all inter* la thla eol- 11»* ahorter the letter* the betti i * printed F>OHimi The Americas Weeklj will None aknnld he mare thaa M* ward pay A prl*e winning recipe la Addrea* them la The America > ft. Hon*e Almanac! Echoes awarded U. the aame a* an the Weekly wife'# Food . manack Almanack page. lie aure ta nrlt* I*. O. Hox 111. Urand C entral Annex, r-r-1 AJ yaar aame and nddren* plainly. New Yark City. School Day Memories of Mother's Cooking and cook another half hour. Keep reading our Sunday paper. He FABRICS 1 By Mrs. Pet«r Msrkuskl, plenty of liquid on meat for had part of It and I ths rest. I PmHa, 111. gravy. Should thicken Itself If said to him "We surely get our dear to our hetrU af® meat waa well floured. money's worth out of our Sun- ARE GETTING the acenea and memories Beas Jack, day paper " He looked at me HOWof our childhood! Piedmont, California. and said, "Yes we do. kid. and SCARCE! We trudged home two miles (Mra. Jack, your Jim Smith recipe especially so on your Almanack You could smell auggeat an egcellenl way of prepar- pags." Your Prnciout Oroitos from school. ing round steak.—Mary Lee Swann.) Protect* mother's Uma bean chowder after Mrs. John Thomas. and Undint Againtt Undnrarm you passed the third door down MONEY’S WORTH Morgantown, West Virginia. "Pnnpiration Rot" With Nonapil and the smell of It put new life fMr* Thoms*, we re very glad you Dear Almanack: p«ge* helpful We hope into our weary legs. You could find our »o NONSPI CHICKS FIRSFIRATION Last night my husband and I you'll continue to read The Ameri- amoll the cruating over of the can Woeekly for a long, long time. ITO I DAYS WITHOUT IHJUKINO were sitting in our Jiving room - Editor.) bacon corn bread, too, and know The OIiICATI UNDIRARM SKIN FORM I that the green glass dish, which pie, too, would nag custard and I.Remove* embarrassing odor by check- came with fine tops from oate us in the winter to Be suit the glass coffee maker you fl at children ing Row of peripiration under the arm*. boxes, would be filled with the pick out plenty of the oily, pun- buy is a Genuine Silex. Only Silex I and convenient to use. Will not tangy cool of aplced applebutter. gent meats so that there would 1. Safe has the patented spring tension hi- I \A4ekly irritate skin. A of pork was what n. ter locks out bitter grounds ... a chunk salt enough on hand. Bhc lined American -im ,31 tlut be Patterns I liquid. Easy apply br< *s delicious, sparklmgly clear I mother said the chowder recipe the yellow crockery pie platea 3. A clear, clean to Coffee' Silex can be used on any I called for, "a mite of lean through with flaky cruet, filled them with ...dries quickly. type range. Pytcx brand glass. I the fat." About a quarter pound cuatard, and sprinkled the tops 4. *"Anelysis of NONSPi and applied Priced $2.45. from I la what you asked for at the thickly with chopped black wal- tests of its use has been completed by was cut long, damage can YOU SAVI tut At when your coffee 1 butcher’s. It In nuts, "Not too fine cut or you the Bureau... No be done is clear. Gear, full flavored brew I narrow silvers and slowly fried wouldn't know it was nuts." to the textile if the user follows your to a pAle yellow. Then the pork requires less sugar to sweeten! gj Then a final sprinkling of sugar instructions." came out to be saved for later. and cinnamon before they went (Sianad) £ A large onion was sliced down Into a hot oven to eet and then C AeoSI the long way and then once X/ a long, slow baking to make them Inc 1 always said they BLTTLH fAQHiCS TtSTINQ BIjFtEAU across. Mother smooth and firm. About forty- were sweeter cut with the gram ts 60»4 five minutes by the clock on the Na»iqnac Retail. D*r GOOD* Associat'd** Tht LISHT TEST-Pros! Cofftt j —maybe she was right. The onion mantle. Somehow, regardless of •» your Foeorif* was cooked pale yellow In the ftuy Nnntpi the many new recipes, mother’s drug ar daportmanf (tor* Then In went a cup ¦ pork fat. old ones aocm to stick with me. M Is rjjUr > ->*•• >, > •• h < m*n< I'M m of dried lima beans that had been <Mr* Mnrkoekl. up it won In ynur traiNO TSNSION HoNt, soaked overnight and the water own childhood. memnrle* of whirh | ™ *l«*i I I*l «My into *o I* i 1 I »i*M '•<•>» *ittai aarlitlet SR poured off In the