Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1990 Daily Egyptian 1990 7-17-1990 The aiD ly Egyptian, July 17, 1990 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_July1990 Volume 75, Issue 172 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1990 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1990 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southe rn Illinois Uni versity at Carbondale Tuesday, July 17, 1990, Vol. 75, No. 172, 12 Pages Temblor shakes Philippines, kills 108 MANn..A, Philippines (UPI) - was centered in Cabanaluan. achy Manila. It said 148 others were Nevada hole!. 19 bodies from the rubble of the The worst earthquake 10 hil the in the rice-growing region of injured. The temblor knocked do ... n SiX-Slory Philippine Christiaa Philippines in 14 years toppled Nueva Ecija about 60 miles north Unofficial estimates of the deaIh power tnI commWlications Iinos 10 College in Cabanaluan, which buildings and triggered landslides of the capital. toll mached 139. Bagu,o and the report could not be collapsed like an IICcordion, Monday, killing at leasl 108 The temblor rumbled across the ()CO reponed 150 guests were immediately confirmed. It was according to Uniled Press people, injuring 148 and trapping main Luzon island from Manila 10 trapped at the Hyatt Ternces and feared the lDII of li_ could go up Inlemalional reporter Perseus hundreds in flattened or damaged the mountain resort of Baguio, another 100 at the Nevada hoIel in in lhe popular reson, where Echerninada. buildings. where at Ieasl sb hotels, including Baguio. massive landslides also were A c:oIIege security gun SIIid he At least 100 children were the five-star Hyatt Terraces, were U.S. Embassy spokesman reponed. beIiewd IIboul 100 --.on _ believed trapped in a nallened severely lIamagcd. omcials said. Stanley Sclnga said he w. trying The Volcal'lOlogy Commission SIiII tnlRJed 00 the ...... IIoor of school, and aboul 250 people could The military Office of Civil 10 confirm a repon an offICial of said the main quake regisIered 62 • ochooI building. not escape damaged hotels, Defense JlUl the deaIh toll at lOll, the U.S. Agency for International on the Richter scale. The U.S. Workers \ISing chaitl "'WI and a..tlorities said. including 15 in Baguio, 22 in Development was one of those Geological Survey in Golden, flasIIIigllts _ \l)'inl1O ",,\rica The Philippine Volcanology ~ ciIy in J>anga.inan. 1A in injured in Baguio. He also said fOlD' Colo., recorded the quake at studertIs crying for help ill the Commission said the quake, which La Union province, 37 in Nueva visiting U.S. AID offICials were magnilllde 7.7. SlruCk at 4:26 p.m. Manila time, Ecija and 10 in metropolitan reponed attending a seminar at the Rescue workers have retrieved See TElaLOR, Page 5 City staffers SuspenSion, fines trainedfor hazard safety given to local bars By leSlie CoIp amended their original negotiated By Jerianne Kimmel SlatfWril.r pica. The original pica included a Staff Writer 5250 fine for failure 10 submil a One suspension and several fines manager's statement on Feb. 9, a CJ rb ond~.lI c can beller brace were given Monday to three S250 fme for permiuing a licensed iL~lf against natural disaslCtS si nce Carbondale bars in a special premises to be conducted by a rity Sl-1fTCrs were lr.linro last week meeting of the Carbondale liquor rnanag .. ineligible 10 hold a liquor in a Nalural Hazard Mi tig;ltion and Control Commission. license, and a S500 fine for Recovery program. the city undaage delivery. manager said. After three years of operation, Ci lY Manager Sieve HotTner said Sidetracks was cited with its fU'Sl The manager'! statement. is a the program. conducted by (he vioi.2tion. Owners roceived a S250 plan stating how Gatsby's is 10 he FcdcrdJ Emergency Management fine and a one-day suspension for operated, and is ""Iuired '>ecause Agency, covered topics such as underage delivery of alcohol of numerous vioIaIions by Gatsby's car1hquakes. tornadoes, floods and occUlTing Feb. 10. The smpension in the pas~ commission member wild [ires. lO he Jp local is effective August 3. Itic:Iad Morris said. governments prepare faT and T-Birds roceived a 5.500 fme for James P. Winfree, former respond to na tu ra l hazard allowing a person under 18 years manager of Gatsby's, was emergencics. of age 10 enter a licensed premises ineligible to hold a liquor license " II 's impossible to be totally occurring Feb. 11 . Owa<n _ 30 bocaIse he ..c:onvicIat of a c.... prepared," Hoffner said, "but all of days 10 pay Ihe fine or will be f_ feloay, Morris Slid. us who allcndcd learned a