CREDITS Cemig in Numbers Concept, editorial production: Descriptions 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Cemig Corporate Communications (CE) Service (1) Editorial coordination: Number of consumers (‘000) 5,744 5,875 6,010 10,042 10,321 (1) Cemig Investor Relations Office Number of employees 11,302 10,668 10,271 14,867 14,783 Consumers per employee 508 551 585 675 698 Graphic design: Number of locations served 5,415 5,415 5,415 5,415 5,415 18 Comunicação Municipalities served(1) 774 774 774 805 805 Photographs: Market Antônio Carreiro Concession area (km2)(1) 567,478 567,478 567,478 578,448 578,448 Eugênio Paccelli Own generation (GWh)(2) 27,025 26,922 30,411 32,187 33,150 Fernando Martins ORI Total electricity sold (GWh)(1) 36,584 37,897 39,614 52,263 57,892 Nitro Agência de Imagens T O Average residential consumption (kWh/year) 1,380 1,351 1,337 1,313 1,313 Percio Lima A Rogério Reis L Average retail tariff, including ICMS tax (R$/MWh) Cemig archives E including ICMS (R$/MWh) L A R 2007 Residential 356.95 416.26 474.23 487.52 505.73 Translation into English: U L A Commercial 305.89 356.03 410.81 435.97 449.51 [email protected] N Industrial 132.39 154.38 124.41 128.04 136.93 N A N U Rural 186.42 214.42 249.13 265.27 270.65 Head Office: A Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais – Cemig T Operational Avenida Barbacena, 1200 2007 (1) OR R Number of power plants 48 52 54 61 62 Caixa Postal 992 T IO Number of substations(1) 427 434 440 469 472 30190-131 A R O Transmission lines (km)(1) 4,829 4,856 4,892 5,364 5,313 Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil E P L Subtransmission lines (km)(1) 16,185 16,086 16,040 16,788 16,676 Tel.: 55 (31) 3506-3711 E (1) Distribution lines (km) L OR R 2007 Urban 82,867 83,527 84,585 93,850 91,573 T IO A Rural 276,437 283,910 294,815 308,689 337,987 A A U Installed capacity (MW)(1) 5,771 5,949 6,113 6,692 6,678 L N E Financial (consolidated data) L rio R 2007 Operational revenue – R$ million 7,968 9,748 11,703 13,431 15,790 to A Net operational revenue – R$ million 5,223 6,434 7,313 8,467 10,246 a Operational margin – % 22.99 32.22 33.68 30.12 32.16 l A U N Ebitda – R$ million 1,771 2,480 3,058 3,222 4,073 e r Ebitda margin – % 34 38 42 38 40 2007 L Net income (loss) – R$ million 1,198 1,385 2,003 1,719 1,735 A Net income (loss) per shares (holding company) – R$ 2.46 2.85 4.12 3.53 3.57 GOVERNO DE MINAS GERAIS U Stockholders’ equity – R$ million 6,559 7,251 7,185 7,522 8,390 A N Market capitalization – R$ million 7,441 9,951 14,335 16,040 16,078 Stockholders’ equity per share (holding company) – R$ 13.48 14.91 14.77 15.46 17.25 Return on equity – % 21.08 21.11 27.63 23.92 23.07 Current liquidity 0.73 0.86 0.91 1.11 1.32 ANNUAL REPORT 2007 ANNUAL Debt in local currency – R$ million 2,280 3,119 4,137 6,634 7,182 Debt in foreign currency – R$ million 1,579 1,099 799 1,015 457 Total debt – R$ million(3) 3,859 4,218 4,936 7,649 7,639 Total debt / total capitalization(4) 0.37 0.37 0.41 0.50 0.48 Debt(5) / Stockholders’ equity – % 128.67 131.15 175.55 206.03 189.23 Dividends paid – R$ million 320 692 2,070 1,382 868 Dividends / net income – % 27 50 103 80 50 Dividends / Ebitda – % 18 28 68 43 21 (1) – Includes Light and TBE, since 2006. (2) – Generation at center of gravity. (3) – Debt = Loans, financings and debentures. (4) – Total capitalization = Total debt + Stockholders’ equity. (5) – Debt = Current liabilities + Non-current liabilities Cover photo: The