'%- Colorado College Library | Vo-fcC Library No...<o&&.5.5 1 1 From... | H f Receivi d ] "' " i * !• p.i .'': . - \ ISlPi ^ifS* ^v-V mm U?&iS*p#^, B 1 The Tiger. Vol. 1. No. 1. COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO., TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1899. Price 5 Cents. r it'll t held, anil was so elated at his success that he ""Ti>"ii n-.li> ]ii,c ;,,! tried to steal second, but Packard and t. ninth frus- yeur linri I ronvtml C.C.26== '" "" this side 'I"" »rn, ,„.„.|, • ,. trated laudable attempt, and the was out GLEE CLUB'S far ,,i, .,„„,, ,,n Score: C. C. 8; E. D. H. S„ 0. '>" "'« "'"'I'l ».H. il»' ling II.. Indira I-..I >" EAST DENVER 0. FOURTH INNlNi: SPRING ..I II.. u elton „i I...I ,...„ Clarke reached first on V an V t'a muff of the TOUR. ball McCarthy hnd thrown Packard gave Hutch- BOULDER BOYS WAX RAMPANT. inson a chance to distinguish himself; the little It. eight o'clock II..- Ini-gc Oiiero II...... ..... ncuv ttvehed Clarke out, but in his haste to coiu])lele MOST FIRST GAME OF THE SEASON. the double play, over Fleet's SUCCESSFUL IN THE HISTORY he threw Van head, seals logcllici-, nut] the l...v.. ...... and Packard reached second. Harry's brother fell eery I OF THE CLUB. oicil ..I... il.... ii.i.i reached third on a passed ball. Cooley singled, i Icnrnccl Llicac gmvo .....I ... scoring Packard. It ,,|IM ' 1 Btililenls The gentleman from Lad eiucd In Hi.... .!„.. iimigniu for then stole second, Gearin sent Ins third angle out III.' Ill.-l III...' I,, „ I.I .milk IVS|,.,I |,„ l',, I, „,|,(,, Denver Boys Shut Out in the Third into loft field, and Cooley attempted t home, but was thrown out. Armstrong was thrown out Boulder Objecls lo'-Bohunkiis"--Golden ' Coosecutive Game. at first bv Sales. " IC"|lOlllle.l ... II.:. I., „,... "IWuiuk,,,' Gr....t!i threw Truett out at first, while Mead '""I- 'I"' I -.' Says We re 0. K. I.v stoem, Inn in «ome im.v or olhcl' did the same for Van Fleet, making a very pretty pick up. Hen juggled the next ball just long enough i.i allow Cohen to reach first, but he redeemed his iiiln'. On last Saturday occurred the opening game oE reputation immediately afterwards by putting Ham- Ni wit I'nmiplty al S:25 on ihe morning ol March 28th. • is, and I,yi the Colorado College baseball season for 1899. The rick's grounder into BlcHendrie's mitt before the III ,i|i. Ihe i-ould reach the coveted hag. tW secretary of the Glee Club beg 'idling the weather was perfect for baseball and a very fair- center fielder Score: , '"' H| •""« '" toll 1 '"es here, a. in all the C. O., 8; 10. D. II. S.. 0, ,,i the members to liml who had reached COIICCI'U, sii-.ed crowd was present. «i>" Hit; the oi lc sob. l,y Mr, Vh.ii. it depot the Coloi.nl.. ,v Southern id Hie ways e The East Denver High School Tor FIFTH INNING. time team the third iii for Ins diare of Hie favor apl led. Three members were mil present, m the andiei.ee, successive game, was shut out by the husky Mead went oe.t from McCarthy to Van Fleet. bill Tigers Al unit 1'irsl Hire, Sn la. a minute or Iwo two large I U> The Old Kclinlile truck out, but reached first on Inter they steamed into tin' depot of Colorado College. On April 10th, 1897, E. D. 11. Mere a- filled .villi banjos, baggage and hoys hound Cohen's error, and Hung the other members, between llirir gasps S. bent our team by a score oE 4 to 2; since that \i, for Iii ton 'I'be ,..-,, \> tt,.- liner through 1 rue tlendrie caught Cohen and mads imuldy, v \ f« breath, thai ihev hud good reasons fur being trin time three games have been played between the two Sales napping sad Lai,!.. ,„l llll Vi thoii institutions, in which the Tigers have scored' al- a moment file- by Brown's sacrefico hit to Hutch- » w si,,,. Iioif ,, „ ins,on. Clarke km: cked an easy grounder to Van Tlie tram arrived in Denver mi schedule tunc, together 59 points, while the wearers of the red now C re oi,-l The cit.i, - Meet. :iml the side was out. and as they did not leave foi l.iingmoiii until after m LOtil white have liml to 0. and be content with a to hit If t sinnll, Hughes knocked a swift one short, which her hut it has made op I -,/,. -,, five • r | ,fc o'clock, the boys hud