E-337 VOL. 2 ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR Public Disclosure Authorized TRANSMISSION WORKS UNDER MINI LOAN PROJECT * Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized SOCIAl. AND ENVIRONMENTAU.LCELL (PLANNING WING ) U.P. PC)W'1R CORPORATION LIMITE'D') Public Disclosure Authorized SHAKTI BHAWAN LUCKNOW 6 I CONTENTS 1. List of Abbreviations I 2. Executive Summary 2 - 7 3. List of Transmission Works against Pre APL Loan 8 - 9 4 400 KV Sub-station Muzaffamagar Package a) 400 KV Sub-station Muzaffarna2ar 10 b) 400 KV SC LILO Rishikesh - Muradna2ar line 11 ce 220 KV SC Lme from 400 KV S/S Muzaffarna2ar to 12 220 KV Sub-station Modipuram. d) 22(0 KV SC Line from 400 KV S/S Muzaffarnapar tn) 13 220 KV Sub-stationi Nw-a 5. 220 KV Sub-station Dadri Package a) 220 KV Sub-station Dadri 14 b) 220 KV D.C. Dadn (NTIPC)-NO[I)A Line 15 C) Tee off 220 KV Dadri (NTPC) - NOIDA TI Circuit 16 d) 132 KV S.C. Dadri - Sura pur Line 17 e) I.IIO of 132 KV BSR.- Industrial Area Si.C. IX 6. 220 KV Suh-station Alla1iahad CantL Package 220 KV Sub-station ( antt. Allahahad 19 7. 220 KV Sub-station Shatabdi Nagar. Meerut a) 220 KV Sub-station Shatabdi Nagar. Meerut 20 b) 220 KV Modipuram - Shatabdi Naear D.C. Line 21 C) 220 KV Sub-station Simbholi - Shatabdi NslagarS.C. Lme 22 d) 132 KV LILO tappmg of 132 KV Medical College 23 Panapur Line at Shatabdi Nagar 8. 220 K-V Deoria Sub-station Package a) 220 KV Sub-staiion Deoria 24 b) 9220KV Linie between 400 KV Sub-station Gorakhpi.r 25 and 22 0 KV Sub-stationi Deoria c) 132 KV Line from 220 KV Sub-station [)eoria to 26 132 KV Sub-station Deona 9. 220 hXVSub-station Hardoi Road Package a 220 KV Sub-station Hardoi Road 27 b) 220 KV S.C. LILO of Sarojni Nagar - Sitapur Lme 28 at Hardot Road Cl 220 KV D.C. LILO of Sarojni Nagar - Sitapur Line 29 at Chinhat d 132 KV D.C. LILOof TRT - Chinhat. TRT - NKN 30 at Hardoi Road Sub-station e) Re-alignment of 132 KV D.C. Neebu Park LILO)Line 31 10. 132 KV Martinpurwa Sub-station Package a) 132 KV MarinmpurwaSub-station 32 b) 132 KV Sarojninagar - SGP'GI S.C. Linc 33 c) 132 KV llLO ot Chinhat - SGPGI l.ine 34 11. 132 KV Sub-station Klwrramnagar a) 132 KV Sub-station Khun-naear bI 132KV SC Line Khurarmagar-Chinhat 36 c) 132 KV SC Line Khurrmnnagar-NKN 37 12. 220 KV Naubasta - Orai Line 38 13. 220 KV LILO - RPH Line (220 KAI Panki - Unnao Line) 39 14. Annexure-11 44-5fl 15. Annexure- III 51 16. Drawinhgs of the above packages (Aiunexure- 1-i vile set ABBREVIATIONS KV KILO VOLT MVA MILLION VOLT AMPERE PGCL POWER GRID CORPORATION LTD. S D O SUB DIVISIONAL OFFICER LILO LOOP IN LOOP OUT ROW RIGHT OF WAY NOs. NUMBERS S/S SUB-STATION TIF TRANSFORMER NTPC NATIONAL THERMAL POWER CORPORATION LTD DC DOUBLE CIRCUIT SC SINGLE CIRCUIT J E JUNIOR ENGINEER BSR BULANDSHAHR ROAD Kms. KILOMETERS Xing CROSSING NAPP NARORA ATOMIC POWER PLANT DistL DISTRICT ETC ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION CIRCLE ETD ELECTRICITY TRANSMIS ION DIVISION NKN NABI KOTNANDAN TRT TIKAIT RAI TALAAB -1- I EXECUTIVESUMMAlRY 1.0 BACKGROUND Uttar Pradesh is the most populated State of India Ureawiseit is third largest State of the country. The power supply to this vast geographical area (294411 Sq. Km.), is being maintained through various load centers and approx. 2,37,3(10 C.Km. (1997) of transmission lines. The system comprises 11 Nos.of 400 KV. 33 Nos. 220 KV and 196 Nos. 132 KV Sub- stations. For further industrial growth and overall development of the State, UPSEBhas envisaged several power transmission and distribution schemes some of which shall be funded by financial lending agencies.UPSEB realizes that power transmission projects may have some unavoidable environmental and social implications. Social issues are addressed through social policy and procedures separately and environmental issues are covered in this document. UPSEB has great concern for clean environment and conservation of natural resources.This document intends to deal with the environmcntal issues associated with transmission projects so as to provide system reliability & effliciencyon one hand and cleaner, safer and healthicr environment on thc other hand. Thc Environmental Safeguards of UPSEB provides environmental framework and safeguards for transmission project of UPSI,B taking into account the policies. rules, acts and legal requirements of Government of India and Govemmcnt of U.l'.. This document identifies and provides a framework and methodology to address environmental issues of Sub-stations and lines and formulats guidelines for preparing the Environmcnt Management Pl'ans (LMlPs)for the proposed projects. This document has been prepared in-house by the 'Social and Environmental Cell" of UPSEIBand the process of preparing it included desk research on legal and institutional framework,analysis of priority issues in power transmission sector.consistency check with environmental policies of other SlBs and with operational policies of World Bank. Discussions within and outside UlSl'B were also held for giving due importance to the views / suggestions of all concerned .The provisions of this document will he implemented in all future transmission projects of the Ul'SI,II by field units responsible for construction, operation and maintenance of these projecus. 