201 Aloha Tower, Observation Bed & breakfasts (B&Bs), Index Deck, 30 192. See also Accommo- Index Aloha Tower Marketplace, dations Index See also Accommoda- 124 Bento, 199 tions and Restaurant Alohawear, 116–117 Bestsellers Books & Music, American Airlines, 191 118–119 indexes, below. Angelfish, 185 Bicycling, 173–174 Anglican Church of Bike Hawaii, 173 A Hawaii, 83 Bird-watching, 145, 157–158 Aaron’s Atop the Ala Moana, Antique Alley, 117 Bishop Museum, 3, 15, 21, 129 Antiques and collectibles, 37, 41, 69 Abhasa Waikiki Spa, 107 117 Blennies, 185 Academy Shop, 123 Arizona, USS, Memorial at Boat travel and cruises, 3 Access Aloha Travel, Pearl Harbor, 3, 14, Captain Bob’s Adven- 195–196 34–35, 41, 47 ture Cruises, 28 Accessible Vans of Hawaii, ARTafterDark, 130 dinner cruises, 15–16 196 Art galleries, 117–118 Bodyboarding (boogie Accommodations, 102–111. Artists of Oahu Exhibit, 89 boarding) & bodysurfing, See also Accommodations Art lovers, Honolulu for, 181 Index 62–63 Books, recommended, bed & breakfast, condo- Art Mart, 89 199–200 minium, and vacation Art museums and galleries, Bookstores, 118–119 home rentals, 62–63 Borders, 119 192–193 Asian Grocery, 119 Bowfin Submarine Museum best, 102 ATA, 191 & Park, 47 gay-owned and gay- Atlantis Submarine, 25, 39, Brothers Cazimero, 131 friendly, 194 70, 184 Budget, 192 the North Shore, 140 ATMs (automated teller Buffalo’s Big Board Classic, southern Oahu and the machines), 192 188 Windward Coast, 148 Augie T, 134 Bumatai, Andy, 134 Addresses, finding, 6 Australian consulate, 193 Business hours, 193 Agnes’ Portuguese Bake Avanti Fashion, 116 Butterflyfish, 185 Shop, 145 Avis, 192, 196 Aina Hau Park Triangle, 53 C Air Canada, 191 B Cafe Laufer, 118 Air New Zealand, 191 Babysitting, 192 Cake Works, 118 Air Pacific, 191 Bad Ass Coffee Company, Camping Air Pacific Airways, 191 22, 37 Hoomaluhia Botanical Air tours, 48 Bailey’s Antiques & Aloha Gardens, 165 Air travel, 191 Shirts, 116–117 Kahana Bay Beach Park, Alamo, 192 Bakeries, 118 166 Ala Moana Beach Park, 155 Banking hours, 192 Kualoa Regional Park, Ala Moana Center, 123–124 Bank of Hawaii, 73 166 Ala Moana Regional Park, Banyan Court, 65 Malaekahana Bay State 56, 77 Banyan Veranda, 131 Recreation Area, 167 Ala Moana Shopping Banzai Beach, 139, 155 permits, 167 Center, 25 Bar 39, 129 Canoe paddling, 5 Alaska Airlines/Horizon Air, Bargaining, 74 Captain Bob’s Adventure 191 Bars and cocktail lounges, Cruises, 28, 182 Ala Wai Blvd., 51 129 Car rentals, 191–192 Ala Wai Canal, 56–57 Beach equipment rentals, for travelers with Ala Wai Challenge, 36 178 disabilities, 196 Ala WaiCOPYRIGHTED Municipal Golf Beaches, 152–162. See also MATERIALCellphones, 190–191 Course, 169 specific beaches Chai’s Island Bistro, 131 Ala Wai Park, 5 best, 153–154 Children, families with, Ala Wai Yacht Harbor, 77 the North Shore, 27, 32–39 Aliiolani Hale, 84–85 138, 139 events for, 36 All Nippon Airways (ANA), safety tips, 157 China Airlines, 191 191 southern Oahu and the Chinatown, 4, 15, 35, 45, 67, Aloha Festivals, 190 Windward Coast, 166 72–75 Aloha Flea Market, 6, 29–30 tanning tips, 160 Chinatown Cultural Plaza, 74 Waikiki, 76–81 Chinese New Year, 36, 188 13__632338-bindex.indd632338-bindex.indd 201201 111/15/101/15/10 22:29:29 PM 202 Cindy’s Lei Shoppe, 121 Duke’s, Outrigger Waikiki on Sing Cheong Classical music, 133 the Beach, 54 Yuan, 75 Climate, 190 Duke’s Waikiki, 