CENSUS OF INDIA, 1971 SERIES 19 TAMIL NADU PART X-A DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY NORTH AReDT K. CHOCKALINGAM of the Indian Administrative ServICe DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERA nONS, TAMIL NADU AND PONDICHERRY 1972 NORTH ARCOT DISTRICT ANDRRA PRADESH REFERENCE sew Headquarters ® TslDk Headquarters @ State BUUDo.ry (Area Il265 00 Sq Kms) DIstnct Bo1ll\dary ---- Taluk Boundary --._ Nalional Highways St.lte HIghways Roads Ratlwa yIme (Metre Gauge) 11111111111 Railway Ime (Broad Gauge) Rlver With Stream ~ Urban Areas @*';<$41 Villages haVll1g PopulatIOn above , 5CiJl Weekly Markets M Post and Telegraph Office PT Rest House, rra~llers Bungalow t '"" "- ( Hospitals H \) ~ HAoIHFTIIE mA~ NO OF UIIBIN ",j TAlIJI SHill VillAGES nNTRES ,) Monam 841 91 141 3 ,J Walajohp!t 60J 29 99 4 In.ln Map af TAMIL NADU ',", \ Gudryal~am 1~8 75 159 7 Vamyombadl 1018 74 105 5 Trruppotlur 870 ~I 84 1 DHA~MAPU~I Vellore 918 75 III 5 Arnl m31 52 Cheyrar 847 ~O 119 SOUTH AReOT Wond,wlSh 879 15 205 lolur 1548 84 184 (henlam 1689 51 184 Nil TlrQVQnll~I~lal 970 19 III I Areot 515 60 101 II thtDIre(toroICt_1 Tamil Nld~ i'tid!1l CONTENTS PAGE NOr Preface V Part-A VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Jntroductory Note: (I) VIllage Directory' AmenIties and Land use Appendix 1. Land use particulars of Non-cIty urban Area (Non-Mumc1pai Area) Appendix II: Abstract shOWing EducatIOnal, Medical and other amemtles available in Taluks. Alphabetical list of VIllages 1. Arkonam Taluk 1 - 20 2. Walajapet Taluk 21 - 39 3. Gudlyatham Taluk 41 - 62 4. VaDlyambadI Taluk 63 - 79 5. Tiruppathur Taluk 81 - 97 6. Vellore Taluk 99 - 120 7. Arm Taluk 121 - 130- 8. Cheyyar Taluk 131 - 1~9 9. Wandlwash Taluk 161 -- 187 10. Polu)' Taluk 1S9 - 219 11. Chengam Taluk 121 - 251 lZ. Tlruvannamalal Taluk 253 --- Z85 13. Areot Taluk 111 - 303 tv PAGE No. (II) TfJwn Directory: Statement I: Status,.G_tcw1h HIstory and FunctIonal Category of Towns 308 - 313 Statement II. PhysIcal Aspects and LocatIon of Towns, 1969 314 - 319 Statement III MunIcIpal Fmance, 1968-69 320 - 325 Statement IV: CIvic and other amemtles, 1969 326 - 331 Statement V' Medica), EducatIOnal, RecreatIOnal and Cultural Facilities m Towns, 1969 332 - 337 Statement VI: Trade, Commerce, Industry and Bankmg, 1969 338 - 343 Statement VII Population by religion, 1971 344 - 349 MAPS District map of North Arcot FrontispIece, PREFACE It has been the practice since 1951 to publish for each District a Census Handbook, containing the Census Statistics for each village and town~ in the District together with certain administrative statistics collected from the various Departments of the State Government. This publication was compiled by the Census Department and published by the State Government. The contents of the District Census Handbook have been considerably improved during the subsequent Censuses and in 1971 this pUblication is being brought out in three separate parts- Part - A - VIllage and Town Directory Part - B - Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract; and Part - C - Analytical Report and Administrative Statements and District Census Tables The history and origin of the District Census Handbook have been given in the Introductory Note of this volume. The present volume of Part-A has two sections-Village Directory and Town Directory. In the Village Directory, basic information relating to the villages such as Educational, Medical, Drinking water supply, Electricity, Communications, Post and Telegraphs facilities as well as information on area, staple-food, land use data and other allied information are given. In the second section VIZ. Town Directory, information for the Towns about the Status, growth history, functional category, Physical aspects, Municipal finance, Civic and other amenities are presented. Details about the Medical, Educational, Recreational facilities available in the towns as well as particulars regarding Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking are also given The population particulars of the towns as per 1971 Census together with the population of these towns since 1901 and Religious composition of the popUlation in 1971 are also furnished. The details other than population particulars presented in these statements have been obtained from the concerned Departments of the State Government for which I am thankful to the Collector. I am also grateful to the Revenue subordinates as well as the Municipal Commissioners for the assistance that they have rendered. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Sri A Chandra Sekhar, Registrar General, India, for the gUidance given to me and for continuing the pUblication of the District Census Handbooks during 1971 Census also. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is my pleasant duty to acknowledge the able assistance given by the following Officers and Staff of my Office in the preparation of this volume. 