X J. Symphony Not Booked at Arts Center See Story Page 1£ The Weather Sunny and mild today, high in IHEDAILY 'FINAL low 60s. Fair tonight. Increas-. Red Bank, Freehold ing cloudiness tomorrow. Long Branch T EDITION 20 PAGES Monmoutli County's Outstiinding Home Newspaper VOL.95 NO. 177 ,. RED BANK, NJ. TUESDAY, MARCH 13,1973 TEN CENTS iiiiiHHiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMnuiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Fast OK Seen on CahilFs Court Choices TRENTON (AP) - The Legislative sources said they than four members on the Sullivan, a lifelong resident three branches of govern- named one other justice to the Senate is expected to give couldn't foresee why opposi- seven-member court. of Jersey City in the Demo- ment, the judiciary, the exec- Supreme Court, Worrall F. swift confirmation to Gov. tion over either nominee Attorney Gen. George F. cratic stronghold of Hudson utive and the legislative. Mountain Jr. in 1971. William T. Cahill's two latest might develop. Kugler Jr., a Republican, had County, has been serving as "They will carry on the The governor will have the appointments to the State Su- No Surprise been prominently mentioned an acting Supreme Court Jus- highest traditions and the opportunity to pick a fourth preme Court, Pierre P. Gar- Although the selection of as a leading choice for one of tice since last September. record of < quality appoint- justice in June when Justice ven and Judge Mark A. Sulli- Garven. came as no surprise, the vacancies. He was appointed to the Su- ments of our state's highest Haydn Proctor reaches the van. Sullivan's name had not been However, he was accused of perior Court in 1953 and as- court." mandatory retirement age of Cahill announced yesterday included in speculation about covering up charges of a signed to the Appellate Divi- Choices Delayed 70. he would submit the nomi- who would fill the two va- criminal conspiracy involving sion, the second highest court The nominations had been Furthermore, Chief Justice nations of Garyen, his person- cancies created by the retire- former Secretary of State in the state, 14 years ago. expected months ago. But Joseph Weintraub, who is 65, al counsel, and Sullivan, the ment last August of Justices Paul J. Sherwin, a close Garven, 47, of Ridgewood, a Cahill's choices were delayed, has said he plans to leave the presiding judge of the Appel- C. Thomas Schettino and John friend and political adviser to former Bergen County judge, apparently pending the report bench before he reaches the late Division of Superior J. Francis. Cahill. Although 'the State served as Cahill's chief coun- of the State Commission of In- mandatory retirement age. Court who has been tempora- Sullivan, 61, is a Democrat, Commissinn of Investigation sel since the governor took of- vestigation on Kugler. May Name Chief rily assigned to the Supreme and Garven is a Republican. exonerated Kugler of the fice in January, 1970. However, administration Weintraub's departure, if it Court. The Republican governor charges, Democratic legisla- "Judge Sullivan will bring sources have maintained la- comes this year, would give The Senate resumes work- was required under longstand- tors have contended that the to the Supreme Court his ex- tely that Kugler never wanted Cahill the opportunity to pick ing sessions next Monday af- ing tradition to name one report left many questions tensive and distinguished judi- to be named to the court and his replacement and also ter the traditional three-week Democrat and one Republican about Kugler's conduct unans- cial experience," Cahill said. that the governor's decision to name the new chief justice. recess to permit the Joint Ap- to retain the bipartisan com- wered. In addition, the report "Pierre Garven will bring an bypass him had nothing to do Cahill has not said whether propriations Committee to re- position on the high court. drew sharp criticism from equally distinguished and with the SCI report. he will run for reelection this view, the governor's budget. Neither party may have more newspapers. unique background in all Cahill had previously See Governor, page 2 Pierre P. Garven JidgeMirkA.Sslllvii Viet Cong to Release 32 POWs on Friday SAIGON (AP) - The Viet of Sheridan, Wyo., is suffering were not identified. ese military prisoners contin- Hien said about 5,800 Com- Cong delayed until Friday its from a "nervous illness." He At the time the cease-fire ued today for the sixth con- munist POWs have been re- release to U. S. officials of 32 did not elaborate. Gosta was went into effect Jan. 28, the secutive day. Release of 1,200 leased during the six days, prisoners of war but delivered captured Feb. 1, 1968. during