#n /ht/) #Joue ... .. Ability and Training Ezio Pinza "Your Musical Dawn Is at Hand" Boris Goldovsky Security for Music Teachers James Francis Cooke Midland Makes Its Own Music T. Gordon Harrington Gershwin Is Here to Stay Mario Braggiotti The Healthy Habit of Doubting Jan Smeterlin \ Ten Years at Tanglewood Ralph Berkowitz Who Are the World's Greatest Piano Teachers? Doron K. Antrim . LeTTeRS 1.' 0 1.' D E EDITOR Articles that it is. Dear Sir: I love your August Sybil Mac DOl/aid antatas and Oratorios issue. It alone is worth the price Memphis, Tenn; SATB Unleu Otherwise Indicated of a two-year subscription! Each article is stimulating, and after Class Instruction Dear Sir : For man y years, I reading them I have the same en- have been an interested reader and LENT thusiasm and stimulus that I have user of the ETUDE. I ha ve found ~ PENITENCE, PAROON AND PEACE (Advent and general,Sop. orI.., after attending a summer short I SOp Alto, Ten., Bar., Bar., 35 min.l Maunder 411401491.71 the articles recently have been ex- BEHOLD THE CHRIST (Holy Week or. genera Nevin ., 432-40168 $.75 course with an artist teacher. tremely stimulating. I also use the 40 rnin.) ....•...•......•.... Bass 20 min.) n PENITENCE PAROON AND PEACE (SSA, Sop., Alto, 35 mln.l Thanks so much! '" Maunder·Warhurst 411-40053.71 ETUDE La lend out to various ~ CALVARY ILent nr Easter, Ten., Bar., 'Sheppard 412-40061 .75 Mrs. C. P. Fishburne students, which they seem to enjoy 1 h ) Stainer 432·40128 .75 .n SEVEN LAST WOROS OF CHRIST (Sop., Ten., B!r., Eng.& la!.tert, 45'inl Walterboro, South Carolina CRUCIFIXION ITen., Bass, our 0 b rn 432.40L29 .60 § " OubOls·Douty411-401711~ immensely. J thought you might CRUCIFIXION ISSM, Choruses onlyl.. stamer- s 0 be interested in my experience in • SEVEN LAST WORDS OF CHRIST !Sop., Ten., Bar., Eng.& U!.texl,45'inl Dear Sir: I can not tell you how . B Lent or general) Dub"s 431-40m 100 class piano-teaching after reading ELIJAH ISop., Alto, Ten., ass, Mendelssohn deeply I appreciate your magazine. 412·40087 1.25 the very interesting articles on that FRIEDRICHGULDA photographed at the Steinway by Adrian Siegel Complete • SEVEN LAST WORDS OF CHRIST ISSAA, Cho,u.,,, onlyl It has been a big help to me and 1 Choruses only 432-40200 1.00 DubOls·Dsborn431-401~ ~ subject by Richard Werder~ Au- am sure it will continue to be. I . ) Gounod 412-40092 .60 gust, 1952. I had long thought it Choose the piano § GAllIA, Motel (Sop., 20 mrn . SEVEN LAST WORDS OF CHRIST (SoP.. Alto, Ien., Bass,Eng.I lal ,~ have not found a better magazine 1 hour) Monest,1 431-4015\I~ would be very stimulating to pupils LAST WOROS OF CHRIST (Ien., Bar., 45 m"s~ross 412-40044 .75 with such a variety of music. to have class lessons, but had done of the world's great artists STABAT MATER Tragedy of Calvary, Op. 58 !Sop.,Allo,Ten.,Bm,", A subscriber "Th Seven Last Words of & Lal. text, ') Ii> hours) Dyoral 431~D9 I~ nothing about' it. Then last fall, §~MESSAGE FROM THE CROSS, Based on ini Salt Lake City, Ulah Christ" (Sop. or Ten., Bar. or Allo, 4~:CF"rlane 422-40013 1.00 § STABAT MATER Tribulation 12 Sop., Ten., Bm, Eng;& Ul.lexI, I .. I took a piano-teacher's course , Rossi" 411-401751.00 under Dr. Brinkman, U. of Mich. PASSION ACCOROING TO ST. MATTHEW ILent, Advent or general, Sop., Dear Sir: I have been a piano He pointed out the value of class Alto, Ten., Bar., Bass, English o~~~h.Koemmenich 432.40146 2.50 STORY OF CALVARY IBar., 25 min,) ..••.• S'h"'I" 432-40156.II teacher for many, many years, instruction; and urged us to try and have been a subscriber to the it. I divided my pupils into age- ETUDE most of that time. To me groups rather than by ability- EASTER the ETUDE is the "best" of its there were 'from 4 to 6 in each ~ KING OF GLORY (Sop., Ten. Ind Bar. duet, e~:~;,~in~11-40195 1.11 kind, and I have not only appre. ALLELUIA (Sop., Alto, Ten., Bass, 35 min.) .... Stults 412-40055 $.75 group. J devoted my entire lesson cia ted the music but good articles time for one week to class instruc- CHRIST IS RISEN (Sop., Alto, Ten., Bar., 45 "T'~;'~an 432-40123 .75 ~ LIFE ETERNAL (Sop., Alia, Ten., BISS, 3S mlnJ. .Dal' 411-40111~ and help for teachers. tion not setting any definite time LIVING CHRIST (Sop., Allo, Ten., Bar., easl, 30 411411131.1 Mrs. Margaret Caldwell ~ CONQUERINGCHRIST ISop., Alto, Ten. and K~:~in:ueli2'Zt~7:5 mi9J tt;~ Bovina, Te:uls limit. (Thus the pupil paid just the same price as for an individual MATCHLESS MORN (Sop., Alia, Ten., Bar., Ba~i.rr~S"t~~~~ .II CROSSAND CROWN, Pageant (Sop., Alto, Te~~y~:;ii L4~Li3~2~aster)75 lesson that week.) Each pupil