American Mineralogist, Volume 86, pages 1534–1537, 2001 NEW MINERAL NAMES* JOHN L. JAMBOR1 AND ANDREW C. ROBERTS2 1Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z4, Canada 2Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth Street, Ottawa K1A 0E8, Canada 3 DASHKOVAITE* (93.4–132), Dmeas = 3.15–3.20, Dcalc = 3.23 g/cm for Z = 2. α β γ N.V. Chukanov, D.I. Belakovsky, S.V. Malinko, N.I. Organova Optically biaxial negative, = 1.596, = = 1.648, 2Vmeas = ~0º, 2Vcalc = 0º, Y = b; strongly pleochroic, X = pale brown, Y = (2000) Dashkovaite Mg(HCO3)2·2H2O — A new formate mineral. Zapiski Vseross. Mineral. Obshch., 129(6), 49–53 dark green, Z = reddish brown. Electron microprobe and wet- (in Russian, English abs.). chemical analyses gave K2O 8.73, Na2O 0.19, Rb2O 0.42, CaO 0.02, BaO 0.44, SrO 0.01, FeO 26.19, Fe2O3 7.86 (Fe parti- Chemical analysis gave C 16.2, H 3.9, Mg 16.4, Mn (by tioned by Mössbauer spectroscopy), MgO 1.49, MnO 0.68, Li2O electron microprobe) 0.2, O (by difference) 63.3, sum 100 wt%, 0.47, TiO2 1.29, ZnO 0.27, NiO 0.01, SiO2 34.12, Al2O3 13.89, corresponding to Mg1.00Mn0.01H5.74C2.00O5.87, ideally Mg(HCO3)2 H2O 0.91, F 3.91, O ≡ F 1.65, sum 99.25 wt%, corresponding 2+ 3 + · 2H2O. The mineral occurs as white, fibrous aggregates in hy- to (K0.92Na0.03Rb0.02Ba0.01)Σ0.98(Fe1 .82Fe0 .49Al0.19Mg0.18Li0.16 drothermal veinlets, up to 1 mm in width, wherein the fibers Ti0.08Mn0.05Zn0.02)Σ2.99(Si2.83Al1.17)Σ4.00(F1.03OH0.50■0.47)Σ2.00, simpli- 2+ are up to 3 mm long and 0.01 mm wide. Soft and porous, H = fied as KFe3 AlSi3O10F2, which is the F analog of annite. Single- 3 1, Dcalc = 1.74 g/cm for Z = 4. Microscopically colorless, bi- crystal X-ray structure study indicated monoclinic symmetry, axial positive, α = 1.465(3), β = 1.486(3), γ = 1.516(3), 2Vcalc = space group C2/m, 1M polytype, a = 5.369(8), b = 9.289(3), c 81(5)°, X parallel to the elongation. By analogy with the syn- = 10.153(8) Å, β = 100.49(1)°. Strongest lines of the powder thetic analog, indexing of the X-ray powder pattern gave a pattern (diffractometer, CuKα radiation) are 10.09(100,001), monoclinic cell, space group P21/c, a = 8.64(1), b = 7.15(1), c 5.02(13,002), 3.336(56,003), and 2.507(14,131,004). = 9.38(1) Å, β = 98.0(1)°; strongest lines of the pattern (57 mm The mineral is a rock-forming species in the upper part of – camera, FeKα radiation) are 4.90(90,111), 4.64(80,002), an A-type granite at Suzhou, near Shanghai, eastern China. Type 4.30(70,200), 3.68(80,210), and 3.40(100,112). The IR spec- material is in the Geology and Mineral Resources Institute in trum is similar to that of the synthetic compound. Chengdu, and in the Geological Museum of China, at Beijing. The mineral occurs with shabynite, iowaite, ekaterinite, J.L.J. korshunovskite, halite, hydromagnesite, and serpentine in do- lomite marble at the Korshunovskoye boron deposit in the FLUORO-MAGNESIO-ARFVEDSONITE* Irkutsk district, Siberia. The new mineral name is for E.R. A.G. Bazhenov, I.L. Nedosekova, T.V. Krinova, A.B. Dashkova (1744–1810), former Director of the Saint Peters- Mironov, P.V. Kvorov (2000) Fluormagnesioarfvedsonite 2+ 3+ burg Academy of Sciences (1783–1796) and President of the NaNa2(Mg,Fe )4Fe [Si8O22](F,OH)2 — A new mineral species Russian Academy of Sciences. Type material is in the Fersman of the amphibole group (Ilmen-Vishnevye Mountains alkaline Mineralogical Museum, Moscow, Russia. J.L.J. massif, south Urals). Zapiski Vseross. Mineral. Obshch., 129(6), 28–35 (in Russian, English abs.). FLUORANNITE* Ganfu Shen, Qi Lu, Jinsha Xu (2000) Fluorannite: A new The mineral occurs as light gray, short prismatic grains in mineral of the mica group from the western suburb of Suzhou albite-microcline fenite in the contact zone of the Ilmen alka- City. Acta Petrologica Mineral., 19(4), 355–362 (in Chinese, line massif. Wet-chemical analysis gave SiO2 56.76 TiO2 0.51, English abs.). Al2O3 1.47, Fe2O3 5.76, FeO 0.79, MnO 0.29, MgO 20.10, CaO + 2.86, Na2O 7.50, K2O 1.62, H2O 0.84, F 2.80, O ≡ F 1.18, sum The mineral occurs as euhedral to subhedral sheets and tabu- 100.12 wt%, corresponding to (Na0.44K0.29)Σ0.73(Na1.57Ca0.43)Σ2.00 2+ 3+ lar crystals to more than 6 mm across, but predominantly 2–4 (Mg4.14Mn0.03Fe0 .09Fe0 .60Ti0.05Al0.09)Σ5.00[(Si7.85Al0.15)Σ8.00O22] mm long and 1–3 mm wide. Iron-black color, submetallic lus- (F1.22OH0.78)Σ2.00, which is the F analog of magnesio-arfvedsonite. 