Endangered, Threatened, and Special Concern Plants, Animals, and Natural Communities of Kentucky Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet 300 Sower Boulevard – 4th Floor Frankfort, KY 40601 eec.ky.gov/Nature-Preserves Key to Status and Rank Information Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves Status USESA Status: U.S. Fish and Wildlife status C Candidate LT Listed as Threatened LE Listed as Endangered SOMC Species of Management Concern LTNL Listed Threatened in part of its range, but not listed in Kentucky N or blank None Delisted Delisted State Status: Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves status E Endangered T Threatened S Special Concern H Historic X Extirpated N None Ranks State Rank: Estimate of species abundance in Kentucky S1 Extremely Rare S2 Rare S3 Uncommon S4 Many Occurrences S5 Very Common SH Historically known in State SX Extirpated from State SU Unrankable due to conflicting or lack of information SNR Unranked, conservation status not yet assessed S#S# Numeric range rank denoting rank uncertainty S#? Denotes inexact numeric rank S#B Rank refers to breeding population in Kentucky S#N Rank refers to non-breeding population in Kentucky Global Rank: Estimate of species abundance on a global scale G1 Extremely Rare G2 Rare ii G3 Uncommon G4 Common G5 Very Common GH Historically known and expected to be Rediscovered GX Extinct GU Unrankable due to conflicting or lack of information GNR Unranked, conservation status not yet assessed G#G# Numeric range rank denoting rank uncertainty G#? Denotes inexact numeric rank G#Q Questionable taxonomy that may reduce conservation priority G#T# T rank denotes rarity of subspecies iii The data from which this report is generated is continually updated. The date on which the report was created is in the report footer. Please note that the quantity and quality of data collected by the Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves is dependent on the research and observations of many individuals and organizations. In most cases, this information is not the result of comprehensive or site-specific field surveys; many natural areas in Kentucky have never been thoroughly surveyed, and new species of plants and animals are still being discovered. For these reasons, the Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves cannot provide a definitive statement on the presence, absence, or condition of biological elements in any part of Kentucky. Heritage reports summarize the existing information known to the Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves at the time this report was generated. It should not be regarded as a final statement on the elements being considered, nor should it be substituted for on-site surveys required for environmental assessments. The Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves appreciates the submission of any endangered species data for Kentucky from field observations. For information on data reporting or other data services provided by the Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves, please contact the Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves at: Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves 300 Sower Boulevard – 4th Floor Frankfort, KY 40601 eec.ky.gov/Nature-Preserves iv Endangered, Threatened, and Special Concern Plants, Animals, and Natural Communities of Kentucky Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves USESA State State Global Scientific Name Common Name Status Status Rank Rank Lichens Phaeophyscia leana Lea's Bog Lichen E S1? G2 Mosses Abietinella abietina Wire Fern Moss T S2? G5 Anomodon rugelii Rugel's anomodon moss T S2? G5 Brachythecium populeum Matted Feather Moss E S1? G5 Bryum cyclophyllum Round-Leaved Bryum E S1? G4G5 Bryum miniatum Glossy red bryum moss E S1? G4G5 Cirriphyllum piliferum Hair pointed Feather-moss T S2? G5 Dicranodontium asperulum Orange Bow-moss E S1? G4G5 Entodon brevisetus Short-stalk Shiny Moss E S1? G4? Herzogiella turfacea Flat Stump Moss E S1? G5 Neckera pennata T S2? G5 Oncophorus raui Grout Oncophorus Moss E S1? G3 Orthotrichum diaphanum White-tipped Bristle-moss E S1? G5 Plagiochila caduciloba Gorge Leafy Liverwort E S1? G3 Polytrichum pallidisetum A Hair Cap Moss T S2? G5 Polytrichum piliferum Bristly Haircap E S1 G5 Polytrichum strictum Strict Haircap E S1? G5 Sphagnum quinquefarium Five-ranked Bogmoss E S1? G5 Tortula norvegica Tortula E S1? G5 Vascular Plants Acer spicatum Mountain Maple E S1S2 G5 Aconitum uncinatum Blue Monkshood E S1S2 G4 Actaea rubifolia Appalachian Bugbane SOMC T S2 G3 Adiantum capillus-veneris Southern Maidenhair-fern T S2S3 G5 Adlumia fungosa Allegheny-vine H SH G4 Aesculus pavia var. pavia Red Buckeye T S2S3 G5T5 Agalinis auriculata Earleaf False Foxglove E S1 G3 Agalinis decemloba Ten-lobed False Foxglove E S1 G3G4 Agalinis skinneriana Pale False Foxglove H SH G3G4 Ageratina luciae-brauniae Lucy