Ritter's Crypto Glossary and Dictionary of Technical Cryptography Technical Cryptographic Terms Explained Laugh at deceptive claims! Learn why cryptography cannot be guaranteed! See Cryptography's Hall of Shame!: Crypto Controversies A Ciphers By Ritter Page Terry Ritter 2007 August 16 Copyright 1995 to 2007 Terry Ritter. All Rights Reserved. For a basic introduction to cryptography, see "Learning About Cryptography" @: http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/LEARNING.HTM. Please feel free to send comments and suggestions for improvement to: [email protected] (you may need to copy and paste the address into a web email reader). You may wish to help support this work by patronizing "Ritter's Crypto Bookshop" at: http://www.ciphersbyritter.com/BOOKSHOP.HTM. Index 0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Or use the browser facility "Edit / Find on this page" to search for particular terms. Major Topics • I ntroduction • Arg umentation: adduction, fallacies, extraordinary claims, hypothesis, proof, scientific method, scientific model, scientific publication, Socratic Method, sophistry, term of art • Cr ypto Controversies: AES, BB&S, bijective compression, block cipher definitions, CBC first block problem, cryptanalysis, data compression, distinguisher, Dynamic Transposition, entropy, huge block cipher advantages, Kerckhoffs' requirements, known plaintext, multiple encryption, old wives' tale, one time pad, proof, randomness testing, really random, risk, scalable, snake oil, software patent, strength, term of art, threat model, trust, unpredictable • Cr yptography: additive RNG, Algebra of Secrecy Systems, balance, BB&S, bent function, block cipher and stream cipher models, block cipher, Boolean function nonlinearity, break, cascade ciphering, cipher, CBC, a cipher taxonomy, cipher testing, cipher system, Cloak2, cryptanalysis, Dynamic Substitution, Dynamic Transposition, entropy, jitterizer, known plaintext, homophonic substitution, huge block cipher advantages, Kerckhoffs' Requirements, known plaintext, letter frequencies, man-in-the-middle attack, Message, Mixing Cipher design strategy, multiple encryption, old wives' tale, one time pad, opponent, Perfect Secrecy, public- key cipher, risk analysis, stream cipher, s-box, secret-key cipher, standard cipher, Variable Size Block Cipher • Electronics : amplifier, bypass, capacitor, clock, conductor, crystal oscillator, finite state machine, flip-flop, ground loop, hardware, inductor, jitter, logic function, logic level, metastability, negative resistance, noise, operational amplifier, oscillator, quality management, RC filter, resistor excess noise, resonance, semiconductor, shot noise, software, system design, thermal noise, transformer, transistor, transistor self-bias • Math : associative, commutative, distributive, fast Walsh transform, field, finite field, group, Latin square, math notation, mod 2 polys, orthogonal Latin squares, primitive polynomial, proof, ring • N oise: 1/f Noise, avalanche multiplication, Johnson noise, pink noise, really random, resistor excess noise, shot noise, thermal noise, white noise, zener breakdown • Patents : intellectual property, patent changes, patent claims, patent complaints, patent consequences, patent infringement, patenting cryptography, patenting software, patent reading, patent valuation, prior art, software patent • R andom: additive RNG, finite state machine, linear feedback shift register, pseudorandom, random number generator, randomness testing, really random, RNG, unpredictable • Ri sk: quality management, risk, risk analysis, risk management, single point of failure • So ftware: risk management, Software Engineering, Structured Programming, system design, software patent • Statistics : augmented repetitions, distribution, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, null hypothesis, one-sided test, population, population estimation, random, randomness testing, really random, universe Contents Introduction 0 1/f Noise, 8b10b A Abelian, Absolute, AC, Academic, Academic Break, Access, Access Control, Accident Fallacy, Accountability, Accuracy, Acronym, Active, ad baculum, Additive Combiner, Additive RNG, Additive Stream Cipher, Adduction, ad hoc, ad hominem, ad ignorantium, ad nauseam, ad populum, ad verecundiam, AES, Affine, Affine Boolean Function, Affine Cipher, Algebra, Algebraic Normal Form, Algebra of Secrecy Systems, Algorithm, Algorithmic Complexity, Alias File, Allan Variance, All or Nothing Transform, Alphabet, Alternative Hypothesis, Amphiboly, Amplifier, Amplitude, Anagram, Analog, Analogy, Analysis, AND, ANF, Anode, Antecedent, AONT, Appeal to Ignorance, Appeal to Tradition, Arc, Argument, Argumentation, Argument By Innuendo, Arity, ASCII, Associative, Assumption, Asymmetric Cipher, Asynchronous, Asynchronous Stream