TUESDAY MORNING, OCT. 6 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 VER COM 4:30 KATU News This Morning (N) Good Morning America (N) (cc) 72457 AM Northwest Be a Millionaire The View (N) (cc) (TV14) 51964 Live With Regis and Kelly (N) (cc) 2/KATU 2 2 (cc) (Cont’d) 284761 (cc) 59419 80877 (TVMA) 71728 KOIN Local 6 Early News 85457 The Early Show (N) (cc) 65457 Let’s Make a Deal (N) (cc) (TVPG) The Price Is Right (N) (cc) (TVG) The Young and the Restless (N) (cc) 6/KOIN 6 6 at 6 85544 61964 19902 (TV14) 15998 Newschannel 8 at Sunrise at 6:00 Today Flu shot season; Wanda Sykes; Jillian Michaels; fashion; Today’s Kitchen. (N) (cc) 881612 Rachael Ray (cc) (TVG) 91506 8/KGW 8 8 AM (N) (cc) 55815 Sit and Be Fit Between the Lions Curious George Sid the Science Kid Super Why! Dinosaur Train Sesame Street Ralphie the Parrot Clifford the Big Dragon Tales WordWorld (TVY) Martha Speaks 10/KOPB 10 10 (TVG) 20362 (TVY) 83885 (TVY) 21761 (TVY) 40896 (TVY) 53896 (TVY) 52167 Flies Away. (TVY) 14070 Red Dog 29815 (TVY) 65631 73051 (TVY) 74780 Good Day Oregon-6 (N) 99273 Good Day Oregon (N) 45341 The 700 Club (cc) (TVPG) 16438 Paid 14983 Paid 67099 The Martha Stewart Show (N) (cc) 12/KPTV 12 12 (TVG) 44612 Positive Living Public Affairs Paid 60815 Paid 49322 Through the Bible Life-Robison Paid 43051 Paid 81709 Paid 28341 Paid 49235 Paid 80983 Paid 81612 22/KPXG 5 5 88709 60728 69099 Changing Your John Hagee Rod Parsley This Is Your Day Believer’s Voice of Facing Life Head- Building a Differ- Doctor to Doctor Behind the It’s Supernatural Life Today 75051 Marilyn Hickey 24/KNMT 20 20 World 21902 Today 39457 (TVG) 55983 34490 Victory 55896 On 54167 ence 45419 (cc) 76877 Scenes 20709 67631 (cc) 76780 Paid 142506 Paid 94493 Degrassi: TNG Paid 36896 That ’70s Show The King of My Name Is Earl My Name Is Earl Are You Smarter? Are You Smarter? The Steve Wilkos Show (N) (cc) 32/KRCW 3 3 17761 (TV14) 33612 Queens 32983 23235 54693 91235 29419 (TV14) 45544 Gospel Truth Eye for an Eye Wild About Ani- Recipe TV (N) Deal or No Deal Deal or No Deal Judge Jeanine Pirro (N) (cc) Judge Hatchett Cheaters (cc) Divorce Court (N) Street Court 49/KPDX 13 13 56070 (TV14) 64525 mals 34001 (TVPG) 90438 (N) (TVG) 97542 (TVG) 47083 (TVPG) 32490 (TVPG) 55877 (TVPG) 92709 (cc) 24709 25438 Paid 452896 Paid 669099 Crossing Jordan Don’t Leave Me Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars CSI: Miami Deadline. (cc) (TV14) A&E 52 181 This Way. (cc) (TV14) 805964 (TVPG) 587896 (TVPG) 586167 (TVPG) 577419 (TVPG) 222457 (TVPG) 643051 (TVPG) 599631 373780 Tank Commandos 6:45 Uncommon Valor ★★ (‘83) Gene Hackman, Robert Stack. A father goes after 9:15 Missing in Action ★★ (‘84) Chuck Norris, M. Emmet Walsh. An American Missing in Action AMC 71 231 ★ 2028099 his son, who is missing in Vietnam. ‘R’ (cc) (1:45) 21973780 escapes from Viet Cong and rescues others. ‘R’ (cc) (1:42) 95215438 2 553099 Barking Mad Barking Mad Tyler. It’s Me or the Dog The Chief of Growing Up. Wolf. Dogs care for Animal Cops Houston Little Colt Animal Cops Houston Amazing Big Cat Diary Big Cat Diary AP 43 130 (TVG) 72612 (TVG) 65235 Jealousy. (cc) (TVG) 782148 timber-wolf pups. (TVG) 783877 That Could. (cc) (TVPG) 