Communists said they held a Communists at Loc Ninh, 75 while the Viet Cong has deliv- the names today of the 25 mil- the Tet offensive. total of 585 American prison- miles north of Saigon, was de- ered more than 1,000 govern- itary personnel and seven ci- Postponed Day ers in North and South Viet- layed two hours when one of ment soldiers. vilians to be freed. The senior Viet Cong repre- nam and Laos. Prior to the re- the POWs broke ranks and The Saigon command re- North Vietnam is scheduled sentative, Lt. Gen. Tran Va'n leases scheduled for this ran to members of peace- ported that a mortar round to release 108 Americans in Tra, said the POW release week, they had freed a total keeping teams, asking to de- landed in Phan Thiet, a pro- Hanoi tomorrow, but there originally had been planned of 299. fect to the Saigon side, South vincial capital 100 miles east was no word yet what time for Thursday in Hanoi but From Hanoi, the prisoners Vietnamese spokesman Le of Saigon, killing five civilians the transfer would begin. was postponed because the will be flown to Clark Air Trung Hein reported. But Lt. and wounding 13. Hien A Viet Cong spokesman said North Vietnamese govern- Base in the Philippines, head- Col. Hien said other prisoners charged there were 142 Com- all 32 persons being freed ment "will be busy welcoming quarters of Operation Home- ran after the man, beat him munist cease-fire violations Friday were Americans cap- state guests at the Gia Lam coming. and dragged hint o*ff to the during the 24-hour period en- AP Wlraptioto tured in South Vietnam. But a Airport" that day. The guests The exchange of Vietnam- Communist headquarters. ding at 6 a.m. KEEPING VIGIL — An Indian on horseback scans the countryside as an- U.S. spokesman said the letter other has his rifle ready for action following the setting up of blockades delivered by the Viet Cong on the roads leading to Wounded Knee, S.D., by government forces yes- spoke of "32 U.S. military per- terday. (See Story, page 2.) sonnel and civilians of foreign countries allied with the United States." MCAP Head Disputes The list was sent to Wash- BelfordFamilyEagerly ington to be made public later today after the families of the POWs were notified. The Viet Cong spokesman Board Ouster, Resigns Awaits POW's Return said one man on the list, Maj. SOUTH BELMAR - call a meeting and tha.t four cess, which violates all of my members who resigned. He BELFORD - Nearly five ried to Lt. Miller's sister, Theodore William Gosta, 34, Charles D. Barnwell, not rec- days notice must be given be- constitutional rights." would not say from what fac« years of one family's fear and Ann. ognizing the validity of his fore a special meeting. Since the board's actions tion of the board's representa- concern for their prisoner-of- "The letter was written in ouster as Monmouth Commu- last week, Mr. Barnwell said tion the resignations came. war son came to an end yes- February about two days be- nity Action Program (MCAP) Mr. Barnwell charged that he has received "about 14 to terday morning. fore the actual cease fire. He Hungarian Board of Trustees president, the trustees' actions violated 16" resignations, the first The board has provisions That was when Mr. and knew at that time he would be announced his resignation his constitutional rights. being that of J. Matthew Mar- for 36 members although all Mrs. Edwin F. Miller Sr. of coming home.. .he made ref- from the post at a press con- "I would like to say that un- tin, board of trustees vice the posts are not filled. Franklin Lakes were visited erence to the fact that he Defects to ference last night in the der the law everyone is given president. Ideally, the board would be by Navy officials and learned would be," Mr. Dwyer said. Mount Olive Baptist Church the opportunity for a hearing composed of 12 members officially that their son was on Pretty Happy' community room. and right to defend them- He said he is assured of sup- from each of three groups: the list of POW's to be re- Describing the tone of the Australia selves," Mr. Barnwell said. port from the response to his delegate agencies, special in- leased by the North Vietnam- SAIGON (AP) - A Hun- Mr. Barnwell said the board letter, Mr. Dwyer said, "He conducted two meetings last "Records will reflect this was ouster in the form of other terest groups, and Board of. ese tomorrow. was pretty happy. garian defected to Australia not done in this particular resignations but he declined Freeholders appointees. today and was granted asy- week without a quorum at Navy Lt. Edwin F. Miller "We expect Ed to arrive in which he was voted out of of- case.
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