Cipher, Asynchronous Transmission, Attack, Attack Tree, Augmented Repetitions, Authentication, Authenticating Block Cipher, Authority, Autocorrelation, AUTODIN, Autokey, Automorphism, AUTOSEVOCOM, Availability, Avalanche, Avalanche Effect, Avalanche Multiplication, Axiom B Back Door, Balance, Balanced Block Mixer, Balanced Block Mixing, Balanced Combiner, Balanced Line, Bandwagon, Base-64, Base Spreading Resistance, BBM, BBS, BB&S, Begging the Question, Bel, Belief, Bent Function, Berlekamp-Massey, Bernoulli Trials, Bias, Bijection, Bijective, Bijective Compression, Binary, Binomial Distribution, Bipolar, Birthday Attack, Birthday Paradox, Bit, Bit Balance, Bit Permutation, Bit Permutation Cipher, Bit Shuffling, Bit Transposition, Black, Black Box, Block, Block Cipher, Block Cipher Definitions, Block Cipher and Stream Cipher Models, Block Code, Block Size, Blum, Blum and Shub, Boolean, Boolean Algebra, Boolean Function, Boolean Function Nonlinearity, Boolean Logic, Boolean Mapping, Braid, Branch Number, Break, Brute Force Attack, Bug, Burden of Proof, Butterfly, Bypass, Byte C C, CA, Capacitor, Cardinal, Card Stacking, Cartesian Product, Cascade, Cascade Ciphering, Cathode, CBC, c.d.f., Certify, Certification Authority, CFB, Chain, Chance, Chaos, Characteristic, Checkerboard Construction, Checksum, Chi-Square, Chosen Plaintext, Cipher, Cipher Block Chaining, Ciphering, Cipher System, Cipher Taxonomy, Cipher Testing, Ciphertext, Ciphertext Expansion, Ciphertext Feedback, Ciphertext Only, Ciphertext Only Attack, Ciphony, Circuit, Circular Argument, circulus in demonstrando, circulus in probando, Claim, Cleartext, Cloak2, Clock, Closure, Code, Codebook, Codebook Attack, Codebreaking, Codeword, Coding Theory, Coefficient, Cognitive Dissonance, Combination, Combinatoric, Combiner, Common Mode, Commutative, Complete, Complex Number, Complex Question, Component, Composite, Composition, Compression, Compromise, Computer, COMSEC, Conclusion, Condition, Conductor, Confidential, Confusion, Confusion Sequence, Congruence, Conjecture, Consequent, Conspiracy, Constant, Contextual, Contradiction, Conventional Block Cipher, Conventional Cipher, Conventional Current Flow, Convolution, Copyright, Corollary, Correlation, Correlation Coefficient, Counterexample, Counter Mode, Counting Number, Covariance, Coverage, CRC, Crib, CRNG, CRT, Cryptanalysis, Cryptanalyst, Crypto Controversies, Cryptographer, Cryptographic Hash, Cryptographic Mechanism, Cryptographic Random Number Generator, Cryptography, Cryptography War, Cryptology, Cryptosystem, Crystal, Crystal Oscillator, Current, Cycle, Cyclic Group, Cypher D Data, Data Compression, Data Fabrication, Data Falsification, Data Security, dB, DC, Debug, Decade, Deception, Decibel, Decimal, Decimation, Decipher, Decoupling, Decryption, Deductive Reasoning, Defined Plaintext, Defined Plaintext Attack, Degenerate Cycle, Degree, Degrees of Freedom, DeMorgan's Laws, Depletion Region, DES, Design Strength, Deterministic, Deus ex Machina, DH, Dialectic, Dichotomy, Dictionary Attack, Dictionary Fallacy, Differential Cryptanalysis, Differential Mode, Diffie Hellman, Diffusion, Digital, Digital Signature, Diode, Distinguisher, Distribution, Distributive, Divide and Conquer, Division, Dogma, Domain, Double Shuffling, DSA, DSP, DSS, Due Care, Due Diligence, Dyadic, Dynamic Keying, Dynamic Substitution Combiner, Dynamic Transposition E Ebers-Moll Model, ECB, ECC, ECDSA, EDE, Efficiency, Electric Field, Electromagnetic Field, Electromagnetic Interference, Electrostatic Discharge, Electronic, Electronic Codebook, EMI, Encipher, Encryption, Enemy, Engineering, Ensemble Average, Entropy, Equation, Equivocation, Ergodic, Ergodic Process, Error Correcting Code, Error Detecting Code, ESD, Even Distribution, Evidence, Exclusive-OR, Expectation, Exposure, Expression, Extraordinary Claims, Extractor F Fq, Fq*, (Fq,+), Factor, Factorial, Failure, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, Fallacy, Fast Walsh Transform, Fault, Fault Tolerance, Fault Tree Analysis, FCSR, Feedback, Feistel, Feistel Construction, Fenced DES, Fencing, Fencing Layer, FFT, Field, FIFO, Filter, Finite Field, Finite State Machine, Flat Distribution, Flip- Flop, Flow Control, Formal Proof, Fourier Series, Fourier Theorem, Fourier Transform, Frequency, FSM, Function, FWT G (G,*), Gain, Galois Field, Game Theory, Garble, Gate, Gaussian, GCD, Geffe Combiner, Geiger-Mueller Tube, Generator, GF(x), GF(2), G F(2 n ) , GF(2)[x], GF(2)[x]/p(x), Goodness of Fit, Gray Code, Greek Alphabet, Ground, Ground Loop, Group H Hadamard, Hamming Distance, Hardware, Hash, Hazzard, Heuristic, Hex, Hexadecimal, Hidden Markov Model, Hold Time, Homomorphism, Homophonic, Homophonic Substitution, HTTP Status Codes, Huge Block Cipher Advantages, Hybrid, Hypothesis I IDEA,
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