58032 Transformations. (TVPG) 99780 (TVG) 26761 (TVG) 27490 BET Inspiration 766032 Smart Guy (TVG) Smart Guy (TVG) One on One One on One Sister, Sister Sister, Sister BET 56 270 827167 558525 (TVPG) 296273 (TVPG) 816051 (TVG) 757709 (TVG) 758438 Newsroom (N) 223032 Newsroom (N) 282964 Newsroom (N) 842235 CNN 44 100 Paid 5892693 Paid 1785099 Paid 8865983 Paid 8844490 Just Shoot Me Just Shoot Me Daily Show The Colbert Meet Wally Sparks ★ (‘97) Rodney Dangerfield. A TV celebrity pulls COM 60 190 (TVPG) 1756902 (TVPG) 1755273 1746525 Report 6477099 an outrageous stunt to save his show. ‘R’ (cc) (1:44) 4873186 Paid 340790 Paid 298631 The FAN 148322 The FAN 286896 Softy 997815 CSN 37 77 Paid 467728 Paid 667631 Paid 390457 Paid 379964 Joyce Meyer Paid 591099 Cash Cab: After Cash Cab (cc) Cash Cab (cc) Cash Cab (cc) Dirty Jobs Antique printing DISC 7 120 592728 Dark 575051 (TVG) 297761 (TVG) 658983 (TVG) 571235 press. (cc) (TV14) 388612 Phineas and Ferb Imagination Mov- Handy Manny Mickey Mouse Special Agent Mickey Mouse Handy Manny Imagination Mov- Jungle Junction Little Einsteins Tigger & Pooh Charlie & Lola DISN 41 250 436964 ers 638235 (TVY) 354761 6254709 Oso 570612 5701506 (TVY) 4506709 ers 291693 (N) 652815 (TVY) 566419 2441761 (TVY) 3818490 That Morning Show 326438 Bring It On: All or Nothing (‘06) Hayden Panettiere. A teen must win Kourtney & Khloe Kourtney & Khloe E! 70 196 over the head cheerleader to make the squad. ‘PG-13’ (1:39) 525322 386235 387964 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 474983 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 267780 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 275709 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 191148 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 731780 NFL PrimeTime (cc) 751544 ESPN 35 70 3:00 Mike and Mike in the Morning ESPN First Take (Live) (cc) 1808254 ESPN First Take (cc) 4467457 SportsCenter (Live) (cc) 1807525 ESPN2 36 74 (Live) (cc) (Cont’d) 6165490 Joyce Meyer Paid 823235 Sister, Sister Sister, Sister Sabrina-Witch Sabrina-Witch Step by Step 700 Club Interac- The 700 Club (cc) (TVPG) 557780 Gilmore Girls Happy Birthday, FAM 39 199 630612 (TVG) 549761 (TVG) 568896 772902 771273 (TVPG) 762525 tive 493983 Baby. (cc) (TVPG) 577544 America’s Newsroom (N) 1220983 Happening Now (N) 6255877 The Live Desk (N) 8037457 FNC 48 118 Paid 5894051 Paid 1787457 Paid 8867341 Paid 8853148 Paid 1725032 Paid 1757631 Paid 1748983 Road Tasted- Emeril Live Emeril is joined by Entertaining Quick Fix Meals FOOD 66 164 Neelys 6479457 Mario Batali. 8842032 9470877 9471506 The Final Score Paid 70167 The Final Score The Final Score The Final Score Paid 25849 Paid 27099 Paid 58457 Paid 61419 Paid 16983 Halls of Fame (N) UEFA Soccer FSN 34 76 87544 96693 15728 75308 31693 185032 Paid 5985709 Paid 6272544 Malcolm in the Malcolm in the Mimic 2 ★ (‘01) Alix Koromzay. Giant killer cockroach- The Wicker Man ★ (‘06) Nicolas Cage, Ellen Burstyn. A lawman finds Spin City (cc) FX 53 53 Middle 6520457 Middle 6509964 es imitate their human prey. ‘R’ (1:22) 7974457 sinister forces at work on a secluded isle. ‘PG-13’ (1:43) 6875525 (TVPG) 1917506 LPGA Tour Golf Navistar LPGA Big Break: Prince Edward Island Big Break: Prince Edward Island Playing Lessons Learning Center The Golf Fix President’s Cup Highlights 955693 Presidents Cup GOLF 33 304 Classic: Final Round. 