THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE MAUI PEOPLE READ THE MAUI MAUI NEWS THIS WEEK ARE NEWS BECAUSE IT GIVES THE WORTH STUDYING CAREFULLY. NEWS OF MAUI COUNTY AS NO THE FIRMS WHO ADVERTISE IN THE MAUI NEWS ARE THE ONES OTHER PAPER DOES. THIS IS WORTHY YOUR FULLEST CONFI. THE REASON DISCERNING AD. DENCE. VERTISERS USE ITS COLUMNS. NINETEENTH YEAR THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1919. NUMBER 984 Bank Preparing For Territorial Fair Is Cockett's Politics Plan To Hold Civic NATION TO GO ON Two Fine Buildings Again Taking Shape An Important Matter Convention And Fair WAGON FOR KEEPS Work To Start Soon At Laliaina And . A, Baldwin To Represent Maui Supreme Court Upsets County's' Suit County Fair And Racing Association Wailuku Postofiice May Get Home In Place Of Rice June Fixed As Against W. T. Robinson Because Annual Meeting On 28th May Both Time Of Big Event E. II. Paris Judge Edings Didn't Test Settle Matter Plan To Make Three-Fourt- In New Wailuku Building Pia's Necessary hs Of States Have Ratified Fireproof Structures To Be General Diiector Affiliation At Trial Grounds Civic Center Of Maui Prohibition Amendment To Constitution Goes prepared, (Special to Maui News.) Because Pia Cockett may have been Plans for holding tho second Maul As soon as the plans arc Year---Liebknec- Into Effect In ht which Is being done In Honolulu, the HONOLULU, Jan. 11 Plans are a republican Instead of a democrat County Fair next fall together with And Luxemburg business actively under way for Hawaii's sec- in tho latter part of 1016, the County plans for entertaining tho territorial erection of ti handsome Killed Peace Tomorrow-Al- building will be commenced by the ond territorial fair, which tho Pair of Maul this week finds itself without Civic Convention which is to meet on Conference Begins ien announced will bo to a part year, Dank of Maul, Ltd., at Lahalna to re- Commission has title of the land used in tho Maul this will probably bo the Enemy Bring Big place tho one destroyed in the big held in the same period as last year, opening of Wells street, past the court main topics of discussion at tho an- Shares Prices flro two weeks ago. Juno 9 to 14, this permitting the In house. It may have to start tho con- nual meeting of tho Maul County Day. Though & Tho new structure will bo of con- clusion of Kamehameha demnation proceedings all over again, Fair Racing Association, to bo held LIEBKNECHT AND LUXEMBURG KILLED absolutely fireproof. Be- it is early and preparations are too and tnc question Is even raised as to on Tuesday, January 28. Notices of (By crete and whether or not can even Tho Associated Press) incomplete to permit definite an it do this tho meeting arc being sent out to officially sides providing accommodations for for tho reason that tho street Is al- BERLIN, January 17 It is announced that Liebknecht tho Lahalna branch of tho bank, It nouncement of the celebration's ready built and a jury of award would members this week. and Rosa Luxemburg, Sparticus leaders, have been killed. will also provide commodious quart- scope, tho members of the Commis- bo unable to view the property as it There is a strong demand, now may be existed beforo tho improvement was ers for the Len Wai & Co. general sion express the hope that it that tho war is over, for tho holding FLOATING MINE DOES DEADLY WORK occupied a made even larger than tho first. made. of another fair, next fall, and for (By The Associated Press) merchandise store, which Supervisor com- property before Cockett's political ROME, January 17 A iner portion of tho bank's This means that the Commission plexion plays this important part in making tho fair an annual event French steamer struck a float mine: the flrc, and was one of the heaviest set a high mark, for the first thereafter. If this is decided upon 150 lost their lives, mostly Russians, Greeks, and Serbs. conflagration. has tho matter for the reason that tho losers in the up to predictions, supreme court this week, by a decisi- definitely the coming meeting, C. D. Lufkln, manager of tho bank, more than lived at it week proving the biggest thing of the kind on rendered, holds that, if it can be is probable that plans will also be PREPARING IIONOLULU-I11L- O AIR FLIGHT has been in Honolulu all this shown ho had been converted (By The making arrangements for tho new over witnessed in tho islands. that made for beginning work very soon Associated Press) from tho error of Bourbonism prior HONOLULU, January 17 .1 .bio- new bank Ka-hul- Naval aviators are nrenarimr building, and also for tho Many of tho difficulties the board to tho time ho sat down with D. C. of filling In tho low lands at tho