Dear Sir: I have been playing vlayed at least one number of his CRUCIFIEDISop., Allo, Bar., 25 min,) .... .. N"in 432-40127 .75 MESSIAH (Sop., AIlO, Ten .. Blss) Hald,l 4l1:~~ :~ the music in the ETUDE since be. own choosing at first. There were CRUCIFIXION ANO THE RESURRECTION(Sop., AI~a~en'4:i~(j1~gIY Wej~ MESSIAH (Sop., Alia, Ten., Bassi •. Hand,l-GoelschlUs :-40145 ~ fore I was old enough to read the and Easter, 30 mm.) Be . criticisms-this gave me the chance NEW LIFE (Sop., Ten., 81SS, 2S mlnJ ." .. Rigors UlIi " articles, and have been reading and for your home OAWN (SA, Sop., Alto, 30 min,) Bames 412-40080 .75 (as Dr. Brinkman suggested) to PAGEANT OF THE USURRECTlDN IChoir, SUnday ScboOJz4111~j enjoying the articles now for over -------------------- criticise the critic, and to explain DAWN OF THE KINGDOM (Bar., Ten., easy, 30 min,) 412 '0081 hon may participate) D.,y twenty years, so you see I am well Wolcott ~ .75 the real meaning of criticism. Of RESURRECTION (Sop., AlIa, Ten., Boss, 25 m~'T 432411IU11 acquainted with your wonderful EASTERLILY (Unison, Playlet for children, 20 min,) 086 course, as the need for it arose, Wilson 412-40 .60 book. I think of the ETUDE more • 43141114911 we studied and discussed the theory RESURRECTION lSA, 25 monJ... ......... .., with" as a text book to be kept for fu· What inspires an artist to his ut·_ The Steinway Vertical has the ~ ETERNALMORNING (Sop., Alto, Ten., Bass, easy, 45 min.) involved. At the end of the class I Stairs 412-40206 .75 RESURRECTION MORN (Sop., AlIa, Ten.. Read4~1411156I ture reference rather than a cur- most effort? Not alone the great- lowest depreci~tion and highest e::;r served punch and cookies. Of EVERLASTINGLIFE (Sop., Ten., Bar., Alto and Ten. duet, 45 min,) accompamment, 50 mlnJ •••• ••••...• III lIiJ rent magazine to be discarded ness of the music, but the perfec- resale value, and, with proper course, I was interested in both Forman 412-40089 .75 RESURRECTION SONG (SoP.. AlIa, Ten., Bar.. Ba~~4t~-40lro when read. I have re-read many tion of his piano. This quality care, will last for generations. EVERLASTING LIGHT (Sop., Ten., Bar., 45 min.) of the articles, biographies and pupils' and parents' reactions to makes the Steinway the choice of Thus, though its initial cost may Fichthorn 432-40134 .75 RESURRECTION SONG lSA, BIr. ad lib, easy) .. Sl1in 4l1-40IQ stories several times over for help- such a procedure. And without world-famous performers. be more, the Steinway Vertical is FROM DEATH TO LIFE (Sop., Alto, Ten., Bass, Holy Week and Easter, even having to ask, I soon found actually the most ~conomical RISEN CHRIST (Sop., AlIa, Ten., Bar., Boss, .. :~~ ~1~-40I~ , ful inspiration and information. The magic of the Stein way at 40 min,) . .. .. .. .. .. .. Bartlett 432-40135 .75 out that all were heartily in favor piano investment. Kathleen Gou.ld concerts helps explain why it is FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE (Sop., Alto, Ten., Bar., Bass, 30 min,) . S<b "II 432411lro of it. Pupils, who had had ap- RISEN KING (Alia, 25 monJ •• ,......... 432411111I Edmonton, Alberta the ideal piano for your home. The For free copy of our booklet, "How to Stults 412-40091 .75 parently a minimum of incentive GLORY OF THE RESURRECTION ISop., Alto, Bass, 35 min,) RISEN KING ISSA, Alia, 25 m,nJ ..... S< "lor 412-401~• Steinway Vertical is built with the Cboose Your Piano." write Steinway & "ls Teaching Music an to practice to play for me or for Sons, Stcinway Hall, 109 W. 57th St., Spross 422-40094 1.00 RISEN KING (Sop., Alt., Ten., Bar., 30 m,nJ•. WNlor , a. ~ same infinite care as the Grand. Art or a Business?" their parents, lacked none to play New York 19. Your local Steinway GREATESTLOVE (Sop., Alto, Ten., Bass, Easter or general, moderate nd wI Sop A110 .... • ~ Only the Stein way Vertical has the TRAVAIL AND TRIUMPH lLenl I or, K,;tiq '412-401~. Dear Sir: It was with great grati- for their contemporaries. Already: dealer (listed in the Classified Direc- difficulty, 40 min,) Petrie 412-40097 .75 40 mm,) All' ,.. ~I Diaphragmatic Soundboard that fication that I read the splendid J have made plans for next year, lory) can deliver to your home a HAIl! KING OF GLORY (Sop., Alto, Ten., Bar., Bass, easy, 40 min,) yields such big-piano tone, and TRIUMPH OF THE CRUCIFIED o..enl Ind Easl~;,:-412-40145 . article, "Is Teaching Music an Art to have class instruction about Stejnw~y Regency Vertical $147 Keating 412-40098 .75 lib, 45 mmJ • • 411-40145I the patented Accelerated Action, for as lIttle down as ....
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