176–178 Bermondsey Street London SE1 3TQ London Borough of Southwark Historic environment assessment February 2017 © Museum of London Archaeology 2017 Museum of London Archaeology Mortimer Wheeler House 46 Eagle Wharf Road, London N1 7ED tel 020 7410 2200 | fax 020 410 2201 www.museumoflondonarchaeology.org.uk general enquiries: [email protected] 176–178 Bermondsey Street London SE1 Historic environment assessment NGR 53326 17952 Sign-off history issue issue date prepared by reviewed by approved by reason for issue no. 1 06/09/2016 Jack Smith Jon Chandler Paul Riggott First issue (Archaeology) Lead Consultant Contract Manager Jack Smith Archaeology (Graphics) 2 09/02/2017 Jack Smith - Paul Riggott Second issue following Contract Manager geotechnical investigations PO code: P0943 www.mola.org.uk MOLA Mortimer Wheeler House, 46 Eagle Wharf Road, London N1 7ED tel 0207 410 2200 fax 0207 410 2201 email:[email protected] Museum of London Archaeology is a company limited by guarantee Registered in England and Wales Company registration number 07751831 Charity registration number 1143574 Registered office Mortimer Wheeler House, 46 Eagle Wharf Road, London N1 7ED Contents Executive summary 1 1 Introduction 2 1.1 Origin and scope of the report 2 1.2 Designated heritage assets 2 1.3 Aims and objectives 3 2 Methodology and sources consulted 4 3 Site location, topography and geology 6 3.1 Site location 6 3.2 Topography 6 3.3 Geology 6 4 Archaeological and historical background 8 4.1 Overview of past investigations 8 4.2 Chronological summary 8 5 Statement of significance 13 5.1 Introduction 13 5.2 Factors affecting archaeological survival 13 5.3 Archaeological potential and significance 13 6 Impact of proposals 15 6.1 Proposals 15 6.2 Implications 15 7 Conclusion and recommendations 17 8 Gazetteer of known historic environment assets 18 9 Planning framework 22 9.1 Statutory protection 22 9.2 National Planning Policy Framework 22 9.3 Greater London regional policy 24 9.4 Local planning policy 25 10 Determining significance 28 11 Non-archaeological constraints 29 12 Glossary 30 13 Bibliography 32 13.1 Published and documentary sources 32 13.2 Other Sources 33 13.3 Cartographic sources 33 13.4 Available site survey information checklist 33 Historic Environment Assessment © MOLA 2017 i P:\SOUT\1646\na\Assessments\176-178_Bermondsey_St_HEA_07-02-2017.docx Figures Cover: MOLA photo Fig 1 Site location Fig 2 Historic environment features map Fig 3 Geology (British Geological Survey digital drift and solid geology) Fig 3b Southwark’s low-lying eyots and channels (MOLA 2002) Fig 4 Reconstruction of the layout of the Bermondsey Abbey Precinct (Dyson et al 2011: 121) Fig 4 Stowe’s Survey of 1603 (reproduction by Brett-James in 1929) Fig 5 Faithorne and Newcourt’s map of 1658 Fig 6 Morgan 1682 (Morden & Lea 1692 revision) Fig 7 Rocque’s map of 1746 Fig 8 Horwood’s map of 1799 Fig 9 Faden’s 1813 revision of Horwood’s 1799 map Fig 10 Ordnance Survey 1st edition 25”: mile map of 1878 Fig 11 Ordnance Survey 3rd edition 25”: mile map of 1916 Fig 12 Goad’s fire insurance map of 1887 (revised 1938) (LMA/LCC/VA/GOAD/VII) Fig 13 176–178 Bermondsey Street looking west (MOLA photo 25-08-16) Fig 14 View looking west on roof of 176-178 Bermondsey Street (MOLA photo 25-08-16) Fig 15 Existing ground floor plan (Formby Surveys Ref 9582_G:50:1:1 dated 06-16) Fig 16 Existing south-facing section (Formby Surveys Ref: 9582_S:100:1:1 06/2016) Fig 17 Proposed basement plan (Hall McKnight Pre-app report 16-06-16 draft page26) Fig 18 Proposed south-facing section showing basement floor (Hall McKnight Pre-app report 16-06- 16 page 32) Note: site outlines may appear differently on some figures owing to distortions in historic maps. North is approximate on early maps. Historic Environment Assessment © MOLA 2017 ii P:\SOUT\1646\na\Assessments\176-178_Bermondsey_St_HEA_07-02-2017.docx Executive summary Frontier Estates Ltd. has commissioned MOLA to carry out a historic environment assessment in advance of proposed development at 176–178 Bermondsey Street in the London Borough of Southwark. The scheme comprises the demolition of the existing mid/late 19th century building (with early 20th century warehouse conversion) on the site in advance of the construction of a hotel with a single-storey basement across the entire site footprint. The foundations are assumed to be piled. This desk-based study assesses the impact on buried heritage assets (archaeological remains). Although above ground heritage assets (historic structures) are not discussed in detail, they have been noted where they assist in the archaeological interpretation of the site. Buried heritage assets that may be affected by the proposals comprise: • Post-medieval remains. Historic maps indicate that the site developed from the mid 17th century with what was probably a house fronting the street, and by the mid 18th century, a warehouse to the rear. There is high potential for remains foundations, wells