Braun's White Snakeroot SOMC S S3 G3 Agrimonia gryposepala Tall Hairy Groovebur T S1S2 G5 Amelanchier sanguinea Roundleaf Serviceberry E S1 G5 Amelanchier stolonifera Running Serviceberry E S1 G5 Amianthium muscitoxicum Fly Poison E S1 G4G5 Angelica atropurpurea Great Angelica E S1? G5 Angelica triquinata Filmy Angelica E S1S2 G4 Apios priceana Price's Potato-bean LT E S1 G3 Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. lyrata Lyre-leaf Rockcress E S1S2 G5 Arabis patens Spreading Rockcress E S1 G3 Aralia nudicaulis Wild Sarsaparilla T S2S3 G5 Aristida ramosissima Branched Three-awn Grass H SH G5 Updated as of July 2019 Page 1 of 20 Endangered, Threatened, and Special Concern Plants, Animals, and Natural Communities of Kentucky Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves USESA State State Global Scientific Name Common Name Status Status Rank Rank Asclepias hirtella Prairie milkweed T S2 G5 Astragalus canadensis var. canadensis Canadian Milk-vetch S S2 G5T5 Aureolaria patula Spreading False Foxglove S S3 G3 Avenella flexuosa Crinkled Hairgrass T S2 G5 Baptisia australis var. minor Blue Wild Indigo S S2S3 G5T5 Baptisia leucophaea var. leucophaea Cream Wild Indigo S S3 G4G5T4T5 Baptisia tinctoria Yellow Wild Indigo T S1S2 G5 Bartonia virginica Yellow Screwstem T S2 G5 Berberis canadensis American Barberry E S1 G3G4 Berchemia scandens Supple-jack T S1S2 G5 Boechera missouriensis Missouri Rockcress H SH G5 Boechera perstellata Braun's Rockcress LE T S2 G2 Bolboschoenus fluviatilis River Bulrush E S1S2 G5 Botrychium matricariifolium Matricary Grape-fern E S1 G5 Bouteloua curtipendula var. curtipendula Side-oats Grama S S3? G5T5 Boykinia aconitifolia Brook Saxifrage E S1S2 G4 Cabomba caroliniana Carolina Fanwort T S2 G5 Calamagrostis canadensis var. macouniana Blue-joint Reedgrass H SH G5T5? Calamagrostis porteri ssp. insperata Bent Reedgrass SOMC E S1S2 G4T3 Calamagrostis porteri ssp. porteri Porter's Reedgrass T S2S3 G4T4 Callicarpa americana American Beautyberry E S1 G5 Calopogon tuberosus var. tuberosus Grass-pink E S1 G5T5 Calycanthus floridus var. glaucus Eastern Sweetshrub T S2 G5T5 Capnoides sempervirens Rock Harlequin S S3? G5 Carex aestivalis Summer Sedge E S1 G4 Carex alata Broadwing Sedge T S1S2 G5 Carex appalachica Appalachian Sedge T S2? G4 Carex austrocaroliniana Tarheel Sedge S S3 G4 Carex buxbaumii Brown Bog Sedge E S1 G5 Carex comosa Bristly Sedge H SH G5 Carex corrugata Prune-fruit sedge S S3? G5? Carex crawei Crawe's Sedge S S3 G5 Carex crebriflora Coastal Plain Sedge E S1? G4 Carex decomposita Epiphytic Sedge T S2 G3G4 Carex fraseriana Fraser's Sedge E S1 G4 Carex gigantea Large Sedge E S1S2 G4 Carex howei Prickly Bog Sedge E S1S2 G5T5? Carex hystericina Porcupine Sedge H SH G5 Carex joorii Cypress-swamp Sedge E S1S2 G4G5 Carex juniperorum Juniper Sedge E S1S2 G3 Carex leptonervia Finely-nerved Sedge E S1 G5 Carex ouachitana Ouachita Sedge E S1 G4 Carex pellita Woolly Sedge H SH G5 Updated as of July 2019 Page 2 of 20 Endangered, Threatened, and Special Concern Plants, Animals, and Natural Communities of Kentucky Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves USESA State State Global Scientific Name Common Name Status Status Rank Rank Carex reniformis Reniform Sedge E S1? G4? Carex roanensis Roan Mountain Sedge E S1 G2G3 Carex rugosperma Umbel-like Sedge T S2? G5T5 Carex seorsa Weak Stellate Sedge T S2 G5 Carex stipata var. maxima Stalkgrain Sedge H SH G5T5? Carex straminea Straw Sedge T S2? G5 Carex tetanica Rigid Sedge E S1? G4G5 Carex timida Timid Sedge T S2 G2G4 Carex venusta Dark Green Sedge E S1 G4 Carya aquatica Water Hickory T S2S3 G5 Castanea dentata American Chestnut E S1? G4 Castanea pumila Allegheny Chinkapin T S2 G5 Castilleja coccinea Scarlet Indian Paintbrush E S1 G5 Cayaponia quinqueloba Five-lobe Cucumber E S1? G4 Ceanothus herbaceus Prairie Redroot T S2 G5 Cerastium velutinum var. velutinum Starry Grasswort E S1S2 G5T4? Chelone obliqua var. obliqua Red Turtlehead E S1 G4T3T4Q Chelone obliqua var. speciosa Rose Turtlehead S S3 G4T3 Chrysogonum virginianum var. brevistolon Green-and-gold E S1 G5TNR Chrysosplenium americanum American Golden-saxifrage T S2? G5 Circaea alpina ssp. alpina Small Enchanter's Nightshade S S3 G5T5 Clematis catesbyana Satin-curls E S1 G4G5 Clematis crispa Blue Jasmine Leather-flower T S2 G5 Clematis glaucophylla White-leaved Leather-flower T S2? G4? Collinsonia verticillata Whorled Horse-balm E S1? G3G4 Comptonia peregrina Sweet-fern E S1 G5 Conradina verticillata Cumberland Rosemary LT E S1 G3 Convallaria montana American Lily-of-the-valley E S1 G4? Corallorhiza maculata Spotted Coralroot E S1 G5 Coreopsis pubescens var. pubescens Star Tickseed S S2S3 G5?T4T5 Crocanthemum bicknellii Plains Frostweed E S1S2 G5 Crocanthemum canadense Canada Frostweed E S1? G5 Cyperus plukenetii Plukenet's Cyperus H SH G5 Cypripedium candidum
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