1 ter, perfect {001} cleavage, sectile, gray streak, VHN = 109 Brittle, H = 5 /2, {110} cleavage, Dmeas= 3.09, Dcalc = 3.04 g/ cm3 for Z = 2. Optically biaxial positive, α = 1.618, β = 1.629, γ = 1.632, 2Vmeas = 50–70°, c:Z = 15–16°, optic-axis plane (010), *Before publication, minerals marked with an asterisk were pleochroism X = yellowish, almost colorless, Y = lilac, Z = approved by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral greenish blue, Z > Y > X. Indexing of the X-ray powder Names, International Mineralogical Association. diffractogram (FeKα radiation) gave a monoclinic cell with a 0003-004X/01/1112–1534$05.00 1534 JAMBOR AND ROBERTS: NEW MINERAL NAMES 1535 = 9.81(9), b = 18.01(3), c = 5.28(1) Å, β = 103.8(2)°, probable material, charge balance is not possible for (Y,REE) > Ca and space group C2/m. Strongest lines are 8.42(34,110), B <4; that is, the only charge-balanced, alkali-free end-mem- 3.264(23,240), 3.129(100,310), 2.804(28,330), and ber for a Y analog of hyalotekite is Ba4(YCa)[Si8B4O28F]. J.L.J. 2.708(17,151). The mineral is associated with perthite, microcline, albite, KRETTNICHITE* phlogopite, quartz, and accessory titanite, rutile, apatite, py- J. Brugger, T. Armbruster, A. Criddle, P. Berlepsch, S. Graeser, rite, and zircon. Type material is in the Natural Science Mu- S. Reeves (2001) Description, crystal structure, and paragen- 3+ 3+ seum of the Ilmen State Preserve at Miass, and in the esis of krettnichite, PbMn2 (VO4)2(OH)2, the Mn analogue Mineralogy Department of the Saint Petersburg Mining Insti- of mounanaite. Eur. J. Mineral., 13, 145–158. tute, Russia. Discussion. Although it is written as “fluormagnesioarfvedsonite” The mineral occurs as radiating aggregates, to 3 cm diam- in both the English abstract and the Russian version of the pub- eter, of dark brown platy (001) crystals, as <1 mm acicular to lication, the new mineral name should be fluoro-magnesio- prismatic black crystals, and as brownish pseudorhombohedral arfvedsonite to conform to the CNMMN-approved crystals showing {001}, {111}, {332}, and {331}. Adaman- 1 nomenclature system for the amphiboles. J.L.J. tine luster, brown streak, H = 4 /2, excellent {001} cleavage and a distinct one at a high angle to it, nonfluorescent, Dmeas = KAPITSAITE-(Y)* 3 >4.04, Dcalc = 4.51–4.81 g/cm for Z = 2. Electron microprobe L.A. Pautov, P.V. Khvorov, E.V. Sokolova, G. Ferraris, G. Ivaldi, analysis gave CaO 0.60, BaO 0.90, SrO 1.48, PbO 32.66, CuO L.F. Bazhenova (2000) Kapitsaite-(Y) (Ba,K)4 0.42, CoO 2.22, NiO 0.04, Al2O3 0.04, Fe2O3 1.25, Mn2O3 24.03, (Y,Ca)2Si8(B,Si)4O28F — A new mineral. Zapiski Vseross. As2O5 2.92, V2O5 29.26, H2O (calc.) 3.54, sum 99.43 wt%, cor- 3+ Mineral. Obshch., 129(6), 42–49 (in Russian, English abs.). responding to (Pb0.83Sr0.08Ca0.06Ba0.03)Σ1.00 (Mn1 .73Co0.17Fe0.09 Cu0.03Al0.01)?2.03(V1.83As0.14)Σ1.97O7.71(OH)2.23, ideally PbMn2(VO4)2(OH)2. The mineral occurs as a pale pink, sheaf-like aggregate, 1 × In transmitted light, only thin (001) plates are transparent. Red- 3 cm. The average of seven listed electron microprobe analy- dish brown color, distinct pleochroism towards orange; ncalc from ses (REE titrometrically, B colorimetrically, and Be by atomic reflectance measurements at 590 nm are 2.21 for R1 and 2.39 absorption) is SiO2 34.98, Al2O3 0.04, FeO 0.01, MnO 0.05, for R2. Single-crystal X-ray structure study gave monoclinic CaO 3.12, K2O 0.87, Na2O 0.46, PbO 1.95, BaO 38.18, Y2O3 symmetry, space group C2/m; a = 9.275(7), b = 6.284(3), c = 7.93, La2O3 0.01, Ce2O3 0.09, Pr2O3 0.03, Nd2O3 0.32, Sm2O3 7.682(2) Å, β = 117.97(4)° as refined from a diffractometer 0.36, Gd O 0.64, Dy O 0.70, Ho O 0.14, Er O 0.36, Yb O powder pattern (CuKα radiation) with strongest lines of 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 – 0.20, B2O3 8.68, BeO <0.02, F 1.40, Cl 0.01, O ≡ F 0.59, sum 3.388(95,002), 3.270(100, 112), 2.946(51,201), 2.850(49,021), 99.94 wt%, corresponding to (Ba3.54K0.26Pb0.12Na0.07)Σ3.99 2.4910(93,112,220), and 1.6962(83,004).
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