Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 8-16-1956 Bulloch Herald Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1956). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 3712. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/3712 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Auto wreck fatal 'fhe Bulloch - itt�) WHY YOUR CHILD Herald Page 8 A IF:fAjfrfi���- Statesboro, Georgia, Thursday, August 9, 1956 Prize-Winning WL.ur!JiiD:'iiIi'iilli I SHOULD BE Newspaper NATIONAL AWARD WINNER I956 I�""!� es, �: Better 19 - --I W. died In a Newspuper FOR RENT ville, Va., ����ow.l;flocal 56 4-room unfur- THE CANNING PLANT AT VACCINATED Contests + For Sale ------ nished upnrunent with hot hospital early Sunday morning, BUI_JLOCH BROOKLET THIS 1'0 CLOSE 5, of WEEK'S SPECIALS AT HERALD II�C�tII_tII_ August Injuries received in ____________ AFTER TODAY a.u.. ���Je;lel���I�e�to���I�ts� ftro��� on auto accident here Sal. II....,..,... cr...- furnished J, F. night. AGAINST lJeclif:ated To apartment. Privute Spence, vocational Agrl- Mr. Jones was fatully The Suuesboro And both and culture teacher injured Progress OJ' Bulloch HOMES private entrance. at Brooklet, an- when his cor struck another County AV811nbic 1. Adults nounced this week VOLUME - Sept. only that the can- auto on U, S. 301 north POLIO XVI ESTABLISHED MRS. B W. Highway NOW' BARBER'S MARCH 26, 1937 COWAR r, 446 ning plant at Brooklet will IN 3 DO. BRICK South be Just outside the city limits. Bul- S'l'A'l'ESBORO, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1956 "BUY" Main SI. Phone 4-3592. closed after 16, He. today, August 9. loch County police ofFicer Ed- NUMBER 40 Attractive brick veneer with - for Its regular FORD 2-DOOR 2 TONE COLOR three bedrooms and ceramic tile conning season, gar Hart said Mr. Jones pulled UNFURNISHED However. he 't Exira Clean. Good bath location and APARTMENTS added. (he plant Into Highway 301 from.a side 195.4 Tires and Radio. Good large for rent, At 18 and 22 North will be $1295 lot. Air conditioned, Venetian opened for conning of road. Walnut street. See M, B, pears on dates - blinds. Only Eligible to be an. Funeral services for Mr. Jones CHEVROLET 210 DARK BLUE SIQ,200.00. HENDRICKS JR. or PHONE nounced later. for m loon. were held Good 4-2745. 2tp. Sunday afternoon nt 1953 Tires and Clean. Radio and Healer. Tobacco sales the here of -$795 Chas. E. Cone Really Co., Inc. chapel Barnes Funeral • • Home. 23 N. Main St.-Dial 4-2217 DODGE SEDAN-4-DOOR 2 TONE through Surviving nrc his wife, Edna Aug.14 APARTMENT FOR RENT-Un- 1952 4 New Tlres, A Nice Clean LAST MINUTE LISTING Smith Jones' Car. Radio furnlshed. Available now. Can three children -$595 PUBLIC And Healer. Three-bedroom house on In- be seen now. 2 bedrooms, large Terry, Johnny' und Robert Jones: HEALTH SERVICE REPORT FROM man close to South Main. room. all' at Reidsville W living Natural gas heal. Va.:., his 22 STATES AND hit '.' NEW YORK CITY IN PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE Eli ible for GI loon. Screcned tront mot 1955 HARDTOP lbs. g $6,000.00 Private h M rs. Janie 1 for porch. er, Jones 0f ... entrance. y. lf 1951 2 Tone, Radio and Healer. A Nice lO�341�366 Convenient to town Statesboro; three Mrs, ., Car. Chas, E. Cone Really Co., Ine, and Sisters, .. -$595 $4�620�674 Total school. 319 Savannah Ave. sales on the Statesboro tobacco market at 23 N. Main St.-Dial 4·2217 Grady Wilson and Mrs. Frank Call PO 4-3414. 7-5 ·lfc. GMC NEW the ,-----------------.---------------'--­ Lee, both of Statesboro, and TRl.!CK. TIRES " close of the sale on Tuesday, amounted • • UNVACCINATED (oses August 14, • Mrs. Mose Allmond of Chat- 29.2 per 100,000 1953 Ready 10 Go 10 Work_ to CLEAN-$695 10,341,366 pounds foJ' $4,620,674.82. This is for the REAL FOR tanooga, Tenn.: three :..... ESTATE RENT-Two unfurnished brothers, 11------------1------..... first Jim fifteen days of the 1956 season. The first apartments close in to bust­ W. Jones and Charlie Jones, HUDSON HORNET HARD TOP fifteen . Georgia CITY PROPERTY LOANS peaches ness sectton. Hot water heater. both of R. 2 sales in 1955 Statesboro, and L. - 1951 Tone A real days to for Gas Grey. good car. amounte4 9,439,482 pounds -Quick Servlc.,_ heat. PHONE LANNIEJ F. Jones of Savannah; and several VACCINATED 6.3 (oses -$495 SIMMONS AT per 100.