Tronqueiras Hydroelectric Plant. Photo on the “seal”: The São Simão Hydroelectric Plant. CREDITS Cemig in Numbers Concept, editorial production: Descriptions 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Cemig Corporate Communications (CE) Service (1) Editorial coordination: Number of consumers (‘000) 5,744 5,875 6,010 10,042 10,321 (1) Cemig Investor Relations Office Number of employees 11,302 10,668 10,271 14,867 14,783 Consumers per employee 508 551 585 675 698 Graphic design: Number of locations served 5,415 5,415 5,415 5,415 5,415 18 Comunicação Municipalities served(1) 774 774 774 805 805 Photographs: Market Antônio Carreiro Concession area (km2)(1) 567,478 567,478 567,478 578,448 578,448 Eugênio Paccelli Own generation (GWh)(2) 27,025 26,922 30,411 32,187 33,150 Fernando Martins ORI Total electricity sold (GWh)(1) 36,584 37,897 39,614 52,263 57,892 Nitro Agência de Imagens T O Average residential consumption (kWh/year) 1,380 1,351 1,337 1,313 1,313 Percio Lima A Rogério Reis L Average retail tariff, including ICMS tax (R$/MWh) Cemig archives E including ICMS (R$/MWh) L A R 2007 Residential 356.95 416.26 474.23 487.52 505.73 Translation into English: U L A Commercial 305.89 356.03 410.81 435.97 449.51 [email protected] N Industrial 132.39 154.38 124.41 128.04 136.93 N A N U Rural 186.42 214.42 249.13 265.27 270.65 Head Office: A Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais – Cemig T Operational Avenida Barbacena, 1200 2007 (1) OR R Number of power plants 48 52 54 61 62 Caixa Postal 992 T IO Number of substations(1) 427 434 440 469 472 30190-131 A R O Transmission lines (km)(1) 4,829 4,856 4,892 5,364 5,313 Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil E P L Subtransmission lines (km)(1) 16,185 16,086 16,040 16,788 16,676 Tel.: 55 (31) 3506-3711 E (1) Distribution lines (km) L OR R 2007 Urban 82,867 83,527 84,585 93,850 91,573 T IO A Rural 276,437 283,910 294,815 308,689 337,987 A A U Installed capacity (MW)(1) 5,771 5,949 6,113 6,692 6,678 L N E Financial (consolidated data) L rio R 2007 Operational revenue – R$ million 7,968 9,748 11,703 13,431 15,790 to A Net operational revenue – R$ million 5,223 6,434 7,313 8,467 10,246 a Operational margin – % 22.99 32.22 33.68 30.12 32.16 l A U N Ebitda – R$ million 1,771 2,480 3,058 3,222 4,073 e r Ebitda margin – % 34 38 42 38 40 2007 L Net income (loss) – R$ million 1,198 1,385 2,003 1,719 1,735 A Net income (loss) per shares (holding company) – R$ 2.46 2.85 4.12 3.53 3.57 GOVERNO DE MINAS GERAIS U Stockholders’ equity – R$ million 6,559 7,251 7,185 7,522 8,390 A N Market capitalization – R$ million 7,441 9,951 14,335 16,040 16,078 Stockholders’ equity per share (holding company) – R$ 13.48 14.91 14.77 15.46 17.25 Return on equity – % 21.08 21.11 27.63 23.92 23.07 Current liquidity 0.73 0.86 0.91 1.11 1.32 ANNUAL REPORT 2007 ANNUAL Debt in local currency – R$ million 2,280 3,119 4,137 6,634 7,182 Debt in foreign currency – R$ million 1,579 1,099 799 1,015 457 Total debt – R$ million(3) 3,859 4,218 4,936 7,649 7,639 Total debt / total capitalization(4) 0.37 0.37 0.41 0.50 0.48 Debt(5) / Stockholders’ equity – % 128.67 131.15 175.55 206.03 189.23 Dividends paid – R$ million 320 692 2,070 1,382 868 Dividends / net income – % 27 50 103 80 50 Dividends / Ebitda – % 18 28 68 43 21 (1) – Includes Light and TBE, since 2006. (2) – Generation at center of gravity. (3) – Debt = Loans, financings and debentures. (4) – Total capitalization = Total debt + Stockholders’ equity. (5) – Debt = Current liabilities + Non-current liabilities Cover photo: The Tronqueiras Hydroelectric Plant. Photo on the “seal”: The São Simão Hydroelectric Plant. CREDITS Cemig in Numbers Concept, editorial production: Descriptions 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Cemig Corporate Communications (CE) Service (1) Editorial coordination: Number of consumers (‘000) 5,744 5,875 6,010 10,042 10,321 (1) Cemig Investor Relations Office Number of employees 11,302 10,668 10,271 14,867 14,783 Consumers per employee 508 551 585 675 698 Graphic design: Number of locations served 5,415 5,415 5,415 5,415 5,415 18 Comunicação Municipalities served(1) 774 774 774 805 805 Photographs: Market Antônio Carreiro Concession area (km2)(1) 567,478 567,478 567,478 578,448 578,448 Eugênio Paccelli Own generation (GWh)(2) 27,025 26,922 30,411 32,187 33,150 Fernando Martins ORI Total electricity sold (GWh)(1) 36,584 37,897 39,614 52,263 57,892 Nitro Agência de Imagens T O Average residential consumption (kWh/year) 1,380 1,351 1,337 1,313 1,313 Percio Lima A Rogério Reis L Average retail tariff, including ICMS tax (R$/MWh) Cemig archives E including ICMS (R$/MWh) L A R 2007 Residential 356.95 416.26 474.23 487.52 505.73 Translation into English: U L A Commercial 305.89 356.03 410.81 435.97 449.51 [email protected] N Industrial 132.39 154.38 124.41 128.04 136.93 N A N U Rural 186.42 214.42 249.13 265.27 270.65 Head Office: A Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais – Cemig T Operational Avenida Barbacena, 1200 2007 (1) OR R Number of power plants 48 52 54 61 62 Caixa Postal 992 T IO Number of substations(1) 427 434 440 469 472 30190-131 A R O Transmission lines (km)(1) 4,829 4,856 4,892 5,364 5,313 Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil E P L Subtransmission lines (km)(1) 16,185 16,086 16,040 16,788 16,676 Tel.: 55 (31) 3506-3711 E (1) Distribution lines (km) L OR R 2007 Urban 82,867 83,527 84,585 93,850 91,573 T IO A Rural 276,437 283,910 294,815 308,689 337,987 A A U Installed capacity (MW)(1) 5,771 5,949 6,113 6,692 6,678 L N E Financial (consolidated data) L rio R 2007 Operational revenue – R$ million 7,968 9,748 11,703 13,431 15,790 to A Net operational revenue – R$ million 5,223 6,434 7,313 8,467 10,246 a Operational margin – % 22.99 32.22 33.68 30.12 32.16 l A U N Ebitda – R$ million 1,771 2,480 3,058 3,222 4,073 e r Ebitda margin – % 34 38 42 38 40 2007 L Net income (loss) – R$ million 1,198 1,385 2,003 1,719 1,735 A Net income (loss) per shares (holding company) – R$ 2.46 2.85 4.12 3.53 3.57 GOVERNO DE MINAS GERAIS U Stockholders’ equity – R$ million 6,559 7,251 7,185 7,522 8,390 A N Market capitalization – R$ million 7,441 9,951 14,335 16,040 16,078 Stockholders’ equity per share (holding company) – R$ 13.48 14.91 14.77 15.46 17.25 Return on equity – % 21.08 21.11 27.63 23.92 23.07 Current liquidity 0.73 0.86 0.91 1.11 1.32 ANNUAL REPORT 2007 ANNUAL Debt in local currency – R$ million 2,280 3,119 4,137 6,634 7,182 Debt in foreign currency – R$ million 1,579 1,099 799 1,015 457 Total debt – R$ million(3) 3,859 4,218 4,936 7,649 7,639 Total debt / total capitalization(4) 0.37 0.37 0.41 0.50 0.48 Debt(5) / Stockholders’ equity – % 128.67 131.15 175.55 206.03 189.23 Dividends paid – R$ million 320 692 2,070 1,382 868 Dividends / net income – % 27 50 103 80 50 Dividends / Ebitda – % 18 28 68 43 21 (1) – Includes Light and TBE, since 2006.
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