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JES UIT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY all welcome at Berkeley time: 6.30pm a member of the Graduate Theological Union place: Reader's Feast Bookstore, downsta irs, corn e r of Bourke and Swansto n Streets, Me lbo urne 1735 LeRoy Aven ue Berkeley, CA 94709 cost: $5 (800) 824-01 22 bookings: (03) 9662 4699 (51 0) 549-5000 Fax(510)841 -8536 E-mail: [email protected] www.jstb.edu June - ·-- Til t· ----· · --------------- ~1 E L B () T R N E ------- ~ --- .. Meditation takes away your fear of death AABRusTRA LI AN Boo K RE V IEW by giving you a li ttle glimpse or taste of the Resurrection, what is abiding, what is still, JUNE/JULY HIGHLIGHTS what is a lways present. Fr Lawrence Freeman, Director o,lthe World After the Academy Community of Christian Meditation An Essay by Kerryn Goldsworthy Am I the on ly person to find it strange that Patrick White, Sidney olan and Me wh i 1st we in Australia discuss the pros a nd A Memoir by Tom Rosenthal cons of stem cell research, meanwhile in the Middle East the most appalling conflict is Don Watson 's Portrait of Paul Keating taking place . .. Which of the two is the most Neal Blewett demeaning to our humanity? John Carroll on September 11 Anglican Archbishop of Melbourne, Peter Watson. Edmund Campion Does St Patrick's Day The Melbourne Anglican New Poems by Cli ve James and Peter Porter 1998 winner of the Gutenberg Award for Excellence in Religiou · Communication Subscribers save 15% on cover price Mention this ad for a free sample copy of TMA Phone: (03) 9653 4221 Subscribe now! $63.50 for ten issues (incl. 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' Victorians, the liberal, Catholic, Marketing Kirsty Grant 13 Meredyth Tamsyn In Dili historian-scholar, Lord Acton. Advertising representative Ken Hea d 14 Morag Fra ser Close up Subscription manager Wendy Marlowe Ed it orial, producti on an d admin istr ation BOOKS assistan ts juliette Hughes, Paul Fyfe 51, COLUMNS Geraldine Batt ersby, Ben Hider, Susannah 38 The short list Bu ckley, Kate Hird, Mrs Irene Hunter 7 Capita l Letter Reviews of Words in A ction: Contributing editors Adelaide: Greg Ja ck Waterford The Budget front O'Kelly 51, Perth: Dea n Moore, Syd ney: Speech Act Th eory and Biblical Edmund Ca mpion & Gerard Windsor, 11 Summa Theologiae Interpretation; Children of the Queensland: Peter Pi erce Andrew Hamilton The inclusive life Shadows; Gifted Origins to Graced United Kingdom Den is M inns O P j esuit Edit orial Board Pet er L'Es trange 5L 24 Archimedes Fulfillment: The Soteriology of Julian Andrew Bu llen 51, Andrew Hamilton 51 Tim Thwaites When dry means of Norwich and Some Conclusion in Peter Steele I, Bill Uren 51 the Heart. Patrons Eureka Street gratefu lly drought ackn owledges the support of 30 By the Way 39 Knockabout bloke C. and A. Ca rt er; th e trustees of the es tat e John Button reviews Ian Hancock's of Mi ss M. Co ndon; W .P. & M .W . Gurry Brian Matthews Fingers and the pies biography of John Gorton. Eureka Street magaz ine, 155N I 036-1758, 46 W atching Brief Aus tralia Post Pr int Post approved Juliette Hughes Laugh? I nea rl y .. 41 Th e Arca dian pp349 181/00314, is published len times a Stephen Holt reviews Keeper of the year by Eureka St reet Magazine Pt y Lid, 300 Victori a Street Ri chmond VIC 3 t 2 t Faith, Paul Strangio's life of Jim PO Box 553, Ri chmond VIC 3 12 1 FEATURES Cairns. Tel: 03 9427 73 11 Fa x: 03 9428 4450 1 6 A better way emai l: eu reka@ jespub.jes uit.org.a u 42 Hazard lights http://www .eureka street.com.au/ Rethink university funding and policy Michael McGirr reviews Gillian Mears' Res ponsibility for editorial content is determination, says Frank Ja ckson. A Map of the Ga rdens and Kate accepted by Andrew Hamilton 51, 300 Victoria Street, Ri chmond 19 On Elcho Island Jennings' Moral Ha zard. Printed by Doran Printing Ju stin Coleman reports on h ealth and 46 Industrial Drive, llraeside VIC 3 195. resources in Yolngu territory. © jesuit Publications 2002 POETRY U nsolicited manu scripts wi ll be returned 21 Carving out th e peace 33 Aileen Kelly Dandelion clocks, on ly if accompanied by a stamped, Bougainville is building a new life for se lf-addressed envelope. Requests for The right to remain itself, according to Jam es Griffin. permission to reprint material rrom th e 43 Thomas Shapcott Oysters magazine shou ld be addressed in writing 31 Fin e discriminati ons to th e editor. Maim Rayner on women, children and Thi s month: the price of rights. FLASH IN THE PAN Cover des ign by Siobh an jackson 44 Reviews of the films Beneath Clouds; Cover photograph of Lorcl Acton from 32 Looking after Letters of l.ord Acton to Mary Gladstone, Juliette Hughes on one way to handle Storytelling; No Man's Land; eel. Herbert Pau l (George Allen, London, Baise-moi and The Ma;estic. 1904) sexual abuse. Ph otogra ph p5 by Q . Saka mak i/Agence 34 Th e question of terror Fri ends SPECIF IC LEVITY Graphics pp8, 1 D. 12, 16--18, 1 1 by Ian Bucl<ley argues that the war on Siobhan Jackson terrorism is not the answer. 47 Joan Nowotny Cryptic crossword COMMENT: 1 FRANK BRENNAN The Mabo decade L Y>A'S ACO, on 3 june, the High Coun handed parliam ent passed the Racial Discrimination Act, down its decision in the Mabo case. Don Watson in state parliam ents and state governmen ts could extin­ his recent book, Recollection s of a Bleeding Heart: guish native title at their whim without payment of A Portrait of Paul Kea ting PM, recalls: 'The historic compensation simply by granting the land to some significance of the decision was obvious to everyon e, other person . In Mabo, due process and compensa­ except all those who either had no history or som e­ tion for native-title holders would be available only thing else on at the time. As this m eant about 80 per to those fo rtunate enough to have retained their lands cent of the population and up to 90 per cent of the during two centuries of colonial dispossession prem­ [press] gallery, panic and excitem ent took som e time ised on the terra nullius mindset. That is why Noel to set in.' Indeed. Pearson describes Mabo as the High Court peace plan Mabo was the first case where the full bench of with a three-part comprom ise: 'Wh itefellas keep the High Court was asked to consider the common­ what's theirs, blackfellas get what's left over, and law recognition of land rights. Justice Brennan, who there's an area of land in the middle, in relation to wrote the lead judgm ent, off ered this general com- w hich th e cou rt has prescribed co-existence. ment on the occasion of his retirem ent from Moreover, in relation to the co-existence, the court's Eddie Mabo and his the bench six years later: formula is very simple. That is, that the crown title will prevail over the native title if there is any incon­ The agenda of the courts are defined by QC, Ron Castan/ sistency.' As N oel says, 'There could be no more the litigants. T he courts decide the con­ peaceful a proposition for peace than the one pu t troversies that the people bring to the have died.
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