Support Frosh Bonfire Vol. XVII Z59 SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1937 No. 18 Miriam Turton Homecoming Follett Announces Staters Plan Frosh Build Proves Regulations First Contest San Diego • For the benefit of all stu­ Successful dents who are planning on at­ Twenty-Five File Entries Bonfire tending the San Diego game on in Speaking Contest Biltmore Dance Climaxes Saturday, the following direc­ Says Duckham Rally Committee Calls Weekend of Alumni, tions are given; Enter the sta­ Special Assembly dium by the Anapamu entrance •e Twenty-five students will compete Student Events and the gate to the left facing on Friday in the first college extemporaneous into the stadium. Students will A. O. X. WINS PRIZE not be admitted at any other speaking contest, December 7 and 8, ANNOUNCE DANCE entrance. Keep your student it was revealed by Doug Duckham, Parade and Rally Greet body book in your hands until speech bureau manager, as the orig­ Semi-Formal at Rockwood Capacity Audiences in you are in your seat in order to inal deadline for entries closed. How­ Features Greenough facilitate the work of the ush­ Friday Activities ever, the list of competitors is ex­ Orchestra ers. pected to be increased with a new • Climaxing a weekend of Home- Anyone found guilty of • Under the guidance of Tom coming festivities, 500 Santa Barbara lending their books to outsid­ deadline date being set for next Wharton, frosh president, members State college students, alumni, and ers will have their books con­ Tuesday, November "23, Duckham of the Peagreeners class, are busy this guests danced to "Fred Greenough’s. fiscated and a $5.00 fine levied asserted. week building the annual "big game” orchestra at the Biltmore Saturdays against them which will be col­ bonfire at the foot of Santa Barbara evening following the Nevada-State lected before grades are issued. •Sponsored by the Speakers and street on the beach. The huge pile of game. Only student body book Entertainers bureau, the extempor­ debris is scheduled to be set off Fri­ In the biggest Homecoming cele­ holders will be allowed in the aneous competition will mark the day night at the San Diego-Gaucho bration in the school’s history, . a student section and any student initial major activity of the newly or­ rally. All contributions are welcome parade and rally, under the direction accompanied by an outsider and will be called for by frosh men, ganized group on the campus. The of the rally committee scored a huge holding a general admission if information is turned in to the success to make the student activities ticket must sit in the general affair has attracted the attention of class. complete. Headed by Christine Mac­ admission section if he desires outstanding civic leaders and the Turton Leads Assembly Planned Donald, as the mounted Gaucho to sit with the general' admis­ two sets of judges will contain prom ­ Under the direction of Jack Kit­ rider, the parade lineup included the sion ticket-holder. inent layman speakers, as well as a chen and Jack Manson, yell leaders, college band, the official cars, seven­ A WS Plans Students are urged to pur­ faculty representative on each set, and the rally committee, a special teen individual floats, and many dec­ chase their tickets early in or­ assembly will be called for the last according to Duckham. orated cars, passed the review stand der to minimize the last-minute Women Prepare for Annual fifteen minutes of fourth hour oh at the Granada theatre. Jack Kit­ box-office rush. Remember, stu­ Eight Finalists to Vie Christmas Charity Friday in the auditorium. Dr. Char­ chen, student yell leader, directed the dent body books are not trans­ Preliminaries will be held Decem­ with Tag Sale les Jacobs, Coach H arder and Assis­ parade. ferable. ber 7 with the eight finalists vying tant Coach Wilton will address the the 8ch. Two prizes have been , do­ A. O. X. Wins DON FOLLETT • Hearing Mrs. Henry McKean of assembly. The band will play, and nated by local merchants, a ten-dol- The Alpha Theta Chi float, de­ Graduate Manager the Santa Barbara Neighborhood Margie Bush and Harriet Ridenour lar merchandise order from Ott picting the offering of a wolf’s head house, as their speaker, members of will lead songs. Hardware company for the male to a victorious Gaucho, decorated the associated women students, met Football Dance Set winner and a similar merchandise or­ wi{h plumes, and led by green and yesterday morning in the college "El Gaucho Dance” is the name der from Jack Rose’s Smart shop for white outfitted women, won the auditorium for the regular monthly of the semi-formal to be held this Men Vote New the female winner, Sweepstakes prize, a beautiful 16 gathering. / Saturday night at Rockwood hall being contested for, it does not indi­ inch loving cup given by