670490 773490 781419 10709 41167 87457 Match 436983 Paid 6906490 Paid 4666612 Paid 1187322 Paid 1106457 Paid 7176254 Paid 7175525 The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls HALL 18 240 7166877 9455780 4657964 7155761 5757916 4307475 Paid 3948709 Scrapbooking The Big Reveal That’s Clever My Makeover Desperate Spaces Kidspace (TVG) Rate My Space Save My Bath Decorating Cents Cash in the Attic If Walls Could HGTV 67 165 (TVG) 8894186 (TVG) 1712902 (TVG) 1708709 8106419 8198490 8112070 (TVG) 4406761 (TVG) 8885438 8118254 3213326 Talk. 2863885 Paid 6915148 Paid 4668070 Civil War Journal The Monitor vs. Mega Disasters The San Francisco Earthquake. (cc) (TVPG) The Crumbling of America Investigating infrastructure deterioration HIST 50 128 the CSS Virginia. (TVG) 7605235 4656235 in the United States. (cc) (TVPG) 9477902 Paid 643186 Paid 836709 Joyce Meyer Paid 564070 Less Than Perfect Will & Grace Frasier (cc) Frasier (cc) Reba (cc) Reba (cc) Reba (cc) Reba Go Far. LIFE 69 140 552235 752148 (TV14) 751419 (TVPG) 775099 (TVG) 406457 (TVPG) 810761 (TVPG) 764983 (TVPG) 304525 (TVPG) 305254 Morning Meeting (N) 1233457 MSNBC News Live (N) 9787728 Dr. Nancy (N) 5992099 Andrea Mitchell Reports 6596490 MSNBC News Live (N) 6516254 MSNBC 128 103 AMTV (TV14) 346186 The Real World The roommates The City (cc) The Hills (cc) True Life Prom. High-school MTV 63 210 leave Cancun. (TV14) 647902 (TVPG) 845457 (TVPG) 759051 prom night. (cc) 575186 The Nanny The Fairly Odd- Back, Barnyard SpongeBob SpongeBob The Backyardi- Dora the Explorer Dora the Explorer Go, Diego, Go! Go, Diego, Go! Max & Ruby (N) Max & Ruby NICK 40 252 (TVPG) 458070 Parents 665273 398099 377506 583070 gans 582341 573693 228631 (TVY) 656525 (TVY) 579877 (TVY) 427815 (TVY) 428544 Paid 801254 Paid 449475 Paid 727693 Paid 746728 Paid 936254 Paid 935525 A History of Violence ★★★ (‘05) Viggo Mortensen, Maria Bello. Spike’s Most Amazing Videos Crash SPIKE 57 54 Vicious criminals harass a man and his wife and family. ‘R’ 167214 & Burn. (TV14) 722148 Paid 5440341 Paid 1946273 Paid 1312902 Paid 1308709 Scare Tactics Scare Tactics Scare Tactics Scare Tactics Scare Tactics Scare Tactics Scare Tactics Scare Tactics SYFY 59 180 (TV14) 6152525 (TV14) 6151896 (TV14) 6142148 (TV14) 5472254 (TV14) 1937525 (TV14) 6131032 (TV14) 5221693 (TV14) 5222322 Married. With Married. With Saved by the Bell Saved by the Bell Saved by the Bell Saved by the Bell Fresh Prince of Fresh Prince of Just Shoot Me Home Improve- Home Improve- Yes, Dear (cc) TBS 55 52 Children 921934 Children 298525 914051 933186 114964 113235 Bel-Air 137815 Bel-Air 859525 (TVPG) 289877 ment 133099 ment 723029 (TVPG) 373588 Jon & Kate Plus 8 Jon & Kate Plus 8 17 Kids-Count 17 Kids-Count Bringing Home Bringing Home A Baby Story A Baby Story Mystery Diagnosis The Boy Who Jon & Kate Plus 8 Jon & Kate Plus 8 TLC 38 139 (TVG) 896322 (cc) 144803 712761 731896 Baby 921322 Baby 920693 (TVPG) 944273 (TVPG) 675631 Couldn’t Breathe.
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