Our cover image, by Maximino CEREZO BARREDO. See all our history, 27 years long, through our covers, at: latinoamericana.org/digital/desde1992 y todas esas agendas, a su disposición, en: latinoamericana.org/digital This year we remind you... latinoamericana.org/2018/info is the web site we have set up on the network in order to offer and circulate more material, ideas and pedagogical resources than can economically be accommo- dated in this paper version. As in the past, we will continue the complementarity between paper and electronic versions. We put the accent on vision, on attitude, on awareness, on education... Obviously, we aim at practice. However our “charisma” is to provoke the transformations of awareness necessary so that radically new practices might arise from another systemic vision and not just reforms or patches. We want to ally ourselves with all those who search for that transformation of conscience. We are at its service. This Agenda wants to be, as always and even more than at other times, a box of materials and tools for popular education. 2 Personal data Name: .................................................................................................... Address: ................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. City: ....................................................................................................... Country: ................................................................................................. home: ............................................................................................... work: ................................................................................................ cell: ................................................................................................. E-mail: ................................................................................................... Pager: ..................................................................................................... Pasaporte nº: ................................................................... Blood type:...... In case of loss, please, contact: ................................................................ .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. In case of emergency, please, contact: ....................................................... .............................................................................................................. http://latinoamericana.org The “portal” of the Agenda is its complement on the internet. Go there to know more about the Agenda, apart from the paper publication that takes place once a year. You can find information there about writing contests, the publication of the results, and all developments concerning them. Using the entrance of the “telematic archive of the Agenda” (servicioskoinonia.org/agenda/archivo), you can also read or copy the texts of the Agenda, both of the current year (after February) and of prior years. Additionally, if you want to be advised of new additions (new material, activist campaigns, im- portant new bibliographic information) that we are able to make available in the page of the Agenda, subscribe (without cost) to “Novedades Koinonía” that, in brief weekly or biweekly emails, will com- municate this new information to you (without sending attachments, but providing you with the direct link). Subscribe at http://servicioskoinonia.org/informacion/index.php#novedades; you can also unsub- scribe at any moment at this address. If you have any problems, you can contact the email address which appears in the portal. 3 © José María VIGIL and Pedro CASALDÁLIGA P.O.Box 0823-03151 / Panama City / Republic of Panama Lay out: José Mª VIGIL You can find this list, always updated, at: Cover and drawings: Maximino CEREZO BARREDO http://latinoamericana.org/2018/editores Web: http://latinoamericana.org E-mail: use the contact point at the web: http://latinoamericana.org Agenda’s telematic archive: http://servicioskoinonia.org/agenda/archivo ISSN: 2305-185X (print edition), y 2305-1876 (digital edicion) 2018 English DIGITAL Edition ISSN: 2305-2279 (for this digital and on line edition) The digital edition of this work is available on-line in digital format at: latinoamericana.org/English You can order paper copies at: Fundación Utopía y Liberación P.O.Box 1614, Baldwin Park CA 91709, USA Phone: 1(626)260 6408 [email protected] www.utopiayliberacion.com In paper, the Latin American Agenda 