Ott’s Hard­ Plan Charity from nine to twelve o’clock. cate that four male and four female ware company. Club Name \ With Miriam Turton, A.W.S. This will be the last after-game speakers will be selected for the president, charity plans for dance of the year and a record crowd Gamma Sigma Pi fraternity was ----------- \ finals. Christmas were discussed with Mary is expected. Novel football-styled chosen as second place winner with Captain Jones Is Chosen * "T he judges will be instructed to Alice Halferty, head of the welfare programs are being printed for the Phi Kppa Gamma, social sorority, as Sponsor; Club select the eight best speakers from committee and second vice-presi­ occasion, with ten dances and two taking third spot, each receiving Plans Smoker tkhe preliminaries, said Duckham. dent presenting a report of proced­ tags listed. These tag dances will be smaller silver trophies. The Block T en Topics ure. Money raising plans for the free-for-all, both men and women, "S” society entry in the decorated + Men students meeting yesterday fjpon signing up with James Ly­ charity purpose will be handled by for stags will not be in order. Frank car contest was declared winner by ons or Doug Duckham, contestants’ morning in the college cafeteria, the sale of tags. Collection of Greenough and his orchestra have the judges. are given the rules governing the voted to change their name from the clothes, toys, canned goods and been obtained for the dance. Many Attend Rally event. Ten topics, with material on Men’s club to the Associated Men ranch produces will be included in Mr. and Mrs. Theodore "Spud” Friday night’s auditorium rally each, ¿ire listed on a special reserve their work. Contributions will be tak­ Harder and Coach Wilton Wilton featured by a pantomime skit, of­ Students, and chose Capt. Paul Jones shelf in the school library. The stu­ en from now until Christmas vaca­ will be hosts for the evening. The fered Fred Lambourne’s band in ro­ as their sponsor. dent may prepare on each topic as tion with Dean Lois Bennink’s outer entire Gaucho football team and the mantic numbers, the singing of $tan much as fie desires but on the day Under the guidance of Doug office as headquarters. visiting team will be guests of honor. Cox, Theda Call, and Josephine Mc­ at the time of the contest each en­ Oldershaw, organization president, Hear Program The social committee have been in Bride, talks by Willie Wilton, Spud try will select his or her topic by plans for a male smoker in the gym­ Modern piano selections were of­ full charge of this El Gaucho dance Harder and Howard Yeager, and chance. If the first topic selected nasium were begun. The event is fered by Leona Rasmussen at the and have promised a full three hours comedy novelties under the m.c.’ing does not appeal to the contestant scheduled to take place immediately meeting, with a short story reading of dancing. It is strictly a date affair, of Jack Manson, assistant yell-leader. a second may be drawn. In the fin­ after Christmas vacation. Harry Ne- by Genevieve de Ong. Clarice Tobin and student body books or guest Approximately seven hundred State als only one draw will be made. Time thery, social chairman, was named was presented with classical piano cards will be required for admittance. rooters left "standing room only” limits for the preliminaries is from to take charge of the smoker. selections, followed by Verdeile Con­ for late comers. five to ten minutes and for the 'fin­ Members of the rally committee in Taking unprecedented steps the nell in a toe-dancing exhibition. MRS. PRICE VISITS TBACHBRS organization decided to appropriate als, ten to fifteen minutes. The annual Christmas assembly • Mrs. Laura S. Price, head of the charge include Petie McKinney, ral­ . Duckham urges all those interes­ twenty-five dollars to pay for a page program given by A.W.S. will be elementary department, will leave ly chairman; Jack Kitchen, Harriet ted in competing to please sign up Ridenour, Marjorie Bush, Ronald in the college yearbook. Pictures of directed by Miss Elizabeth Sehon, tomorrow for a southward visit of officers or some sponsored event, will with him or Lyons by next Tues­ presenting her dance group; by extension students, now teaching at Crary, Frank Ellings, Paul Davis, day, which will be the absolute and Dr. Helen Sweet. be used. Also a committee was given Mrs. Helen Barnett heading the Wo­ Del Monte, Huntington Beach, and the power to donate twenty dollars to deadline for entries. men’s glee club, and by Mr. Bar­ Sierra Madre schools. Mrs. Price will a fund for noon dances on campus ron, band leader, and the college or­ stay Thursday and Friday, returning D*Alfonso Tells of if other organizations were also con­ Prop and Strut Club chestra.
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