> 9 yr.EW YORK HERALD, *tONDAY, AUGUST 31! 1 903. -FOURTEEN PAGIES. p nard line from New Schr Izetta. Bullock. Bangor, for New York. Savannah; City of Philadelphia. Hastings, New ?>teamship Umbria, with lumber* to Sretspn. Cutler & Redman; vessel York; schr Van Lear Blank. Connolly, Savannah; rk for I-itverpool. to 0 \Y Crane <& Co. Joseph G Hay. Crocker, Sargent villi w. Sailed steamers tt tea minutes two o'clock this Schr A P Kindberg, Nye, Bangor. Ale. for New 30th, Dovedale (Br). Goodwin. ELECTRIC METERS after York, with lumber to Chase, Talbot & Co; vetesel New York; Essex, Jo.inson. Providence; Lord r 'mo the to c W <S: Co. Reynolds, Philadelphia; tugs Buccaneer, M'LLIONNAIRES Crane H*ltlmorv, rning was in communica clon with H Schr Harold C Boecher. Providence, towing barge- Gaston and Desse .ig; McDonald. Belfast, ite, d Star steamship Kroonland, from New for N'ew to Bros. ; Tormentor, New York, towing 2 15 & O lighters. b^V\ York, Pendleton Passed down Point U S rk 'for Sehc Brina P Pendleton. Small, Bath, Me, for Sparrows 29th, torpedo * Antwerp. New York, to Pendleton Bros. boat Stringhara. Baltimore, for a cruise; lii -t i No.. 3 1492 7- \ HOT INFALLIBLE it this Isabella Gill. Collison. do for Savannah ill, tow;; I ;j twenty minutes of three o'clock Schr Joha- Proctor, Haskell. Boston for New rTtelAIISLAOGHIEB a York. John B Manning. Sprague, do for Beverly yin r -| Christ "i? 1uirl)us aft ernOon was in communication, thirty Schr E SI Sawyer, RobblM. New TBedford for tow). |po Jj les to the eastward, with the Red Star New York. Passed up Cove Point 29th, tug. Georges Cre k. Edison Rebates Schr Messenger, Vandyke, Cold Spring for New Boston for Baltimore, towing barges B and No 21. Directors of Trolley Company In Company Mak^s amship Zee'land, from Antwerp for New York. BRUNSWICK, Ga. Aug 30-- Arrived, steam r j rk. Schr E S Dickerson. Jones, Bridgeport for New Lassell. Wetherell, New York. After Customers \oi k. Sailed 2*9111, schr Arthur C Wade, Walls. ciicted for Accident in Newark Engage it three o'clock this afternoon was in Schr NY. | St Croix. Bunker, New Haven for New 29.ArriveIrvington. COT the York. BOOTHBAY HARBOR. Me. Aug i, to Investigate. Experts nmunication, .forty-four miles to No vessels east. schrs Myra Seart>. Portland; Kmily V Staples, do. Killed Nine Children. passed Which OJ4 with the Atlantic line Sailed 29th, schrs J Arthur lord. New York; ?twar,d Transport Rowena (Br). Boston. E NEWSBOYS. Ste amship Minnehaha, from London for SAILED. Sailed 30th, schrs II A Holder (Br), B^-.'od BADGE FOR TH] \UTOMOBILE MEN SUFFER Nt w York. Antrim, do. eight lawyers in the case BRIDGEPORT, Ct. Aug 29--in port for r.art/ut, j i'assed at ten minutes of seven o'clock Steamers British Princess (Br). Antwerp; schr Klla Powell, Clock, bound E; tug Thomas » <<i.-r). Hamburg via Newport News; Alamo,AlbanoWalsh, with 6 barges, do. nightra fruit steamer bound to Boston Galveston; Alleghany (Ger). Kingston. Savanilla. CHARLESTON. SC. Aug 29 Arrived. Steamer 'iills for Kilowatts and Units of Capacity from Port ktc; Chesapeake, Baltimore (latter returned and George Farwell. Dillon. New Y'ork; schr Clara K Chief Judge o New Jersey Bench Will Preside, ^obably the Admiral .Schley anchored in lower 1'ii.r for harbor); Jamestown, Bergen, Edwards, do. An News And Norfolk. Unintelligible to the A-verage tonio). < Newport Arrived 30th. steamer Comanche, Piatt, N^w wth Two Other Judges 10,000 APPLIED FOR ARTTREASURES FOR Tug W.