54, 131 Yat Tung Chow Index Clubs, 129–130 Noodle Fac- Cold Stone Creamery, 33 E tory, 73 Comedy, 134 Easter Sunrise Service, 189 shrimp trucks, 141 Condominium rentals, 192 Eating and drinking, 198. See Foodland, 118 Conger eels, 185 also Restaurants Fort DeRussy, 57 Consulates, 193 seafood primer, 149 Fort DeRussy Beach, 79 Contemporary Museum, shopping, 119–121 Foster Botanical Garden, 29, 28–29, 62 bakeries, 118 59–60 Gift Shop, 123 fish markets, 121 Fujioka’s Wine Merchants, Continental Airlines, 191 health food stores, 119 Continental Air Micronesia, 123 191 Oahu Market G “Creation-A Polynesian Place, 73 Gallery at Ward Centre, 117 Odyssey,” 133 People’s Open Gardens, 58–61 Market, 89 Dole Pineapple Planta- D Sing Cheong tion, 60 Damien, Father, Statue, 83 Yuan, 75 Foster Botanical Gar- Delima, Frank, 134 Yat Tung Chow den, 29, 59–60 Delta Air Lines, 191 Noodle Fac- Hoomaluhia Botanical Dentists, 193 tory, 73 Gardens, 61, 146, DFS Galleria, 124 shrimp trucks, 141 165–166 Diamond Head, 24, 39, 65 The Edge of Waikiki, 79 Lyon Arboretum, 59 as a direction, 6 Ehukai Beach Park, 155 Queen Kapiolani Gar- Diamond Head Crater, hik- Electricity, 193 den, 59, 89 ing, 4, 165 Embassies, 193 Senator Fong’s Planta- Diamond Head Tennis Emergencies, 193 tion & Gardens, Courts, 89 Enterprise, 192 61, 147 Diamond Head Theatre, 134 Event listings, 193 Wahiawa Botanical Dim sum, 199 Ewa, as a direction, 6 Garden, 60 Dining, 90–101, 193. See Explorers of Polynesia, 15 Waimea Valley, 61, 138 also Restaurant Index Gay and lesbian travelers, best, 90 F 194 Maunakea Marketplace Fall, special events, 190 GLBT travelers, 194 Food Court, 120 Falls of Clyde (schooner), 22 Glide Ride Tours and Rent- the North Shore, Families with children, 32–39 als, 175 140–141 events for, 36 Glider rides, 173–174 reservations, 190 Fashion, 121 Gold, 74 room service from, 94 Father Damien Statue, 83 Golden Week, 188 southern Oahu and the Festivals and special events, Golf, 168–171. See also spe- Windward Coast, 150 188–190 cific golf courses Dinner cruises, 15–16 Films, 130–131 tournaments, 195 Disabilities, travelers with, Fish, 185 Gordon Biersch Brewery 195–196 Fishing, 183 Restaurant, 129 Doctors, 193 Fish markets, 121 Gray’s Beach, 79 Dole, Stanford, 85 Flowers and leis, 121–122 Grey’s Beach, 161 Dole Pineapple Plantation, Food and cuisine, 198. See 45, 60, 138 also Restaurants H Dollar, 192 seafood primer, 149 Haleiwa, 16, 33, 66, 138 Dolphins, swimming with, 19 shopping, 119–121 Halona Blowhole, 143–144 Don Ho’s Island Grill, 131 bakeries, 118 Hanauma Bay, 19, 66, 143, Don Quijote, 119 fish markets, 121 155–156, 177 Down to Earth, 123 health food stores, snorkeling, 4 Duke Kahanamoku Beach, 123 Handicabs of the Pacific, 196 161 Oahu Market Hang gliding, 173–174 Duke Kahanamoku Statue, Place, 73 Hanks Café, 129 52, 87 People’s Open Happy Trails Hawaii, 174 Duke Paoa Kahanamoku Market, 89 Hawaiiana gifts, 122 Beach Park, 79 Hawaiian Airlines, 191 13__632338-bindex.indd632338-bindex.indd 202202 111/15/101/15/10 22:29:29 PM 203 Hawaiian Island Creations, Hoomaluhia Botanical Gar- Kaimana Beach, 81 Index 125 dens, 61, 146, 165–166 Ka Iwi, 143 Hawaiian language, 198 Horseback riding, 174 Kalakaua, King David, 43, Hawaiian-language church Hotels, 102–111. See also 52–54, 80–82, 84–86 service, 5 Accommodations Index statue of, 57 Hawaiian music, 5, 131 bed & breakfast, condo- Kalakaua