the petitioners. He said he U.S. Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker new by 12 Th ••ilualion erupled In the lasl two thought the overriding issue was health . weeks when, according to petitioners, In from Saigon and brIefed Nixon Tues­ hard >T0 Plan Probe of State Legislators fum .. from Ihe Coralville SelVig. Com· The petitioners had also attended the day afternoon on the latest develop­ p.ny junkyard, 106 First Ave., owneci Iowa City City Council meeting Monday. ments in South Vietnam. Nilcon has said AMES - Two University students at· "We have reason to believe some leg· However, according to UN! tudent dust by AII.n J. Wolfe, 1110 Grant Ct., be· Hawkeye Court Apartments are jn Iowa those talks would help in con idering tended what was billed 8S a "strategy islators have offered bills that would Bob Troutner, no group had been organ· City. further troop withdrawals. I meeting" of the Student Investigating benefit certain groups they have inter· ized at UNI as of Tuesday. came "",tolerabte." Committee (SIC) in Ames ' Tuesday est in," Higgins said. SIC Chairman Mrs. Barbara Yates, a According to the petition, the junkyard night. The UNI student who attended the fumes are a "serious health hazard, a senior at Iowa State, said another group terrible nusiance, and (they) violate SIC is an organization or students hearing was Peg Leary, the editor or of students plan to attend the nexl hear­ 'from Iowa State University formed to The Northern Iowan, UNI's stUdent ing of the legislative committee, sched· county and state air pollution laws." Ad~inistration Urges Banks However. there is no CoralviUe ordin· study the Legislature's study of the newspaper. Higgins said Miss Leary uled in two weeks. She said she did three state universities. wanted to head up a group to represent ance concerning air pollution. Coral· nol know, however, whether the future ville City Attorney William Bartley said The two Unlvertity ltudents - Rick UN! in SIC. hearings will be open meetings. To Expand College Loans immin., A4, Estherville, ,NI One the petitioners shOUld begin action on WASHINGTON r~ - The administra· repayment is guaranteed by the govern· Storti, G, ROMmont, Pa. - att.nded the stale level if they want to correct lion proposed Tuesday that banks be ment, the subcommittee WAS tald by the metlinl. They Wtllt to fiNi out the situation. Schleilm.n indicated Ihal Ih. pttition· given an incentive payment renecting other witnesses. "wh.t WI ar. loing to do concerning Engineers Begin Reducing higher mtcres! rates to induce them to SIC," SI.rtl ..ld. er. would not delay on glttlng I.gal The administration plan ca11s for the r.mediel for the situation. He said ltv· make federally insured loans to college secretary of Health, Education and WeI· One of the SIC chairmen from Ames, • ral residenls wert con.idering private mudents . fare to prescribe an incentive a110wance graduate student Tom Higgins, termed Coralville Reservoir Outflow dam.ge suIts. At tbe out et, the amount of lhe incen· that would be paid in addition to the 7 the meeting a "strategy meeting." The Army Corps of Engineers at Rock To date , fourteen families affected by Schleisman also aid that the fumes tive would probably be Ihe equivalent per cent rate whenever he determines He said the Ames group wanted to tel! Island announced Tuesday that it was the flooding have applied to the John· had interfered with residents ' work and of an additional 2 per cent above the current economic conditions warrant It.
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