great subject to suspension, dea l about the importance or a The commission voted 4 10 I in ~ oo r d in a l c d approach with all The Ihird case heard by lhe favor of the amended negotiated deportment,; working togelher. commission concerned Gatsby's plea which changed the fine for "As a result , we all fccl more Bar and Billiard Parlour. tnIenIge delivery from S.500 10 conlldcnl ·,.tc can respond as To avoid suspen';on, auomeys effectively as possible if a disasIer for Gatsby's and the commission See BARS, PageS occuncd." The program emphasized car1hquakes and how communities Student run media can proJ:an: for the shon- and long­ term impact or ~m to maximize pu bl ic safety and the security of vital city facilities, Hoffner said. to review regulations The New Madrid Faull, a 12(). By avtIIlnII Hall commiuee of fllCulty, staff and mile long rift from ArIan;a<; 10 the tip of Sout/>em Illinois, is an area StaflWriler studenu, bul there are 110 known records of commiuee ..eetings tha1 <cientislS say is in danger of Free wheelchair repair being hit by a major earthquake Student run media at sru.c have ~ thepolicy,S-said. that could be catastrophic. the opportunity to respond to President Albert Somil Scientists say there is a 50 percenl provided through SlCll regulations concerning their SlIJlPC*lIIy IIIJIIRMId the doctnenI ill 1984 tnlall III the chance of an earthquake along the operation, because of a seven-year it cIIInceIIor fault IIy the year 2IXXl. By CIIrIsIen COrIaco The SICll .Iso covers a care misurldmlanding. for.....,.... S-.ersaid. The doc_ .. senl10 From 1811 10 181 2, three of the StaftWr~or counseling p-ogram. The regulations in the Stamen! then "It's basically people with of Policy for Studenl-Operated .. regisIored ....0IpIizati0ns. largest earthquakes in North boa it was puI iDto the naIe America occurred in the New One of the newest programs disabilities helping others with Media al SIU-C apply 10 any ae_ Madrid regi"". All had magnitudes available k' people with a disability disabitities based on having a student newspaper, maJazine, book. The resuIIin& c:onflBion ow:r greater than 8 poinl. in the Richter is the U"ited Medical Man's similar experience," she said. publication, and cable-cast die validity of the document and operation al SIU-C which is the IaI:t of m:onL of it's creation scale. which is ~ on s id c r c d Wheelmobile, Independent Living Also included in the SICn. is a disasltous. Scientists say Specialist PauIeIte SuIlka said. service that helps people manage suppon..-.d in whole or in pari by led the USG 10 .. the exet:utPes Wheel mobile is a wheelchair their personal problems. University monies. of Graduate and Professional earthquakes Lend 10 nx:... """"" Copies of sent to they have occuncd in the pas!. repIir shop 00 wheds. Subka said. "We have a 24-hour on<alI non­ the policy wen: Council and USG to bring the It is pftcd at the Southem DIinois medical emergency personal student-<Jperated media last week doc_ before their 5eJI8LlS for See STAFF, Page 5 Center for Independent livin; assistant on standby. The person for review by the rnanacing staff, review, S-.er said. from 10 am. 10 3 p.m. 00 the Ia'Il with a disability .,.. caD a beeper said Cheryl Sarllner, president of Friday of each month. SICll is number. Whea ",,'re c:Io!od. a SIaIf Undergraduate Sludent IocaIed at 780 Eaot Gnnd Ave. in member always carries a beeper Government. Carbondale. Wheelmobile tnI we send a penonaIlmisIant 10 President John Guyon and technicians arc do preventive them," Subka Slid. S--will review the suggestians maintenanee or minor repairs on SICll also pays for dev;":s in tnI make chalges in the document. whedchain. All labor is flee, boa if ta1ain cases that wiD be useful 10 Sarllner said. pans Ire req'..iJed ~ wiD be a people wiIh disabilities. "They may think its rme. Oth<n chaoJe, SolD Slid. "We hi!ve a hj-JIII:h progr.iIII that may have a problem with it and SICll calers to people with allows '-ing impaired people 10 we ' ll revie" the severity of the disIIbiIities in Ja<bon, WdIiamsm, gel telecomm ...icalion devices for pobIem tnI then take 1EIion." she Franklin anI! Perry counties by free , if it's approved by Iheir said. offering other me seMces. audiologist. It's like a typewriter Santner is asking the various ''Our services _ fn>e 10 people. because it allows people to type in Sllldent media 10 review the policy, Gu• ..,. .............. We are primarily funded by the a message and send it 10 another because of the unclear history of the duet on S"'-'.
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