176 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. MARCH,1914 cidly as depths of snow have increased substantidy dur On the middle drainage of the South Platte and in the ing the eneral snowstorm occurring the first week in region drained by the southern tributaries of the Arkan- A..ril.-~ $ &ad, Section Director. sas somewhat inore than the normal snowfall occurred, Bod& otac.-The average snowfall in the elevated but in the rest of the drainage area of these streams a regions of South Dakota; that is, the greater ortion of deficiency was general. Marked deficiencies occurred the Black Hills district of the State, was 7 inctes. The throughout the ’region drained by the Rio Grande, and largest month1 amount recorded was 23 inches, at Har- and over the greater part of the Grand, Guiinison, and San vey’s ranch (I! 0. Hanna), Lawrence County; the least Jiian watersheds. 0.2 inch at Hermosa, Custer County. There was none The average depths of snow on the round on the differ- remaining on the ound on either the 15th or 31st of the ent watersheds at the end of the mont% do not differ mate- month, except in %t e gulches in the timber. Some of the rially from the depths on corresponding date a year ago; snow melted as it fell, or soon after, and thawing weather tshe water equivalent, however, IS greater.-3’. H. Brun- .with local showers near the close of the mont,h aided in its den burg, Distibiet Forecaster. diaa pearance.-S. W. Glenn, Section Director. &da.-There was scarcely an snow or precipih tion in the Truckee, Carson, mid dalker Basins during POSSIBILITY OF RECURRENCE OF THE FLOODS OF March. The average for 12 stations in the Humboldt XARCH, Basin waa 0.43 of an inch, which was only about one- 1913. third of the normal. This is representative of the north- By J. WARRENSMITH, Professor of Meteorology. ern portion of the State. [Dated Weather Bureau, Columbw, Ohio, March 12,1911.1 At the Lake Tahoe level there were about 39 inches of [Abstrwt of a paper read March 11 1914 at the Thirt 61th anum1 meeting of the Ohlo dense snow at the end of the month, and it increased in Engineering Yw&tp, lhd at Colum~i~s,Ohio.] depth from that oint to 137 inches at the 7,400-foot During the past 50 jw~rsthe number of cooperative level, just south o1 Ward Peak. There were from 96 to stations in Oh0 reiorting rainfall has varied but little 120 inches near Grass and Luceil Lakes at an elevation of and has been sli ht y over 100 in number. about 8,000 feet. East of Lake Tahoe there were about The number oF’ times that excessive rains have occurred 84 inches at 8,000 feet. In the Carson and Walker Basins at these different ointa has been tabulated and the sum- on nearly all northwest, north, and northeast slopes, mary appears in fable 1 above 9,000 feet, there were over 260 inches of snow at This table shows t,hat while the number of stations the end of March.-H. S. Cole, Section Director. reporting 2.5 inches in 34 hours in 1913 was less than AFiZOna-March was a warm, dry month in the eastern twice as many a.s reported this amount in 1596 and 1897, and northern mountain districts, and there was a general and only just twice a.s many as in 1911, the number re- decrease in the de th of stored snow. port,ing 5.0 inches or more in 96 hours in 1913 was more In the White 2ountains, where a sur-rev of a represen- than in a11 of the other 19 years put together. tative area was made, March 21 to 27, the snow on t,he InMarch, 1913, the number reporting 5.0 inches or more north slopes ranged from a trace at the 8,000-foot! level in 96 hours was 73, while cluing all of the other mont-hs to about 50 inches at the 10,000-foot, while on the south of the 31) yews together the number was only69. snow below 9,000 feet, and at, IJ~October, 1910, there was a very heavy and extended about 15 inches. The esten- rniiifnll in 0160 t>hatgave 2.5 inches or more in 24 hours situated along the Salt-Little st 3.5 st.zlt.ions,:<.