Working paper The EL-CSID project is coordinated by the Institute for European Studies (IES) The Axiology of EU Cultural Diplomacy in Muslim Majority Countries The Paradox of Turkey Naciye Selin Senocak Issue 2017/3 • June 2017 This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 693799 as part of the “European Leadership in Cultural, Sci- ence and Innovation Diplomacy” (EL-CSID) project. The paper reflects only the author’s view, and the Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. Working paper The EL-CSID project is coordinated by the Institute for European Studies (IES) Abstract The principal purpose of this theoretical analysis is to identify the different assumptions be- tween Europe and Turkey regarding the axiological perspective which distinguishes the value judgments used as an instrument of persuasion by each culture. For decades, Turkey’s acces- sion process within the EU is a highly controversial issue which has been an intensive process, brimmed with ups and downs. Due to its geopolitical position and cultural identity, as a Muslim secular state, Turkey is a cultural bridge between the West and Muslim countries, making it par- ticularly important in cultural diplomacy for EU foreign policy. Nevertheless, the cultural misun- derstanding, the misinterpreted perceptions, the axiological nihilism between Turkey and the EU seems to be the sources of tension for Turkey’s accession. The recent official declaration by both sides, which is dialectic rather than a consensus, has also deteriorated the diplomat- ic ties established between them, while also underlining the weaknesses of cultural diplomacy. Keywords: axiology, cultural diplomacy, cultural identity, enlargement, perception, EU-Turkey rela- tions, Turkey domestic policy, value crisis, mutual understanding 2 Working paper The EL-CSID project is coordinated by the Institute for European Studies (IES) Introduction sensus. The central purpose of this analysis is to identify the different assumptions of the EU The European Parliament voted to suspend Tur- and Turkey regarding the axiological perspective key’s EU membership talks on November 22, that distinguishes the major philosophical value 2016, allegedly due to post-coup purges in the judgments that each culture uses as persuasive country; however, the European Commission has evidence. Which EU values are pronounced in warned that cutting ties with Turkey would be a the rhetoric of many EU politicians and are pre- lose-lose solution. The EU’s High Representative requisite for EU accession? Which perceptions for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica between the EU and Turkey are flawed? What is Mogherini, has urged caution, emphasising the Turkey’s axiological orientation? What resolution importance of European values for European exists for the axiological clash and ‘crisis of val- membership. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Er- ues’, which is the ultimate challenge that the EU dogan has said that the vote in the European Par- faces when persuading the Muslim world to use liament on whether to freeze membership talks cultural diplomacy? with Turkey has no ‘value’ to his country, and that The debate on the accession of Turkey em- Turkey could hold a referendum on whether to phasises the problematic of the EU’s identity continue membership discussions with the EU in construction, which raises multiple questions. 2017. Turkey’s accession process within the EU Can we legitimise the idea of a united Europe is a highly controversial issue. For decades, Tur- through a common cultural and historical iden- key’s engagement with the European integration tity? Can we conceive of Europe as a nation or project has been substantial, and both its advan- federal state that possesses a homogeneous tages and disadvantages have been contested. cultural identity? Or, in contrast, can we instead In June 2016, the European Commission and opt for building around common ideals such as Mogherini presented the ‘Strategy for interna- freedom, democracy and human rights while re- tional cultural relations’ with the aim of encour- specting national identities? If the construction aging cultural cooperation between the EU and of a common culture is necessarily imprisoned its partner countries to promote a global order in a past that is selectively constituted for the based on peace, the rule of law, freedom of ex- needs of the task, the future remains to be cre- pression, mutual understanding and respect for ated and offers choices. In this sense, arguing fundamental values1. Turkey has special impor- for a common culture that dispels the founding tance in EU external policies; nevertheless, the myths of a national construction amounts to re- cultural misunderstanding, misinterpreted per- jecting Turkey as its opponents do. The EU’s axi- ceptions, ethnocentrism and axiological nihil- ology classifies Turkey as an ‘other’ in relation to ism between Turkey and the EU are sources of the founding myths through which the union