-tltham, towing 2 barges (and returned; York (and proceeded for Jacksonville). Business Man. and anchored in lower bay for harbor*. Sailed 29th. bark Ethel. Bean. BlnilMtkpot; i as Returned:- Steamer Santurce. hence for schr Lizzie II Partriek. Adams. Philadelphia. I [ Associates. (and anchored in lower bay for harbor).JacksonvilleCAPE HENRY. Va. Aug 30 Passed In, schr 8H1PBING NEWS Wind at Sandy Hook. 9:30 PM. NR. fresh! Rachael W Stevens. Bath for Baltimore. NEWSBOYS' BADGES DR. WARD'S HOME breeze; cloudy. At City Island, 7 PM, XE. Passed out 30th, steamers Brookline iBr), Meter? for measuring electricity BaltlnTore for Hoc as del Falcon In the Bspx County Circuit Court, in « strong; raining. Torn; Francis.(Br), i-ui. the much abused meter The of the barometer Ross, do for Ci«nfuegos; Manna Hata. Charles, i. ~ «rtli ViAflHn o it after gas paterned corrected reading (reduced rvewarK, xn..i., uus. iiiuijuiig OCEAN STEAMERS. to se.i level) at New York on 30. do for New Y'ork; XI & M steamer ' 1iave been found to be. capable'of error. Sunday, Aug (supposed) notable criainal trial. On indictments Bui Six Thousand Been Newark Collector Purchased at 8 AM. as reported by tfie local office of Ryan, do for Providence; Chatham, Dorchester, Tags Have Twenty- ipd as a result of tests which have been PATES OP PETAlm UK FROM NEW YORK. the United Stalks Weather Bureau, was thlrty do for Savannah; tug Cumberland, fromHudKins.do, charging thru with manslaughter because and four hundredths (36.041 lnnhes". This closely towing barges Nos (1 and S for Boston, and No 11 1nade the New York Edison! Stcanffr. Sails. Destination.| Office. < of the killiig of Miss Ernestine Miller, of Made for Those Who Sell Five Paintings on His Visit by expertfe approximates .seven hundred and sixty-three (7G3'i for Providence. Company has paid mahy rebates to large isi'j W (i 0.|8ept 1 Brunei). 7777] 5 Broadway luillitactres. Captains of all ve-;#sl8 no\\ lying In Passed»oiit 28th. steamers Bpacon (Nor). No. 144 Faimount avenue, on February in Pnrr>n£> ^ tii dl("Napoll|.Sept 1 ijS'aplesGenoa!2f> Wall st or near the ports of New York and Brooklyn can' Baltimore for Banes: 29th, VortigernPetersen.(Br), L\_/ i-» \ll V.t. ionsuTners. Ca: trauma .... M. do for Twickenham between a Newark Papers. ! advantageoasly use the aliove official data for ob-. Fairweather. Santiago; (Bri, 3D last by collision Ro terdam ..., Sept 2 ..|39 Broadway Mann, do for Mobile; hark Adam W spies, limes, j Automobile manufacturers who Uifttterdam serving whether their own barometers require any do tfolley car and a Lackawanna Railroad charge; ph:iladplphia ..Sept 2rSouthampton|73 Broadway considerable correction or adjustment. I do for Boston; sehrs Augustus Hunt. Blair, storage batteries with currents from ar II. ...... Sept ^Copenhagen 7 Broadway for Portsmouth. NH (in tow); W H Dix, train Clifton avenue crossing, thejOsiitonic 2 ... S) do Island. rtkn grade i Sept Liverpool Broadway for Fortune _ Matheson, eleven met will be put on trial. There will NEW LAWS IN OPERATION SAW SOME FAMOUS. ARTISTS Sdls'on mains and hotel's ajid other large m.