to build Liberty motor sea-pla- for the Hilo and building which the bank is had to surmount in its initial effort Lindsay as a jury commissioner and fair grounds, rebuilding fences, return trip. The time flight at once in Wailuku. This structure, will be made is uncertain, but it is believed it may be next week. at- will not confront it this year. Among selected from tho list of voters of tho and possibly tho erection of other as already reported, is to bo an county 150 suitable the men from whom wero buildings part of tractive concrete structure. Before them was the choice of a subsequently drawn tho jurors who which will for a the ARMISTICE EXTENSION TERMS SIGNED leaving for Honolulu on Monday eve- location, a feature that delayed work sat on tho condemnation case in fair ground equipment which is ulti- (By Tho Associated Press) ning Mr. Lufkln stated that the ce- on grounds for many weeks. It is question, then, and in that event, tho mately intended, but which will not ment needed for both the Lahalna AMSTERDAM, January 17 A Berlin disnatch savs the agree likely Kapiolanl Park will be used said jury was invalid, and tho afore- bo possible all in one year. Tho idea ment for an extension and tho Wailuku buildings had been said condemnation verdict not worth of the armistice has been accepted, Erzberger Maul Agricultural again, though this is not absolutely is to develop tho grounds as finances signing it Treves purchased from the the paper it was written 011. at on Wednesday. Co., and is ready for delivery. certain. If tho same grounds are The law provides that tho two jury permit, to make them suited as a Postoffice May Get Quarters utilized, possibly most of the same commissioners shall bo of opposite civic center for all of Maul, in which CLEMENCEAU SAYS HE FAVORS reported it is possible PUBLICITY tr It is that building plans can be adopted. political parties. Pia Cockett was it will bo possible to hold almost any (By The Associated Press) that tho Wailuku bank building may by Judgo ac- manager of Schu-- named for this work former kind of gathering, public reception, PARIS, January 17 Clcmcnccau. in sneakinc in the house nf bo built with view of providing E. H. Paris, the demo-cat- , Edings as a deputies said peace conference in commodations also for the Wailuku man Carriage Company, has succeed color-tes- etc. a general way favored the principle new but the Judge's t was on postoffice, which is looking for a ed George H. Angus as chairman of tho bum, for Cockett, to these many Tho plans finally contemplate, be- - of publicity. He denied that he opposed this, and said what he home. It had been expected that tho luxuriating the desired to tell was the avail- months, has been in that preliminary conversations be secret to per- present building would be o bank (Continued on Page Four.) republican flock, snow-whit- and (Contlnued on Page Two.) mit a solid front being had able for this purpose, but it is under- in the general discussions to follow, and to stood that some objection to this prevent the possible spread of bad feeling by reports that one country plan has been raised by tho Church (Continued on Pago Eight.) nuu iavoreu in certain unngs otners opposed. of tho Good Shepherd, which owns Singles Handicap To K. Of P. Members Install tho property. PEACE PUBLICITY STILL BEING DEBATED Start At Puunene Soon Officers And Entertain (By Tho Associated Press) LAHAINA FIRE . PARIS, January 17 The question of Russian representation at Dr. Wayson Comes To the peace conference is still up. The deleeates are considerintr the Tennis seems to bo growing more Following unusually impressive in- qucstion-o- f publicity today. popular on Maui. Besides a great W0RK0FREVENGE stallation ceremonies at tho castle Investigate Typhoid deal of informal playing going on hall of Aloha Lodge, No. 3, Knights DEPOSED SOVIET LEADER REPORTED IN SPAIN constantly on practically all of tho NOW BELIEVED of Pythias, last Tuesday evening, tho (By Tho Associated Press) courts o central Maul, various tour members of the lodge and their MADRID, January 17 Lenine is reported to have landed at Outbreak In liana District Causes naments have been played recently ladies enjoyed a most pleasant little Medical Men Worry Lest It Spread and are being arranged for. That the fire at Lahalna two weeks supper at the Grand Hotel, followed The next important event in this ago was not only started by burglers, by several hours of dancing, cards LIEBKNECHT'S DEATH CALLED "DIVINE JUSTICE" Maui Wayson Says (By Tho To Central lino is a big singles handicap tourna who broko Into the Sing Lung fruit other social diversions.
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