af- tension for Turkey’s accession to the organisa- firms itself but also with more or less conflicting tion. Declarations made by both parties in early relations. Christianity is among the foundational 2017 underline weaknesses of cultural diploma- myths evoked, albeit not without ambiguity. cy that are dialectic rather than represent con- 3 Working paper The EL-CSID project is coordinated by the Institute for European Studies (IES) The notion of axiology derives from the Greek on valid reasons.’5 He has further emphasised axios, which means the philosophical study of that no theory – whether philosophical, physical value2. It has developed from a certain crisis of or metaphysical – can be strictly true or certain. morality or rationality, from the moment when In other words, the question should be formulat- the world of values is considered pluralistic, ed as follows: How can one explain the meaning such as ‘value system’.3 Values can be moral, of values by weighing them based on ultimate ethical or aesthetic; they vary between both indi- principles? Boudon has asserted: viduals and societies. The concept of values cor- In the same way, a belief such as the belief responds with democracy, the political system in that a democratic regime is more likely than which parties represent systems of values. an authoritarian one to respect the dignity of The ‘crisis of values’ is today considered the people is commonly considered as context- ultimate challenge facing society, and the im- free. Clearly, the citizens of democratic socie- pression of this chaos affects all areas of life: ties do not feel that being democratic is better cultural, ecological, political, social, financial than dictatorial regimes simply because they and economic. Even the ongoing Syrian refu- have been socialized to think so, but because gee crisis and transnational terrorism in Europe they perceive their feeling as right.6 have triggered profound existential questions The system of values (axiology) is formed by a concerning the place of values in politics. This very complex mechanism. It can be based on the axiological crisis is part of a systemic crisis and following factors: anonymous experiences, belief raises the following questions: What is a value systems, culture and scientific activities. Society that many EU politicians pronounce in their rhet- makes amendments and inversions according to oric? What makes this value different from a so- its interests. While society harmonises the new cial norm? Are certain values common to all of rule with other related values, a change occurs in humankind, and can imposing universal values the composition of other values. In other words, be legitimate? the structure we call the system of values has Value has different meanings. In philosophy, a relationship with every aspect of both an indi- it covers the axiological dimension. Value is a vidual’s life and society. Under all circumstanc- moral preference of a group of subjects. Nota- es, each culture preserves its essence within its bly, a value needs recognition from a community. axiology and the main structure gains sustain- Reflection on values is deemed ‘axiological’ and ability.7 The tendency to judge others’ behaviour is organised around the terms ‘good’ and ‘bad.4 based on our own cultural norms is the principal Raymond Boudon has formulated the problem as reason of cultural misunderstanding and may such: ‘People tend to endorse a moral, prescrip- constitute an obstacle to cultural diplomacy. tive or value statement and to experience the This paper consists of four sections based on feeling that X is good, bad, legitimate, fair, etc. the concept of ‘perception from the outside look- when it appears to them—more or less vaguely ing in’, the Turkish perception of the EU. The first depending on the circumstances—as grounded outlines the European Cultural Diplomacy initia- 4 Working paper The EL-CSID project is coordinated by the Institute for European Studies (IES) tive and its efforts and the willingness to create portance since the September 11 attacks. For- a European identity. The second section intro- mer United Nations Secretary-General Boutros duces the concepts of European cultural identity Boutros-Ghali has stressed the following: and axiology as prerequisites for EU accession, The world has never witnessed as many intra- as well as the negative images that Turkey con- state conflicts. These conflicts are of a new tends with as a result of socio-historical events. and complex nature, their causes varied and The third section details the axiology of Turkey, often intersecting. That is why almost half the paradox of its cultural identity – which is of the internal conflicts are related to issues shaped by a forced marriage between the model of identity. They find their roots in ethnic, re- of the Eastern State and the Western Republic ligious or cultural differences, and are often – and its new politico-cultural orientation.
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