Searching for the Temple of Athena Areia at Plataea Chikako Sugawara Ancient literary sources: Plutarch: Aristeides: 20. 3 Ο‘ύτω δε διαλλαγέντες εξειλον ογδοήκονωτα τάλαντα τοις Πλαταιευσιν, αφ’ το της ’Αθηνας ανωικoδόμησαν ‘ιερόν και το’έδος έστησαν και γραφαις τον νεών διεκόσμησαν, α’ί μέχρι νυν ακμάζουσαι διαμένουσιν. Thus reconciled, they chose out eighty talents of the booty for the Plataeans, with which they rebuilt the sanctuary of Athena, and set up the shrine , and adorned the temple with frescoes, which continue in perfect condition to the present day. ( LCL Plutarch’s Lives II: Aristides, translation by B. Perrin, 1959) Pausanias Description of Greece: 9. 4. 1 Πλαταιευς δε Αθηνας επίκλησιν ’Αρείας εστίν ‘ιερόν . ’ωικοδομήθη δε από λαφύρων ‘ά της μάχης σφίσιν ’Αθηναιοι της Μαραθωνι απένειμαν. Τό μέν δή ’άγαλμα ξόανόν εστιν επίχρυσον, πρόσωπον δέ ‘οι και χειρες άκραι και πόδες λίθου του Πεντελησίου εισί. Μέγεθος μεν ου πολύ δή τι αποδει της εν ακροπόλει χαλκής, ‘ήν και αυτήν ’Αθηναιοι του Μαραθωνι απαρχήν αγωνος ανέθηκαν, Φειδίας δε και Πλαταιευσιν ην ‘ο της ’Αθηνας το ’άγαλμα ποιήσας . The Plataeans have also a sanctuary of Athena surnamed Warlike; it was built from the spoils given them by the Athenians as their share from the battle of Marathon. The Plataeans too had Pheidias for the maker of their image of Athena. It was a wooden image gilded, face, hands and feet are of Pentelic marble; in size it is but little smaller than the bronze Athena on the Acropolis; In the temple are paintings: one by Polygnotus represents Odysseus after he has killed the wooers; the other painted by Onasias is the former expedition of the Argives, under Adrastus against Thebes. These paintings are on the walls of the fore-temple; at the feet of the image is a portrait of Arimnestus, who commanded the Plataeans at the battle against Mardonius, and yet before that at Marathon. ( LCL: Pausanias Description of Greece IV , translation W. H. S. Jones, 1955) Herodotus ‘Ηροδόυου ‘Ιστορίαι VI. 108: 1 ’Αθηναίοισι δε τεταγμένοισι εν τεμένει ‘Ηρακλέος επηλθον βοηθέοντες Πλαταιέες πανδημεί. (A few days before (Sept 3) the Battle of Marathon broke out (Sept 11/12, 490 BC)) The whole power of the Plataεans came to Marathon to aid the Athenians, when they were arrayed in the precinct of Herakles. (Herodotus explains the situations why the Plataians came to Marathon.) Καί γάρ καί εδεδώκεσαν σφέας αυτούς τοισι ’Αθηναίοισι ο‘ι Πλαταιέες, καί πόνους ‘υπέρ αυτων ο‘ι ’Αθηναιοι συχνούς ήδη αναραιρέατο. Because once (519 BC) the Plataians had put themselves under the protection of Athens, and thence the Athenians had taken upon them many labours for their protection. Κλεομένης. (Kleomenes’ advice to the Plataeans) ‘Συμβούλευομεν δε ‘υμιν δουναι ‘υμέας αυτούς ’Αθηναίοισι πλησιοχώροισι τε ανδράσι και τιμωρέειν εουσι κακοισι.’ Λακεδαιμόνιοι μεν νυν Πλαταιευσι ταυτα συνεβούλευον Kleomenes advised them: ‘We council you to put yourselves in the protection of the Athenians, who are your neighbours, and can defend you right well.’ O‘ί Πλαταιέες δε ουκ ηπίστησαν, αλλ’ Αθηναίων ‘ιρά ποιεύντων τοισι δυώδεκα θεοισι ‘ικέται ‘ιζόμενοι επί των βωμόν εδίδοσαν σφέας αυτούς.. The Plataeans obeyed it, and when the Athenians were sacrificing to the Twelve Gods they came as suppliants and sat them down by the altar, and so put themselves under protection. Herodotus Βοοκ VI, 111: in the Battle of Marathon Τελευταιοι δε ετάσαντο έχοντες το ευώνυμον κέρας Πλαtaιέες. Από ταύτης γάρ σφι της μάχης, ’Αθηναιων θυσίας αναγόντων ες τάς εν τηισι πεντετηρίσι γινομένας, κατεύχεται ‘ο κηρυξ ‘ο Αθηναιος ‘άμα τε Αθηναίοισι λέγων γίνεσθαι τά αγαθά καί Πλαταιευσι. Last of all the Plataeans were posted on the left wing. Ever since that fight, when the Athenians bring sacrifices to the assemblies that are held at the five-yearly festivals (the Great Panathenaia), the Athenian herald prays that all blessings may be granted to the Athenians and the Plataians alike. Herodotus Βοοκ VI. 112: the decisive Running Attack for the Victory over the Persians 2 Ενθαυτα ‘ως απείθησαν ‘όι