1. Sht'l V. Arumugam, I A.S" Deputy Director 2. Shn V. R. ChandrJ.n, Deputy Director 3. Shrt T. R RaJagopalan, Deputy Director 4. Shrl M. Panchapakesan, InvestIgator 5. Shri Anser Ahmed, Tabulation OffIcer 6 Smt. R Rukmani, Computor 7. Smt. R. Kamaladevl, Computor 8. ShfJ N. L. Jagatheesan, Computor 9. Shri P. Victor Jayaraj, U.D.e to. Shri N. B. Muruganandam, U.D.C. 11. Shrl A. Rajamanl, ArtIst K. CHOCKALINGA M, Dir~ct()r of Census Operat/(}Ils. NORTH ARCOT DISTRICT VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY 'NTRODUCTORY NOTE General :- The District Census Handbook for each district presenting the Census data for the villages. and towns of the District IS being published from 1951 Census. Till then, the village statistics showing merely the number of houses flnd population by religion in respect of ea..:;h vlllage and town were published as supplement. In 1951, the general population tables, economic tables and village-wise and town-wise statistics relating to Taluks were presented as Part-l and SOCIal and Cultural Tables as Part-II. In 1961 also, the Distflct Census l-iandbook was published in two volumes. In Volume-I, all the Census tables gIving taluk-wlse data wIth a narrative report were publIshed and Volume- II was confined to present village-wIse and town-wise statistics known as Primary Census Abstract which gives the basic data like popUlation, literates, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and the industrial classification of workers and non-workers. As these data are finalised in the first stage of tabulation itself in 1971 Census, it has been decided in this Census to present the District Census Handbook in 3 parts. Part-A contams the Village and Town Directory which will show the land use pattern data, basic amenities avaIlable in the villages and the conditions of the towns. Part-B contain~ the Village and Town P. C A. while Part- -C presents the administrative statistics collected and compiled from various departments, Census tables and a short analytical report. This method of preparing the District Census Handbook in 3 parts is also to facilitate the timely publication of the baSIC data relating to villages and towns which are required by various departments and research scholars. Method of p,t'scnr{)tIOIl - The present volume being Part-A presents the Village and Town Directory as the titles suggest. It lists out all the villages and towns in the State. The Village Directory is presented at the taluk level and Town Dit'ectory at district level. The VIllage Directory is presented first followed by the Town Directory. f'dlage DlreLfory:~ In the Village Directory. for each taluk, a statement showing the villages, their extent, the mp(lnitie~ like Educational, MedIcal, Drinking Water Supply, Communications, Postal and Telegraphs, et'c .• avaIlable WIthin each Village and the land use pattern are given. In addition to this. particulars in regard to staple food, land use data and certain other miscellaneous information such as the existence of Vetennary Hospital, Co-operative Socities, Banks etc. are also furnished. An alpha­ betical list of VIllages has also been prepared indicating the Location Code Number of the village for purpose of quick reference Apart from these particulars, the land use particulars of places comprising of Non-city Urban UUlts (non-municipal area) is gIven as Appendix I. A taluk-wise abstract showing the total l1wnber of institutions and number of villages where such basic amenities like Educational, Medical, Dnnking Water Supply, Communications, Postal and Telegraphs, etc. are available has also been prepared and given as Appendix. n. viii The particulars relating to Village Directory have been collected from the concerned Tahsildars for each revenue village as a whole and particulars in respect of Non-city urban units (Non-Municipal Units) and Municipal Units have not been furnished in the Village Directory Statement. The details of the data furnished in different columns of the Village Directory and the method of collection of the data on land use pattern etc. are indicated below :- Location Code Number.' Numbers have been assigned to the adrninistrative units of district, taluk and village to denote their location. By a combination of these numbers, it would be possible to know the exact location of an area. The district number is given along with the name of the district on the cover page and the taluk number is shown against the taluk name in the concerned pages. The villages in each taluk are arranged in the Location Code order. The village number has been given against the name of the concerned unit and the numbers have been assigned in Arabic numerals for each taluk separately. Educational Amemtles' Primary School Upto Vth Standard Middle School Upto VIIlth Standard High School Upto Xltlt Standard Power Supply. Villages having electrification facilities for agricultural purposes only arc also taken as electrified and a suitable indication in this regard has been noted in the remarks column. Communications: Villages having Railway Station within a mile are taken as served by train facilities.
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