ample I far .,-iting lu Scturdny's game seems to show th;it this year Gi ill- in s shoe ant bounced ul) into the air. Hen "' B,i '" w«> ,( has received tile |.]ace« oi interest, and culling upon friend* Ihe g luh the Tigers will be in waited calmly UMl 1 it came down to earth again, the champion ship race again 011 Us twn .,-„, Iheie. A VOli ilebghll'nl to I I the l Tlmiiks the efforts o< tin nug, r, n .civ n from first to last. There is still a large amount of Was linden. I Ihe ,labaL Hie l,c» „. ,„ 'flic llii.. - i ill'., Inil mil to wild, enough BO genu car was provided i\l Denver far the usi he Mt> loose work which must be eradicated, but that can escape tin- mill ..f tlic Old Reliable captain, rlnl l!l1 & T •'' war give ifan o'uk "llcii.y." Ihe piolei ,.| Mi. Tnuubull', pn- g„ lien in '-i.| .,.1 .nUiy's just long cnnugii be done if the fellows continue their hard, steady L gummier am lie.iee to allow that gentleman to reach lirst; he soon practice. The batting was very good, while the in- Wl i, boy came in „ the ear a: went to second on a wild niteh. Hutchinson shut Stjilc Much dissiltisfacUoll .v.i, con-.-,,! I., M,"' field made only errors of a total of 30 ( il four out Ircele.i in 'v iii,.-, Hi,-, tir.-i his eyes, hinged w'ddly at the ball three linns t'ljil' were at alraul thai the roa-l had uol done so well In ,1 ill chances. The outfield was given almost no chance am! was declared out. Shinier gave McHcndrie a >.,,.. ,,,. thai tl,c lu April i juke, ho <l -liter oi n private ear as il had done l.,-i grei nder, and again the Denver lads had to take year. whatever to display its ability. The base-running Ihe Clllll I- .T Wl\* HOIII, I,„|IHI. Ol the the bench without having succeeded in overcoming |)ll was good, but can be improved; but the coaching however. , di.e',,-,,i tn nnv appreciable degree the lead which the Tigers LONGMONT LISTENS AND ENTERTAINS. Mw fact thai Iwo brave on the side lines times. was very poor at had obtained. Score: C. C. 10: E. D. H. S.. t). fellows 'Ihe ,.|ub reached Lougmonl al seven The showed by their work Saturday that o'clock o- lln' nighl Iwf lint H,„i the porter') "What SIXTH INNING. ojiil the of '99 will as the concert was nil vet' list d to beg ' team have better team-work and 8:15, v I Will dm b.n.iier. eh: Yoil got .o,,,' nerve aliaip, the bo..>. ivcre dressed far it ,« " probably better batting than lost year's team, and Ti-ekard got all the way around to third on Cap- when thoj will hud -> irighlcied il,,- m Lhcj had tain Truett's wild throw to first, and Sales kindly ri...l They were shown nl once to II, places il would be safe to predict, also, that the infield will nr lln pud Hie Iii r, ami hud lis llu.ugb the.' | let throwing a bull so wide of him come home by ol L-utel'tnilimenl, and ale n liiiirlcd .-ii|ioci. then he better than ever before. Denver showed her had -cl Oil il i. hoc. tin? base that Cohen couldn't reach it. Gearin nt to luck Hoi II, - of practice, and it was apparent that she was bunted along third base line, and beat, the Ihe club nig twice oil Si.lulii.. ill H ruinr I,,-, ,,i 8:20, and n splendid plsying out of her class. Her batting was very ball to first. This play put Cooley on second. Arm- audience greeted them. ..i ihe Kiit.ti<i service in the lUptlst eliiuch, and in strong struck out, but Cohen didn't squeeze the The . ui, ceil was a si i.-eak, even when allowance is made for Gearin's , in every reelect; and the VO ; nt Ihe CoiiBt'Cfi mil rlilircll. Many third "strike, and the nail had to be scut down I" line pitching. As a whole their fielding, too, was ec-npliments received by the club were many and ,. lb. club aviidcl ihcui-cHe, Van Fleet on first. On this play Cooley and Gearin of II unity weak. the the best of feeling Slilt'Cre. reason Thoroughout game One far so successful n concert was Iii ci'ch advanced a base. Mead sent the nail to Sites, i-l i Dr. I. dm deliver Ins mn-icil. ua no infested by both teams, while the work of win, in of heading off Cooley. il, fact thai President and Mm. SIoi threw home the hope ireic pri ,i .-eeine WitllUIII I'lves," at ihe \or I sel,,,,/' iiiPii D; S gave ge i 1 .
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