Ohio Northern University DigitalCommons@ONU Alumni Journal University Archives 4-1927 Ohio Northern Alumnus - April, 1927 Ohio Northern University Alumni Association Jay P. Taggart Frank B. Willis Thomas J. Smull J. Otto Newton See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.onu.edu/alumni_mag Recommended Citation Ohio Northern University Alumni Association; Taggart, Jay P.; Willis, Frank B.; Smull, Thomas J.; Newton, J. Otto; and Schoonover, Richard H., "Ohio Northern Alumnus - April, 1927" (1927). Alumni Journal. 1. https://digitalcommons.onu.edu/alumni_mag/1 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@ONU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni Journal by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@ONU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Ohio Northern University Alumni Association, Jay P. Taggart, Frank B. Willis, Thomas J. Smull, J. Otto Newton, and Richard H. Schoonover This book is available at DigitalCommons@ONU: https://digitalcommons.onu.edu/alumni_mag/1 OHIO NORTHERN ALUMNUS PlBl.l"lllD Ql ART>RI.\' II\" THr. \Ll'\l'I \SSOCL\TIO~ OF OHIO SORTHl--R' t· ,,,-. R'l ll~ \'I> Ir~ _.\SSOt:J ..\ J-LD CLUBS 1 ,,,,.,,,.,,•• J•r ,.try '° Jtt••./ ''"'' ••lltr ;1/ ,\RL• ) .,,. ·'. 1·.• /'NI.II'¢ S•b.KrtJl1•• "''" Sl.0..,' f'r ,,.,., 11•.(I' ,_,.,,, 15 ''"''· \ 'QL I \rtits1., 19.:1 N't \.!RF•- T Foreword /Ir Jar I'. "ln.c~art l>r. I lt·nry S. J ,chr, the Founder 11,. ria-1' II. 111illis I lii.tory of Ohio l\orthcrn By 'l'li1JllUll J. S1111/I ;\thletit.,, 81 J. 0111 /\lru111n ·rhc Lircrnry Socictic" 81 R. H . s.-1.., ...,r Letter fro1n Prof. \\'arren Darst 1:11~ of the Alu1nni ALU~INI ASSOCIATION OY THE OHIO NORTHER..~ UNIVERSITY ADA, OHIO (,' futrol 0 /literl JAY P. TAGGART, President J Oii N Jl. OS~1UN Clevclond, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio J. K. ROCKEY, Vice-President J. K. ROCKEY Lima, Ohio Li1n1, Ohio THOMAS J. SMULL, Secretary-Treas. PROF. R. H. SCHOONOVER Ada, Ohio Ada, Ohio DffiECI'ORY Ot' ALUMNI CLUllS DKl.l.tl-"O:\TAINE, 01110 Prn;1dtat.. t.oui• F. Halt; LIMA, 01-110 l'rt-o.$m1, J, K, ltacl;e1. 4(g s. Ja111i· &uc-uir1. 1rlW't'lt ..~. \\'rip1. .011, TJma, (Mi'e: Srrn-1ary, Mrt. l.Aiara Gtt1te1 A1h. W :-o; Ol•rl«, Lim.a, Ohio, U0\1,.1,JNG C:M&RN, 01110 Pi't"ddrn1. NQl"m•n M . 1.otkti Sttrt-1•1y, Nt11lt Cr11c.t.. WARIOX, Olll(}- l'l't'11idtt1 I, C. R. IA"llYtll&, 19l \Vild· wood ('1.I .Marlo11: Surttary, ?t.lr1. (;. A. Starner. CHICAGO. I l_,l.INOIS-l'rr11i.1knt, Charle• J, Enlind, )II \V11W: 10!", N11rto.1, Ohio. <1131 IA~• l'arlr A\'I'., llli<'••o; ~rci..ry. Nor· 1111111 i\1 "11hwn11111, 11 21 i\•h .S1., \Vin.n.c:tk.a, Ill. NE\\' \'OKK l'rf'~ldftil, \\', I". llicktrn\".11, IJ A.-tor (f.11norh-1 ~.,...,, \\'tiliwl<Lay from l:l-00 to 1:00, Pl.: St~r,1ary, '"""'' ). 