morning. A you *o pul word*. NONSPI - FABRIC SAFI It today pm>ii In a war torn world. A SKIN SAff. Ml | [l SAMTY CATCH Tti»». ton I •;/’ pinch of dried thyme from the All over the United State*, young- DEODORANT AND ANTI FIRSFIRANT! B I ) fall out or brook bool I by the pump, boiling pur* arr trudging home from school * herb bed her-H for i IMlIWif < •«< *¦* I'lllCO a* l hey have t**neratloni». * water to cover from the homey anticipating the *»neli of wholaaonm at the buck of the rooking Inal I* fragrant to eager tfAkettlc young appetite#. Almanarkera. houee- stove. wlve* throughout the country hare a tradition and a duly to carry on for 3*46- /f 9IHH The beans were simmered until the*e youngater* to continue to *hop w»**ly and rook cleverly, not only Jh almost tender. A good season- an active crowing hodle* will he well ing of salt and black pepper, a nourlfthed hut al*n *n tnet de*p*te cup of square-cut potatoes, a the war. when this generation of young*ter» will have grown up their MMSm half cup of square-cut carrots, a memorle* of childhood day* will he a* cup of thick, cooked tomatoes or pieaaant a* your own —The Editor.) a couple of fresh peeled ones cut T*irr»yhairhurtin|iyotir*o-HJpj33HB up. TTien enough water to make JIM SMITH STEW ci*l or bun nett tucicaa? If ¦/. [lll]s!j’¦ It thick enough to suit. Cooked Use the sensational, NEW learn how van aan aotar liMfjMl Dear Almanack: yoar hair am afcadn. tha rn- ¦RaIaUH another half hour and then the My Southern mother-in-law tire head or Just the new growth, ywraaM, at added the whole hame wkSa rw ahampoo H. Tho uaanda of women salt pork and cooked ths following stew so and men uae tfMMTOKOiM. the modern meth ladled into deep yellow bowls. often that It was named after the od. Their closest friend* cannot tell tbit they Sometimes she added a quart color their hair hacauae MAMPO-KOiM leavetl much repeated name of Jim the hair to natural looking. Can b« uaH alto of rich milk instead of the second Smith among her acquaintances at aTINT for partially gray hair or aa a RINSE lot of water. She brought out overbteacked, tun wave In that part of Texas. to refreak and perm, newly faded hair. No experience neceatary. MOST the basket with a laund- A round steak or a part of one ADHERING, doe* not rub off. Permit* Per-, ered fringed napkin in the bot- number and mk depending on served manent, tear. like ahampooing. Caution: t Tae 4| tom of It to look nice and thick thin is Tintex only a* directed on label. year* experience Just cut neither nor I* nit. Writ# for BOOK LIT VaStgoy ProPoett. keep the bacon corn bread from browned, flouring liberally. Mta. Dapt.H- 284 «V. SI Maw York. N. Y. after DYES HHR i. Rtroat. soaking into the raffia. In hot fat with a minced onion STOCKING The corn bread was made from add a sprinkling of 1 teaspoon | ° yellow meal and had bits of rrlsp, each of chili pepper and salt, 1 1 also want them jM&M the ad* regularly In AN new, special \f READ(hit and other Uaura of fried bacon mixed through the cup of fresh or canned tomatoes I Hiwhy you necc/the Till AM MID AN WEEK IS and enough he anre to aend for the sample* batter before it was baked. She or Juice and hot water of product*, the enlightening made hers in big square pans to cover. booklet* and other literature whlrh a request on a poatrard so that it would be thin and Cook slowly half hour and then will bring to >ou promptly. rrusty. Father liked It that way. add large slices of potatoes 1 Father placed meat. JS liked her black walnut under the Cover (Conserve fabric* me \ l| I n jf sav * m° regular g f m n$ w!th the ¦ decora latest selling a ’A{¦&£'&?•?& I wYand Py««. S 0 12 Days from Today your toc kl" I Stocking*kInRS I Re-nevvsFadetTsRe-matche* Odd fPjjgggggg rayon, silk,corwusiuwooiiMMMM , HYION, Pattern 34(11 Designed for a cost of mailing) for ns4» pattern I Fo woman-on*the-Job —this frock and whlrm your envelope to HANDS can LOVELIER! AMERICAN WEEKLY he Its with Jiffy walat-tie fastening PATTERN DEPARTMENT, and its gay handed sash and 633 SIXTH AVENUE, AMERICAN WEEKLY la She magaaine with the greatest edges. Designed for misses* and NEW N. Y. YORK. THEclnnilatton ln the world. It’s tlie Nation's Reading Habit.
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