2018 is available in other languages at:: USA (in English & en español): (502) 24787841 y 52449206 Fundación Utopía y Liberación / P.O.Box 1614, Baldwin Librería Loyola / [email protected] / www. Park, Ca.91709 / 1(626)260 6408 / futopiaylibera- librerialoyola.com / PBX: (502) 22513933 [email protected] / www.utopiayliberacion.com EL SALVADOR: Rosario Miguelina Carmona / P.O. Box 1062 / Union Comisión de la Agenda Latinoamericana de El Salva- City, NJ 07087, USA / FaceBook: «Agenda Latinoa- dor / San Salvador / Tel: (503) 70438923, 7737 mericana USA» / agendalatinoamericanausa@ 6534 y 77487580 / [email protected] gmail.com / Phone: (1646) 331-7495 HONDURAS: MÉXICO: Misioneros Claretianos / Parroquias Claret y Corazón Ediciones DABAR, Mirador 42, Col El Mirador / CP de María / Colonia La Ribera Hernández / Tel.: 04950 Coyoacán, DF, México / Tel.: 52 55 - 560 33 2555 0282 / [email protected] / SAN 630 / [email protected] / www.dabar.com.mx PEDRO SULA. GUATEMALA: Instituciones de DDHH y Feministas del país. Comisión de la Agenda Latinoamericana Guatemala / Librería Caminante / Tel.: (504) 2557 5910 / [email protected] / (502)42928670 [email protected] / SAN PEDRO SULA «Libros a la calle». Centro Claret. Bulevar San Cristó- Librería del Obispado de SAN PEDRO SULA. bal. [email protected] (502) 53856624 / CUBA: 24784966 Centro Ecuménico Martín Luther King / LA HABANA / Ediciones Anabella / [email protected] / Tels: Tel.: 537 260 39 40 / [email protected] 4 REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA: PARAGUAY: Amigo del Hogar / Apdo 1104 / SANTO DOMINGO / CEPAG, Centro de Estudios Paraguayos Antonio (1-809) 548 7594 / [email protected] GUASCH / [email protected] / Asunción PUERTO RICO: / tel-fax: 595-21-233541 / www.cepag.org.py REDES, Redes de Esperanza y Solidaridad / Apdo 8698 ARGENTINA: / CAGUAS / Tel-Fax: (1-787) 747 5767 / PUERTO PROCLADE (Promoción Claretiana de Desarrollo) RICO 00726-8698 / [email protected] Constitución 1077 - C1151AAA - C.A.B.A. / Tel: NICARAGUA: (54-11) 4116 8610 / [email protected] / Fundación Verapaz / Apdo P-177 / MANAGUA / (505) www.procladesur.org 8698 9769 / revista. [email protected] / Editorial Claretiana / Lima 1360 - C1138ACD - [email protected] C.A.B.A. / Tel.: (54-11)4305-9597 y 4305-9510 / COSTA RICA: [email protected] / www.claretiana.org Comisión Agenda Latinoamericana Costa Rica URUGUAY: Justicia, Paz e Integridad de la Creación, JPIC-C.R. / OBSUR, Observatorio del Sur / José E. Rodó 1727 / (506) 83953355 y 22411094 / San José aglatcr@ Casilla 6394 / 11200-MONTEVIDEO / Tel.: (598) 2 gmail.com / [email protected] 409 0806 / Fax: 402 0067 / [email protected] PANAMÁ: CHILE: Contacte a través de http://latinoamericana.org Comité Oscar Romero / comiteromero.chile@sicsal. COLOMBIA: net / Tel.: 56-32-2948709 / Santiago-Valparaíso / Fundación Editores Verbo Divino / BOGOTÁ, D.C. / www.sicsal.net/chile [email protected] / www.verbodivino.co BRASIL: (em português): Avenida 28 Nº 37-45 / PBX: 268 66 64 Fx: 368 8109 Comissão Dominicana de Justiça e Paz / Goiânia, GO / [email protected] / BOGOTÁ (Bº La Soledad) / [email protected] Avda. Caracas Nº 49-07 (Sector Chapinero)/ PBX: ESPAÑA: 320 4277 / [email protected] / BOGOTÁ 11 comités de solidaridad, coordinados por: Calle 34B Nº 65D-76 / Tel: 349 1109 - 316 0188 / li- Comité Oscar Romero / Paricio Frontiñán s/n / [email protected] / MEDELLÍN (Unicentro) 50004- ZARAGOZA / [email protected] / Calle 57 Nº49-44 - Loc. 217 / Tel: 251 8706 - 251 www.comitesromero.org / Tel.: (34) 976 43 23 91 8412 / [email protected] / CATALUÑA: (en català): MEDELLÍN (C. Comercial Villanueva) Comissió Agenda Llatinoamericana / Calle Mestre ECUADOR: Francesc Civil, 3 bxs. / 17005-GIRONA / Tel.: (34) Centro de Formación Leónidas Proaño / Av. Rumi- 972 21 99 16 / [email protected] / chaca S26-275 y Moromoro / Ciudadela Turubamba www.llatinoamericana.org / QUITO / Ecuador / Telefax: (593-2) 2840059 / ITALIA: (in italiano): http://latinomericana.org/Italia [email protected] / www.centrolp.org Comunità di Sant’Angelo / Via Marco d’Agrate,11 – PERÚ: 20139 Milano - Italia / [email protected] Red Educativa Solidaria Perú / 995162063 florabalare- FRANCIA: (en castellano): [email protected] / [email protected] Maison Monseigneur Oscar Romero / 51 Place de Ayne Perú Trinitarias / Av. Buenos Aires 500A, Puente Saint Jacques / 34500 BEZIERS (France) / Tel: Piedra Lima / 5481633 0467624581 / [email protected] Religiosas Trinitarias
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