1•UUod, 1$ l)cy St, on thlr.J ll•.01' "' rrnltnl v. hf. C'~ .'\., •• 19 s NAl'OJ,KQNI 01110 l'rt1L.lr11t, Ferd Rcl1rit"ns; 5":· L11 St.lie ~trttl, In ~r•kt dhtinf{ mom off the l. ,.. c•ftttri• No nolttt postfd V1"nin1r ahtmtu art ret• rr. ' '1111 l'1"lllh1,. urw<I to drfl(I ift,) l"Alll.DING, ()1110 - Prr.-ldnn, S1eµh.tn S. Ba.ird; CLtVY.LANU, OllJ()-l're•i•lnu. Lloyd H. G:a.rdnt~. S«:ttt11r7, Orlt11 W1hl, P1y11e, Ohio. lt&n Ea.lt1wUo')ll At-t .• Ckot-t"l:r.nd; Ne:ritt.a.ry, Ra1· l'ITTSBUllCIC, l'A - l'111MLrnt. Or. \'la.he• F. Ritt· -" &. Duff, 1n1~1 N".11t1fMd Rd.. t'k•dand. """"· t'•l"llt'•lit l••hlui. c>f Tech~. Sct.eelitr °"'°' (-•11 t.rwlwen. \\'it1Ull!I (Jou.I.) P•rlr, Ph1t.hurwti.t ~,.,,,.,,, J 0.tTtll Bell. tu COl.lrl1Rl1S, ()rtl()-Pr"*"•· F.dw.11J4 ft. T"att. 122 r.r-11' la.ttk miif.-b•A'. Pi111bur•L t: BmM ~1, Col••boiu: Sec:rct<lfY, L Y.. Dn.b. S1DStl", 01110-Prt"ltdt••· J. E. Bat:.n: Seetel.ary. 11S T111it1 lt.J • c .......,..._ '9.J's L I Aadtt-. CA.~TOX. 01110-l'rnill'..-t, 11.atold Xe.kn. :n" SPRISGft1£LI'>. 01110-l'T•.._.. G P. Clidtv. nn........ "' ".; \\ . Ca!Ot-: Sttrrtuy. ~Ml UD IA•·~&. ~I, 5-ria•6t.W; Setrt1afJ'. Eftt.19 • .,,..,, ,,,, \I ... "' '.\: £ .. ~ l·uidl. U!I !'.. UIW••- S...., ~dL OA\"TUS. 01110-l'n..._, on- F- an---. TOl.EDO, 01110-,..,..,..idinn, Clrutin E. Qiu.c-:.._, A~• Haak RuildiM. Dan-; ~'7. l"arlcd" ~ """*wait..-, IS57 ~ An.. Dl.11- - la...." R1•k Beditiac, Toledo: 5ttntal'J, f.t<tlwr Aat•1to 7l0 ••rn- Buildillc'. Toledo.. 0F.F1ASC"1:0 0111() 1'1~1. \\~1l1o1• L )ha.IY•: Sfo<"fTl.llry, v.·atnt- P B•~l: llPPEll !ilASDt'§KY, OlflO--l"f"Hidl'ft1. L H. llou#t; ~.,,. MlN l..ot1k llOW"(-7. O~TROl'r. Mlrltlf:.\' l'fTo.idf1!t, Jt f' Loraa&tt. VAN "\Yl.KT. 01no Pr.... nt. \\'ilber Cot1ttt; K....., 11 ... 1.... M•·"·• ~<l•r7, H•rry A. C.OC.l<c. c. IJ.\I Mt!Mt>W\>J~ "-t<ttl&f7, ltr)rll \Vrbb, Co.IY01, Ohio.. FREMONT, 01110- rrt.. idtt1t, J. P. Mauk; Scat· \VAt:SEO~. 01110 Pr"ildttit, f'nnk H. Rciglurd; 11117, l.t1\1l1 JI \Yl,11\1r. Stttttary, C'lydl" I.. O.nfll"ld. KENTON. ()lllO-l'rt1idftlt, fQ11er Ki11g; Secrit-ta.r1, AKKON\ 01110 (l'K-1111( rl"0'111.t1ir:cd) - Hon. E. D. Charkt 11111. Yrhch, Ill Hlooomfle1"'1 Avt. LO\Vt:R C'Al.IF'ORN'lA Pl'~ildl'nt. T. E. Ht~r. \'OlfNC.ST()WN, 01110 (tiring rrnts-anl1t'd)-Crov"r Vuc11lf111, C'allr.: Stcrttaq, \V, W, Ntwcomer, A. lh1aht1, chief ~kiettknl enginttr. 