Boathouse, 22 Ukulele Festival, 36, 189 minium, and vacation Kalanimoku, 85 Hawaiian Railway, 45 home rentals, Kalia Road, 55 Hawaii Challenge Interna- 192–193 Kamehameha I, King (the tional Sportkite Champion- best, 102 Great), 82 ship, 36 gay-owned and gay- Statue, 84 Hawaii Children’s Discovery friendly, 194 Kaneohe Bay, 146 Center, 39 the North Shore, 140 Kapahulu Groin, 51 Hawaii International Film southern Oahu and the Kapiolani Beach Park, 89 Festival, 190 Windward Coast, 148 Kapiolani Park, 27, 51, 65, Hawaii International Jazz Hotel Street, 72 86–87 Festival, 189 House of Flys, 121 Kapiolani Park Band- Hawaii Kai Golf Course, 169 House of Health, 123 stand, 88 Hawaii Maritime Center, 22, House Without a Key at the Kapiolani Park Kiosk, 88 38, 42 Halekulani Hotel, 5, 14, 66, Kawaiahao Church, 5, 23, Hawaii Opera Theatre, 29, 132 43, 85 133 Hula competitions, 189 Kayaking, 181–182 Hawaii’s Plantation Village, Hula performances, 15 Keawe, Genoa, 132 44–45 Hula Supply Center, 122 Kicks, 121 Hawaii State Art Museum, King Kalakaua Statue, 57 29, 63 I King Kamehameha Celebra- Hawaii State Capitol, 84 Ihilani Spa, 28 tion, 189 Hawaii Theatre, 75, 134 Ilikai Hotel, 56 King Kamehameha Hula Healing Stones (Wizard Indigo’s, 129 Competition, 189 Stones), 87 International Marketplace King’s Village, 52 Heeia Kea Pier, 146 Banyan Tree, 53 Kitesurfing, 186 Hertz, 192, 196 Internet access, 194 Kodak Hula Show, 88 High season, 188 Iolani Palace, 22, 38, 42, 84 Kokua Market, 123 Hiking, 85, 164–167. See Iolani Palace Grounds, 84 Kona Brewing Co., 66 also specific trails Island Seaplane Service, 30, Ko Olina Golf Club, 170 best, 164 42, 48, 69 Ko Olina Lagoons, 156, 177 Diamond Head, 4, 165 It’s Chili in Hawaii, 119–120 Korean Air, 191 Manoa Falls Hike, 4, 27, Izumo Taishakyo Mission Kualoa Regional Park, 147, 69 Cultural Hall, 74 157–158, 166, 177–178 Hilo Hattie, 117 Kuan Yin Temple, 75 Historic Waikiki, 50–57 J Kuhio Beach, 161 History of Hawaii, 25, 78, Kuhio Beach Park, 51, 80, 87 Japan Air Lines, 191 196–197 Kukaniloko Birthing Stones, Japanese consulate, 193 books on, 199, 200 43, 137 Jetstar, 191 Hokulea (sailing canoe), 22 Kumu Kahua Theatre, 27, 69, Jewelry, 74 Honolulu Academy of Arts, 134 25, 63, 130–131 Kupalaha Heiau, 51 Honolulu Academy of Arts K Theatre, 130–131 Kahala Hotel & Resort, 143 L Kahana Bay Beach Park, 147, Honolulu Chocolate Co., 119 Lai Fong Department 156, 166 Honolulu Cookie Store, 75 Kahanamoku, Duke Paoa, 52 Company, 21 Language, 198 Kahanamoku Beach and Honolulu Fish Auction, 121 Lanikai Beach, 68, 158, 178, Lagoon, 78 Honolulu Hale, 85 181 Kahuku Golf Course, Honolulu Marathon, 188 Lanikai Tree House & Garden 169–170 Honolulu Symphony Orches- Studio, 148 Kailua, 145 tra, 29, 133 Lappert’s Ice Cream, 56 Kailua Beach, 24, 156, 177 Honolulu Waterfront Walk, Lei Day Concert, 189 watersports, 181 67–68 Leis, 4, 67, 121–122 Kailua Beach Park, 145 Honolulu Zoo, 33, 34, 88 Liliuokalani, Queen, 22, 82, Kailua Sailboards & Kayaks, Honolulu Zoo by Twilight 83, 197, 200 181–182 Tour, 34 Liliuokalani Estate, 51 13__632338-bindex.indd632338-bindex.indd 203203 111/15/101/15/10 22:29:29 PM 204 Lin’s Lei Shop, 122 Morey World Bodyboarding Pupukea Beach, 139 Lita’s Leis, 122 Championship, 36 Pupukea Beach Park, Local Motion, 125 The Movie Museum, 131 159–160, 179 Index Lodging, 102–111.
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