(I inches or nioro in 4s hours at 49 stations, 20 to 30 inches of snow. The and 4..0inches or more in 72 hours at 31 stations; or about average of a large number of density measurements gave half as niany as occurred in March, 1913. But in October, an equivalent of 0.33 inch of water for 1 inch of snow. 1910, there were only 3 cases of -1.0 inches or more in 24 Reporta indicate that the snow conditions on the Blue, hours, as conipared with 13 in March, 1913, and only 3 Graham, and San Francisco Ranges are about the same stations reporting 5.0 inches or iiiorein 96 hours, as com- as in the White Mountains, while on the Chiricahuas the pared with 73 reporting this amount in March, 1913. depths are somewhat less. There is little or no snow left It is oiily when one begins to tabulate the facta in this in the Tonto and East Verde watersheds. Drifts from way that the statement can be understood that when the 2 to 4 feet deep remain on the plateaus north of the Col- estriit of the territory iiivolvrd and the sequence of the orado River. A few inches remain on the Huachura storm5 is considered, nn prerious record esists which, in Mountains.-Robert R. Briggs, Section Director. this section of the country, is in my wn.y comparable New Mezico.-March averaged much below the normal wit,h t,he rainfrill of March 23-27, 1913. in precipitation, although the snowfall was parctically The greatest monthly rainfall for the State of Ohio normal, owing to heavy snow in certain central and during the past 00 gears was 9.67 inches, in September, northern mountain districts, notably east of the Rio 1S6fi. The nest greatest nionthly avera e was 8.40 Grande. For tho State as a, whole the eastern slopes inches, in March, 1913. The daily records !or such sta- were most favored. t.ioiis a.~were available in IS66 show, however, that durin The average snowfall was 3.8 inches! or about normal, that month the rainfall was distributed more througf giving a seasonal fall of 26 inches, which is slightly in t.he month a.nd that large monthly falls were due to a excess of the normal, owing to the large excess that OP- number of scattered heavy rainfalls. curred in December, 1913.-CCharles E. Linmy, Sectiicn. A careful summary of the rainfall data in Ohio for Direetor. March, 1913, shows that the average rainfall from the CoZd0.-The snowfall during March was less than 33d to 27th, inclusiw. wa.s as follows: the normal in almost all parts of the mountain region, Inches. making the third month in succession with relatively Over the Little Miami waterehed ..... ._..... .-. -. .. -. -. 7.5 the Sandusky watershed 8.2 light amounts. Storms were not lacking, but preci i- Over ..... ._. ..__. .. - - - .. .- - .. - - . .. Over the Scioto watershed __.._____-.-. - - - - - -.- -.-. -. .. .. 8.7 tation was general only during the last three days of tE e Over the Great Miami watemhed above Dayton .........._........ 8.8 month, Over the Muakingum watemhed above Zaneaville. ... .. 8. g Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/27/21 04:41 PM UTC w,1914. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 177 TABIZl.-Number of Szations in Ohio orting kverainfall in the in either February, March, or April to cause even one day year inaiuaz of flood at Cincinnati only four times. -- _- The January just past had an average rainfall almost 3 inches linche~ 5inchea 0 inches I inch below tfhe normal in Ohio, but instead of this or more vmormore or more in in Ln in bcting a condition favorable for later floods, as stated in 18 hours. 2 bars. 96 hours. month. the newspaper article referred to, it is just the opposite. I-- I-- -- .- Hence tho probability of floods in Ohio this spring is 1694. ................... 15 2 5 1 0 0 1895 .................... 13 0 10 0 0 0 much less than if the rainfall in January had bee.n above 1898. ................... 58 6 53 37 13 17 the normal. 1697. ................... 5R. 7 32 5 3 1888 .................... 38 4 3s l317 11 4 The heaviest rainfall in one da in Ohio that has ever 1899. ................... m 5 7 0 0 0 1900. ................... 22 0 11 0 0 0 been recorded was 7.4 inches at '9; oboso, in northeastern le01.~~~ .....................~ i 45 5 25 11 2 Licking County, on the night of July 13, 1913. This 1902. ................... 34 I z 2a I 6 1m.................... 34 5 z!l 10 I 0 storm was very severe, and while it ave heavier 12- and lmJ4. ................... 31 2 40 16 3 l~.................... i 45 5 37 8 3 7 %-hour rainfalls at a few places t% an occurred in the 1908. ................... 26 2 17 5 2 2 March storm, it was not of so large an area and was not 1901. ................... 43 5 48 19 2 3 1m.................... I 23 1 10 0 0 0 followed by successive downpours. 1909.. .................. I5 8 25 7 0 1 1910. ................... 49 3 65 34 6 0 It shows, however, as do other stornis that might be 1911.
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