>ltke Sept 31 Hamburg .. 37 Broadway MABITIME MISCELLANY. CHATHAM, Mass. Aug 30.Increasing ENB der Grosse.. Sept 3; Bremen .... o Broadway gale; thick and rainy. b<; 120 witesses. + (;onsumers who have not installed Individ- 3 53 2 o the defendants are ^ngolian Sept Glasgow Broadway Passed S 30th, tug Gettysburg, towing barges, Seven ial plants are the prlTicipal sufferers, ac- Loi raine Sept 3.Havre 32 Broadway See' News columns for report of,.'wreck of schr from an Eastern port for Philadelphia. ft lexers in social life and the ... ft with V es, millionW Statutes Forbidding Discrimination Against "A Scribe," by Israels, To Be Shown at the to the rejon of expert icie Sept 4|Liverpool Broadway Heyry P Mason. Tug Lykens. from Philadelphia for Boston, :ording ... ciaj and bsiness circles of several States.findnf ! unehaha Sept 5|Londou I Broadway Ship Charters S Whitn-ey (Br), from Rouen barges Richardson. Silver Brook (for Lynn), Sflu land ...... Si ... 73 is anchored west They are David Young, wtvj was vice tne junic ueaiera St. Louis 1 iny.fjsti?ators. Sept Antwerp Broadway for Xew York, which went ashore Saturday on Beth Ay res (for iNewburyport). mama, Keguiaung aula ... 29 Broadway of Handkerchief. president and general manager of the Exposition.History To man for Sept SIMverpooi Execution Rocks, near City Island, remains in' the average business a bill »snleia .. 37 schr Frank North Jesey Street at phJ Sept 6| Hamburg Broadway the .«arae position. She ha.s five of water FERN'ANDINA, Fla. Aug 29.Sailed, Railway Company and Others in Effect To-Morrow. of the Work. f "horla Sept 5!Glasgow ... 17-19 B'way fee\ Barnet, Francis, Boston. the time if the but who is now electric lighting, with Its record of 11 in her hold. As soon as the weather Beritilts aj accident, uria Sept NINaples Genoa Broadway Merrltt & Chapman wrecking steamer \<\l 11 make Arrived 30th, steamer ITsk (Br), Neilsen, C ... a genera officer of the Western trolley « of thousands of kilowkts and refer-hunIredsAnuenlan .... Sept Si Liverpool 9 Broadway Wm 8; Bremen 5 an attempt to float/the vessel by (Mscharging her 30. Philadelphia. lines sysem of Brown Brothers, of nices to "units of capacity," is >nprlnz Sept Broadway cargo Into still aboard. FALL RIVER. Mass. Aug Railed, barges last ... lighters. j ant San Francisco; Charles T. Five laws which were passed by the Dr. Leslie D. Ward, vice president of the manic Sept T) Liverpool 9 Broadway J^Crew Emilie, Port Beading; Chenango. (New York tboth NewYork f Some consumers even go so far as Pot sdam Sept 9i Rotterdam .. 39 Broadway Bo&TOX. Mass. Aug 30.Steamer Seaboard, that 5n tow). gneral superintendent; James Legislature will become operative Prudential insurance Company, arrived unintellirible.Louis 9 73 was scheduled to leave Atlas Stores Shipman, * o say that the has devised a Sept Southampton Broadway Saturday: GALVESTON, Texas, Aug 29.Arrived, Smith, tviafon superintendent; Richard home from a two months' European trip company (f-' Bismarck..
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