or cess pits, of low heritage significance. Whilst much of this area of Southwark was used for an extensive tanning industry, there is no evidence for such within the site itself. • Later medieval remains. Whilst the site lay just outside of the precinct of the Bermondsey Abbey, there is some evidence of development along Bermondsey Street, with a possible medieval structure 15m to the east of the site on the opposite side of the road. Here a medieval ditch was recorded with preserved leather work. Remains within the site might include evidence of reclamation and drainage, of low significance, but possibly also settlement and domestic features such as wells and rubbish pits, of medium significance, if present. • Prehistoric and Roman remains. The site was located on the northern edge of the Bermondsey eyot, which would have been an attractive area for settlement during these periods; with the low-lying marshland to the north likely exploited for a broad range of activities. The extent of later truncation across the site is unclear, but remains could survive in the top of the natural brickearth/Gravels. The bases of deeper cut features like wells or rubbish pits could potentially survive at a lower depth. Archaeological survival will be high. The building which occupies the site footprint does not have a basement, and foundation is probably a raft; investigations on the site showed the survival of post- medieval remains directly below modern made ground. The excavation of the proposed basement would remove any archaeological remains within its footprint to its formation level; this would include any prehistoric and Roman remains in the top of the brickearth/Gravels and any later medieval and post-medieval remains directly below the existing slab. The lift pit would remove entirely any remains within its footprint. Piled foundations, if proposed, pile caps and the underpinning of party walls would entirely remove any remains within their footprint. In light of the archaeological potential of the site and its location in an APZ the local authority requested that an archaeological evaluation be undertaken prior to the determination of planning consent. This found that remains from the post-medieval period survived beneath the ground floor slab. In view of these results the local planning authority may require further evaluation following demolition of the existing building to determine archaeological potential and significance of any remains dating to before the post-medieval period. This would allow an appropriate mitigation strategy to be drawn up. This might comprise targeted archaeological excavation in advance of construction, and/or a watching brief during ground works for remains of lesser significance. Any further archaeological work would need to be undertaken in consultation with the local authority archaeological advisor and in accordance with an approved Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI). The work could be carried out under the terms of a standard archaeological planning condition. Historic Environment Assessment © MOLA 2017 1 P:\SOUT\1646\na\Assessments\176-178_Bermondsey_St_HEA_07-02-2017.docx 1 Introduction 1.1 Origin and scope of the report 1.1.1 Frontier Estates Ltd. has commissioned MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) to carry out a historic environment assessment in advance of proposed development at 176–178 Bermondsey Street (National Grid Reference 533268 179522 Fig 1). The scheme comprises the demolition of the existing mid or late 19th century building (with early 20th century warehouse conversion) on the site in advance of the construction of a hotel with a single- storey basement across the entire site footprint. 1.1.2 This desk-based study assesses the impact of the scheme on buried heritage assets (archaeological remains). It forms an initial stage of investigation of the area of proposed development (hereafter referred to as the ‘site’) and may be required in relation to the planning process in order that the local planning authority (LPA) can formulate an appropriate response in the light of the impact upon any known or possible heritage assets. These are parts of the historic environment which are considered to be significant because of their historic, evidential, aesthetic and/or communal interest. 1.1.3 This report deals solely with the archaeological implications of the development and does not cover possible built heritage issues, except where buried parts of historic fabric are likely to be affected. Above ground assets (ie, designated and undesignated historic structures and conservation areas) on the site or in the vicinity that are relevant to the archaeological interpretation of the site are discussed. Whilst the significance of above ground assets is not assessed in this archaeological report, direct physical impacts upon such arising from the development proposals are noted.
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