'M1e Trutco-1 lfutll.t."11, IM A11Jtrl••· C;alif. Steel C'c1mp,any. T H E OHIO NORT H ERN ALUMNUS Foreword 1-!AVB BIEN ASKED. b) the: committee ~he alun1ni, t.o or(Ca11izing them, !1miliariz- 1ng thm1 with the present situation and t0 char~ of the publication of this magaz.11"1(', to "·rite a britf meo-.,.a~ to snndinc of the uni' ersity, kttpin& alumni I records, edi~in~ an alumni mag1t.inc, and Ohio I\orthcrn Univcr'9ty alumni, to ~ generally bu1ld1ng up i:i spirit of co-<>pcration l)ublished in the fi rst nun1btr. and loyalty a1nong the alumni. I believed I ought ro say fint, that no credit is due and •till believe, that this step would be th~ to ~ for the institution of this maiazinc, could be t:akcn, both from the standpoint of but that "·hatevcr c«ilit i,, to be a,i\tl\ most amporu.nt and effecti"e one \\°hich ought to go to the 001n1nittce of the New th~ alumni ~nd of the uni,·ersity, because 1 York: alu1nni, \vho ha,•c '''orkcd \'Cry dili· th111k there is no question that if the alumni ~cntly upon the projt1.:t. ~ne\V '''h:&t the school is no,v, and could be 1 sinttrc:l)· hope that this magazine may 1ndu«d, through such pt-rson.al contacts ao;. bc one of the mans b) "·hich ou1 alumni, a_n alumni sccretar~ \\Ould be able to tSta~ throughout the country, ma)" be rcint;pircd ltsh, to talc again 111 interest in thC' school's '''ith a !pirit of 1o)ralty to the old scl1ool and afiaiN, the university \vould sooner or later a deter1nination to do for it much 1nore benefit \'Cry s\lbstantiallr in a fiu:ancia l '''3)'. than tht) ha\·t done in the past, and 1l1at I mu~t say tl1at we have not bttn able it ma)· bc a n\ttOs of uniting them, not to m•k< much progT<SS along this line onlr for their own plta,urc and btMfit, but 1 think that the stntimcnt ror the em: but for tllc ~ood of the in .. titution \Yith ~lo)'mc~t of a ~ull-time aluLnni Sttretar)' ''1 hich 1 in MHne of its VRrious stages of de· 1s steadil)r gro,v1ng1 ond hope that \Vithin 'e)opn1cnt f rnrn a private norm:.ll school to the llt'.\t )'Car or l\VO so1ne ineans 1na)' be • tnodern ''"i,·ersit> of ..· er)' creditable rank:. found for pa)~ini the salary a.nd expcnsa '''are all familia:r and ,,·hich u·e all Jo,e. of such a i.«ntar, -preferabl>·· the alumni The prbident of the alumni assoc1ation sec-retar) should be fin:inced by the alumni has a},,·a)·!'> been scriou'l)' handicap1>td in but thu .. far \VC hnve been unnhle to find accon1plis.hing anything of value, both be­ the 11ecC"ss.1ry funds. cause of the mnnner in which he is eltetcd I want to add to this \·ery plain state­ (b> a majority ,·ote of a 1nerely fortuitious ment a "·ord of ptnonal tatimon)" to the a~..emblage of alumni at the annual alumni cxttll<nt work !'>•• is being done by th< dinner at commencement time), and be· very hard-~vorkong and loyal faculty of cause 0£ the lack of any mcdlum of coin· the: un1vcrs1ty, and to the present standing n1unication bc-t,,·ce1a the officers of the o( the <;ehool. It is :tn in<1titution national R("iO(:intion and the local alumni. creditable to its foundcT'5 and to those who This lack U.Ould, in a mea<ure.
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