Αθηναιοι δρόμωι ‘ίεντο ες τούς βαρβάρους. Ησαν δε στάδιοι ουκ ελάσσονες τό μεταίχμιον αυτων ή οκτώ. ’Αθηναιοι δε επείτε αθρόοι προσέμιξαν τοισι βαρβάροισι, εμάχοντο αξίως λόγου. Πρωτοι μέν γάρ ‘Ελλήνων πάντων των ‘ημεις ίδομεν δρόμωι ες πολεμίους εχρήσαντο. Straightway the Athenians were let go and charged the Persians at a run. There were between armies a space of not less than eight stadia/ furlongs. The Athenians, closing all together with the Persians, charged their enemies at a run. (1 stadia = c.180m) (the Athenians in this context imply the 10,000 Athenian hoplites & the 1,000 Plataean hoplites) Book VI, 113: Μαχομένων δε εν τωι Μαραθωνι χρόνος εγίνετο πολλός. Το δε κέρας ‘εκάτερον ενίκων ’Αθηναιοί τε και Πλατιέες.. ενίκηωντες ’Αθηναιοι, φεύγουσι δέ τοισι Πέρσηισι ε‘ίποντο κόπτοντες, ες την θάλασσαν απικόμενοι πυρ τε αίτεον και επέλαμβανοντο των νεων. For a long time they fought at Marathon. On either wing the Athenians & the Plataeans were victorious. Here the Athenians had the victory, and followed after the Persians in their flight down to the sea. ( LCL Herodotus III Book VI, translation by A.D. Godley, 1957) Reference M. Amit/ Amit, 1973, Large and Small Poleis (Alliance of Plataea with Athens 63, 64) Arafat, K. 1999, Pausanias the traveller: digressions on the wonders of nature and of foreign lands. Badian, E,/ Badian 1986/89, ‘Plataea between Athens & Sparta’, in search of lost history’, 95-111, in H.Beister, Buckler eds. 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Seltman, 1924, Athens, its history and coinage before the Persian Invasion, until the age of Alexander, 103 H. Thiersch, 1938, ‘Die Athena Areia des Phidias und der torso Medici in Paris’, Nachrichten Göttingen NF II, 10.211 ff. 4 Searching for the Temple of Athena Areia at Plataea This research has started with a simple, but enthusiastic wish to see the temple of Athena Areia at Plataea dedicated by the Plataeans and its cult image created by Pheidias after the victory of the Battle of Plataea in 479 BC. Now, Thank be to God, indeed! I have been studying, investigating the most significant influential, effectual, innovative, revolutionary events in the history of Athens, of the Greek history, of Europe, and the World history as well: the Greek Victories at the Battle of Marathon, the Battle of Salamis and at the Battle of Plataea over the enormous ‘invincible’ Persian army. Reserving this significant theme later, the original subject of this research is first considered. Searching for the Temple of Athena Areia at Plataia Show the topographical conditions of the far spread fertile Plataean Plateau to understand: (at the end colour photos display the far spread Plateau) Q1: Why Mardonios chose the Plataean plateau for the battlefield?: Hoping the Persian victory by the full use of his cavelry. Q2:Why the Thebans demanded the Plataeans to become member of the Boeotian Federatiοn even attacking by force for their rejection of the demand?: To annex the far spread fertile plateau to the Theban territory and rule over all the inhabitants as its subjects/ slaves collecting their products, as orient–despots do. The two ancient literary sources concerning the the temple of Athena Areia at Plataea: 5 Plutarch: Aristeides: 20. 3 LCL Plutarch’s Lives II: translation by B. Perrin, 1959 Ο‘ύτω δε διαλλαγέντες εξειλον ογδοήκονωτα τάλαντα τοις Πλαταιευσιν, αφ’ το της ’Αθηνας ανωικδόμησαν ‘ιερόν και το’έδος έστησαν και γραφαις τον νεών διεκόσμησαν, α’ί μέχρι νυν ακμάζουσαι διαμένουσιν. Pausanias 9. 4. 1 LCL Description of Greece IV, translation W.H. S. Jones, 1955 Πλαταιευς δε Αθηνας επίκλησιν ’Αρείας εστίν ‘ιερόν . ’ωικοδομήθη δε από λαφύρων ‘ά της μάχης σφίσιν Αθηναιοι της Μαραθωνι απένειμαν. Τό μέν δή ’άγαλμα ξόανόν εστιν επίχρυσον, πρόσωπον δέ ‘οι και χειρες άκραι και πόδες λίθου του Πεντελησίου εισί. Μέγεθος μεν ου πολύ δή τι αποδει της εν ακροπόλει χαλκής, ‘ήν και αυτήν ’Αθηναιοι του Μαραθωνι απαρχήν αγωνος ανέθηκαν, Φειδίας δε και Πλαταιευσιν ην ‘ο της ’Αθηνας το ’άγαλμα ποιήσας .
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