�OO $4,682,767.04. CURRY INSURANCE AGENCY 4-3154. nieces and nephews. The 15 CourUand Street FOR RENT-Five-room unfur- body was sent to the Mor­ to be hard to nished Funeral Home at get brick duplex apart­ gan Reidsville, 1m YOUR POLIO SHOTS - AS SOON FOR SALE Three-bedroom ment. W. AS YOU .. Brick garage. Rents for Va., for additional services CAN: Our Cars home. in. lot on Are Special 10 The Bulloch Herald Close Shady $75.00 per month. MRS. RON­ und burial. CONTACT YOUR DQCTOR paved street. ALD NEIL, PHONE 4-3496. OR PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICER Everett Curry Insurance Agency 6-I4-1fo. NOWI Clean - Clean By Williams, delegate from Georgia at Phone PO 4-2825 Bought Kept the APARTMENT FOR National Democratic Convention at the Inter- RENT-2 S. H. S-. FOR SALE-New three-bedroom bedrooms, living room-dining building THE NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR INFANTIlE room PARAlYSIS Sold Clean asbestos siding home. Close and bath, Large screen in. porch. Gas floor furnace. Gas or electric shop. Curry Insurance stove. Can be seen bad condition Agency at 701 East Jones Maude at Phone PO 4-2825 St. PHONE SAFETY HINTS White George Parker, president of 4-3504. 8-23-3tc. from the Red the Bulloch GEA, and John FOR SALE-New, three-bed- Cross God­ FOR RENT OR SALE-3-bed- BARBER'S AUTO SALES room brick veneer home with bee, chairman of the Citizenship room house, six acres land. �. ' Ga. 41 We.1 Main SL -Phone on 0 committee, left here 4-2417- Ga. carport. Located large _- _ to Slales_boro, Fruit and pecan trees. well. --:r 0 workshop Tuesday corner lot. Deep attend the Hot water, Telephone available, meeling. Insurance Curry Agency Located in Westside com- Phone PO 4-2825 munity. Ideal chicken farm. FOR SALE _ Three-bedroom �:e��1 house, large storage room, o:e������I��ni:;R�i1�:e�t large lot. Available Immediate- NESSMITH, 102 Chippewa Drive Iy. Can make down Savannah Ga Phone payment EL 5.2793 and assume present loan with Savnn�ah o'r States. boro PO ' payments of $51.50 per month' 4.9423' l tp . or refinance, - FOR RENT a-room house. CURRY INSURANCE AGENCY Available Now. Phone 4-2155. Phone PO 4-2825 ltc. WHEELER APARTMENTS �� ·RE·ELECT OLLIFF LITILE FOLK F. H_ A_ LOA N S I Seaman Williams FOR SALF.-Three large three- bedroom brick veneer homes, Attorney at Law SHOP We duct baths, gas heating 28 SelbaJd SL - Pbone 4-2117 Has Jusl Received a New Ship­ Slalaboro, Georgia ���mi.o�g�r���Y ��;ro!:: ment ot Famous See or call A. S. DODD JR, at /------------ 4-2'71 or '-9871. 5-S-ltc. J_ M. TINKER FOR SALE-Nice large lots 10- Prince H. CONSULTING iORESTER "Billy tite Kid" Preston .....:t"'!ch�t ���Ol An�':; INDEPENDENT TIMBER homes. Reasonable prices, lerms CRUISER To It needed. See or call A. Jeans S. 10 - Congress Vine St. GL DODD JR. 5-3-ltc. Slalelboro, , Slim PRINCE PRESTON Is Ihe Office Phone PO 4-22t1 and Regular Size. only FOR bust- \ Congre..man lrom SALE--{;omshelling R..ld...... PO 4-1484 the First ness. with SIZES 2 THROUGH 8 Equipped prac- 1 Dlstrici ever 10 allaln member­ tlcally new up-to-date labor­ 1. on Ihe saving machinery. Pit scales, A. S. 0000 JR. ship powerful House house with machinery, large RealEila1e Appropriations Commlttee, This warehouse on three-acre tot in means that our Register. Price only SS.OOO. MORTGAGE WANS FHA Grady Sireel Nexi to New Representative TERMS CAN Is In a BE ARRANGED. GI-CONVENTIONAL-FARM Telephone stronger position to DC· Address "CORN Exchange. .... SHELLING HOMES FOR SALE compllsh more and more lor I·-". � PLANT, REGISTER, GA." or -PHONE PO 4-2537- all 01 us, Phone 4-9640 or 4-9645. 8-9-2tp. Dodd SubdlVblon FHA Approved 23 N. Malp SL - Pbone 4-2471 • FOR RENT' - Two bedroom, bath, living room, kitchen,I------------ attic store room, insulated, NOTICE PRINCE PRESTON'S SEN­ Brick I duplex near hospital. would appreciate It If no IORITY AND' INFLU ENCE Available I. one would Sept. Apply hire my son, Walter MEAN Revival JOSIAH Carter MORE EFFECTIVE begins ZETIEROWER. Jr., without my consent. His (ather is and I need FOR THE FOR SALE-200 away acres, 90 culti- my son at home and when he's vated, land. Balance at good well at home I know he's not in Salem Church timbered. Modern 3-bedroom trouble. house in condition. good 48th HIS MOTHER, • The Rev.
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