1 The l nvironmental I-rarnework and Safeguards comprises (f ten chapters. Chaptwr-I deals with introduction, Chapter -2 outlines regulatory requirements of State. Central and multilateral agencies for transmission projects. Chapter - 3 outlines UPSIll's environment policy.1rn)ject description and implementation approach is covered in Chapter-4. Chapter-5 outlines base-line soio-economic conditions of the State. Chapter - 6 deals with status of PC13'suse and disposal approach for the same. Chapter - 7 outlines analysis of alternatives. Chapter - 8 outlines Elnvironmental Impacts of transmission projects. Chapter - 9 and I(0 deal with Environment Management Plans and public awareness respectively. -z-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.0 P.oliCy. al and.Addo ton UPSEBundertakes itS trnsmission activities within the purviewof IndianLaws keeping in mind appropriateobligations and guidelinesof statutory and fundingagencies. UPSEB views its responsibilityunder the present legal frameworkas twofoldwith regard to their transmission/distributionprojects, fir-stly, the mandatoryrequirements under the law and, secondly, requirementswhich influence management procedures addressing envirounmental issues. Mandatoryenvironmental requirements for UPSEBtransmission/distribution works include Techno-economicclearance by CEA under Electricity(Supply)Act- 1948;Forest clearance underForest (Conservation)Act, 1980 and Forest (Conservation)Rules, 1981, clearance from Telecomdepartment and perview of Power & TelecommunicationCo-ordination Committee; provisionsand guidelinesfor safety regulationsas per IndianElectricity Rules - 1956. Mandatoryrequirements vis-A-vis Funding Agencies is an Environment Review/Assessmentas per World Bank'sOperational Policy (O.P.)4.01 and as per O.P. 4.04 and 4.36 regardingNatural Habitats and Forestry respectively.£nvironmental Impact Notification-1994 laysdown specificproject categories that requireclearance from MOI&F. Power transmissionprojects are not includedin Schedule-I of EinvironmentalImpact Assessment- 1994 , henceenvironmental clearance is not requiredfor powertransmission projects. Even as per WorldBank's Operation Policy (OP 4.()1) the transmissionprojects are classified as type B projectswhich would require limitedenvironmental analysis and EnvironmcntalManagement Plan (EMP) only. 3.0 Environmental Policy: Ul'SEB is committedto provide a clean environment/ecologyand sustainable developmentin all its developmentalactivities. All its transmission/distributionprojects are to be, therefore,carefully plannedto ensure least possible,if any, adverseenvironmental impacts. Guidelines for construction activities are framed such that these works do not damagc/disturb the environmentalhealth of the area. EnvironmentalPolicy of UPSI,Balso stipulatesthe guiding principlesto be followedduring operationand maintenancestages of projects whichensure safcty against occupationalhaymrds, electrocution, fire hazards.accidents. sound pollution, elecrincalinterferences and also ensure that cnvironmentalhealth of the arca is well maintained and, if possible,improves. The key principlesof Ul'S1,13'senvironmental policy are: - AvoidingRight of Way (ROW) through Environmentallyand Sociallysensitivc areas so as to avoid / minimize Environmental& Social Impacts. The principle of avoidanceis practiced so as to circumventenvironmentally sensitive areas during project planning stage. - Bestconstruction practices/norms are adopted to ensure minimizationof impacts in environmentallysensitive areas. Adoption of advancedTechnologies, expertise and managementtechniqucs for mitigation of any unavoidablenegative impactsarising out of its project during operationand maintenance. -3- 4.0 PMiect DaiRtion: UPSEBhas a widespread network of transmissionlines (19403ckm length). For strengtheningthe presenttnmission system so as to ensurereliable, efficient and sufricient power supply to consumers,UPSEB will undertake constructionsof new Sub-stations; installationof additionaltransformers, installation of shunt capacitors,laying of new transmissionlines, interlinking of lines of existing Sub-stations,second circuit stringing of existing transmissionlines etc.. UPSEB has also idendfiedmany schemesfor augmentingpower supply to differentzones/districts. For examining the technicalsuitability , feasibilityand
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